Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Kick the Bucket Syndrome or Vaccine Abreactions

1. When scientists lie and WHO guys and Girls help in the cover up procedures, mankind has no room left for recovery.

2. 17 millions died due to Vaccination Mishaps.

3. My prediction having perused old data up to 100 years was 20 million deaths in 20 years.

Due to the vaccine induced deaths the correct figures related to the Wild Virus can never be estimated.

If somebody dies after 14 - 21 days of vaccination it should be taken as a vaccine related death.

4. WHO should have declared it as a Pandemic within 48 hours after receiving verified, fact checked, "Evidenced Based" data but it failed.

5. There was a delay of 5 months.
The infection started spreading in China in September, 2019.

I have recorded these data obtained from Internet in my book on "Coronavirus, who Cheated us Locally and Globally".

6. It was an enterovirus that became a respiratory virus by December, 2019.

7. China reported it to WHO on the 31st of December (China waited till the very last day).

8. WHO was on Christmas Holiday and China knew that they can buy another 6 weeks to put the house in order when the WHO fact finding team arrives (they were not virologists) in Wuhan.

A Second WHO team had to go there for sampling.

9. Finally in March 2020, they declared it as a global pandemic without a strict protocol (of adherence).

10. Come to Ceylon

Our Politicians were more interested in holding elections in September, 2020 and violated the WHO protocol.

11. The election campaign helped to spread the disease.
Navy camp was infected.
Police officer who went to report the death of the Navel officer spread the disease to Badulla.

12. It was a highly contagious disease and a team of Indian guys managing a Garment Industry in Negamboo brought us another virulent strain.

13. Military Incarceration
The isolation program was taken over by the military.
Military did not have a clue how to handle (detect, isolate and quarantine) the spread of the disease.

This should have been left to police with PHI and Health Ministry officials administering the quarantine.

Instead, military had an ad hoc plan with incarceration of suspected individuals in Teacher Training Colleague in Kandy without isolation cubicles.

14. Teachers got infected and schools were closed.

15. Match was over and the government doctored the data and lied to the WHO.

16. We do not know how many died in Ceylon.

17. By the way, CIA operated 32 Biolabs in Ukraine to develop a virus to kill Russian President Putin.

Only Russians were targeted.

18. Russian Intelligent service got the wind of this program and within a week of Ukrainian offenses, they managed to get hold of these samples.

19. Bio-Weapon is prohibited and WHO did not do anything to stop Offshore American Bioweapon Industry.

Thanks to CIA and Zelensky this industry is still thriving in China with US AID.

20. 90% of the WHO AID is coming from America and they (WHO) dare NOT talk back on American propaganda and protocols.

That is the bottom line.

21. We started using alcohol as a disinfectant and that had the desired effect.

My advice was to disinfect the gut by drinking alcohol twice a day.

Our Alcohol industry had a welcome revival!

Because 90% of Ceylonese are alcoholics and alcohol saved us from the pandemic.

I stopped taking alcohol since the tax was 150%.

I remained house bound for 2 years.

22. I left the most important point to the last.

Singapore Airline was instrumental in spreading the disease globally.

Singapore Airlines took the virus to Austria and from there to the caucus.
Austrians suppressed the data on behalf of Singapore Airlines.

End result the price of a ticket went up by 5 times.

I had to pay Rs.500,000/= for a ticket valued at Rs.87,000/=.

I will stop travelling.

Even, Singapore flight was Rs.25,000/=.

Why travel with high fare?

There was mighty International Symposium in mainland China and in Hong Kong to promote trade from China.

Aim was to make  "Cheap Chinese" reproductions, including Apple Mac.

Even Apple decided to have its trade roots placed, there.

This was a month long Trade Fair.

Singapore Airline took the virus to far away places as far as Falkland Island.

23. In Ceylon we identified coronavirus in ice cubes used by our seamen.

Frozen food to Falkland would have helped  the virus a free ride.

That completes the story.

Let me come back to Vaccine Saga!

I almost kicked the bucket within 10 days of  Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine.

Thankfully it did not effect my higher centers.

I recorded every symptom I had, including big sore (stress ulcer) in my forearm (not the vaccine site which had additional inflammatory reaction) and recorded them in this blog site for posterity.

It has affected all my upper body skeletal muscles including my hand muscles but my lower limbs muscles are OK.

It affected my typing skills with the keyboard.

I was a good short distance runner that may have given me some extra muscle mass in my legs to weather the storm.

24. Deaths

Three young boys under 35 died in the same weekend after the vaccination.

One of them was one of my classmate's son.

Myopathy or myocarditis this "Spike Protein" enters the muscle and take over the ribosomal mechanism in the Golgi apparatus.

25. CDC Culpability

My question is why CDC guys are not taken into custody.

I have renamed this scenario " Kick the Bucket Syndrome" for public consumption!

Let me talk about pandemics in general.


1. Rare

2. Not often severe

3. AIDS/HIV not recognized for 20 years

During the Second World War, the Germans were using a strain of African Monkey Kidneys for cell culture. Germans research workers were  homosexuals and they contacted the virus from the wild monkeys.

African were partially immune.

They brought AIDS to Germany.

Not very well recognized (affected homosexuals more often than not) for over 20 years.

We still have not found a solution!

4. Influenza


5. Many organizations including WHO forgets the last pandemic.

It is rare for a guy to stand in office for two major pandemics.

They have either moved out or retired from the organization.

Only exception is Anthony Fausi of CDC.

He was there for over 25 years.

6. Delay in Recognizing and Reporting.

7. Artificially constructed virus by genomic manipulation of gain in function coding by furin segments inserted before the putative proprotein.

Furin proteolytically activate proprotein segments.

It is a membrane bound endoprotease localed in the Golgi apparatus.

This is my bone of contention.

It is an artificial virus!

Communication Theory

1. Source
Expert vs non expert

2. Who is the sender
Domestic vs International
Health Care person
Lay person
Channel is official
Traditional or non traditional
Social Media

3. Who is the receiver
Destination vs Receiver

4. Message itself

The purpose of the message




5. Feedback


Responds depends on the integrity of the available information.

