Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sigalovada Sutta: The Discourse to Sigala The Layperson's Code of Discipline

Sigalovada Sutta: The Discourse to Sigala
The Layperson's Code of Discipline
translated from the Pali by
Narada Thera
Alternate translation: Kelly/Sawyer/Yareham

Thus have I heard:

On one occasion the Exalted One was dwelling in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrels' Sanctuary, near Rajagaha.

Now at that time, young Sigala, a householder's son, rising early in the morning, departing from Rajagaha, with wet clothes and wet hair, worshiped with joined hands the various quarters — the East, the South, the West, the North, the Nadir, and the Zenith.

Then the Exalted One (Buddha) , having robed himself in the forenoon took bowl and robe, and entered Rajagaha for alms. 

Now he saw young Sigala worshiping thus and spoke to him as follows:

"Wherefore do you, young householder, rising early in the morning, departing from Rajagaha, with wet clothes and wet hair, worship, with joined hands these various quarters — the East, the South, the West, the North, the Nadir, and the Zenith?"

"My father, Lord, while dying, said to me: The six quarters, dear son, you shall worship. And I, Lord, respecting, revering, reverencing and honoring my father's word, rise early in the morning, and leaving Rajagaha, with wet clothes and wet hair, worship with joined hands, these six quarters."

"It is not thus, young householder, the six quarters should be worshiped in the discipline of the noble."

"How then, Lord, should the six quarters be worshiped in the discipline of the noble? It is well, Lord, if the Exalted One would teach the doctrine to me showing how the six quarters should be worshiped in the discipline of the noble."

"Well, young householder, listen and bear it well in mind; I shall speak." — "Very good, Lord," responded young Sigala.

And the Exalted One spoke as follows:

"Inasmuch, young householder, as the noble disciple  has eradicated the four vices in conduct, inasmuch as he commits no evil action in four ways,  inasmuch as he pursues not the six channels for dissipating wealth, he thus, avoiding these fourteen evil things, covers the six quarters, and enters the path leading to victory in both worlds: he is favored in this world and in the world beyond. 

Upon the dissolution of the body, after death, he is born in a happy heavenly realm.

(1) "What are the four vices in conduct that he has eradicated? 

The destruction of life, householder, is a vice and so are stealing, sexual misconduct, and lying. These are the four vices that he has eradicated."

Thus spoke the Exalted One. And when the Master had thus spoken, he spoke yet again:

Killing, stealing, lying and adultery, These four evils the wise never praise. 

(2) "In which four ways does one commit no evil action? 

Led by desire does one commit evil. 

Led by anger does one commit evil. 

Led by ignorance does one commit evil. 

Led by fear does one commit evil.

  (Four agati, 'evil courses of action': chanda, dosa, moha, bhaya)

"But inasmuch as the noble disciple is not led by desire, anger, ignorance, and fear, he commits no evil."

Thus spoke the Exalted One. 

And when the Master had thus spoken, he spoke yet again:

Whoever through desire, hate or fear, Or ignorance should transgress the Dhamma, All his glory fades away Like the moon during the waning half. Whoever through desire, hate or fear, Or ignorance never transgresses the Dhamma, All his glory ever increases Like the moon during the waxing half. 

(3) "What are the six channels for dissipating wealth which he does not pursue?

(a) "indulgence in intoxicants which cause infatuation and heedlessness; 
(b) sauntering in streets at unseemly hours;  
(c) frequenting theatrical shows;  
(d) indulgence in gambling which causes heedlessness; 
(e) association with evil companions; 
(f) the habit of idleness.

(a) "There are, young householder, these six evil consequences in indulging in intoxicants which cause infatuation and heedlessness:

(i) loss of wealth, 
(ii) increase of quarrels, 
(iii) susceptibility to disease, 
(iv) earning an evil reputation, 
(v) shameless exposure of body, 
(vi) weakening of intellect. 

(b) "There are, young householder, these six evil consequences in sauntering in streets at unseemly hours:

(i) he himself is unprotected and unguarded, 
(ii) his wife and children are unprotected and unguarded, 
(iii) his property is unprotected and unguarded, 
(iv) he is suspected of evil deeds,
(v) he is subject to false rumours, 
(vi) he meets with many troubles. 

(c) "There are, young householder, these six evil consequences in frequenting theatrical shows. He is ever thinking:

(i) where is there dancing? 
(ii) where is there singing? 
(iii) where is there music? 
(iv) where is there recitation? 
(v) where is there playing with cymbals? 
(vi) where is there pot-blowing?

(d) "There are, young householder, these six evil consequences in indulging in gambling:

(i) the winner begets hate, 
(ii) the loser grieves for lost wealth, 
(iii) loss of wealth, 
(iv) his word is not relied upon in a court of law, 
(v) he is despised by his friends and associates, 
(vi) he is not sought after for matrimony; for people would say he is a gambler and is not fit to look after a wife.


(e) "There are, young householder, these six evil consequences in associating with evil companions, namely: 

any gambler, 

any libertine, 

any drunkard,

 any swindler,

 any cheat, 

any rowdy is his friend and companion.

(f) "There are, young householder, these six evil consequences in being addicted to idleness:

"He does no work, saying:

(i) that it is extremely cold, 
(ii) that it is extremely hot, 
(iii) that it is too late in the evening, 
(iv) that it is too early in the morning, 
(v) that he is extremely hungry, 
(vi) that he is too full.

"Living in this way, he leaves many duties undone, new wealth he does not get, and wealth he has acquired dwindles away."

Thus spoke the Exalted One. And when the Master had thus spoken, he spoke yet again:

"One is a bottle friend; one says, 'friend, friend' only to one's face; one is a friend and an associate only when it is advantageous.

"Sleeping till sunrise, adultery, irascibility, malevolence, evil companions, avarice — these six causes ruin a man.

"The man who has evil comrades and friends is given to evil ways, to ruin does he fall in both worlds — here and the next.

"Dice, women, liquor, dancing, singing, sleeping by day, sauntering at unseemly hours, evil companions, avarice — these nine causes ruin a man.

