Web site: yoper-linux.org (not active)
Origin: New Zealand
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2010.1 | July 22, 2010
Yoper Linux (YOS) – a high performance, independent, built from scratch operating system. It has been carefully optimized for PC’s with either i686 or higher processor types. The binaries that come with Yoper have been built from scratch combining the original sources with the some of the best features from other Open Source Linux distributions.
Yoper is not like general purpose distributions such as Red Hat or Mandriva or Novell, who are built for desktop and server-use alike. It is a specialized high performance Desktop OS for multimedia and office usage.
Yoper is compact, residing on 1 CD-Rom and it is is one of the most standards-based environments in the Linux community. You will find hardware performance as good or better than that of any commercial OS.
Yoper OS has been streamlined for functionality. You have the following options:
– Home and Workstation systems (Yoper Desktop)
– Terminal servers (Yoper Terminal server)
– Cluster systems (Yoper Slimline)
Each release meets general functional requirements and much more. Yoper gives you the ability to run thousands of available software packages and a stable environment on which new packages and applications can be developed, such as high performance Internet Servers or dedicated firewalls and routers.
The iso image features options to let you start an installation process or run it in live mode.
Yoper Linux uses KDE 4 desktop environment as default and provides KDE related tools and applications pre-installed.
The project was originally founded by Andreas Girardet and was latterly maintained by Tobias Gerschner.