Patten in 2020-2023 Pandemic

1. Rapid Spread
2. High mortality
3. High hospitalization
4. High Clinical Severity
5. No treatment
6. High communicability


1. Closed spaces
2. Crowded places
3. Close contact

Vaccine have no Proven Effect but can kill innocent people.

1. mRNA
2. Adenoviral vector
3. Adjuvant protein
4. Inactivated whole virus

Theory of Analogy

Goes back to Aristotle.

1. More the similarity (between two domains) the stronger is  the analogy.

2. More the differences weaker is the analogy

3. Greater is our ignorance of the two domains the weaker is the analogy.

4. Weaker is the conclusion then more plausible is the analogy.

5. Analogies of causal relationships are more plausible than analogies of non causal relationships.

6. Structural analogies are stronger than superficial similarities.

7. The relevance of similarities and differences to the conclusion (hypothetical analogy) must be taken into account.

8. Multiple arguments supporting the same conclusion makes the argument stronger

Last point makes me to conclude that WHO failed and is the White Elephant in the room.

We must put the elephant into cold storage with the virus.

Please Note

17 millions died due to vaccine, alone!

Emergency authorization sparked a wave of non professional companies entering the  vaccine programme and packaging BAD vaccines.

I have a theory, that the Russian Vaccine caused more deaths.

It was felt that dying in battle decimating American proxy Ukrainians was better than dying due to coronavirus.

The rag tag battalions were streamlined and were sent to the frontline.

50,000 Ukrainians deaths to 5000 Russian deaths.

Proxy war helped Russia more than Ukrainians.

If fact, deaths in Ukraine war mitigated the vaccine deaths (lumped into war dead).

This is true of UK vaccines too.

More elderly (over 55) in UK died due to the vaccine.

Astra-Zenika vaccine dished out to African countries was (a false flag operation) a sham operation.

The change of UK Premiership is a case in point who did not follow the protocol but hooch parties in Downing Street!

Hooch was protective (see above) to rich politicians.

The bottom line is less (less than 1% death in Wild Viruses) people die of the natural virus.

The greed of the companies nullified the credibility of vaccination protocols globally and very importantly in America.

It has become a political issue and not a medical issue.

Action should have been;

Evidence based, Data Driven

Solidarity with the public concern.

The general public has to be taken into account not Airlines and World Economic Forums.

American hegemony is now giving way to BRICS!

These points had a nose dive during the pandemic.

Narcissism is common

Features of narcissism are manifold.

It is very difficult to detect since many who have this syndrome do not subject themselves to proper examination.

I am not a psychologist but I heard this syndrome from a young guy whose father used to be the chief technician in the pathology laboratory.

I never had any contact with this technician except when he asked me for a research project, I duly obliged with a simple project.

I did some corrections in his work but I did not listen to his presentation when it was delivered

He needed this for his promotion.

Looking back, he is a typical narcissist but he cleverly hid his traits.

By the way, I did not know about his son but  one day he introduced him to me on the street and mentioned that he needs to do a research project.

I told them that I do not discuss projects on the street but one need to make a proper appointment.

On a subsequent day, with a nice pot of Mesna Tea  I had a brief discussion and told him we would do a combine project and he need not worry.

Project was on Linux!

About narcissists some of the features are;

1. Sense of self importance.

2. Preoccupation with power not leadership.

3. Preoccupation of beauty (both sexes are involved and females are the worst) and external appearance. 

This guy dyes his facial hair past 80.

I worked with one of them (female) in UK and it lasted only 6 months.

I used to do funny things to unsettle her.

One day this huge lady on high heels fell flat on the ground in the ward.

I was behind her and I had hearty laugh!

I have worked with several other nice female consultants before her and I judged her as a neurotic, then  but on reflection now, she fits the category of a typical narcissist.

4. Lack empathy.

5. Arrogant.

6. Impulsive

Unfortunately many of them end up as BAD Managers.

7. Exploitative for their own gain.

8. Try to be around with people who are supposed to be important or special.

9. Want to be celebrated of importance (in a sing song, dance, presentation or a pep talk)

10. Want to be admired for no reason or merits.

There are many other subtle features.

Moment one notices them try to avoid them since they slit you behind your back!

They are basically self centered!

Torrent Download of Linux Distributions and Astra Linux

Torrent Download of Linux Distributions

Linux tracker has torrents for almost all the Linux distributions except Russian Distribution Astra Linux (Oriel and Roma).

Russian distribution's torrent file can be obtained by direct link.

Astra Linux is a pretty good Linux distribution which I use in my laptop.

Linux is Global and I do not like political insinuation!

However, I do not like Chinese distribution DeepIn.

Torrents for New versions are available for

Debian 5 Version

Emmabantus Debian 5 Version


Open Mandriva

4M Linux



Puppy Linux derivatives, Vanilla, Fossa Linux and BionicPup.

However, Partition Magic has gone commercial its FREE 2014 Version is still available for download.

I use Gparted for partitioning.

 By the way, I use Emmabantus Version 5 for my work.

It has almost everything I need except Linux MultiSystem utility.


Relevance of God Concept

God is a Human Concept created by mankind for over 10,000 years.

My understanding is that the Mohendajaro Harappan civilization did not have a religion.

However, it got established around 2500 years ago by linking with the King of the State.

Money became its power.

I cannot see a God who sends its priests to battle field as a benevolent godly guy.

I have another problem whether god is a male or a female.

Most bizarre point is that the god created this world.

If that is the premise, the god should have another creator above him or her.

It is like the egg or hen connection.

Who came first.

Man or God.

An endless loop.

Fear of death may be the reason for its creation.

I have much more plausible origin.

Mankind discovered Magic Mushroom long before agriculture and cultivation of magic mushroom was probably the first agricultural product, even before brewing alcohol.

These mood enhancing chemicals produce esoteric or spiritual dimensions with intoxication and the belief in Godly or Virtual Beings came into existence.

Socrates was poisoned and Bertram Russel had to flee to Russia to save his life.

When he was down with double pneumonia  The Church of England published two obituaries of BR.

