Saturday, February 15, 2025

Linux Live Can be run on an SD Card

Linux Live Can be run on an SD Card

I completely forgot about this feature. I have there SD cards with Linux written on them.

One of them is Puppy Linux. Other was a old Debian Gnome version. 

I am currently wring Endeavor OS on one of them.

One need a Mountable USB Stick that can mount a SD card. These are not available in Australia but one can buy on the pavement in Ceylon. Unfortunately, I brought one of them and lot was left in Ceylon.

If a guy or girl try to be unusually smart and challenges me, I would pick it from my pocket and run FAT Pup.  

Of course Puppy Linux originated from Australia and  and I would not do that to an Australian but certainly to a British visitor guy.

Yes I have written 3 images of Debian Gnome, Endeavour OS and FATPup on three SD Cards and this is booted with FATPup.

I had to do some fiddling to get the WiFi connected.

It fires out SeaMonkey as a browser but I installed Chrome OS for additional safety.

Want to try Installing Abiword but I think it does not support AbiWord.

I give up Puppy Linux since it has very limited applications and wont be helpful in a potential crash situation.

Choice was either MX Linux KDE or the latest Netrunner. 

I went for Netrummer which I have some experience.

Sepala Exposed-Anti-Buddhist Stance

Sepala tries to project himself as an intellectual but he was arrested for violating the constitution of Ceylon where nobody is allowed to belittle any religion.
According to Chapa Bandara he is one of the pillars of "Jangi Atshalaya".
Chapa probably use "Jangi" as the analogy for bellow the belt attack on opponents.
This guy built up his YouTube Nattiya (base) using below the belt attack man.
Now he tries to project himself as a professorial figure. No where near professorial as Professor Niormal Ranjith
His beard and mustache are part of this strategy. I can remember Anselm Silva, the snake man projected similar attitude in his late years. He wanted to sell his books. Last time I met Anslem was in a bookshop in Kandy, collecting his dues.
I do not think Sepala can write a book in English even by plagiarizing most of its content.
These are all YouTube characters looking for Patreon contributions.
He is an ace alcoholic.
He would do any dirty think for money.
Attacking Buddhist Culture is one of these money project, he ventured into.
Know the guy before listening to him.
One without political wisdom who changes his allegiance as changing one's hat.
Me Gollo Okkoma Thoppi Karayo!

Chimera Linux-Gnome

Chimera Linux-Gnome

I am one who hate Steam OS and Deck who promised to release it Desktop Iso but never did.
I went into override and found many alternative Linux and BSD derivative supporting games.
One I settled down with was Chimera.
There are many more but I forget their names.
This regarding its Gnome desktop which is minimal and has no games.
I am a Gnome fan and won't say anything bad but I would not install it on my NUC as at present..
1.5GB Iso.
It is BSD derivative, if I remember right and BSD does not have many applications to boast about.

Sacca, Kikka and Kata of Dhamma (Buddhism)

These Three were stated in the first sermon of Buddha after attainment of Enlightenment.

That is how the Wheel of Dhamma turns.

There are many versions of this Sutta unlike, Kalams Sutta, Brahmajala Sutta and Sigalovada Sutta.

Visit the account by Bhikku Bodhi of B.P.S. for details.

1. Sacca is the Knowledge about Truth or Suffering or Uncertainty of Every Living Moment 

2. Kikka (Action) is the Correct Action that one needs to take to Digest this Phenomenon 

3. Kata (Verification) is to ascertain that Truth of Suffering or Uncertainty of Every Phenomenal Existence in this World and Other Worlds.

In other words, Knowledge, Appropriate Action and the Verification of the Uncertainty Principle within Dhamma.

This is within our grasp and one need not have a Guru but use these Dhamma Principles as the Guiding Steps for True Emancipation from Indulgence in Suffering (both happy and unhappy included).

This is an antithesis to this world of excessive indulgence in sensuality and even addictive games, including gambling.

One should not gamble with life.

Live a good life of "Somanassa" on this Valentine Day.