"Who plays with dice and drinks intoxicants, goes to women who are dear unto others as their own lives, associates with the mean and not with elders — he declines just as the moon during the waning half.

"Who is drunk, poor, destitute, still thirsty whilst drinking, frequents the bars, sinks in debt as a stone in water, swiftly brings disrepute to his family.

"Who by habit sleeps by day, and keeps late hours, is ever intoxicated, and is licentious, is not fit to lead a household life.

"Who says it is too hot, too cold, too late, and leaves things undone, the opportunities for good go past such men.

"But he who does not regard cold or heat any more than a blade of grass and who does his duties manfully, does not fall away from happiness."

"These four, young householder, should be understood as foes in the guise of friends:

(1) he who appropriates a friend's possessions, 
(2) he who renders lip-service,  
(3) he who flatters,  
(4) he who brings ruin.


(1) "In four ways, young householder, should one who appropriates be understood as a foe in the guise of a friend:

(i) he appropriates his friend's wealth, 
(ii) he gives little and asks much, 
(iii) he does his duty out of fear, 
(iv) he associates for his own advantage.


(2) "In four ways, young householder, should one who renders lip-service be understood as a foe in the guise of a friend:

(i) he makes friendly profession as regards the past, 
(ii) he makes friendly profession as regards the future, 
(iii) he tries to gain one's favor by empty words, 
(iv) when opportunity for service has arisen, he expresses his inability. 

(3) "In four ways, young householder, should one who flatters be understood as a foe in the guise of a friend:

(i) he approves of his friend's evil deeds, 
(ii) he disapproves his friend's good deeds, 
(iii) he praises him in his presence, 
(iv) he speaks ill of him in his absence. 

(4) "In four ways, young householder, should one who brings ruin be understood as a foe in the guise of a friend:

(i) he is a companion in indulging in intoxicants that cause infatuation and heedlessness,
(ii) he is a companion in sauntering in streets at unseemly hours, 
(iii) he is a companion in frequenting theatrical shows, 
(iv) he is a companion in indulging in gambling which causes heedlessness."

Thus spoke the Exalted One. And when the Master had thus spoken, he spoke yet again:

The friend who appropriates, the friend who renders lip-service, the friend that flatters, the friend who brings ruin, these four as enemies the wise behold, avoid them from afar as paths of peril.

"These four, young householder, should be understood as warm hearted friends:

(1) he who is a helpmate,  
(2) he who is the same in happiness and sorrow,  
(3) he who gives good counsel,  
(4) he who sympathizes. 

(1) "In four ways, young householder, should a helpmate be understood as a warm hearted friend:

(i) he guards the heedless, 
(ii) he protects the wealth of the heedless, 
(iii) he becomes a refuge when you are in danger, 
(iv) when there are commitments he provides you with double the supply needed.

(2) "In four ways, young householder, should one who is the same in happiness and sorrow be understood as a warm hearted friend:

(i) he reveals his secrets, 
(ii) he conceals one's own secrets, 
(iii) in misfortune he does not forsake one, 
(iv) his life even he sacrifices for one's sake. 

(3) "In four ways, young householder, should one who gives good counsel be understood as a warm hearted friend:

(i) he restrains one from doing evil, 
(ii) he encourages one to do good, 
(iii) he informs one of what is unknown to oneself, 
(iv) he points out the path to heaven. 

(4) "In four ways, young householder, should one who sympathizes be understood as a warm hearted friend:

(i) he does not rejoice in one's misfortune, 
(ii) he rejoices in one's prosperity, 
(iii) he restrains others speaking ill of oneself, 
(iv) he praises those who speak well of oneself."

Thus spoke the Exalted One. And when the Master had thus spoken, he spoke yet again:

The friend who is a helpmate, the friend in happiness and woe, the friend who gives good counsel, the friend who sympathizes too — these four as friends the wise behold and cherish them devotedly as does a mother her own child. The wise and virtuous shine like a blazing fire. He who acquires his wealth in harmless ways like to a bee that honey gathers,[6] riches mount up for him like ant hill's rapid growth. With wealth acquired this way, a layman fit for household life, in portions four divides his wealth: thus will he friendship win. One portion for his wants he uses, two portions on his business spends, the fourth for times of need he keeps.

"And how, young householder, does a noble disciple cover the six quarters?

"The following should be looked upon as the six quarters. The parents should be looked upon as the East, teachers as the South, wife and children as the West, friends and associates as the North, servants and employees as the Nadir, ascetics and brahmans as the Zenith.

"In five ways, young householder, a child should minister to his parents as the East:

(i) Having supported me I shall support them, 
(ii) I shall do their duties, 
(iii) I shall keep the family tradition, 
(iv) I shall make myself worthy of my inheritance, 
(v) furthermore I shall offer alms in honor of my departed relatives

"In five ways, young householder, the parents thus ministered to as the East by their children, show their compassion:

(i) they restrain them from evil, 
(ii) they encourage them to do good, 
(iii) they train them for a profession, 
(iv) they arrange a suitable marriage, 
(v) at the proper time they hand over their inheritance to them.

"In these five ways do children minister to their parents as the East and the parents show their compassion to their children. Thus is the East covered by them and made safe and secure.

"In five ways, young householder, a pupil should minister to a teacher as the South:

(i) by rising from the seat in salutation, 
(ii) by attending on him, 
(iii) by eagerness to learn, 
(iv) by personal service, 
(v) by respectful attention while receiving instructions.

"In five ways, young householder, do teachers thus ministered to as the South by their pupils, show their compassion:

(i) they train them in the best discipline, 
(ii) they see that they grasp their lessons well, 
(iii) they instruct them in the arts and sciences, 
(iv) they introduce them to their friends and associates, 
(v) they provide for their safety in every quarter.

"The teachers thus ministered to as the South by their pupils, show their compassion towards them in these five ways. Thus is the South covered by them and made safe and secure.

"In five ways, young householder, should a wife as the West be ministered to by a husband:

(i) by being courteous to her, 
(ii) by not despising her, 
(iii) by being faithful to her, 
(iv) by handing over authority to her, 
(v) by providing her with adornments.