He of course survived thanks to the British nurse not due to the God Almighty.

All religions are humankind's abstract creations without substantial evidence to support or deny their claims.

I have nothing against a guy or girl having some belief system but if I am asked about possibility of God or Gods, the simple answer would be the contents outlined in this piece.

I love reading books but moment it is finished, I wait for the next edition to update knowledge.

When it comes to Bible or Kuran the same old edition is dished out with minor corrections.

It is 2500 years old and it is high time to be disposed of, so that the current Israel and Hamas / Hezbollah war or religious dispute is (in this case land included) turned off without further blood shed.

Eye for Eye of Wild West mentality has no place in global politics today.

I think the Ukraine debacle needed a diversion tactic for the Military Industrial Complex to rearm another conflict until US Election is over.

These events are not spontaneous but very well orchestrated.

Hamas is a creation by West to undermined Hezbollah Organizations.

Hezbollah is a political party of Lebanon with  diplomatic recognition. It also has a military wing.

While PLO recognizes Israel (two states) Hezbollah does not recognizes Israel.

So far there is no active participation of Hezbollah.

I have no idea where Iran stands in this conflict.

It is obvious Iran was unaware of the Hamas activity which was most likely controlled by the West.

Iran was negotiating for concession on nuclear program and really did not want any escalation in the region.

It is more than likely Israel does not want the Iran Nuclear program to succeed.

So it allowed the Hamas to carry out its attack in spite Egypt's warning.

The bottom line is there is a hidden hand to oust Israel's current PM but it is more than likely he will hang on until US Elections.

Hamas is a Sunni Political organization.
It opposes a Two State Solution. Saudi Arabia supports Sunni faction.

Hezbollah is Shia Political organization supported by Iran. It does not support two state solution.

Civilization Without Military, Kings, Priests or Religion

History is all cock and bull story.

Each new civilization erases the previous civilization often by burning their bony remains.

I tend to believe Ceylon had 3 civilizations.

I won't elaborate all three types for fear of recrimination.

I believe that  the civilization I describe below had even come to Ceylon.
Our archaeologists deliberately have destroyed their artefacts.

Instead, I will describe the Harappan and Mohenjo Jaro civilization.

It was in existence in parallel with Sumerians in the west and they traded with Sumerians.

They evolved 3500 years BC and were the bronze age people.

They had left seals or baked tablets and bonze artefacts.

Their alphabet or language is somewhat similar to Sumerians.

Their real name is unknown but the name given by the modern historians in relation to the current village names.

Therefore, I name them as Indus Valley Civilization.

Hindus refer to them as Sarasvathi Civilization.

They were the first to make baked bricks.

If they did not baked the bricks this civilization could have come to existence, peaked and disappeared leaving no trace for us to talk about.

Features of this civilization are.

1. No army or military.
Practised loving kindness.

2. No priests or religion of note.
This establishes my view that one need NO religion to bring moral or civil values.

Religion in human history is a modern phenomenon or late development.

No places of worship were recorded.

3. No king or hierarchy to exert control over the civil population.

The principles that probably governed them were;

No killing and no military.
No stealing and no penal code.
No adultery and therefore  harmony.
No lying to its members.

4. They loved the mother nature both animals and plants.

5. Practised good sanitation.

Why the decline?

1. Environmental catastrophy.

2. Over population.

3. Pandemics including malaria.

4. Pre-aryans destroyed them
Later Arians did the finishing touch.

5. Deforestation due to brick baking.

Leeuwenhoek and Microscope

It is little over 300 years of the invention of the Microscope.
360 years!

I would have never become a medical guy, if not for this instrument.

I once asked, a guy who is a supply agent to the university to get me down a digital microscope.
He did not help me.
I did not have dollars in my hand and the government want grant me any.
So for my luck, I had little money from the royalties on the sale of books.
I got one for my research work.
It is a Student Microscope from America and they gave some discount,too.

1. Makes invisible visible.

2. Egg and Sperm race.

3. Biological Material vs Physical Material

4. Started with silk worm illustrations.
The work of Malpighian.

5. Micrographia of Robert Hook in 1665.

6. Samuel Pepy

7. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Single lens microscope

8. Discovery of sperm.

9. Ham a medical student with penile discharge not with gonococci but sperms.

10. Published in 1679.

11. How reproduction works
Egg and semen
Aristotle said women are the fertile grounds.

12. Enigma
180 years of argument.
No eggs.

13. Chicken or Egg scenario.
Answer is they are complementary.

14. 1827
von Baeyer
Sees the egg

15. Cell Theory in 1830.

16. Study of maggots

17. Transmission Electronic Microscopy

18. Scanning Electron Microscopy

19. 3000 neurons in maggot head or brain

20. Elizabeth Bik

21. Look through rocks

22. Transmitted light.

23. Petrography

24. Rocks have minerals in ordered arrangement.

25. Crystal structure

26. 1828
William Nikel
Polarized Light.

27. 30 micron thickness of rock in 1851.

28. 1870
Petrographic microscope.
Use polarized light to analyze.

29. Chromolithograph


Reality of Russophobia

This an Old Piece Reproduced.

Reality of Russophobia

Let me dish out President Biden, first.

I am a medical man and I have managed elderly with disease, disability and dementia. 

I have dissociated from active medical activities long time before my own abilities started to decline.

First, I give a chance for the young blood to enter into my domain.

Second, I continued to teach and educate.

Third, I am not indispensable.

My  advice for anybody over 50 who is in active duty is to undergo a full medical at least in two year intervals.

It should be a statutory requirement.

In that sense, President Biden has not been forthcoming.

He should retire, if the score is below par.

If he does not, he should be warned of the consequences, including impeachment. 

He is currently being investigated for such activities by the Senate Committee.

His campaign slogan was regime change in Russia.

That by itself was an antidemocratic move.

Russia is a sovereign independent country.

It has its own autonomy in political, social and military system. 

No country can boast power play over other nations.

That hegemony of USA is fast collapsing.

Using Ukraine as a proxy has failed miserably.

Russophobia was a faked political gamble.

