Monday, July 15, 2024


I am currently downloading the latest Gnoppix, its older version did not configure the WiFi.

It is based on Debian to activate the now defunct Knoppix which was my heart throb. However, Knoppix 9.1 does not boot on my NUC, but unlike Gnoppix it has tons of applications.

The new version of Gnoppix with 4.6GB could not configure the WiFi even though it shows both Ethernet and WiFi (not visible to configure).

It has Tor utility but without WiFi configuration, I cannot test their usefulness.

I think I go for Kodachai instead,


Multitasking in Linux and Stacer

Multitasking in Linux and Stacer 

I was running Gnoppix on Box utility and downloading three images including Kodhachi (which I have never used) and OpenBox Linux (never heard about it) and browsing the web and I was using 50% of the CPU and 4G RAM (50%).

But my home folder has only 2GB left. 

Besides, all these were done under 15 minutes and may be 10 minutes, I did not time it exactly.

Batocera Game Linux

 Batocera Game Linux

Batocera Game Linux I have not tested, for about a year.

New image is 9.1GB when extracted. Its img.gz is 3.3GB. Make sure the download folder has at least 10GB to extract it. 

I have tried only the NUC image but it has many images to suit almost all the game consoles.

Try direct download and torrent files do not work.

Gnome on Top of KDE Desktop of Netrunner

I usually run other desktop distributions on top of Gnome but for a change I tried Gnome on top of KDE.

Just installed Gnome base on top of the KDE.

It mixture went into a real frenzy and after two boot ups it went into Debian 11and Plasma desktop which I could choose by clicking the tiny icon on the right hand side of the desktop.

I usually have Debian 11 as a separate installation in Ceylon but in Australia with only 320GB SATA, I did not fancy that ploy.

By accident I have installed Gnome 11 on top of KDE of Netrunner. 

Who says, I do not make mistakes but a fortunate and unexpected one. I am not going to erase it since it has ton of KDE utilities including Calligra.

Few additions to my book on Linux Essentials and when clicking Synaptic packages. I would look for the version details in future.

I am going to sleep now.

I cannot get Batocera downloaded by Linux torrent.

I am going to try direct downloads. 

Yes direct download for my NUC is working OK.

It is only 3.1GB.

That is enough for the last 48 hours.

VanillaDPup and Vanilla OS

Vanilla DPUP is an excellent Puppy Derivative which has an excellent collection of Linux utilities, whereas, Vanilla OS is a useless, distribution based on Debian which has no software to run on first Live Boot. 

If I remember right it could not configure WiFI when, I tested it about 9 months ago. Its was released in 2023 and I deleted the ISO Image.

It is immutable release and not flexible, defeating the very objectives of Linux and Free Software. 

I lost interest in it and the reason I post this now is due to a YouTube presentation, I saw today.

It is trying to entice developers, making  mint out of hard working developers.

My opinion is do not try it at all and waste your valuable time.

If you do not believe me run both Puppy and Vanilla OS on Box utility and see the difference ,yourself.

Pretty obvious Puppy Linux comes on top.