"The wife thus ministered to as the West by her husband shows her compassion to her husband in five ways:

(i) she performs her duties well, 
(ii) she is hospitable to relations and attendants
(iii) she is faithful, 
(iv) she protects what he brings, 
(v) she is skilled and industrious in discharging her duties.

"In these five ways does the wife show her compassion to her husband who ministers to her as the West. Thus is the West covered by him and made safe and secure.

"In five ways, young householder, should a clansman minister to his friends and associates as the North:

(i) by liberality, 
(ii) by courteous speech, 
(iii) by being helpful, 
(iv) by being impartial, 
(v) by sincerity.

"The friends and associates thus ministered to as the North by a clansman show compassion to him in five ways:

(i) they protect him when he is heedless, 
(ii) they protect his property when he is heedless, 
(iii) they become a refuge when he is in danger, 
(iv) they do not forsake him in his troubles, 
(v) they show consideration for his family.

"The friends and associates thus ministered to as the North by a clansman show their compassion towards him in these five ways. Thus is the North covered by him and made safe and secure.

"In five ways should a master minister to his servants and employees as the Nadir:

(i) by assigning them work according to their ability, 
(ii) by supplying them with food and with wages, 
(iii) by tending them in sickness, 
(iv) by sharing with them any delicacies, 
(v) by granting them leave at times.

"The servants and employees thus ministered to as the Nadir by their master show their compassion to him in five ways:

(i) they rise before him, 
(ii) they go to sleep after him, 
(iii) they take only what is given, 
(iv) they perform their duties well, 
(v) they uphold his good name and fame.

"The servants and employees thus ministered to as the Nadir show their compassion towards him in these five ways. Thus is the Nadir covered by him and made safe and secure.

"In five ways, young householder, should a householder minister to ascetics and brahmans as the Zenith:

(i) by lovable deeds, 
(ii) by lovable words, 
(iii) by lovable thoughts, 
(iv) by keeping open house to them, 
(v) by supplying their material needs.

"The ascetics and brahmans thus ministered to as the Zenith by a householder show their compassion towards him in six ways:

(i) they restrain him from evil, 
(ii) they persuade him to do good, 
(iii) they love him with a kind heart, 
(iv) they make him hear what he has not heard, 
(v) they clarify what he has already heard, 
(vi) they point out the path to a heavenly state.

"In these six ways do ascetics and brahmans show their compassion towards a householder who ministers to them as the Zenith. Thus is the Zenith covered by him and made safe and secure." Thus spoke the Exalted One. And when the Master had thus spoken, he spoke yet again:

The mother and father are the East, The Teachers are the South, Wife and Children are the West, The friends and associates are the North. Servants and employees are the Nadir, The ascetics and brahmans are the Zenith; Who is fit to lead the household life, These six quarters he should salute. Who is wise and virtuous, Gentle and keen-witted, Humble and amenable, Such a one to honor may attain. Who is energetic and not indolent, In misfortune unshaken, Flawless in manner and intelligent, Such a one to honor may attain. Who is hospitable, and friendly, Liberal and unselfish, A guide, an instructor, a leader, Such a one to honor may attain. Generosity, sweet speech, Helpfulness to others, Impartiality to all, As the case demands. These four winning ways make the world go round, As the linchpin in a moving car. If these in the world exist not, Neither mother nor father will receive, Respect and honor from their children. Since these four winning ways The wise appraise in every way, To eminence they attain, And praise they rightly gain.

When the Exalted One had spoken thus, Sigala, the young householder, said as follows:

"Excellent, Lord, excellent! It is as if, Lord, a man were to set upright that which was overturned, or were to reveal that which was hidden, or were to point out the way to one who had gone astray, or were to hold a lamp amidst the darkness, so that those who have eyes may see. Even so, has the doctrine been explained in various ways by the Exalted One.

"I take refuge, Lord, in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha. May the Exalted One receive me as a lay follower; as one who has taken refuge from this very day to life's end."


kamma-kilesa, lit., 'actions of defilement.'
These are the four agati, 'evil courses of action': chanda, dosa, moha, bhaya.
Crimes committed by others.
A kind of amusement.
The Pali original has here "six causes" as two compound words and one double-term phrase are counted as units.
Dhammapada v. 49: "As a bee, without harming the flower, its color or scent, flies away, collecting only the honey..."
This portion includes what is spent on good works: gifts to monks, charity, etc.
"The symbolism is deliberately chosen: as the day in the East, so life begins with parents' care; teacher's fees and the South are the same word: dakkhina; domestic cares follow when the youth becomes man, as the West holds the later daylight; North is 'beyond' (uttara), so by help of friends, etc., he gets beyond troubles." — (Rhys Davids)
This is a sacred custom of the Aryans who never forgot the dead. This tradition is still faithfully observed by the Buddhists of Sri Lanka who make ceremonial offerings of alms to the monks on the eighth day, in the third month, and on each anniversary of the demise of the parents. Merit of these good actions is offered to the departed after such ceremony. Moreover after every punna-kamma (good action), a Buddhist never fails to think of his parents and offer merit. Such is the loyalty and the gratitude shown to parents as advised by the Buddha.
lit., 'the folk around' (parijana).

Be yourself

Monday, August 15, 2016
Be yourself!

Be yourself!

Why do I say “Do not hunt aliens.”

For the simple reason, they will reciprocate.

If you hunt aliens, they hunt you down with much vigour they can muster.

Ignore them and get on with your own self.

This is why I hate these guys/girls who say and claim, they have open up an avenue for communication with a cosmic order or channel.

There are two of my own reasons for the aversion.

One reason is, over 90% of them are human tricksters and suckers.

The rest 10%, if you consider them genuine, they are already sucked up to the alien influences, God knows for what reason, most likely selfish, I believe.

Protect yourself from outside influences what ever they may be, and enjoy yourself to the utmost bliss not hindered by living or dead souls.

That is where “Moment Meditation” will inspire you to a higher mental order of yourself.

You do not have to share (in true sense one cannot) this experience with anybody including yourself (it is transient and temporary) but enjoy the discovery and enlightenment.

Imagine one can read the mind of another (God may be).

See the chaos it creates.

There over 7 billion chaos to conquer.