One has to fear Russia, if he or she opposes the right of Russians to live their own lives, according to their own social or political system.

President Putin understands his position as the Russian leader and so far his response has been measured.

I believe NATO and the West have crossed the red line. 

In fact, the NATO is crumbling even before Donald Trump’s ascendancy.

Making a corrupt country like Ukraine a EU member is that red line. Ukraine so far has done nothing to qualify for membership. 

If at all, by its own actions it has downgraded itself.

Off-ramp strategy is to drum up Russophobia.

Average American is stupid and has no understanding of global politics.

His or her mind can be twisted by media.

CNN and Fox News are trying hard but failing.

1. Russian average family lives a happy life.

2. The vehicle ownership is probably higher than in America.

3. Russians unlike Americans do not eat from rubbish bins.

4. Majority of Russians are practicing orthodox Christians.

5. Russian Communist Party has only 3% share of vote.

6. President Putin's popularity is over 75%.

7. President Biden is less than 30% and is lower than Donald Trump.

8. Street violence is absent in Russia.

9. There is no poverty in Russia and there is no social inequality.

10. Social inequality is prevalent in the West.

United Kingdom is a classic example.

Listen to Jeremy Corbyn of former Labour Leader. 

Keith Starmer is called a political robot

11. One can possess a gun in Russia but they never carry guns in public.

12. A Russian's debt is proportional and is mainly related to the mortgage.

13. Russians promote big family size.

14. Russians love traveling abroad.

Turkey is their popular destination.

15. Russia has its own space program.

16. Russian pilots are the best in the world.

17. Its military can outperform any on this planet.

18. Russian Ruble is strong in spite of sanctions.

19. Russians love to coexist with other nations.

20. Above all Russians are proud of themselves.

Would you like to live in USA or Russia.

The answer is simple.

This Russophobia is man made and is faked news.

It is related to paranoia and simple jealousy. 

That is the simple behavior trait of Americans.     

Where ever they go, they are NOT treated with open arms but with suspicion.

They themselves have created this image and they have nobody except themselves to blame for this tragic reality.

Hypervitaminosis A and D

This place is not for medical advice and nowadays, I rarely give medical information even when requested.

There are so many pseudo-experts in the Internet and in the YouTube presentations and one should not listen to them.

Most of the advice is half baked!

If one is taking a balance diet (is a non smoker and abstain from alcohol) and is relatively healthy one need not take supplementary vitamins.

I used to see all the types of vitamin deficiencies (1973 Middle East War) in adults and children.

It may be true in Ceylon, currently due to many reasons.

But ad hoc vitamin supplementation in children could be hazardous.

Basically two types of vitamins, water soluble B vitamins and fat soluble A and D.

Vitamin K which is found in leafy vegetables is essential in blood clotting and bone formation. Half of Vitamin K is produced by microflora of the gut.

This piece is about hypervitaminosis.

Vitamin A excess can cause convulsions, drowsiness and abdominal cramps.

Coarse dry skin is seen in chronic toxicity.

Vitamin D excess can cause hypercalcemia, kidney stones and even renal (kidney) damage.

It is better you let the doctor decides whether one needs vitamin supplementation.

Vitamin A and D is stored in the liver and it may take months for the excess vitamins to be excreted from the body.

J.I.C.A, Dr. Yugiro Handa and TQM


Walter Shewhart

Joseph M Juran

W. Edward Deming

Armand Feigenbum

Kaoru Ishikawa

Genichi Taguchi

Shigeo Shinto

Philip B Crosby

Faculty of Dental Sciences is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

I have to remember at least 3 Japanese.
I was involved with them from laying the foundation stone.

Dr. Yugiro Handa

He is now bit flabby and I cannot remember him wearing specks but he does it now.

He is now a professor and I can remember him saying he would be going to Africa.

I told him he is better as a ambassador but he choose to improve health and more importantly Treatment of Tuberculosis in Ethiopia.

Dr. Hagiwara

This lady was the one who managed the documentation and probably statistics.
She was bit stingy and did not give me a copy of SPSS for my research work.

This lady may be now in Ghana and trying to improve Child Health in African continent.

Through Professor Asoka Ekanayake I got her to install a copy of it in the Computer Unit of the Faculty of Dental Sciences.

I managed to find a pirated copy used by the Engineering Faculty Students.

My Microsoft Windows was not pirated and I had 42 odd 720MB floppies.

No wonder I turned to Linux.

It was one of my students Sanjeewa Kandegedara who game me my first working Linux copy.

He is now a good Maxillo Facial Surgeon.

I was involved in recruiting 45 young Dental Surgeons to be sent for Training in Japan.

Only two of them came back and only one paid back the security and resigned properly from the university.

Of course, none of them can joined the university again and they are blacklisted for life.

I think I was the only one who did not ask for foreign sojourns and I did my research work in Ceylon.

By the way, one of my parallel advanced level (bright guy) students from a different school did NOT get through medicine but got a scholarship in Japan.

He tried a scholarship in UK but failed.

He came back to settle his dues in the university and got married to a Japanese lady.

I told him, Japanese are very bad in English and start an English school in Japan, jokingly.

He took me seriously and opened an English Academy in Japan.

I have not seen him since.

Professor Ama Mia
He was a retired Professor of Oral  Pathology  and I gave my room for him to share.

His English was poor but sure enough he managed to learn English in six months and he made a presentation on special staining techniques.

He dissected a hamster and manually showed the technology to our technicians.

I preserved the skin coat of the hamster and kept it as a souvenir until my retirement.

I made his presentation into a booklet for our technicians to use.

My interest was Microscopes with a video display for students. My video microscope never aligned and what I focus student could not see (no synchronization).

99% of students who had never used a microscope in school were not interested in histopathology.

All of them I believed discarded from schools but working OK after thorough check up and alignment.

I of course put my own money and bought a digital microscope used by students in America.

Just forget about Electron Microscopy in Ceylon.

Total Quality Management in Education (at least in universities)

R.W our current president (shoddy deals) is the one who destroyed out University Education for him to initiate Fee Paying Private Universities.

We developed a streamlined University Education protocol for all the universities.

