Saturday, July 27, 2024



After a very long lapse Gentoo has released two Iso Images one minimal and one comprehensive for several platforms including amd64.

It ran smoothly on BOX utility and I am going to write it to a USB.

It is KDE Desktop with all included except the application store. I am glad they have chosen KDE and not Gnome since there would be certain compatibility issues with Gnome to begin with.

One should use the comprehensive image for the sake of out of the box experience.

If one wants to learn Arch protocols then try to Install it from smaller image.

Torrent file has no seeders and I got the image by direct download and it is 3.6GB in size.

Yes, this KDE desktop is pretty good and I cannot find anything wrong with this distributions.

The reason being, the developer community did not go or bound by a time frame to deliver it.

They delivered it when it was really ready

There may be a few bugs here and there but that is not something one has to worry about.

I think Gentoo Community probably applied Total Quality Management (TQM) principles in it.

What is really good about Gentoo, is first thing they promote is not the distributions but the handbook they have published.

Good on them.

I always find some faults on any distribution hurriedly delivered.

That is why this blog site exits.

Constructive criticism not anything else.

I want Linux to succeed and and take a 10% market share. 

I think Gentoo is delivering the gods and one who uses would not go for another distribution.

I am predicting that Gentoo will automatically take the place of Manjaro where there is infighting of developers.

By the way, even though, I uninstalled Budgie Desktop it has left some soothing wallpapers for me to enjoy.

Thank you Budgie Guys and Girls.

Thank you Gentoo Guys and Girls.

I am hooked to Netrunner Linux due to its cool effects on the desktop. Had Gentoo came earlier than Netrunner I would have embraced it. 

I think Gentoo has thought about the Laptop users.

DPupbuster-64 bit Debain Based Puppy Linux

 DPupbuster-64 bit 2020 Versions is good Debian Based Puppy Linux distribution.

It has Seamonkey browser which I was very familiar with. It It use Window Manager Desktop.

It has its own package manger probably based on Debian



ChaletOs is light a weight Linux distribution with comes with Play on Linux.

In that sense it is a Gamer Linux.

Live session boots up quickly and it has Firefox, VLC, Audacious and Brasero.



KaOS is a Arch based KDE desktop Operating System which is neat and sleek.

Unlike other KDE based operating systems it has a software repository called Octopi.

It has qt 5 an qt6 tool kits for both Plasma 5 and Plama 6 architecture.

Plasm is marching forward agressively, if you a KDE fan try this distribution but be aware of the Arch nuances.

Arch has more users (probably already conversant with Linux Philosophy) than Debian due to its rolling release protocol.

Me being an old timer and an addict of Gnome would not install KDE operating system except Netrunner which I am very comfortable from 32 bit time. Netrunner integrate seamlesly with Gnome utilties.

My plan is install netrunner and then on top of that install Gnome using Synaptic Package Manager. In distribution that does not have Synaptic i do not use including Ubuntu Dektop but Ubuntu Cinnamon has synaptic.

I have not trie Ubuntu Budgie.