Thursday, September 22, 2022

Hemp, Cannabis, THC, CBD and Alcohol

 Hemp, Cannabis, THC, CBD and Alcohol

I have never encouraged or have smoked marijuana, even though, I was  relatively a heavy smoker. 

I have only puffed a pipe once in front of my father who had become a Beedi smoker near his death.

He was very poor and I bought the best tobacco from UK to last the last few days of his life on this planet.
I made him a pipe smoker believing he inhales less and the bystanders including me more of it indirectly.
That was my scientific logic.

I stopped smoking but continued to become a subtle alcohol addict and it took nearly 12 years of determination to wean myself off.

I have one more addiction and that is good quality tea.

Given the choice of tea and coffee, I prefer tea.

The ratio is 9 cups of tea to one cup of coffee.
This has come down drastically due to economics in Ceylon.

Never give a free cup of tea is my current moto, especially to a politician.

Underlying factor is economy.

Coffee is expensive in Ceylon.

I dropped talking about cannabis long time ago when I finished my book on charms of alcohol at Amazon Books. 

Here having named the two biochemicals THC or Tetra Hydro Cannabinnol (alcohol) and CBD or Cannabidiol (oxydized product of THC), I am going to stop talking about cannabioids.

CBD mitigate the psychoactive actions of THC and only good quality industrial variety of Hemp has this property.

What we try to grow in Ceylon has THC and no CBD at all and is called hashsh or ganja. 

Politicians in Ceylon are trying to promote this as  an Ayurveda Medicine.

 A sinister play.

And it is a prominent woman who is promoting this industry.

Politically she should be wiped out of politics and given the permission to have her own cultivated land made out  of an island made in the sea by the Chinese investors.

The parliament should pass an act and allocate this piece  for her commercial project.

For my part, I will act as an acting director of Apaya, the Hell until a permanent director is made and that is taking a long time in human earth time.

I am going to meet  all these guys at the door to Apaya (I am not allowed to enter the front end, guest room of Apaya until I stop donating Dhammapada to needy Ceylonese).

I am going to start a Hemp Industry in Ceylon to make the pulp for printing Dhamnapada.

By the way, Chinese 5000 years ago discovered Cannabis long before discovering the grain of rice.

Prehistorically hemp was used by our human ancestors 50,000 years ago.

That is for cloths or the first textile in human evolution. 

Botanical  names.
1.  Cannabis sativa
2. Cannabis indica
3. Cannabis ruderalis
There are many subspecies of sativa and no subspecies of indica.

The ruderalis which I renamed today as the russialis or the subspcies putianous actually originated from Central Russia and slowly upgraded to indica species in North India by prehistoric Indians before Buddha's time.

It was the virtual currency of the Indian and Chinese sages and later discovered by cardinals of Vatican.

This species went to central America with the Spanish  conquer

It is not an original species of Americas but a similar hemp plant would have evolved independently in Americas is my belief.

So God and Cannabis  have direct parallels, is my current view.
Illusion and delusions are very close partners. 
Zelensky is known to smoke these hemp oils in pure form and is permanently slated or elated of the outcome of the war.

Human suffering of all humans, globally.