Monday, August 2, 2021

All Carriers Leach You to Nanoseconds

I have so many SIM cards and only three Voice Mails.

I have forgotten their numbers except 5 of them I have used on regular basis.

1. Oldest one of a Combo of Voice and Data has my oldest email from Yahoo.

Thank You Yahoo and I learned about Internet because of you and the email is working perfectly.

I have forgotten the password but Yahoo let me sign in with a coded number to the cellphone.

Yahoo is a top class email provider.

That is very cool on travel abroad.

I started using Gmail much later but that again, starting with Kit Kat version on a Chinese made Tablet. However I could never add new games due to faulty keyboard (no virtual keyboards then).

I got fed of the carrier due to many reasons mainly due to the poor work ethics of workers.

2. I joined a new carrier which excels in customer care even though the service may not be powerful in mega bytes.

All five of them I remember (not by memory) and I did not upload enough data so one of them I could not locate in which cellphone.
Without data one cannot send a SMS and verify.

I now communicate mainly by SMS to save earth and money.
So after uploading Rs.500/= I fiddled two days and by sending only SMS messages and got it by its neck.

Uploading Rs.100/= is not enough for me.

Put that SIM in a cellphone rarely use and stick the other in the Mobile WiFi I bought a long time ago for using on the move.

It had over Rs.2500/= data.

I had been loading it thinking it is the one I used in the WiFi.

Now the point I want to convey here is even though they promise Mega Byte of speed they never touch above 100 Kb per second.

Only way to test is using Transmission torrent and I am trying to download 2.9 GiB Endless OS image and it is taking over one day or more than 24 hours.

This is where WiFi sucks compared to Wired Ethernet connection.

I disconnected the Ethernet to save my wife's data which used to finish in 3 days.

Me going WiFi is for not to have domestic conflicts due to carrier slowdown.

It is running now at 50 Kb and I will run it untill Laptop is fully charged.

I did not charge it since I was using the PC a lot last two days and since the plug had two USB port connected to thr cell phones it is advisable not to do so prevent overheating and fire in your bedroom.

I have two other WiFi gadgets from the same carrier and a Voice Mail that I rarely use.

3. The third carrier did not have the range to provide WiFi service to our home
I bought the Mobile WiFi from them and use the second cariier SIM in it.

I went there to buy a similar (cute one) and they were out of stock and said they are expecting a new stock soon.

4. Fourth carrier is the one I named yesterday with absolutely hopeless customer service and I waited for one hour to erase one data SIM out of use and blasted the woman receptionist in that process.
Since I was getting rid of their service I had no hesitation to be rude.

Naming it here give them advertisement.

It is said that any advertisement good or bad is good in business world.

The piece below is not relevent now since the carrier has clamped down the download speed to 50 Kb per sec.

In passing I could not run a live session of BSD while having USB and double density DVD.

Its image was 4.8 GiB and I could not write it on a 4.7 GiB DVD

After lot of searching I found 8.4 GiB DVD in Kandy city.

I have used Rs.5000/= overnight.

What I did in 8 hours.

Installed Transmission, Deluge and Translation package.

There were no packages to update.

Downloaded 4.5 GiB BSD Image into a 32 GiB USB 3.

Tested it but cannot have a live session without a DVD image.

I bought 3 DVD with capacity less than 4.7 GiB and BSD Image is 4.8 GiB and I need a high capacity DVD and not available on my city.

I did not have any spare DVD with high capacity.

It is safer to write the image (1GiB ) to a 4GiB USB 2 and run it live.

Deluge was very slow and I had to download Transmission and finish downloading the image.

My data upload finished with 4 MB short of the full image.

So I had a few hours of sleep and got up.

Removed a SIM from one of my unused cellphones and stuck it to a Mobile WiFi, which I bought a few years ago (the price is double now due to Rupee depreciating) and download the remaining 4 MiB of the image Data in few seconds.

I have used two WiFi connections and two SIM cards of two different carriers and used less than four hours and I was down with Rs.5000/=.

That's it.

They Leach you and it SUCKS.

If you are fully retired and live on hand to mouth existence throw away your smart phone.

Do not pay through your ARSE for the rentals.


1. Use only Prepaid services.

2. Do not go for monthly rental for a few calls a week.

3. Have one Voice SIM.

4. Have another DATA SIM which is cheap and use only SMS messages.

5. If your friend cannot use a cellphone (I have become an expert in one finger typing on a cellphone) for SMS messages delete him from your list of contacts.

6. I forgot to record that I downloaded the Telephone Utility which is faster than Facebook and one can create a Chat Group.

I believe it has added video function recently.

