Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Endless OS


One of my Own Pieces 

Endless OS has taken a creditable Step to take place of the One Laptop for Child (O.L.P.S)

Ten  or more things I would like to see happening before the end of the World (2012)

Some saints are predicting end of the world by 2012 but I have a few predictions before that eventuality.

These predictions are made without any attachment to any Country or State or Company
, at large.

The concept I would like to develop is that there should be greater good to the average person on the street or is born every 7 seconds or so  to this World / Century with the IT industry expanding and penetrating into every corner of life from Medicine to Agriculture to Information Technology

Everybody enjoys music.
Similarly everybody loves reading a magazine or daily paper.                               They have become part of our lives.
Cellphone is universal now.
Information and its technology is no different.

Information should not be concentrated on few rich countries nor few rich companies nor a few rich guys/girls.

O.L.P.C came up everything possible was done to kill its impact in its infancy by the rich and the powerful. Unfortunately credit crisis and debt crisis came in at the same time and put a powerful lid around spread of information to the poorer countries and copyright laws and similar instruments are used to keep the knowledge hub in the hand of vested interests.

This cannot go on for ever, if we have a defunct Organization called United Nations Organization.
U.N.O does not think that Linux exists but only Microsoft and Apple exist.
Unite Nations does not even have a Language Policy now.

Only English is dominating.

I cannot go there and address an audience in plain Sinhala but
Linux and Debian can do that without the support of U.N.O.
Linux Community has done a lot to World Languages much more than the White Elephant U.N.O.
Vatican uses one Linux computer and U.N.O does not have even one from the statistics available currently on the Web.
This organization should be closed for good since the end of the world is already predicted by the saints and Maurians.
If not me, American politicians think so (U.N.O. should be disbanded) and USA would not like to spend money running this organization.

What I state here should come from U.N.O or W.H.O but the guys and girls there are only interested in Human Rights of some godforsaken countries deprived of every possible avenue of help, from poverty to hunger to malnutrition and exploitation of rich mineral sources by corrupt rulers and administrators who come to power or attempt to come to power by not so democratic means  or by shear deception.
It is true that a few Western countries that dominate the world  of IT Industry.

That domination should end, sooner than late.

1. In my list Apple Mac comes first.
Its domination with its pricing scale should come to an end sooner than late.        It should be affordable, if not it should be replaced by similar applications.

Could an alternative, fill in the VOID?

Yes Linux can do that.

2. Domination of Microsoft should end.
It is already happening thanks to its own creation of wealth around itself.
Linux has already made inroads and has enough weaponry to offset any more exploitation. But the Windows 8 has already gone paranoid.

3. Domination of IBM in high tech area should be squeezed especially its classmate kits for rich kids.
It can be done easily with tablets and anti-androids that should or would come from the Asian continent.

4. Google will kill itself by following policies similar to Microsoft in its Android (Google is Bare Bone Linux tampered with its own specifications) manifestation.

5. Intel's domination should end with alternative chip making.

It is already happening.

There are alternative chip manufacturers.

If I am attacking all the powerful companies is there anything left to fill the gap.

Yes there is enough.

6. Amazon Should Step In.

Its kindle, its publishing arm, its cloud services and powerful marketing philosophy should move forward and take the lead and should stretch its arm, all over  the world including China and India.

This should come before U.N.O declare human right violation in China.
In India Human Right Violations including rape happens everyday.

Nobody talks about the recent IMF Incident.

Amazon is an American adventure but it does not matter, if it is doing the right thing at the right time for the Children of the World and ordinary masses.
I hope the CEOs there make the right decision for this century and be proud even after 100 years from now.

Amazon had been doing a silent service.

Its cloud service going to be the next important thing that will change how things should be shaped up right now.
We must not let Oracle with its powerful database machinery to take over the IT industry with other selfish collaborators.

7. Cloud computing is going to shape up everything from 2012 onward.

Linux has developed all the tool kits.
It looks like rich companies are going to hijack all the Linux Innovations (SuSe included) that came from Linux.

We must put an end to this.

There are over 100 very good Linux distributions out there.

Debian Linux tops the list.

If we let the current trends to dictate about 10 companies will determine the wealth of information while Mr Bunki Moon and Mrs. Pillay are dabbling with human right issues.
The 10 or so companies are gearing  readily albeit  slowly to strangle the whole world economy.

Nobody in the U.N.O speaks.
Those human rights issues are carrots to donkeys when one compares what is happening and  how things are shaping up in the West in the IT industry.

I am here with Richard Stallman.

What free software and Linux achieved over the last 20 years will be used by these few companies and so they become much richer.

There are 10 Linux distributions for each exploiting company as it is now. 

They should divert their resources to take up the challenge and cloud computing seriously.
Ubuntu One was there but is rapidly becoming commercial.

CloudUSB and JoliOS (gone defunct) are there (both Ubuntu derivatives).

Then there was Mobilin derivative MeeGo.

Why can't the other distribution take some lead?

8. What can the China do?
It can do a lot.
It can flood the market with tablets with anti-androids.
Its space industry (GIS -Global Internet Service) should take over the Internet service sector and cloud computing.

India cannot contribute anything to this scenario since they are taken for a ride by the American companies and American interests.

Mind you Chinese use graphic language unlike English which is words language.
Graphic language is far superior in the tablet and cloud industry.
Even the people without English knowledge can use the IT Technology  with Graphics and Charts included without reading a single word.

This is where Chinese innovation and invasion is good for the World Economy.

India is not ready and that is the biggest advantage for China.

9. For over 100 years what we used were Slate and Slate Pencil.
Instead of the slate and the pencil,
tablet, the mini-version of the portable computer and the cellphone alternatives will be the Game Changer.

Governments providing obsolete printed books, Ceylon included will be the thing of the past.

What is preventing is the cost of the (O.L.P.C for example) O.E.M.
Tablet will change everything from communication to to way we teach and learn.

Singapore has taken a giant step and millions of books are on children tablets.

Is U.N.O ready?

Not at all UNICEF is dead now and only a concept

Only hindrance is the speed of the Internet.
Moment this barrier is broken like the sound barrier of the last century, everything will change.
The game changer has come to life but U.N.O is sleeping.

It is going to be sooner than we have anticipated

More satellites and fibro-optic connections will take IT industry forward.
We Sri-Lankan do not have a satellite of our own, even  though the country is placed in a ideal position in the GeoSpace.

India scuttled our effort to launch a satellite with the help of USA in 1988-89. 

I was protecting the satellite inside surgical theater.

I think China should help Ceylon to revive that project with a newer satellite.

10. What is necessary is training of personnel to take over the this challenge but that is where we are the slowest and the laziest.

There is lot of resistance to change.

That is the human nature but few powerful companies are pushing us towards this goal whether we like it or not.
But U.N.O is sleeping.

We must be ready with alternative strategies as well as alternative technologies.

Linux can provide it. 

Its Community Spirit is more powerful than the USA or the sleeping U.N.O.

Already 95% of the industry depends on Linux.

We must not let 10 or more companies to take the copyright ownership of the Linux achievements.

This is specially so because U.N.O is sleeping.