R.W. came in and sacked the UGC chairman and destroyed the whole project and appointed a political goon.

Please do not believe him in his educational reforms.

His intention is to destroy our universities and install private institutions.

He is hell bent on this!

He destroyed the Quality Control of Education in Progress in the University System.

He thinks of Education like selling Wattakkas (pumpkin) and Bandakkas (ladies fingers).

When you look at him he is actually Big Pumpkin (I am referring to his brain not the belly).

5 S Principle







Total Quality Management


Change for better

Continuous improvement

The Navigation Technology in Space and Alien Technology

My simple guess of alien navigation and alien technology is that they are designed with New Physics Model in mind and not on our Einstein's model of physics.

I have deep respect for Einstein and this model should be considered my own and not a derivative of Einstein's.

The matter in the world is less than 5% and the rest is dark matter and dark energy.

The dark energy (better call it the Free Energy) has enormous potential and is limitless and one need not carry it in a tank like fuel oil.

Basic design of alien technology has to be light weight (no fuel or atomic energy to power them) and faster than the speed of light.

Here I disagree with Einstein that we cannot beat the speed of light.

If one cannot beat the speed of light one will never be a galactic traveler.

I believe the some (not all) smart aliens have figured out this New Physics and are popping from one galaxy to another like space shifters.

Space shifting is a new word in this technology.

If the alien beings cannot master body shifting changes to suit this level of high speed they are dead instantaneously in the matter sense of speed of light.

I am not going to figure out that physics here but would go straight into their possible design technology of spaceships.

Number one these spaceships do not carry energy in the form of atomic or quantum energy.

Number two the ships are of the size of moderate to enter the earth atmosphere and are enormously large to mute even our own moon.

A colony of aliens live in these ships eternally neither getting older nor younger (one becomes younger if speed of light is exceeded).

In another phrase that they are in suspended mode of living.

Popping from one place to another effortlessly.

In our terms they are *Godly Beings" without any time constraint to travel from one galaxy to another

They are extremely intelligent and have devices to remain invisible to us and other aliens to avoid contact and conflicts in space.

These spaceships are designed to avoid detection and any mode of contact.

I need a cup of tea before I go deeper into the plausible alien technology scenario.

It is not mind gone haywire but has entered a different dimension or the Fifth Dimension in physics.

We are three dimensional beings and live and die as three dimensional.

As at present our minds cannot grasp the fourth dimension in mathematics because of our earth bound interpretation of the Universe

So I have skipped the fourth and gone into Fifth Dimension by default.

Alien spaceship design may have three components.

Time Warp or Worm Holes in front.

The forward thrusting cap which looks like our top hats.

The ORB or the ship that is the living quarters of the aliens spacious in design.

I have no idea of the atmosphere of air they breath but certainly no oxygen in them by default.

Water, Oxygen and Nitrogen are rare in the Universe.

It is basically hydrogen and its derivatives that are used for light weight but energy comes from dark energy.

That is my bottom line.
Any being who can harvest the dark energy rules the Universe not earthly atomic and plausible quantum guys.

We are climbing the wrong tree and barking at the wrong tree in science of physics.

One need at least 200 or more IQ but we can only reach or master at best only 140.

The Orb and the Cap do not touch each other but work in unison

They spin in opposite direction.
The magnetic field that creates keeps them together in unison but with opposite poles like arrangement (but please do not substitute our magnetic theory into this consortium).

This arrangement I believe will beat the speed of light limitation in travel (in our three dimensional solid state ).

Once the speed of light limitation is taken off the equation the ability to move and Warp Space is limitless and one can be in two places at the same time but spinning in opposite directions by default.

So these Orb and Cap or hat arrangement make them invisible by design not only to us but other aliens.

The cap arrangement gives them the tilting  ability turn in 90, 180 and 360 degrees effortlessly (in our dimension of speaking).

But in Fifth Dimension our degrees do not exist in reality and can define what we arbitrarily call the gravity concept.

We have to overcome the one gravity trap we all are in and we cannot even penetrate the Van Allen Belt at present.

The space travel is illusive as ever until we fathom a way to harness the free energy or dark energy store waiting to be discovered by mankind.

