A comparison of Redhat Enterprise Linux and Ubuntu Linux Websites
The two best web sites on Linux are Ubuntu and Redhat.
1. One is commercial, the other is both commercial (Entry into Music world) and social.
2. Ubuntu has enormous resources but poorly organized because of its dependence on Debian.
3. Redhat the resources are limited if one is a desktop user.
4. Its server resources are streamlined and well organized but the streamlining is not done by the USER but the corporation.
5. Its resources are based on Fedora Development which is very very SLOW but probably stable because of slow input.
6. Ubuntu uses LibreOffice which is far superior to Open Office.
7. OpenOffice was destroyed by ORACLE and then given to Apache which is trying to revive its old roots and lags behind by at least three years of stagnation.
It is BULKY and I never use it now.
It is BULKY and I never use it now.
I prefer light weight AbiWord.
If one is hooked to OpenOffice Debian still faithfully bundle it with its distribution.
8. So go for Debian instead of REDHT which is a GOLDMINE of resources.
9. Biggest PLUS point of REDHT is its Literature which no Linux distribution except perhaps Ubuntu can boast.
Most of it is HiFi administrative stuff which only Administrators would worry about but not the ordinary users.
Debian has entered the foray now with a book in French and English.
I wish them GOOD LUCK and one need not worry about REDHATś publications, and the and money saved. If you subscribe for digital form make it a point to contribute a little from the money saved from REDHAT.
Debian has entered the foray now with a book in French and English.
I wish them GOOD LUCK and one need not worry about REDHATś publications, and the and money saved. If you subscribe for digital form make it a point to contribute a little from the money saved from REDHAT.
10. Biggest Minus point of UBUNTU is its lack of Administrative (ROOT USER) power and configuration ability. That is why I do not use it on a regular basis.
11. Current situation is very FLIUD.
Ubuntu because of Unity (I have made comment elsewhere) and Fedora because of its Butter File (btrfs) system and turning round on its head and torso, seeing 100 things at the same time and because of the RAPID SPIN.
It is too fast for any average desktop USER or even an administrator to keep phase/pace with.
It is too fast for any average desktop USER or even an administrator to keep phase/pace with.
12. MIND YOU Ubuntu has made rapid progress in Server (Another reason I dissociated with Ubuntu) Editions and on Cloud Computing with Ubuntu ONE, and it is fast closing the GAP Redhat has established.
It is going to be a sure winner with 20 million targeted this year not REDHAT.
13. If you do not like UBUNTU, there are 100 of other derivatives and I recommend Ubuntu Studio, Ultimate Linux,Tango Linux and many more.
I LOVE Pinguy Linux the most.
Recently there are Terrible Linux, Hybryte, Unidockynapse and more for the newbies to play with.
14. For REDHAT there is almost nothing except Fedora and Scientific Linux. Mined you scientific Linux has no scientific packages in it.
One is on a desert and I am happy I have looked for other resources rather than REDHAT and many other distributions.
One is on a desert and I am happy I have looked for other resources rather than REDHAT and many other distributions.
If you visit my blog site you may read my reviews on many of them.
I have a book on Linux distributions on Amazonś (both digital and print).
One day I might STOP blogging altogether and that is the reason for the compilation.
I am currently working on Small Distributions (my academic work keep me off the desk and desktop)
If you do not like all this there are over 300 more Linux Distributions to choose from including Puppy and Knoppix which are my favorites.
If you buy the April Copy from LINUX MAGAZINE one will get KNOPPIX FREE without any hassle for downloading.
If you subscribe for LINUX MAGAZINE print form you will get a FREE copy of the latest Linux Distribution.
If YOU are a newbie subscribe to the magazine but do not expect the writer to spoon feed you.
Who knows at the end of one year YOU may be better than ME.
Mind you I am subscribing to the Magazine to SAVE my Electricity BILL (no downloading on a regular basis now) in Sri-Lanka.
It has sky rocketed now and if I save on my electricity I can buy 10 different types of Magazines (DEAD TREE- one has to kill a tree to PRINT a BOOK or Magazine).
I have no choice now but PLANT as many small trees as possible.
Will you do that for ME?