Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Nihalsingha is No More

Friday, April 22, 2016
Nihalsingha is No More

But he has left landmarks and milestones in our cinematic history.
One of Sri Lanka’s foremost filmmakers, D. B. Nihalsingha passed away yesterday afternoon after a brief illness. 
He was 77. 
Nihalsingha was the only Sri Lankan to be honoured with the title, ‘Professor in Cinema and Television’

Having made several award winning movies including 
Maldeniye Simion, 
Ridee Nimnaya and 
Kelimadala Nihalsingha made the country’s first Tele Serial ‘Dimuthu Muthu’ and followed it up with ‘Rekha.’ 
The cinema veteran was the founding CEO and General Manager of the National Film Corporation from 1972 to 1978.

Nihalsingha’s parents were veteran journalist D.B. Dhanapala and the late Rathi Dhanapala. 
His brother was veteran photo-journalist D.B. Suranimala.

My Theory of Our Solar System

My Theory of Our Solar System
I have a theory of my own, having observed pictures of the Universe.
What we see in any image is the past and never the the present moment
This thinking has some relevance to Buddhist Meditation.
We can only see the present moment never the past (already gone) and  the future (not yet come).
This is real Physics. 

1. Light take Light Years to reach US from a distant point in our galaxy.
2. We cannot see any point beyond the distance the light can travel and grace us.
It does not mean it is the limit of the Universe.
Rest of the light rays are still traveling and have not reach us.

What it means is we can only see a moment of the past and never the present moment at that point.
There is a delay in the sense of timing of an event.
By the way, time is a concept buy nothing substantial.
If one does not get this point of view one would not grasp my theory expounded here about our galaxy.

3. Universe is expanding and every moment we are losing certain amount of what we call the space in our Universe.

My Theory
We were a binary star System is my theory.
The reason for my theory is for some unknown reason our system is considerably stable.
It was probably very unstable when the other big star was active. 
It died a natural death but it still has a tremendous gravitational pull.
This gravitational pull is the one that resists the expanding nature of our Universe.
I have to guess where it location is.
There is one way of testing this hypothesis.

If we send a series of orbiters to the space one after other with a specified interval between them we may have a reliable guess.

4. This postulated large dead sun with tremendous gravitational pull will gobble all our orbiters moment they reach its gravitational sphere.

In other words we can see only the planets on our side of the sphere of influence.
Anything beyond cannot be seen using an orbiter.
All orbiters will be goggled by this putative binary star  proposed which is dead but has a stabilizing effect on our Solar System to begin with and also to our Galaxy.

That is my theory in essence.
Besides, there is a limit humans can perceive and we have to accept that limitation.
Of course, we as humans have the liberty to postulate many more theories and test their validity to refine our present knowledge.
My theory should excite like minded guys and girls.

Kinds of Insight Knowledge

 This is Abhidhamma terminology

 Kinds of Insight Knowledge

There are 18 kinds of insight knowledge that can be used as objects of Vipassana Meditation.

It is Knowledge or Truth or Dhamma based meditation as opposed to Samatha Meditation.

1. Annitta                 Contemplation of impermanence

2. Dukkha                 Contemplation of unsatisfactoriness (suffering)

3. Anatta                   Contemplation of non self

4. Nibbhidana           Contemplation of disinclination or aversion

5. Viraga                    Contemplation of dispassionateness

6. Nidodha                 Contemplation of extinction or cessation

7. Patinissangga       Contemplation of of abandonment

8. Khayanu                Contemplation of body

9. Vayanu                    Contemplation of state vanishing

10. Viparinama         Contemplation of state change

11. Animitta                Contemplation of state of conditionlessness

12. Apanihita             Contemplation of state desirelessness

13. Sunnatta               Contemplation of state of emptiness or void

14. Adhipanna            Contemplation based on higher knowledge

15. Yathabhuta           Contemplation based on knowledge and vision of reality

16. Adhinavana          Contemplation of misery

17. Patisankha            Reflecting or thinking on contemplation

18. Vivatta                   Absence of cycle of existence 
                                      Nirodha samapatthi

Basic Tenets of Dhamma

 Saturday, May 26, 2018

Basic Tenets of Dhamma

The inclement weather made me to be home bound and compose myself to investigate the three words in our discussion and find the closest English rendition (as much as Sinhala cannot translate them correctly, English fare much worse).