U.N.O disclosure of an interview with an Alien Being

 U.N.O disclosure of an interview with an Alien Being
We need to revive our old industry now that foreign liqueurs are banned!
U.N.O disclosure of an interview with an Alien Being
What happens next?
Multi Purpose Multi Liner
I am fed up of quotations or one liners.
But I start with a one liner to be interspersed between Trump's Twitters.
Quotations or Twitter one liners are good for repetition or reputation of the quoter but worth nothing in between!
Now my Multi Liners come after the closure of a U.N.O disclosure of an interview with an alien being at the Water's Edge in Colombo.
This should not be taken as a hypothetical case but a real encounter.
1. One who goes and search the archives is none other than our Pope.
2. One who takes the Koran and makes a new entry with a back dated entry is a Muslim.
3. One who ask for redeem of a Merit (Kusal) Re-Commission is a Buddhist.
4. One who goes for a pee (poo is excluded by the request of the alien guy who smells like, what not?) is an Indian M.P.
5. One who takes a plaster cast (for reverse engineering) of the Teleporting Machine is a Chinese.
6. One who taps the wire or the computer system is a friend of Putin.
7. One who sends a ballistic missile for testing is a North Korean scientist.
8. One who orders an  anti-ballistic missile from America is a South Koren.
9. One who asks the closing question after the disclosure is over is an American Journalist (he is still sceptic that aliens are real) from CNN.
He asks are you really an Alien from the Alien/s?
FOX News wait till TRUMP has his first twitter feed to enlarge upon!
10. One who orders to look up instead of look down is P.M. Abe of Japan (No Japanese has ever seen an alien due to the polite head bending attitude to foreigners and foreign affairs.
11. One who digs his own grave is an old communist from Ceylon.
12. One who asks for a pint-ah (Pilsner, Lager, Stout, McCallum's Three Coins ) is our Finance Minister after the budget speech.
13. One who test a Nuclear Missile is an Iranian.
14. One who blames America for financial melt down is a Saudi Foreign Minister.
This list can go and anybody can edit or reinvent it but the catch 22 or the catch phrase is;
33. One who asks for a long term loan to settle old loans of an adversary is none other than our own P.M.
Old Breweries in Ceylon (now defunct after J.R.J),
The largest of Sri Lanka's brewers is the Lion Brewery, which is also the oldest brewery in the country. It produces over 80% of Sri Lanka's beers. In 1988 it constructed a new brewery at Biyagama to replace the century-old facility at Nuwara Eliya. In 1993 the brewery became              a subsidiary of Carson Cumberbatch & Co Ltd, and in 1996 the Carlsberg Group acquired a 25% share of the company. The brewery's portfolio includes lagers, strong beers and stouts, notably Lion, Lion Strong and Lion Stout. The company also brews Carlsberg and Guinness under license. The brewery exports its beers to the U.S., Europe, Japan, Australia and the Maldives.
The largest of Sri Lanka's brewers is the Lion Brewery, which is also the oldest brewery in the country. It produces over 80% of Sri Lanka's beers. In 1988 it constructed a new brewery at Biyagama to replace the century-old facility at Nuwara Eliya. In 1993 the brewery became a subsidiary of Carson Cumberbatch & Co Ltd, and in 1996 the Carlsberg Group acquired a 25% share of the company. The brewery's portfolio includes lagers, strong beers and stouts, notably Lion, Lion Strong and Lion Stout. The company also brews Carlsberg and Guinness under license. The brewery exports its beers to the U.S., Europe, Japan, Australia and the Maldives.
Sri Lanka's second largest brewer is Asia Pacific Brewery Lanka Limited, which acquired local brewer, United Brewery, in 2005. Asia Pacific Breweries is a Singaporean-based joint venture between Heineken International and Fraser and Neave. It has a brewery in Mawathagama where it produces a range of King beers, including Bison XXtra, Kings Lager, Kings Pilsner and Kings Stout.
The country's third and smallest brewer is the McCallum Brewery, which was established in 1963 in Meegoda. In 2011 the brewery was acquired by Cargills Ceylon PLC. It produces a number of lagers, ales and stouts, notably Three Coins and Sando Stout.

Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie is no more


Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie is no more.

We have lost two outstanding personalities within the space of 3 weeks.

Mr. Steve Job of Apple Mac is one of them.

The other one is Mr.Dennis Ritchie.

He coauthored with Mr. Kernighan “The C Programming Language” (popularly known as “K. & R.).
That was the beginning of modern computing.

He (Mathematician) was the principal designer of the C programming language and co-developer of the Unix operating system, working closely with Mr. Ken Thompson (Electrical Engineer), his longtime Bell Labs collaborator.
His father, Alistair, was an engineer at Bell Labs.

He was recruited by the Sandia National Laboratories, which conducted weapons research and testing.
In fact making A Bomb.

He left Sandia National Laboratories and Joined Bell Labs and remained there till 2007.

Thank god he left lab testing Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Linux we use today originated form UNIX he pioneered.
It is strange coincidence that when cloud computing is on the horizon and tablet becoming  a universal utility both of them passed away without seeing their dream products.

There are two others that matter.
They are Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds.
These two will oversee that these products are within the reach of every human being with Amazon bringing the price of Kindle down.

There going to be a sea change.

We have to turn back and reflect on these gentleman's achievements.

 It was all collective responsibility.

Protecting Maternal Rights

Mothers are vulnerable in any society. Having said that some mothers may even kill their babies. It is often the father who becomes brutal.

1. Mothers have the right to refuse pregnancy.

2. Mothers should have the right to decide how many children they would bear.

3. Right to termination of pregnancy is a dicey topic.
It involves many factors.

I consider it as killing of an innocent life what ever the period of gestation.

4. Family planning is a nice term but often a difficult task.

5. I say children are born by accident.

First child is often wanted.
One does all the mistakes with the first child.
He or she is often lighter in weight.

The second child is generally planned but often another accident.

One does less mistakes with the second child but he or she has to share old toys. Second born children are often remain tolerant of the first.

Sibling rivalry starts in school age.

6. Many parents go nutty with the third child.

I will leave it, at that.

7. Fourth child is a numerical number.

I was born 4th.

Because I was a number in the family, I had the freedom of choice.

Parents were too busy dealing with the first three.

That may be the reason I have become a free thinker.

Religion, race, caste, creed and power do not affect my thinking.

Bit dominant in outlook in a crowd but tolerant and considerate.

Waiting in a queue (waited for the plate of rice at home but never ate left overs) was a natural behaviour.

8. Any number above 5 irrespective of the sex become gangsters.

Ranatunge family is a good example.

9. In big family either mother becomes a slave or a mafia boss.

Ma Baker is an excellent example.

10. My mother lived to ripe old age of nineties but in the last two years she slept a lot without sedatives.

She even forgot the days.

11. I think I should kick the bucket by 80 but earlier, if I become demented and forgetful.

My current pastime is sleeping without dreams.

Yesterday I woke up in a dream.

I missed the train from Kandy to Colombo.
I had a reserved ticket and the panic in my dream was due to the lost reservation seat.

12. I am booking a Reservation Ticket to my next life but it is a very small ticket not like an
Australian Digital VISA Form.

Do we, the Mankind need a religion in the 21stcentury?

 Do we, the Mankind need a religion in the 21stcentury?