I do not think I have understood the Truth about the "Real Truth of Phenomenon of Existence" and this is only an introduction or an entry point for any Wayfarer seeking Truth about our existence.
I am grateful to Buddhist Publication Society in Kandy where our  family doctor Dr. Dharmasena donated his clinic to the Whole World, as it were.


 September 27, 2011
XBMC Linux and Media Center
Renamed KODI now
This is a Live CD that specializes on Multi-Media applications. 
It runs on Flushbox X-windows and has XBMC as its major package.
This is a mouse happy distribution and when one right clicks the application menu comes to life.
One interesting feature about this distribution is the distribution is only tiny but its application XBMC takes a large portion of it’s MB.
If one has an old computer with a good graphic utility one can use that computer as a home media center and store all your videos and audios in one place. Not only that t can store pictures, too.
 Once it is connected to the internet one can get the local weather, too.
This is something one should have one’s bedroom and program it to wake you up with music and morning weather. 
Of course one has to write a tiny script to wake you up at 6 A.M or 7 A.M.
I am told early risers are healthy and manage stress better. 
Music and cup of tea (not coffee) is healthy start up for one who has cash strapped due to debt crisis.
What better way other than rise up to the XBMC on a old computer.
XBMC is under the menu video when you right click and get the applications into life. 
It has lot of other little applications.

Thank YOU President Trump-US-AID

Thank You President Donald Trump for Restricting US-AID to third world countries.
I think only Chapa Bandara highlight this.
Recent events include
1. Araglaya Amma was an actress.
2. Promoting Homosexual Agenda
3. Direct and indirect Attack on Buddhism.
I only take this point and my out put here are only Linux and Dhamma.
4. Regime Change 
5.Mushrooming of New YouTube channels 
Who funded them if not US AID

Things I did not know about the CPU

When I was assembling my first D.I.Y, PC, only thing I did not touch was  CPU and and the heat sink. I had 15 IBM Network at home (bought them second hand from Alpha Digital in Kandy), and finally dismantled them when I retired. 
I did not give them to any having removed RAMA and Graphic card but to the scrap metal guys but I did fiddle with all the components and showed them to my son. He is now a big guy not at all interested in them but spontaneous humor.
Laughter is the best medicine not computers and games and gadgets.
Things I did not know about the CPU
An 8-core CPU with 4 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores can handle a variety of tasks while optimizing power consumption.

    Performance cores
    Larger, more powerful cores that handle heavy tasks. They have high clock speeds and hyper-threading capabilities.
    Efficiency cores
    Smaller cores that consume less energy and take on lighter tasks. They are used for background tasks that run constantly but don't require much processing power.

Many modern CPUs use a hybrid architecture that mixes performance and efficiency cores. This allows the chips to optimize performance based on the workload.
Intel's Thread Director uses machine learning to schedule tasks on the right core at the right time. This helps ensure that background tasks don't slow you down, and you can have more apps open simultaneously.
You can check the number of cores and threads in your processor by:

    Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete
    Selecting Task Manager
    Clicking Performance
    Clicking CPU
    Checking Cores number

Next Unit of Computing or Intel NUC

Next Unit of Computing or Intel NUC
With a gap in the market left by Intel’s now-defunct NUC (Next Unit of Computing) program, PC vendors like 
HP, and 
are filling in with ready made solutions. 
Unlike some mini-models that use a D.I.Y approach to buying and building (User specified RAM, the boot drive and Linux), some Mini PC are is ready to use out of the box, with memory, storage with operating system already installed.
I am posting this to state that idf one drops the operating system one can buy a Mini PC cheap.
I did not know the plight of Intel when I bout the NUC.
Both are fine and I had several 2.5 inch SATA with me. 
Two were used for data only (films, photos and my book in pdf). 
I new tat new NVMe SSDs were coming with enormous capacity but to use them one has to buy the new models with motherboard supporting the connection ports.
I am glad to guys are coming out with ideas to have clumsy but externally placed eGPU, Network Storage and Data storage on external PCIe mounts and Docks. 
My only concern was electricity usage with the electricity price going up by 300% in Ceylon.
I could not afford. 
Here i am in Australia now writing books at leisure.