As I write this there is a YouTube session on the Internet on, and an American Lady (lay person but taken the role of a preacher) is having a talk show and stating that there is an anti-universe and in there life of beings is eternal and there is no death but permanent existence.

What a hoax?

To her my prediction is that even the anti-universe is subjected to state of flux and extinction and another round of universe and anti-anti universe would come into existence.

But our discussion here is on mind and its behavior which can grasp or cling into both the micca diiti (wrong view) and samma ditti (right view).

The bottom line is we should not corrupt the Pali Terminology.

1. Animitta          Condition-less (without a focus of attention)

2. Apanahita        Desire-less     (without attachment)

3. Sunatta            Emptiness or Void  (null)

What I find to my surprise is that they are the three of the 18 contemplative states described for monks with correspondingly higher states that can be attained in Vipaasana Meditation.

Suffice is to say these are very difficult to accomplish by an ordinary layperson.

My subsequent investigation leads me to the following summary.

The base line technique which is easy and useful for focusing the mind is nothing but Ana Pana Sati.

What is the objective?

Attainment of Dyana is the correct term for the commonly used term Jhanas (4 to 8 in number) that could be attained momentarily.

These states are not the same but similar to the psychological effects of psychedelic drugs.

These are very addictive states and bring out rapture and happy states
and have the proclivity for more of the same arousal tendency, craving and delight in essence.

That should not be the attitude of the meditator but is a hindrance to upward mobility.

They are not permanent and subjected to change.

That is why one should contemplate the Anitta, Dukkha and Anatta principles in these state of arousal.

As one ascends through higher Dyana levels the technique is to drop the mental states that are hindrance to the next level and finally achieve the highest level which is Upekka or Equanimity.

The next stage is to contemplate on detachment, abandoning and extinction leading to Nirodha.

I have summarized the states achieved in the first 4 levels, below.

The seven elements of Enlightenment are

1. Sati or Mindfullness

2. Dhamma vicaya or the Truth Principle.

3. Viriya or Energy

4. Piti or Rapture

5. Passadhi or Tranquility

6. Smadhi or Concentration

7. Upekkha or Equanimity

The seven states of enlightenment developed and frequently practiced leads to Wisdom and Deliverance (Vijja-vimutti).

Samadhi or the Concentration
In other words the attainment of four to five Jhana absorptions.
In Jhana Absorptions, there is complete but temporary detachment from all five sensual spheres and of five hindrances or the

They are
1. Kamacchanda (Loba)
2. Vyapada(Dosa)
3. Tina Middha (sloth and torpor)
4. Uddhakka-kukkussa(restlessness)
5. Vicikiccha (doubt)

1st Jhana State one attains
1. Vittakka (thought conception and attention to thought-thinkink)
2. Vichara (reflecting or on inner speech or discursive thinking)
3. Piti (rapture)
4. Sukha (joy)
5. Ekaggata (one pointedness)

2nd Jhana State
Vittaka is dropped.
1. Vicara
2. Piti
3. Sukha
4. Samadhi are accompaniments.

3rd Jhana State
1. Piti
2. Sukha
3. Samadhi

4th Jhana State
1. Sukha
2. Samadhi

5th Jhana State
1. Equanimity
2. Samadhi

Beings of other planets have attained the next four levels (5 to 8) of higher mental states and for lack of proper terms they could be called Divine Entities.

The four Jhana states practiced and attained at Patisnandhi state of mind would cause births in better worlds higher than the earth.