My simple answer to that is a BIG NO.
Religion divides people and it was a creation of mankind somewhere around 3000 years ago in the rich and fertile Middle East.
The time scale of three thousand years is statistically insignificant, if the man’s current estimated evolutionary diversion, if we assume it had taken place at about 50,000 years ago.
Drastic genetic change occurred around 3 to 5million years ago and it took minimum of two and a half million years for establishment of humanoids.
In that sense 3000 years is nothing but from the time man started counting millenniums, this 3000 years had become historically important.
I believe it is the time of resurgence of the idea or the need for some form of arbitrary religion for  human exploitation.
After 40,000 (10,000 years ago) years from that point agricultural civilization started to emerge and in which part of the world, I would not guess.
It could have been anywhere, given the evolution of grasses to present grain producing wild cereals.
This estimation go haywire, if we assume humanoids were galactic explorers, in the style of “Star Wars and visitors from the outer space or aliens.
My classification during this period of 50,000 can be simplified in few term.
1. Man hunted by the beast.
2. Man hunting the beast including woolly mammoth.
The woolly mammoth coexisted with early humans, who used its bones and tusks for making art, tools, and dwellings, and the species was also hunted for food.
It disappeared from its mainland range at the end of the Pleistocene 10,000 years ago, most likely through climate change and consequent shrinkage of its habitat, or hunting by humans, or a combination of the two.
Isolated populations survived on St. Paul Island until 6,400 years ago and Wrangell Island until 4,000 years ago.
3. Gatherer
4. Trader
Around 5000 years ago trading elephants hunted from North Africa.
They were supplying war effort of Romans before their decline.
These traders coming probably from Middle East probably did not have a religion.
5. Current civilization was seeded around Egypt.
6. Theory of God emerged somewhere around 3000 probably nearer Israel.
7. Explosion of religions in Indian subcontinent except Russia and China.
8. The current working religion is Money.
There is no place for any other religion other than money.
Whichever way one looks this scenario, the final working philosophy is to generate money.
The concepts of Capitalism or Socialism does not mater if they are weighed with money.
My analysis is based on right and wrong principle.
It differs from the good or bad principle of all the religions.
My definition of Right is neither good nor bad or neutral.

In other words might is right.

Its appropriateness is to current needs and not to the past.

If a Muslim can kill another as an infidel and say it is godly thing and good, there is something radically wrong.
Killing or war is not the right way.
It is the beastly behaviour in our gene makeup expressed at random.
In the 21st century we need our animal genes to be suppressed.
The religion originated in the name of god and good but it has not delivered its key concepts to the current needs of the mankind.
Christianity and Muslim Divide started the Bible War.
Judaism in the Middle East and the Oil needs of America instituted the ongoing terrorism and war in the Middle east.
The way UNO drew lines in the world map quite arbitrarily after the World War II and made countries to whims and fancies of UK, USA and France (Italy, Germany and Japan were left out) and left Palestine to their own devices.
It is not rectified to this day.
So it is time for the UNO to declare “A day for People Without Religion” (in other words people without division) is timely and appropriate.
China did not have a religion for over 5000 years.

The Buddhism reached there about 1700 years ago and was established in there in 1400 years ago and over 1000 years it gradually disintegrated.

For some reason or other, they hated Buddhism and Ma’O Se Tung did the finishing touch.

Does it mater to Chinese citizens?
Russia did not have a state religion for the last 150 years, after the demise of the Tsar and Rasputin, the devil in the Church of Russia.
Does it matter to Russians?
According to one of my Indian friends, there are 1 billion Indians and one billion gods.
Does it make an Indian free of abject poverty?
The whole African continent did not have a religion until Muslims from the North and Christianity from the South almost by force (Belgium was the biggest culprit) converted them.
Does it mean now the Africans are liberated?
I suppose Nelson Mandela (astute vision) never declared his religious status.
For him humanity was more important.
(The right thing is to decimate terrorism be that it may be, white supremacists, JVP, LTTE, ISIS, Mossads, Natzy Hitler or any other dictator).
In fact, we got rid of one dictator by popular vote but he is waiting in the wing for another fling, his God willing (not any other God).
I sometime think this tiny country was the breeding ground for radicalism and terrorism.
It is the minority who rules the majority.
Even in this country, Buddhism has fallen prey to politicians with ulterior motives and corrupt monks trading elephants.
This country would become a better place if we declare once a months a holiday for people without a religion, just like the Poya (including Satara Poya) day (for Buddhists), Friday (Muslims) and Sunday (Christians).
Unfortunately there is no day for Hindus and they are all peaceful beings.
If one set off 12 days for the above and another four the Tamils we still have 14 days left.
We must reserve at least one day a month (before these 14 days are grabbed by various extreme sets of religious or political groups) in the coming Constitution for the non believers of religion and specially for the non believers of our politicians and politics.
On that day, the government should keep all liqueur bars open for only non believers (believers should be restrained in their own houses or in the Church, Mosque or Temple).
Come to think about and looking at the budget figures I am convinced believers (all religions combined) drink much more than the non believers.
The non believers although in the minority should contribute to the state coffers by enjoying a drink once a month.
For some in this country (not me) democracy is as sacred as religion but we find a way to send only the corrupt people to the parliament by default.
For me it is one fool out 100 non fools who makes the decisive vote (49 against 51).
He is often the most foolish of the lot but ends up as the leader of the country.
This is why, I never registered for the vote (over 40 years) come elections and feel proud that I am liberated from not only religion but also from DUD political leaders of this country.
In other words, I am emancipated by default, not out of convention, contention or context or conviction.
I suppose all the other guys and girls consider me gone nuts.
It does not matter to me, this country is full of nutty people and they are in one asylum called august assembly or the parliament.
There is a section in the Apaya International reserved for them when they demise.
I wish I become the Director General there, since our Solicitor General always sees lines between lines in the interpretation of our law.
It is called transparency.
Our Minister for Justice say hooray to this mediocre guy / girl in the name of non interference (Mara Logic Ekkak!). 
Strangely, he happens to be the Minister for Buddhism.
I think he is trying to attain SOVAN or higher sublime state during his term of office.
I hope he will give up the post when that happens.
An average citizen until then should bite his teeth (not in he courts of law, he will be charged).

Vladimir Putin

Old Piece of mine

Vladimir  Putin

This is to make a statement about Russians not much about President Putin.

He seems to be the only man on the driving seat of the World

30 million Russians died fighting Germans Nazis.

Stalin and Trotsky were the architects of this victory.

Neither Winston Churchill nor Roosevelt helped until Russians entered Berlin causing total defeat of Nazis. 

Nazis are raising their heads again, through Ukraine and CIA.

When things go bad CIA will sacrifice Zelensky and it is their normal game plan.

East German Angela Merkel was a BIG Cheat on behalf of CIA in 2014.