Would you ever try this in real life.

It is utter madness.

Be yourself, this moment and the next that not yet come.

Do not look back over the past even if one can remember.

Memory is a temporary store anyway.


I poem and a verse on MM elsewhere in the same blog post.

Coronavirus, Walk Down The Memory Lane

These are some of the things I miss in Australia


Walk Down The Memory Lane

This piece is very long as long as 6 Kilometers I walked today.

Original plan was to walk 5 Kilometers but I extended it by one more, since walking was unhindered by vehicles except for an occasional push bike or a motor bike.

Mind you there were many three wheelers breaking the travel ban.

I had no fear of 6 Kilometers, since I tested my 70th birthday to Dunhjnda Ella running with younger guys and girls.
The Moderna vaccine of Coronavirus  that caused prolonged Myocarditis and with the global skeletal muscle weakness, presently I cannot carry more than 5KG of weight.

Walk was similar to the days of curfews and fear of bomb blasts with soldiers manning every junction or turning point but without any fear but few standalone prowlers (in fact, one I managed to avoid having noticed him.from a safe distance before he noticing me) that I hate.

I must make a note of this guy.
His instinct in survival mode is exemplary.
If he entered the University  (my goodness not here, they destroy all potentials and hopes,  in one solid year) in a foreign land he would have ended up as a professor of economy.

I think he has more money in the bank than me.

He is a cash dealer for the desperate.

In fact, he was dealing with a transaction with a guy, so that he failed to notice me.

His modes operandum is to pose as a vagrant anywhere in this Island from Colombo to Peradeniya.

He begs as a living and has a built up a composition  to go with his trade.
I believe he had vouched not to follow his father but build up his economy, on his own.
He puts the money in banks with high interest rate.

The interest he pawns outside the bank.

So he gets duplicate (double) interest on the same piece of Ceylon currency notes.


If he is not paid back he comes out with raw filth in public

Without knowing I assumed that he is a vagrant and used to give him money starting with dirty 10 Rupee note but gradually it went up to 100, inflation taking toll.

Now I give him money through third party and Coronavirus was my reasoning and I told him one day, that I will give a nasty blow to his head, if he interrupts me in my routines.

He never begs in the Kandy city and in the city I never dish out money to beggars and tell the police to take them away.

The Kandy Police does a good job of it.

By the way, he  may have tried Kandy but would have been evicted by the Some of Kandy Guys in the prison.

Somme was a guy who killed a guy in front of Bandaranayake Shopping Complex, Kandy and went to Bogambara Prison before it was shifted to Pallekelle, Digana.

Somme never stayed in prison but his nominee would be in prison but he was out and running his underground  business.
Please do not confuse with Maru Sira.

I once so him as a kid but I have no memory of his appearance, nothing of outstanding note about him but an ordinary guy who has done the homework of survival in the Kandy prison.
He was the boss of the prison and had prison guards running behind his tail.

Any murderer builds up his reputation.

Coming back to the economy professor down under, I think he has had a bad deal as a kid, simply because his father went to prison and his father's right  hand chopped above elbow.

That stigma followed him.

His younger brother who was a good metal worker.
One day, I saw him wrestling with his own brother.

I intervened and stopped it since I knew the economy guy but not his brother

Now the son of this not well known guy was an ace thief (a family trait, I believe) and he was in prison by the age of 15.

I have not seen him after his son went to prison and his father who tried to make a responsible living, was heart broken and
probably died prematurely, when I was in New Zealand.

First of all let me say every dog should have  a home and stray dogs at Galaha Junction were left without food.
That was my observation.

I did not have any to feed them with all the  pastry shops closed.

My favourite dominating bitch and her clan were not visible at Panideniya

My guess is that with all the food stalls closed and all the private buses not plying they would have enticed a few in the neighbourhood to their living quarters.

Dogs are very intelligent and their perception of our current human predicament is better than PhD psychologists

The second mention should be of the cleaners and they were working non stop, including the workers loading back the mettle loads left by the builders in a main junction and the builder carefully watching every piece of mettle being loaded.

The third goes to the British Architect who designed and executed the University and the Botanical Garden where I enjoyed a long stroll in my young days as an undergraduate and a graduate.

I wish they stayed little longer till 1960s like in Singapore but our STUPID Bandaranayake clan and his party ruined all prospects due to his/their power greediness.

I guessed he read Bertrand Russel's book on POWER while in England and craftily used segregation tactics and politics and we are still entangled with the rigmarole (or is it the tight GRIP) of the SLPP.

Now the British Design in Peradeniya is better than both Oxford and Cambridge which I visited as a foreign traveler but never wanted to be a resident in both, which an average Indian "prize" so heavily.

Peradeniya was to me the real home with ample room for a healthy stroll.

The city has gone into hibernation
and only one place, I admired was a little children garden built on the refuse dump of yesteryear and a little water garden in front with red blooming lilies.

I would have never allowed my children to play on a rubbish dump where tetanus and nasty anaerobic bacteria thrive even with an attractive grass top.

Anyway, that is how we progress in this country.

Children parks should be purpose built like Disney films.

In a country where Lego is not sold in shops how can we expect grand children parks?

They are made to cram for scholarship examination from the age of two or three years, grand children's park is only a wishful thinking.

Coming back to original track, I have a specimen of that particular
type of lilies  which bloom everyday in the morning and fades away by 2 P.M.

Little more about other lilies later.

I think this was (children park and the pond) designed by a Lady and not a man.

Now coming to Rubbish in Kandy and KMC (Kandy Municipal Council) had a very practical way to dispose rubbish before plastics came into existence.

In our public health (thanks to Professor Malcolm Fernando) appointment, we were taken to these dumps in Nittawela (going by its name a rich paddy field filled up to accommodate a rugger ground, later), Guhagoda (dumping ground  of raw faeces of bucket latrines, where Infectious hospital was located during British times) and Peradeniya (never Panideniya where Kithul trees were plenty during British time) and what a colossal contributions humans make daily and it is increasing and waiting for a catastrophe with population expansion.

Regarding paddy cultivation, the British probably hated rice and dumped garbage on paddy fields.
The stretch of roadway and railway was built on the Nuwara Wela.
The Bogambara Prison was built on part of the original lake.

