Saturday, September 7, 2019

From Durodasa to Dealdasa

From Durodasa to Dealdasa

Under Sirima Durodasa was on top.
He had multi-shops at Borella, Kollupitia and Kalaniya, Dalugama.

Premadsa came, then Sangadasa and Dharmadasa were on top with contracts for cement,iron and wood.

Trees were decimated in a short time.

Durodasa disappeared during Premadasa and Dharmadasa.

Gaminie came with Mahaveli and there were no Dasas but with massive contracts and successful completion of Mahaveli Project.

Chandrika came and she could not prevent the decimation of entire exco of UNP.

There were Wijedasa and Pakaralingham doing shoddy deals with LTTE.

JVP and LTTE were beneficiaries.

The latest manifestation is Dealdasa.

Come to think about it all were Dealdasas.

Tactical Retreat

Tactical Retreat

The gap between reality and perception is widening.
The conceptual model for political wisdom is failing.
It has a gaping hole.
No consensus but compromise is overriding the core values.
Confusion is the inherent danger.

Perfect ground condition for anarchy.

This is all after a draft constitution was formulated and presented to the parliament. well before anarchy took its roots.

It is shelved by all three parties in the parliament.


Is it a tactical retreat?

There is no room for tactical retreat due to internal conflicts and power struggle.

Presidential poll won’t solve any of our political ailments but it only compounds the already existing anarchy.

Parliament election won’t bring new ideas but usher new boys and girls in different garbs.

This is where out of the box thinking is necessary.

Professor De Bono has a phrase for it.
What we need is not top down thinking.
Side step a little.
Avoid the trapping of anarchy and start thinking laterally or creatively.
Are we ready?

Not at all.

Procrastination is the name of the game.

Ordinary term for this is time wasting.