7. If you are are not a techie please do not use a smart cellphone with touch screen but use an old Nokia with big number pads.

Nokia is the originator of all cellphones.

8. Do not throw your old cellphone.
It is very useful.

I do not have one but then I used only the land phone.

Land phone is out of order currently, after I installed a new receiver to get rid of smell of our own saliva.

It harbours the Coronavirus.

All cellphones carry this virus especially if it a second hand one.

To mitigate Coronavirus we need to incinerate all cellphones made in China.

WHO has not realized or figured out  this danger or hazard yet.

Not only bats but cellphones too carry the virus.

9. The cellphones are made for ladies for gossip rounds and not for intellectual men (but only for dumb guys) for creative work.

10. Do not let the cellphone takes your freedom away.

By the way, I gave a call to the guy I donated my cellphone.

This guy does not know how to use it and has no email.

11. If you do not have a Google Email, one cannot use this little computer for productivity.

Google is updating at a rapid speed and if you do not have the Android version 11, you may not be able to use your phone by 2025.

BEWARE industry is moving very fast and they are worried about only 5G for sucking money out of you for a Film you missed as a kid in a Cinema but NOW you have to pay (not the 60 cents we paid for a gallery seat) through your ARSE.

Life is to enjoy at a slow pace but not to sit in front of a Idiot Box.

Torrent Download Transmission or Deluge

I have always used Transmission as a client and never tested any other clients including K-torrent,

Transmission is absolutely fast and one can have several torrent files simultaneously downloading.

It has lot of peers and seeders.

I could not download it but had downloaded  Deluge instead in my Laptop running Endless OS.

I wanted to download BSD.
After about 1 GiB of USB image was downloaded I tried, 4.5 GiB of DVD image.
It Froze after about 300 MiB.
It was very slow.

I closed Deluge and activated Transmission  it will finish 4.5 GiB in about an hour.

Sri-Lanka Internet-Download Speed

 An Old Piece for Reflection

Sri-Lanka Internet-Download Speed
I must report to you my elation of fast download speed was very short lived. It lasted little over two hours.
Most likely server script blocking customer service was out of order for a while. 
It is currently ZERO for my download.
It took half an hour to download 580 kB file (1 MiB when installed) of Gparted.
It is a joke to talk about Data Super High Way .

I will keep what is below for posterity.

I decided to Install Debian due to many reasons.

It took nearly 4 hours to finish, for 1.8 GiB of resourceful DVD with live updates from a repository in USA.

Si-Lankan servers are very poor and Singapore is much worse (there is no reliable Linux community base there).

Then, our Telecom has a habit of slowing the speed to 5 KB/sec, once one has downloaded 20 GiB, (an arbitrary limit) within a month.

I pay a huge bill sometimes more than for electricity.

I have cut down my downloads due to slow speed and particularly to cut down on my electricity bill.

Having said that I was downloading Linux images for upgrading and on the 29th the speed was very very slow, I could not even download the tiny torrent link file of SkoleLinux, a Debian Derivative (dedicated for school work).

I thought this was due to me exceeding the 20 GiB.

I have to wait for the next month to get my usual download speed.

I had to stop downloading Emmabuntus, a French derivative specially dedicated to schools in Africa.

Just little while ago, I activated the torrent to see that it is running at over 100 KB/sec.

I had a thought for a while.

A miracle?

Couldn't be?

But my gut feeling is that the ruling party is using its final thrust with the Internet propaganda and we have got a little bonus till January 8th.

I hope Telecoms take a giant leap (in other countries including Singapore download speed is in Giga bites and Terra bites), come next year and speed up our Super Slow Internet Highway.

I do not think it does cost as much as, the down to earth, building a Speedy Motor Highway.

If they use tiny fraction of the money that were wasted for motor ways, it can make a big change in the IT industry.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Good Bye, to my Old Flame PCLinux-KDE

Good Bye, to my Old Flame PCLinux-KDE

Please bear with me for the unkind words.

PCLinux was my old flame.

I entered into Linux Live with a CD, I found in a stall selling pirated copies of multimedia including Microsoft Windows 98, with PCLinux xfce desktop.

I have been using Redhat, Mandriva, Fedora and with lot of pain Debian (that experience with Debian come good even now, namely expert or text based installation, with adequate warning) and Live CD was a new and welcome experience.

Why take the trouble to install.
Test it first.

Try Live, and then use it if it suits and agrees with your taste.

That is what I do NOW, since I need to test my old hardware, which are working well except the excessive consumption of electricity (I have discarded all 13 of them in one go).