If you read Professor Anuradha Seneviratna's book, you get a better picture of Kandyan aristocracy.

Now in the Bogambara prison there was a deep well and the Nilames and Dingiri Manikes dumped their gold and silver before their subjugation

The prisoners also dump their illegal telephones and pistols to the same pit.

There was a ha hoo that the prison was shifted and one can view it free.

I went there for a early entry and I was prevented.

I saw three helicopters airlifting the loot or the content of the well.

We heard nothing after, like what happened to gold airlifted after the end of the war.

All those helicopter guys were missing or sacrificed after the loot was completed and same logic stands for Bogambara looting

There are guys in this country who loots prisoner's possession before their term ends or their demise under mysterious circumstances.

The Truth is buried and hearsay stays with some exaggeration.

It is hazardous to become a helicopter pilot both physically and politically.

The economic cost withstanding!

Now coming to Nittawala grounds before it was abandoned, players use to get nasty illnesses.

Probably the Late Dr. Karunatatne has a role in.decommissioning this disease prone ground built on rubbish.

The preamble is over and I tell you NOW, all the nasty things I noticed even during a total Blockdown, in my sphere of activities.

Mind you, I do not go in the opposite direction  to Gelioya or Kurunduwatta where a nasty guy from SLPP has made the life of an average person a misery

Only twice I went in opposite direction to the nearest Branch of Bank of Ceylon, when the road from  Peradeniya to Kandy was closed due to unruly action of JVP inspired strikes in the Campus which I boycotted in theory and practice.

Today, I had only Rs.100/= in my purse and I had to walk to the Bank with rain impending and the nasty
Google (not BBC), forecast pending.

A.cloudy day without much humidity an ideal day for walking.

I was stopped by my wife yesterday and all the gear was ready except the bills to be paid.

I was up by 5.30 A.M and there was no rush to find the unpaid bills.

Had only a cup of tea and two pieces of cake (the current bread is awful without butter and jam) and with only an umbrella and  an empty purse (with two bank cards), in my hand, I ventured.

The debit card I dispensed with, a few years ago to avoid heavy interest rate.

I have stopped the land phone calls totally having told my intention twice or thrice in advance to my friends to stop paying unnecessary TAXES to this failing military government.

They failed us with COVID and I have recorded those events in correct scientific perspective, in this blog space (in Retrospect and PostScript).

Today is about my stroll not politics.

1. From our home to Panideniya shops is  "Maranthika Tract" on a busy day with traffic.

Two have succumbed in this stretch in one morning and sadly one was a Muslim guy who saved my life many a time jumping to moving vehicles on my right hand side, in my rush to the  morning lecture (to catch the bus).

The bus from Panideniya take half an hour for a five minutes trip by my car and there was no parking lot, then (which we developed 10 years later) in the University.

That part is renamed by me for the rest of my life as "The Maranthika (deadly) Tract" and will never walk on when opened to public and private traffic.

2. The next stop is Penideniya, which I called "The Appiriya Town I".

There used to be only one "Appiriya Eating Shop" and now the whole place has become an Apaya (hell).

There is a big puddle of water in the middle of the road, in addition.

No buses today blocking my view.

All shops closed.

There is 90 degree angle at this junction and there used to be a mirror to help road users but not any more.

3. Third stop is the Peradeniya Township, which I am at a loss to rename it but slightly better than Panideniya.

Will call it "Appiriya Township II".

I think I am going to have a break for a bit of Coriander Drink (my standalone recipe for COVID not time tested yet).

Now these are a few things I remember out of the many forgotten observations.

One day, delay in recording helps my memory clean up unlike a cellphone or computer.

Loss of bad memories is a blessing at all times.

1. The approach road relatively clean due to heavy rain washing the rubbish to the stream that joins Mahaweli River.
This is where the buses are parked (crushed up foreign illegal cigarette packets were in plenty, on the road).

The police say they have stopped this menace but Panideniya is the standard route for smuggling drugs to the university undergraduates.

I won't go into details how winding Mahaveli Ganga is used for transportation of illegal drugs from Gampola to Peradeniya
The police only check the road users and never the illegal river track.
I believe police do not want their boots wet.

2. The rock behind the petroleum station fully exposed is covered by a large polythene sheet.
A handy engineering feat.

3. The main Bridge is littered with rotting rice packets.
I believe left for dogs and even.dogs repel the smell of them and do not partake.
Mind you, rice rots in a few minutes unless you put the left over immediately into the fridge.

The British outstanding construction stands tall and only Lankan addition is ugly cement payment blocks, to the approach of the bridge.

There are many cracks and gaps between the blocks.

4. Beyond, the bridge was a big iron frame hosting Buddhist Anniversary of 2600.

It is ugly and why it was not removed after the celebrations, I do not know.

5. The Galaha Junction was peaceful only one post left with, all the rhetoric in words washed and blurred.
To see this place without banners and posts was a long term dream of mine.

Why police has left one piece?

6. There were three dogs and only two on my return
They are at a loss but guard the place two years after closure of the campus.
I wish all graduates if not undergraduates should salute Sir Ivor Jennings and only dogs seem to have taken that into heart.

7. The Peradeniya Botanical Garden closed.
Right in front is the ugly entrance to the Children Hospital blocked by large number of three wheeler drivers.
Ugly sight and site.

I vehemently opposed the idea for this hospital but politicians prevailed.
But the political name stands

However, with the pandemic that is the only final resting place for some unfortunate kids.

8. The Rest House is no more but sold to a privateer.

9. At the Bank of Ceylon only three using the till.
The mount to upload my cellphones SIM was out of order.
Apart from.withdrawing cash uploading data was my intention.
I have to come here again.
Two trips for two jobs.

10. The veterinary hospital was open and they were busy
That was good and that is the reason I did not see many stray dogs.

11. I did not bother to go up and see the hospital I worked for nearly 16 years.
Yes, I came out never to return even for a guest lecture.

The newly built research laboratory closed.
By the way, it never opened after colossal amount of money spent.

