Saturday, March 15, 2025


This I have tried but not impressed.

Web site: (not active)
Origin: New Zealand
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2010.1 | July 22, 2010

Yoper Linux (YOS) – a high performance, independent, built from scratch operating system. It has been carefully optimized for PC’s with either i686 or higher processor types. The binaries that come with Yoper have been built from scratch combining the original sources with the some of the best features from other Open Source Linux distributions.

Yoper is not like general purpose distributions such as Red Hat or Mandriva or Novell, who are built for desktop and server-use alike. It is a specialized high performance Desktop OS for multimedia and office usage.

Yoper is compact, residing on 1 CD-Rom and it is is one of the most standards-based environments in the Linux community. You will find hardware performance as good or better than that of any commercial OS.

Yoper OS has been streamlined for functionality. You have the following options:
– Home and Workstation systems (Yoper Desktop)
– Terminal servers (Yoper Terminal server)
– Cluster systems (Yoper Slimline)

Each release meets general functional requirements and much more. Yoper gives you the ability to run thousands of available software packages and a stable environment on which new packages and applications can be developed, such as high performance Internet Servers or dedicated firewalls and routers.

The iso image features options to let you start an installation process or run it in live mode.
Yoper Linux uses KDE 4 desktop environment as default and provides KDE related tools and applications pre-installed.

The project was originally founded by Andreas Girardet and was latterly maintained by Tobias Gerschner.


This is some thing I have not tried but I was into Linux in the 21st Century or there about.

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GUI ?
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent
Wikipedia: Yggdrasil
Media: Install
The last version | Released: May 1995

Yggdrasil – a Linux distribution developed by Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated, a company founded by Adam J. Richter in Berkeley, California. Adam J. Richter started the Yggdrasil company together with Bill Selmeier. Yggdrasil was the first company to create a live CD Linux distribution
Yggdrasil Linux described itself as a “Plug-and-Play” Linux distribution, automatically configuring itself for the hardware.

Yggdrasil was a bootable Linux/GNU/X-based UNIX(R) clone for PC compatibles, tentatively named LGX. The system uses version 0.99.5 of the Linux kernel, which is being developed from scratch by Linus Torvalds and an international group of skilled contributors working over the internet to complete the GNU project.

The first release was published in 1994 (an alpha in 1992) as a single CD, the second (and the last) release of Yggdrasil was in 1995 as 4 CD.

Here are some system requirements of Yggdrasil “Case 1993”:
– at least 386 CPU
– a supported CD-ROM drive
Ethernet card
– IDE or SCSI hard disk

Data of the distribution:
– Linux kernel 0.99.13 (released on September 20, 1993 as the first kernel with ELF support)
– size of the kernel image: 362 kbytes
X-Window 11 release 5
– incl. TCP/IP and NFS
– software u.a. Andrew System version 5.1 (ez), Emacs, Ghostscript, Kermit, Z-Modem, Postgres 4.1, gcc

YES Linux

YES Linux

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Server
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 3.0.2 | May 8, 2008

YES Linux – a Linux distribution that is focused on ease of use, user experience, and the internet. In 3 screens a secure server is installed and administered from a browser. A user should not have to use the console, but can if they wish.

It is based on Debian 4.0 “Etch”.

The project founder is Arthur Copeland, CEO of

Refurbishing OLD computer or Go for Tiny NUC

I dismantled over 15 computers (Almost All IBM discarded from America) and bought two new PCs one parotable and on ATX tower. Portable one with Windows I gave to my wife. I do not know what happened to it. I never service a Windows PC.
Other ATX with two one terabyte SATS disk is in working order but left it at home.
I migrated to two NUCs one for me and one for my son both booting Linux.
They are cute and energy saving fanlesd computers.
My point is these old computers consume lot of Electricity and indirectly contribute to Global Warming.
Besides with electricity bills going up in Ceylon using these old PCs do not contribute to national wealth an wellbeing.
I somebody gives you an old computer say NO, Thank You.
Yes one of my classmates who was a retired teacher was given an old computer and he did not know how to operate it without an operating system.
I volunteered and fixed a date to install Linux System.
It was bit newer to my fist Intel PC but there was no way to recover it and I told him discard it. I think he put some money on it and but I did not ask.
I asked him to buy a new cellphone which he did and his son lost in a while commuting to Colombo. Could not recover it. Finally I gave one of my old cellphones which I bought in Singapore but never used it for his day to day calls.
This guy was my Dhamma Teacher.
He was pretty good.

Proving My Point LibreOffice is Bulky-I Removed It Completely

Proving My Point LibreOffice is Bulky-I Removed It Completely

Yes after my SAGA with LegacyOS, I installed Debian Gnome with the smallest partition of 11GB in my NUC.
It took 95% of the root partition.
No panic.

Removed LibreOffice completely which was 2.5 GB.
Installed Abiword and two other browsers to supplement FireFox.
Added Stacer, Notepadqq, VLC, Audacity, Gparted and USB Formatter.
I still have 2GB free on my /root partition and 1.7GB left of my /home partition of 2GB.
Yes, I can finish my books on this home partition from now onward instead of booting a Puppy Linux with Abiword
Legacy OS was tried to see whether I can accomplish that. It has OpenOffice.
Latest Puppy Linus EasyOS does not support Abiword.
All of them are either supporting LibreOffice or OpenOffice.
I do not need another Word Processor.
This saves me from making a Writer OS for writers.
Yes, there was a Writer OS which has gone defunct.

All this took 45 minutes after mid night when the Internet is fabulously fast.

Which Small distribution I would chose on a USB Persistent image

 1. Easy OS

Not really. Lot of limitations in applications

No Synaptic Package manager


2. AntiX OS

Probably yes.

Lot of window managers 

Has synaptic.


3. MX Linux

Based on AntiX but it has KDE version which solid

4. Legacy OS

It was TeenPUP and not anymore.

Plenty of application and based on AntiX

Has synaptic.


 I decided to go for AntiX.