I have dismantled 7 of the 13 old computers and two computers irreparably damaged due to Power Outage (which is common in Sri-Lanka and UPS batteries do not last long and are of poor quality).

Now I use only three computers, one for my wife (32 bits) and two for me (one 32 bits and one 64 bits rarely used).

I am bit like Textstar of PCLinux, who took a long hard look at 64 bit before retiring from active work.

? Why Change?

I hate KDE (there is KaOS a lighter version which I have not tried regularly to give you any recommendation) due its bulk and excessive resource hunger when in use.

That is why I use Peppermint, the best currently available light weight, Ubuntu derivative, cloud enhanced, and a Google based distribution.

As I said I have already gone back to the versatile Debian Linux and I am currently working on it with a SkolLinux theme behind my LibreOffice 3 application (it is currently on 4.3.3).

Debian is stable (there is also testing unstable version) and won't change to new versions by default (Texstar Wisdom) and use stable applications and probably have removed all utilities with fringe benefits by conviction.

Now I  come to PCLINUX without Texstar Wisdom.

It loads all the latest WiFi blue tooth, USB SATA ultra ports without testing the current but MY OLD hardware (deamons).

It is coming from America and like an average American thinks that all global citizens have;

  1. Everybody has an email.

  2. Everybody has a private jet.

  3. Every body has a private holiday villa (Americans never use their holiday wisely, always it becomes a working holiday).

  4. No wonder they are the sickest and global leaders of proprietary drugs use (in addition to hashish, OTC) them for mundane medical issues, like cholesterol.

  5. The average income of a citizen is 5 million dollars a year.

    Let me explain, the Sri-Lankan context.

    a. Old guy above 55 (regularly go to temple to browse the Internet FREE, often to browse porn on Nena Sala) now well into retirement never wants to pay for any service. 

    His pension is not enough for 10 days.

    b. Does not have an email but uses his son's email. 

    c. Never returns a call from his mobile and often at 10 am in the morning it is switched off.

    d. Mobile is exclusively for Private and Selfish (survival instinct) Work.

    e. Never send a greeting card to a friend to say he or she already exists on this planet.
    Only browse and never answer or say OK or return kind regards or Cheers (he/she is unhappy and wants others to be the same).

f. His existence is for a better life NEXT birth but judiciously postpone his retirement (in other words become veritable pest like our politicians) from this planet gracefully.

Never want to bite the dust except his/her enemies.

Thee are many others issues like, over 40% children are under nourished and leave school at about (too competitive for an average child) 13 to 14 years.

They are easy prey to drug lords (who are Ministers of the ruling class) and become three wheeler drivers peddling drugs, often to young students in the universities.

I think with election campaign in full swing and floods in many parts of the country, few lines on, those issues are relevant.

    1. Coming back to PCLiux KDE, only 10% in this country uses Internet.

    2. Most of the MPs have a laptop but does not know how to use it but sell it on the black market.
    3. We use pirated copies of operating system even in the universities.

    4. Only 32 (thirty two) in the entire country of 24 million, uses Linux as a regular desktop according to Distrowatch Counter Statistics for the last five years (of achieving the miracle IT Status).

    5. Many use old computers discarded from USA/UK/Canada, poorly refurbished.

    6. ALL the software copies are pirated or used by foreign residents (duplicate the foreign users identity, authentication here).

    7. They want the cheapest but the most modern utilities (coming from the background of FREE TEXTBOOKS) without any cost. 
    They do not respect copyright law or use Open Software as an alternative.

    8. They pawn parents' gold and jewellery for a smart phone or a second hand laptop.

    9. Most of the visitors to my Linux 100 are foreigners including, USA, Russia and Ukraine. 

    Very few Sri-Lankans visit my site but they are for my political satire (not Linux).
    I have removed the political stuff. 
    Often editors of the national papers who run short of ideas for editorials.

    10. Editors of the national papers are stooges of the ruling elite and write only items that pleases the rulers, never for Yatath Vasiya (the subjects).

    11. On that scenario PCLinux has failed me.

    My RAM is 1 GiB and many has less RAM on a refurbished computer (mine too but well maintained due to use of Linux) often discarded from USA (just like in some African countries).

    My Hardware is old.
    PCLinux KDE;

    It boots up very slowly.

    It freezes without any warning (both mouse and keyboard).

    It looks for non-existent  WiFi.

    It looks for non-existent  Sata USB (I connect SATA it only when I need).

    It does not configure the Ethernet and Internet is disabled.

    So I will continue not use it with my previous experience of burning irreplaceable graphic cards.

    It has a pleasing theme with a non functional desktop probably due to excessive use of RAM and resources.