12. Finished my job, I got a bright idea to extend my walk  to Royal Mall but after a long walk I found it is also closed. 
This where I used to go for a drink.

13. The Cargills near the 3 way junction was closed.

14. But crossing the railway track was easy without railways running.
Bit about railway tracks later.

15. The laundry my regular visiting place was closed.
I have only a pair of cloths to collect.

16. All the "plants shops" closed.
Anyway, I have stopped buying exotic plants for two years.
It is too much caring for them but now I collect seeds for planting.
My paddy seeds are sprouting and replanted plants are doing well.
I will report on paddy experiment when I get the first batch of seeds.

On my return I saw one shop opened and selling seed paddy

17. The return trip was not eventful except avoiding  bumping into that shoddy guy.

18. Coming home empty hand was not my intention.
All the fruit stalls were closed.
There was one lorry selling vegetables.
No fruits.

19. On my way up even the two Ram Banda shops were closed.

20. My strategy to stall was noted by a guy who  ran the smaller Ran Banda shop to open it's door.

Before me a young guy rushed there and bought 3 bananas.
Mind you Rs.40/= a piece.
Obviously hungry with all the food stalls closed.

He offered me the rest of the bunch and I said I want a big bunch since it was Ambum my favourite.

Rs. 600/= down but added two medium sized paw paw each for 150/=  to balance the money in my hands

My maximum carry weight of mine is  5 Kilos now.

21. Long walk home and I decided to walk on the railway track which is straight unlike the  windy road with ups and downs.

I could rest on a bench at the railway station, if I start panting or the rain intervenes.

22. I forgot that the ground to platform was four or more feet high to prevent by passers using that route.

I could not make it with my legs.

Transferred  the load to one hand and gripped the iron railing firmly and with a mighty intention got one foot up and the other came up naturally without dropping the ripe bananas, with a sigh of relief.

Physical coordination counts at old age and do not try the impossible.

If I plan a long walk, I make sure there is company (not a dog by the way) but Coronavirus has made that luxury unavailable.

I surveyed the ground plan of the tracks which is concentrated in one point with criss-crossings, which my physics brain could not figure out.

23. The reason for taking this route is to see the little pond there with lilie flowers.
Unlike the one previously mentioned the pond had several varieties.
The little carp fish I used to feed is Hugh Now with its mouth and nostrils or gills at surface level unable to go down when a stranger comes near.
Obesity is a problem even for a fish, especially gold fish.

Do not over feed them.

The Station Master of yesteryear used keep this place nice with many flower beds.
I used to sit and read a book there, if I take the train from Kandy. 
Train takes 10 to 15 minutes whereas if one come by bus it takes two hours.
24. I raised up the hill and my first intention was to down two bananas and that was the total calorie cost of my walk.

Do not eat them like a kid at half way stop what was meant for the family (never mind even, if nobody eats).

25. The final bath becomes much pleasing with sweat all over me.
But do not rush to the bathroom until the body cools down.
It is really not physiological and the body cannot handle it which I have learnt without a sports master, in my days.

26. Mind you I paid the water bill and the Telecom bills on my return.

They checked my temperature and it recorded 35 and I could not believe (which I expected to be around 37.8 at least).

I think Chinese have dumped all the cheap digital thermometers in Ceylon and please do not believe in them for use in Medical Practice unless you have  a mercury thermometer to verify.

That may be the reason the Coronavirus is rampaging now in Ceylon.

27. I had a peep at Galaha Junction for my fruit vendor's stall  but closed. 
He generally has good collection of bananas.
Mind you I hate Seeni Kehel and renamed  them Rubber Kehel.

28. The two schizophrenics who have the typical fixed routines were at Peradeniya looking for food and shelter from rain.
I avoid any mode of communication with them fearing any fixation on me.

29. The fearsome old women or Archchi was seated in front of her boutique without any sale items.

She terrifies anybody who tries to overrule her dictatorship style.

I think she would have done a better Woman President role than our current incumbent.

She is down to earth in her management of the few stalls she dominate and she has seen their natural development and changing hands over the years.
She is probably in her nineties and I have never seen her full standing stature and all the instructions are relayed to the back of the stall verbally and are acted upon by the subordinates.

I used to go there and buy the pots sold there especially, during new year.

I do not think she recognized me with my grey hair and half grown facial hair. Mind you I used to wear immaculately, those days, perhaps even with a tie.

30. I do not know how these three survived to old age.
I find even climbing high steps daunting.

Probably they are fixated to the place they love
and do not want to depart to new lives or the new round of births.

Attachment is the substance of Rebirth, according to Buddha

How Civilizations End?

How Civilizations End?

This is to add to Carl Sagan's predictions of scientific nature.

But my presentation is slanted on Buddhist view.

By the way, Buddhism is cosmological in nature and when Gotama Buddha was described by  Ananda as a colossal entity, Buddha in his own unenviable way said that there were many Buddha's before him who were formidable and that comparison should never be made.

Instead his teaching or Dhamma precede in any future discussions which also would last, only a limited time frame.

I think we have exhausted that time frame already and the world today with impending World War III, is a classic example trying to finish this Civilization in a moment of insanity.

Mind you there were lot of tribal or internecine wars in India when Buddha was spreading his Message of Wisdom.

Buddhist teaching is based on state of flux or constant change in all phenomena worldly and mental.

Buddha's focus was internal mental formations and not external.

One has to try by oneself without external inputs.

His last words at death bed was 
Vyadhamma Sankaram
Uppamadena Sammpadetam

What it means is all phenomena are constantly changing (instead of wavering the mind on those changing things or Dhammas) but strive to understand his teaching (without wasting time) in this life, not in the next life.

He also indirectly meant the life time currently is limited to 100 to 120 years and there is hardly any time left which is being wasted on mundane stuff.

War is mundane by default.

He did not want to go beyond 80 years, in his mind and if requested he would have lived another 40 years.

Ananda Thera was given a chance to make that request but he could not grasp it, at the moment that offer was made.

This piece is cosmological in nature and about world systems of enormity and constantly changing.

In a nutshell, all advanced civilizations end themselves when they achieve advanced technology, like space travel etc.

