Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Constipated Post of Presidency and Constitutional Conundrum

Constipated Post of Presidency and Constitutional Conundrum

I was following the “Attempt to Impeach President Trump” who was elected electorally (not by the number of popular vote casted- but by the bizarre system of electoral colleagues of USA).
Having listened to the democrats, I was emotionally constipated and switched off CNN telecast.

To begin with President Trump was an astute businessman, fabulously rich (he does not need any remuneration from US Government for his survival except the status of pomposity extended to any individual with empirical narcissist ideology) with powerful twitter control of his emotions.

I do not mean he is narcissist but upfront capitalist with some good ideas (NATO sharing responsibility-swipe at France and German leaderships and withdrawing troops from Afghanistan) and some bad ideas (meddling with Iran and Middle East and one state solution for Palestine).

One of his twitters can stymie a month of deliberation in the house controlled by majority democrats.
It is pretty obvious it is not a constitutional issue but a constitutional (political) conspiracy to oust an opponent, bringing a constitutional conundrum albeit veracity.

It is a foregone conclusion that attempt to impeach will be rejected with full force of the Senate.
Spending so much money and time with Christmas bells chiming is an absolute waste of human resources.

It is time that American public realizes this precocious and precarious entanglement and take control of the public funds and divert them for better outcome like education and health care.

We also have a similar post here and ever since it was instituted and fully established we became poorer and poorer and our national debt extend up to 100 (steps of 40, 60, 100) years, now.

Every sworn in President promised to abolish it but did sweet nothing for over 38 years!

I have a saying that if we “Abolish The Post of Presidency” (real white elephant) for 10 years, we can improve the transport system including introducing a few domestic air lines, for people in the North, instead of giving India our air space to drop Mysore dhal (Parippu) in a crisis.

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