    Worse of all, after one our of patient waiting to FREE the RAM, I could not restart. 

    For my luck, while waiting for it to recover and release the RAM, I picked my mail to see Linux Magazine, February issue had arrived.

    Hang PCLinux, I have to read it before even I have my regular cup of coffee.

    It is my current flame, anyway!

    Lot of nice articles and an issue I had been pondering while (Flash of ADOBE in its final lap with HTML 5 in USE) installing Debian, Flash or gnash?

    While, I was reading the Magazine and sipping the coffee, electricity went off and my agony of restarting it off from the PCLinux KDE was solved by our exorbitant BUT poor Electricity Board.

    I sometime think it is a better alternative to wait for the electricity to FAIL, than to PRESS the off button of my OLD computer.

    Doing that will effect the BIOS, Graphic Card and sometimes the RAM with irreparable damage.

    So Good Bye to my Old Flame (no flame wars intended) PCLinux but a Happy New, (2015) Year, all the same.

    I must tell you, I won't download and test or use LXDE or KDE mini (there is hardly any utilities to use in them).


Why I say NO to all cellphones and to SIM Cards?

I have to say the Carrier I have mentioned here is HUTCH.

I went there toady and only one woman was working and doing what I thought was browsing and doing her own cellphone answering rather than attending to the customer needs.

I had to wait one hour to get the SIM card de-registered which could have been done yesterday by giving me a call after my messenger had visited them to report the fraud and stealing my card.
I have never let a sick patient waiting one hour, most likely only in 10 minutes of waiting to see me.

I said I am doctor (retired part was not implied).

They just lost a customer and I won't update or put money on their coffers.

While I was waiting a mother with a kid in hand paid over Rs.2500/= with default fee.

My expression of anger and disgruntle was for the woman to realize that she had come to the wrong service.

I said the Muslim man must be running a dispensary and did not say he may have been downloading pornography.

I sent SMS to my messenger guy saying that I blasted the woman (mildly in my terms) in the reception for keeping an old guy waiting barring of course getting the Coronavirus from a bystander at the small cubicle with cramped up seat arrangement.

What a service by HUTCH?

If I was a PHI I would have given the orders to close the shop immediately.

I won't be surprised if we get the lambda variant soon.

I send the guy in person to lodge a complaint on my behalf, since I gave the cellphone as a gift and asked him to return the HUTCH SIM card after the data is finished, which he did not do but allowed it to be piroted by a Muslim Guy who is a crafty manipulator.

He is using my card, probably for phonography.

HUTCH has failed to investigate the complaint made by the GUY who allowed the SIM in my name to be piroted by a Muslim Guy.

Failing to investigate is an offense and I will give them 72 hours.

They could have given me a call to my voice mail given by them, at least to verify the veracity of the complaint.

The stupid guy did not tell me that this relatively unknown Muslim guy is using my data linked cellphone number for ages.

This stupid guy is using the cellphone  number given to the Muslim guy instead.

He will eventually get caught when this Muslim guy do another imposter act.

This is all aiding and abetting in Law terminology and I will visit Hutch not in kindness but to tell them it is appalling to say the least.

Thankfully I have other carriers to do my work and I DID NOT upload any money to the voice card for a long time.

All cellphones and social media are engineered to monitor citizens.

I need not say they are CIA, MI5 or KGB but a cotorie of software developed in a tiny country smaller than Ceylon.

The broad name is Pegasus but it is an assortment of software with different filters and hierarchy.

Now this piece is about SIMs.

SIMs store all your personal data not the cellphone.

The carrier records all your transactions to nanoseconds.

Cellphone is only the frontend and the backend is the SIM run by the carrier which by law has to give or handover it's recorded contents to Intelligent Officers.

All these are recorded permanently in a Server Farm in an unknown USA location away from human habitation.

May be installed underground to avoid nuclear disaster.

We do not need ground level spies now and all Telecom services are the Network of spies.

Our land phone is dead but I do not bother to activate it.

Today's story is related to one of my DATA SIMs of a particular (HUTCH) carrier.

I have many cellphones and one carrier gives 5 SIMs and if you go to three companies you got 15 SIMs.

I still have a Singapore SIM with my last passport number.

Singapore has a robust surveillance system and it is like China but the system is capitalist.

China has entered this surveillance business with 5G or video surveillance.

5G only scans densely populated 300 meter perimeter and needs lots and lots of poles or towers and that is the beginning of the end of our trees in the Rainforest.

Trees thankfully interfere with 5G technology.

On this ground alone, I am TOTALLY  against 5G and Telecom Industry.