They also develop advanced technology to carry forward mutual destruction or MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

We have come to that point already and we seem to enjoy that scenario in American and Ukraine standards.

Give me more weapons of destruction.

I love destruction by all means, is the goal of Zlensky and his cohorts in UK and USA are eager to help MAD.

I am not defending President Putin and I am totally against any form of war (we had internecine war of attrition in Ceylon for 35 years and we are starving now) but stating the fact, that there is a limit one can push him (Putin in this case) and his finger is NOT on the button, at this moment.

A think Poland wants the button to be pressed and directed at them instead of Ukraine.

This is very funny world of politics.

Give him some respite by ejecting this Mad Man or Joker without Z or Elensky.

He is a CIA consort in sleep and in day dreams

Pentagon not being astute and dragging the decision making process under their feet is glaring, at this critical juncture.

Galactic Civilizations

Russian Scientist Nikolai Kardasheve in 1964 theorized 3 types of civilizations.
Level of civilizations depends on the level of energy used

Energy level depends on 
Population growth
Living standard
Level of technology

ZERO civilization

Filters proposed by Robin Hanson are;
1. Pandemic
2. Nuclear Warfare 
3. AI
4. Climate Change
5. Asteroid Impacts

Level I 
Takes about 300 years to evolve.
Planetary Civilization
Absorb all the energy of the solar system.
70% of the solar energy is absorbed by the earth.
Plants use only 4% of solar energy.
Nuclear fusion not nuclear fission.
Medical Marvels
Fission Crafts with unlimited energy
Space Travel
Genetic Manipulations

Level II
Takes about 3000 years.
Stellar civilization
Solar energy
Dyzon sphere
Dyzon swarms
Antigravity designs
Further medical marvels

Level III
Takes about 6000 years
Galactic Civilizations
Energy from all the sun's of the Milky Way
Energy from even black holes

Worm holes and galactic travels 
At this level, the life expectancy reaches the limit of mankind.

Level IV
Harness the power from supernova
Harness black holes
Transfer the consciousness to digital realms
Reaching almost immortality. 

Level V
Discover multiverse 
Hypothetical White Holes

Level VI
Hyperdimensional Worlds which we cannot fathom with 3 Dimensional vision.
3 Dimensional body is incompatible with this realm
Overcome by transferring mental energy.  No brain scenario or Devas in Buddhist cosmology.
Mind without physical brain

Level VII
It is the nature of existence itself, neither here no there.
It may not be a level but only a probability 
This is theoretical
All laws of nature are surpassed.
It is only imaginary

May be near Nirvana (Nirvana is non existing existence and no laws of nature applies to Nirvana)

Cosmic Voids
In addition there are unexplainable cosmic voids,too. 
Old Piece Reproduced
A Scientific Thinker like me!
I differ from most other posters in not being as optimistic in the following areas:
  1. AI has been egged up a bit. Frankly, we haven’t cracked it. knowledge & language base is one thing but AI it isn’t, still 10 years away, minimum.
  2. Quantum computing. yes there is emerging hardware, but the software required to run it is mind boggling, 10 years away, minimum.
  3. Inter stellar transport. Not even close, 2 orders of scientific discovery away, 50 years away at least. If we aren’t careful by the time we’ve cracked it, this planet will be so surrounded by old junk satellites we won’t be able to leave this old rock!
    By Nigel Calder and John Newell
    The Lifespan of Advanced Civilizations
    A very short lifespan for advanced civilizations may be a realistic probability because as our own case shows, technology mushrooms very rapidly and is accompanied by many dangerous effects such as;
    1. Overpopulation
    2. Depletion of natural resources
    3. Pollution and worse of all
    4. Rapid escalation of nuclear stockpiles which can easily reach the level where they are capable of wiping out the whole population of a planet.
    By the same token, if we were to find significant number of other advanced civilizations in our galaxy it would mean that some at least had been able to overcome the dangers that are now looming over our own civilizations. 
    If they have reached this advanced stage, it would mean that they have been able discard all of their animistic (BARBARISM) attributes such as materialism, selfishness, territoriality, dominance over others and killing instincts which in a technological civilizations are likely to lead to self destruction.
    They would have been able to to mature into higher levels of cosmic intelligence characterized by spirituality, altruism, respect of others, adherence to peace and love for each other.
    Joining such a galactic society would indeed be a colossal step forward in the intellectual and ethical evolution of our civilization. 
    This might also be the reason why we have not yet heard from any such advanced civilizations as may exist. 
    There must be a galactic rule that says that before a new civilization is invited to join the galactic society it must show that it is able to overcome the major crisis that probably befall all new technological civilizations.
    Since we are still in the midst of this evolutionary problem, there may be advanced civilizations waiting to see how we do before inviting us to join the galactic society of advanced civilizations.

Order of the Universe and the World Systems
This is my analysis of the Universe and the World Systems in a theoretical sense.
It is enormously large but its fundamentals can be understood, if we disregard the current themes and dogmatic expressions which are controlled by the religions that exists today.
I will make reference to Buddhist cosmology below to complete the discussions.
I have discussed them, not in detail, in some of my books, for the New Science to emerge from the  ashes.
Even Einstein was reprimanded by the Church, discussing them except the Material World according to, a Big Bang, which suits the Church.
Creating material form from nothing without an antecedent.
Something from nothing is bete noire or anathema to me.
I have avoided discussing them except asking the pertinent question, “Who created the God”, in my childhood, knowing very well nobody would answer the question posed.
My in born talent was ability for vivid imagination, and nobody has inspired me in my childhood. 

I could figure out mathematics and physics with ease but I did not know my fellow students we struggling with simple arithmetic. I thought the guys were equally capable till lately my friends in retirement, alerted to that fallacy of my estimates.
I fitted with the lot, not asking probing questions (I was thrown out of the class several times, asking questions, the teachers could not answer and which made them "red hot") in my childhood, just to save me from labeled as insane. 

This is what the Church does if, the dogma is challenged, he/she excommunicated in broad day light (covertly, if not overtly).
The preamble is necessary, before I summarize my current concepts which are subjected to challenge with alternatives.

