Saturday, May 25, 2024

Debian Gnome Live

Debian Gnome Live

I stand to correction. 

Debian Live once installer in the hard disk, lets one add different desktops using Synaptic Package Manager.

Initial install, it has three type of Gnome Desktops but by using Synaptic Package Manager one can add other desktops.

Distributions with Gnome Desktop

Distributions with Gnome Desktop

There are only a few distributions with Gnome Desktop.

I was looking for minimal install (only tested on Live Session).

Spiral Linux seems to be a good option.

It has both Synaptic Package Manager and the new SNAP utility.

It has GPT.

Installer is Calamara Installer. 

It has Libre Office as usual.

It has VLC and nothin more.


Solus appears as strip down Gnome

No Wifi connectivity on a live session.

Debian Live DVD

Of course to get full features one should use Debian Gnome Live DVD which is excellent.

Partition Order for a Desktop Linux

 Partition Order for a Desktop Linux

I have had second thoughts about partition order.

I presume the following order may be better.

EFI about 500MB


/boot (optional and may be redundant)



/usr    (for user file location assuming more than one is using the computer

/srv  services 


I have some reservation about var partition (unless you dedicate a large space) since it get used up when more and more applications are added. One get the warning not enough space in the disk.

 SWAP is mandatory and I have several. 

XFC4 Desktop

XFC4 Desktop

This is the desktop I have Love and Hate Relationship.

Yes I love its Mouse Mascot.

My first Linux CD had Mouse Mascot and it could have been early PC Linux (now dysfunctional) distribution which I loved.

When Resources and RAM were minimal Emmabantus on XFCE desktop was useful where I used AbiWord (only Emmabantus supported AbiWord. then) to write my books.


If somebody is having old hardware and want a functioning Linux distribution, one should go for a distribution with XFCE (even though, I DO NOT recommend Emmabantus 5, perhaps version 4 is for you) desktop.

It is much better than Unity Desktop and Budgie Desktop.

Thank YOU and Good Bye to XFX4.


Budgie Desktop

Budgie Desktop

I have not used Budgie Linux Distribution in the past and my experience and impression may be outdated.

It has a pleasing appearance and and all the panels (selection of a particular application is difficult, in my case over 100 applications) are on the top which is alien to me (good old days everything was on the right hand corner, menus, applications, task bars etc).

I am Ubuntu (traditional Ubuntu, vertical right hand corner selection panel) and Gnome with bottom of the desktop (it used to be left side of the desktop) where one can rearrange the application to one's content.

Well, nothing to beat Gnome Desktop experience with number of workplaces to work interactively.

Workplaces were my craze for multitasking, some in the background. 

Unity Desktop

 Unity Desktop

It freezes on logout and one needs Ctr+Alt + F1 of backspace to log out within Ubuntu 24.04 environment.

It is probably trying to cater for low resource computers with low RAM.

Nowadays one need at least 4GB of DDR4 RAM for a good desktop.

DDR5 is already in the market and Linux games are coming of age discarding old Laptops and PCs is the way about.

If somebody gives you an old machine FREE please refuse.