If you are TRUE environmentalist you should not use a cellphone

The Telecom Towers interfere with navigation of our bees and that is why we do not see bees in this city now.

I gave one of my old cellphones with 3 G technology to a guy who had no idea of technology and NO email facility.

His life depends on his old cellphone.

He is practically a messenger boy who acts daily, "on call based" (line of duty) work load.

I told him cellphone is a minicomputer and I will teach him some basic stuff but wait for while to get an email.

I have him the cellphone with some DATA and asked him to go to a free WiFi Zone and browse the Internet and Self Learn.

He did not do that.

I told him where one can gets the best free WiFi.

The other  SIM had voice and I put it into a spare cellphone and forgot about the  whole thing for ages.

Yesterday I was fishing through the SIMs and found one without data.

I did not update data deliberately since I told him to return the SIM once the data is over, since it bears my personnel data.

Yesterday I reminded him that I need my SIM.

He went into a panic mode and said he does not have it.

He has a different telephone number of the same carrier.

I was very annoyed and asked him to call back with the first number which I remembered as the voice SIM and by exclusion the one, I gave him was the other number.

I gave him the second number and asked him to call it and I was listening to the background ringing tone.

He said it is not working.

But I old him I can hear the ringing tone and somebody is using it with my credentials and I told him to go to him and get back my SIM in two days.

He did not ring back today.

In summary this is what happened.

This guy has lost his national ID and has not applied for a replacement.

So he cannot get a new SIM.

He had accidentally met a crafty Muslim guy who knew how to impersonate using the cellphone numbers of others.

He had given his SIM to this innocent and STUPID guy and took my SIM for his personal use.

In fact, this Muslim guy is impersonating me and probably running a dispensary in my name.

He may be downloading all the phonographic stuff in my name.

If the police caught him in his act and confiscate the phone they will come to my home for investigations.

I have poked my finger into all the holes in male and female patients have in examination needs and phonography is, for me, anatomy and physiology virtualized for aberrant human consumption.

Sex is less than five minutes of act and after that one slumps into light sleep.

There is no after play but only fore play.

The foreplay is the deliberate enticement of vulnerable guys and girls by psychopaths including within the Royal Entourage and their Cohorts.

Wasting 3 hours in foreplay for a 5 minutes job at the end is an addiction.

What is the role of the TV and Films?

As a young adult I believed that watching films is an addiction.

I hit the film on the first day and my professor also hits on the first day occupying an ODC seat.

I had to be in First Class by default, rarely ODC when my professor is not in attendance.

He has noticed me coming first day and one day casually asked me how is the film (on the next day).

That is how I managed to enter into his world of fantasy and later I worked for him on short term basis.

His love was forensic investigation (but a renal pathologist) in films but general pathology investigations is, his bread and butter, in real life.

When he was almost in death bed, he requested me to bring fictional books, not available locally from UK.

Last book I could not deliver.

He was gone.

Like my professor I was a film addict but without any particular (sex excluded by default) context.

Just a life long addiction.

Mind you I downloaded over 300 films in less than a year until I disconnected the Ethernet wire for good.

Mostly piroted films and were made into a different format to escape Copy Right Law.

I have discarded all of them but I have about ten in my possession now.

God Father (all the books I have), Italian Job, a few alien films and Jean Hackman's classic (after Sean Connery retired I stopped watching James Bond 007 films), The French Connection.

So Films is an addiction and I researched for scientific papers for proof.

The film industry deliberately delete or pay the researchers to lie saying there is no addiction.

I had not gone to a cinema in UK all my life there and when I decided to call it a day and return home, for once, I went to Odean Cinema in London to watch a film, the name I forget.

I came out before it was over but during the interval look for all the magazines and literature and found a single article which showed it enticed children to addiction.

That was enough for me and never gone for a film until Jurassic Park in New Zealand with the entire family.

If you have to watch a film secretly, without the entire family, that is a sure sign of addiction coming to your life.

My current addiction is emails.

Coming back to the SIM story;

I have not registered with the Medical Council for 20 years and he cannot use my real name by any legal mean.

I told him I will go to the police to report my cellphone was lost and police will come after him and the other guy in due course.

Find him and recover the SIM in 10 days and return it back to me.

See what a lot of trouble I have to go through by being a Good Samaritan.

Never help a Ceylonese Guy is my moto now.

I will have some reflections of another young  guy whom I tried to teach some basics in Linux.

He could not grasp it and I gave up.

One day he called me with excitement and jubiliation to say he hacked the President's Web Page.

I told him off  and stopped communicating with him immediately and completely.


I have to do it only once.

None of the guys I helped did not become crooks.

Most of them are crooks.