1. The current world order and the past world order is/was in a state of flux.
It has always being.

2. Matter is small (less than 5%) and the Dark Matter  and Dark Energy is huge.

3. There is an interchange of dark matter to matter and vice versa. This is where the   state of flux works in tandem.

4. The relative stability is an illusion, since the conversion is very very slow, which a modern camera cannot catch. 

In that sense I am against, a big change or a big bang.

5. A camera image now taken is an old incident million light years in count. 

We cannot capture the present in any sense.

This is where vivid imagination is essential to figure out the past, the present and the future in a scientific sense.

So my choice of biological science instead of physics was a fortunate coincidence.
We did not have satellite images then.

I viewed few satellite images and made my rough sketch of the universe and the concepts, below.

6. We ignored the Dark Matter.

7. We had theories for Matter only.

8. Expansion of the universe was ignored.

9. Dark Matter and the Dark Energy cause the expansion, just as well, lest there is a Big Crunch (opposite of Big Bang)

10. Even in some galaxies now viewed from images there is dark matter inside.

That is my crunch point.

11. Dark matter is eating up the matter albeit slowly (a conversion point) in the midst of matter.

12. The dark matter is converted (convergent point) to matter in the periphery of the galaxies, most likely, giving a semblance of stability, in a state of flux situation.

13. The matter can be swallowed by a Dark Hole in a matter of seconds.

14. What prevents this is the expansion, geared by dark energy.

15. What we know is little, what we do not is enormous.

So I have put the essence of New Science in 15 points albeit one or two misconceptions or inaccuracies which are subjected to alternative views.

In Buddhist cosmology, there is nothing on matter or dark matter.

It is all about Mental Culture that can permeate matter and space by Mental Energy and Concepts.

Aliens and Buddhist Cosmology

The intention here is to discuss the relevance of Buddhist Cosmology  to alien visitation to this planet.
According to Buddhist cosmology there is only, one human species only limited to this solar system and nowhere else.
Because of the vastness of the universe, I figured out there could be many humanoids in the universe but I am disappointed by this finding in Buddhist Cosmology.
It means there is only one planet in the entire universe which looks like ours and support humans and lower animal species.

The corollary is, if we destroy this planet with a nuclear bomb which is highly likely in the current context, the life form we describe as human will go into extinction along with the rest of the animal species.

Because of the Van Allen belt we cannot escape even to the moon let alone mars to colonize in such an eventuality.
The alien visitation followed after the nuclear testing 70 years ago.
Their purpose was to warn us of the impending danger.
They were benevolent species.
Then of course, there could have been not so benevolent but explorer type who would have come here.
There intention is to explore and exploit.
If this is the only planet of this nature it the experimental laboratory to rejuvenate the lost capabilities and genetic mismatches.
The possibility of cloning and hybrids are real possibility in the name of Tall Whites and Men in Black suits (possibly a hybrid).
These guys of the second category operate at night.
They may not have sex differentiation (already lost but the generations kept by cloning).
So let me now describe in general terms, the six civilizations above our zero generation.

1.We humans are Zero Civilization.
Animals are below zero.

2. Number one above us come as  First (1st ) Generation Civilization.
Their capabilities are higher than us but their mental capacities are not high as compared to level 6 Civilizations.
They probably have developed devices to travel in space (spaceships etc).
They may be sending human like artificial robots to this planet with highly advanced computer technology probably atomic level.
They are suspicious of our war mentality and do not trust us and they may choose war not negotiation when their interests are hindered or challenged.
They are neither benevolent nor aggressive but detest provocations.
They probably have mind reading telepathic capabilities.

3. The Second Level Generation may have visited us but do not like human and first generation interaction and simply avoid both.
Sort of neutral entity.

4. The Third Level Civilizations are much superior and non interventional type and their course of action is limited on earth.

5. The Fourth Level Civilizations and above are only benevolent and they may have planted proxies here or working with humans to improve quality of life here.

So we have to worry mostly the First Generation Civilization who may get establish here and make it their stop gap laboratory.

So to interact with higher level civilizations, what we need is not technology but mental culture with people who can attain Jhana level absorption to interact with them.
So meditation can be used theoretically to fill the mental communication gap.

A summary of Buddhist cosmology is given below.
Planes of Existences
There are 31 planes of existence.
They are four states of Unhappiness (Duggati)
1. Niraya
2. Tiracchana Yoni (animal Kingdom)
3. Peta yoni
4. Asura Yoni

Four happy states (Sugati)
1. Manusa
2. Six Devalokas
3. 16 Rupalokas
4. 4 Arupalokas

The Thirty-one Planes of Existence

Scattered throughout the suttas are references to as many as thirty-one distinct "planes" or "realms" of existence into which beings can be reborn during their long wandering through samsara.
These range from the extraordinarily grim and painful hell realms all the way up to the most exquisitely refined and blissful heaven realms.
Existence in every realm is temporary; in Buddhist cosmology there is no eternal heaven or hell.
Beings are born into a particular realm according to their past kamma.
When they pass away, they take rebirth once again elsewhere according to the quality of their kamma: wholesome actions bring about a favorable rebirth, while unwholesome actions lead to an unfavorable one  and so the wearisome cycle continues.
The realms of existence are customarily divided into three distinct "worlds" (loka), listed here in descending order of refinement:
The Immaterial World (arupa-loka).
Consists of four realms that are accessible to those who pass away while meditating in the formless Jhanas.
The Fine-Material World (rupa-loka).
Consists of sixteen realms whose inhabitants (the devas) experience extremely refined degrees of mental pleasure. These realms are accessible to those who have attained at least some level of Jhana and who have thereby managed to (temporarily) suppress hatred and ill-will. They are said to possess extremely refined bodies of pure light. The highest of these realms, the Pure Abodes, are accessible only to those who have attained to "non-returning," the third stage of Awakening. The Fine-Material World and the Immaterial World together constitute the "heavens" (sagga).
The Sensuous World (kama-loka).
Consists of eleven realms in which experience — both pleasurable and not — is dominated by the five senses. Seven of these realms are favorable destinations, and include our own human realm as well as several realms occupied by devas.
The lowest realms are the four "bad" destinations, which include the animal and hell realms.