Thursday, November 20, 2014

Preparation for Concentration / Focus for Moment Meditation

Preparation for Concentration / Focus for Moment Meditation

1. Do not Think of the Past ( I have not finished my work)

2. Do not Think of the Future ( I have lot of things to do)

3. Do not let the mind drift ( a mosquito hovering)

4. Do not say it is warm (dress appropriately but do not look for a fan)

5. Do not say it is cold ( dress appropriately but do not look for a heater)

6. Do not be lazy

7. Avoid company (If one cannot avoid not more than five for a group)

8. Do not look for solitude

9. Be aware of the current setting (if you are in a bus find a corner and pretend you read a book/note)

10. Be aware of the current physical need (voiding, hunger, physical disability)

If there is a hindrance (as you may perceive it), do not react to it but accept it as a fickle and passing episode like quicksilver.

Then any place is good for moment meditation.

If you are not meditating, just focus and do what you have to do in the present moment to the best of your capability.

In a sense your mind is in a Moment Mediation Mode (3M).

If one practices these few principles with diligence and awareness, getting into moment meditation becomes just a habit not a “result seeking work” endeavor.

One's productivity in what ever one does goes up by the minute.

It is not easy but one has to practice and become adept at it.

Then you do not need a guru and become a master and not a slave of a rigid protocol dispensed by an unprepared master.