I believe the Nazi Rump has infiltrated the CIA.

The Canadian incident and Bandera Outfit of Zelensky are the proof of the pudding.

Americans want to undermine the Germans and they blew up the Russian pipeline.

Russia has got another gas pipeline and they should never give gas to Germany for another 10 years (they should not be allowed to operate Nuclear Power, lest they develop nuclear arsenal).

Zelensky wanted to develop Nuclear Arms in on of their Nuclear Plants.

This is where Russians decided to say enough is enough and got hold of one of the two operating systems.

Other plant is still disputed.

CIA plans unlike good old days are blatantly obvious.
Iran Nuclear deal is not OK but Ukraine developing nuclear arsenal is OK.

In spite of fighting wars in the past  Iran and Russia, are mending their ways.

Enemies' enemy is a good friend!

Israel has to walk on a tight rope.
There are lot of Jews still in Russia.

Trotsky was a Jew.

Zelensky is supposed to be Jew is with  Nazi Bandera outfit.

Russia is giving Nuclear Fuel to Bangladesh.
Western hegemony is falling down under President Biden.

Turkey and India playing double deals and can never be trusted.

Coming to President Putin he is not sacrificing his foot soldiers unlike Stalin.

His rockets are plummeting Western arm dumps in Ukraine. 

CIA attempt to temporary ceasefire is to hoodwink Russia again like Angela Merkel.

Stalin of course developed the Nuclear Bomb for Russia.

Putin is selling his Nuclear Fuel and France cannot have double deals for its small Nuclear reactors.

Putin has changed, this world upside down and he never  trusted UK, USA and Canada.

Australia has to walk a tight rope, since it has to get its gas from outside or go nuclear.

It is a changing world.

I wish I kick the bucket earlier than late.

Origin of Russia

Largest land locked country spreading form East to West.
They are called Slavs but this distinction is not clear.

They are depicted as modern warriors.
Venedi a Germanic tribe.
Slavic tribe.
During the expansion Slavic linguistic group the Russian ethnic group emerged in the middle ages.
Probably Swedish vikings.
Cossacks were defeated by Slavic of Russian origin.
Kiev was Russian territory.
Russians invaded the Byzantine (Greeks) in the Baltics.

Russe were not baptized.

Pagan and a worrier god for Russe against the Christian god.

Drinking is the Joy of Russians.
Russe later became Christians.
Russe fragmented to 12 regions.

Russia, Byelorussia and Ukraine were born.

On the Eastern front Mongols invaded Mongolia.
Lithuania conquered Byelorussia and Ukraine.
Russians defeated the Mongols and Tartars.

Poland-Lithuvanian commonwealth finally was defeated by Tsar of Russia.

First and Second wars consolidated Russian domination.

In 1991 U.S.S.R was dissolved and individual countries regained independence.

Russe Civilization

Ukraine did not exist 1000 years ago.
Russe State was created by Vikings, consisted of Russia and Ukraine.
Vladimir the Great could be considered as the founder.
He introduced Orthodox Christianity from Byzantine (Greek) empire.
It integrated to different principalities.
Invaded by Mongols.

Cossacks 300 years ago created the modern Ukraine.

Russia occupied Kiev east bank Ukraine.

Poland ceded right bank to Ukraine.
Ukraine was under U.S.S.R.

Famine occured during Stalin's regime.

Steppe stretching from Ukraine in the West and Mongolia on the East.

History, conquests and migration have shaped its culture.

Dry and treeless.

Grasslands have given birth to horses, cattle and many grains.

Moon Theory

I have my own theory.

This is not as outlandish as the theory of Binary Star (dead star gives the stability) origin of our solar system.

It is all related to the meteorite hit/s of the past, certainly longer than 65 millions years.

This hypothesis is based on the idea of the non existing part of the
Gondwanaland  and the relative lack of land mass below India and Ceylon.

The "Theory is", the great impact that the meteorite had caused to the landmass (
Gondwanaland) to carve out a moon for our earth.

In other words earth came first.

The moon came second.

The moon is not spherical but caved in (on the not visible side).

The gravitational stability was created due to this "cave in" and the spinning of the moon synchronised with the earth due to this impact (that caused caving on the non visible opposite side). 

It is also possible much of the moon mass  was burned away or extinguished!

Additionally I DO NOT believe America landed on the moon on the first attempt.

Landing would have been difficult due to this "caving" on the surface.

Additionally the shadows created by caving in may even hinder perfect visibility.

The craters on the moon would have been due to succession or series of meteorite hits. 

Because of lack of atmosphere and no weathering effect these craters are still visible on the other side of the moon.

The effects of the meteorite hits would have amplified the caving effects (that was already present) at the time of its origin due to a massive meteorite hit.

Even though the crust or material is the same moon's age is equivalent to 4.5 billion years minus the time when the meteorite hit the earth. 

Assuming, it happened 3 billion years ago the age of the moon is only 1.5 billion years.

So any meteorite hits on the earth before 1.5 billion years ago would have no corresponding craters on the moon, if the moon was also hit by same the meteorite shower..

On earth due to weathering effect craters are NOT visible.

This hypothesis is plausible.

But the moon landing was an American Hoax!

Americans without the help of Stanly Kubrick are very good producing fantastic films.

I come to the age of realizing fictional films watching is a waste of my time and they nowhere near Truth or Reality.

2000 Odessy is one example.

Philosophically speaking Truth or Absolute Truth is hard to fathom.

For 2500 years we believed in Creator God and believing moon landing is a similar fallacy.

Tell me the benefit of landing a manned object (Russians did land an unmanned object, a decade ago) on the moon with an object 3 times as heavy as the Russian unmanned object (without men on board)?

The rocket had to be bigger and the total expenditure probably 5 times, the cost of Russians.

Russians are clever but Americans are stupid economically speaking, if not technologically.

Russians have spend the saved money on missiles (to protect the mother land) with AI technology which the Americans are far behind in manufacturing and the Americans have lost the battle on earth (in Ukraine).

That is the bottom line of thinking of Russians.

Save the mother land at any cost!