Unfortunately in these states they are unable to acquire new Kusala Kammasa and it is practically a dead end and once the Kamma is consumed, they fall into lower levels including birth in world system like ours.

It is just like one who has a big saving account and he/she withdraws money little by little before full maturity and empties it in no time.

Full maturity should be taken as Nirodha Samapatti.

Pangna or Wisdom
This is the understanding of the Four Noble Truths, the suffering, the origin of suffering, the path for cessation (Nirodaya) of suffering and the cessation of suffering.

This is the more difficult and is the intellectual pursuit of Vipassana Meditation.

The Samatha Meditation is the more practical and easy way of meditation.

There are about 40 objects for Samatha Bhavana (Vissudhi Magga has over 1000 objects) and one should select one which suits the personalty.

Objects of Insight Mediation
There is lot of commercial advertisement to meditation, I thought of giving a little resume for the novice.
There are 18 kinds of insight knowledge that can be used as objects of Vipassana Meditation.

It is Knowledge or Truth or Dhamma based meditation as opposed to Samatha Meditation.

1. Annitta                 Contemplation of impermanence

2. Dukkha                 Contemplation of unsatisfactoriness (suffering)

3. Anatta                   Contemplation of non self

4. Nibbhidana           Contemplation of disinclination or aversion

5. Viraga                    Contemplation of dispassionateness

6. Nidodha                 Contemplation of extinction or cessation

7. Patinissangga       Contemplation of of abandonment

8. Khayanu                Contemplation of body

9. Vayanu                    Contemplation of state vanishing

10. Viparinama         Contemplation of state change

11. Animitta                Contemplation of state of conditionlessness

12. Apanihita             Contemplation of state desirelessness

13. Sunnatta               Contemplation of state of emptiness or void

14. Adhipanna            Contemplation based on higher knowledge

15. Yathabhuta           Contemplation based on knowledge and vision of reality

16. Adhinavana          Contemplation of misery

17. Patisankha            Reflecting or thinking on contemplation

18. Vivatta                   Absence of cycle of existence 
                                      Nirodha samapatthi

Steven Greer

 Steven Greer

I am a medical guy.

I did not register for my medical registration for nearly for 25 years to become a critic of the medical profession. Presently,I am  not bound by Hypocritic Oath. I have followed Carl Segan, Bertram Russel and colonel Henry Steel Olcott and I am open to inquiry and criticism of any kind as long as it is done in an objective and scientific way.

It does not mean that science is the only way.

I have followed this guy and was skeptical of him from the very beginning.    I won't say he is a hoax but certainly a crafty manipulator, the kind that a CIA operator would be fond of. He uses subtle ways to plant seeds of disinformation.

He says he had seen alien crafts twice but no photographic evidence to support his claims. One has to believe him just like a CIA guy wants us to believe in a particular scenario. My personal belief is that the CIA has created alien story to hoodwink and cover up stealth aircraft development.

My book on “Alien Saga” has done a superficial  reflection. Since, I have no direct verifiable evidence, it is not a revelation but somewhat of  a conjecture.

Linda Moulton Howe is an artful investigative journalist and Steven Greer berates her.

Betty Hill alien abduction story is, if at all, speculative.

David Grusch the CIA guy has given only a hearsay evidence without any supportive evidence.

Nothing direct or objective.

Steven Greer craftily built up his gullible client base and his disclosure project was a smoke screen without any credible evidence.

He has made a fortune.

All his sons are doctors.

Why none of his sons made a career path in Ufology?

He has now changed to NDE (Near Death Experience) Saga.

His earlier claim was that he followed a meditation session in India and became aware of alien beings. According to him, he has had severe septicaemia in childhood that may have had significant and lasting damage to some parts of his brain. These childhood illusions and delusions during septicaemia may have had lasting impression on him. I am glad he never upgraded  his own medical career.

I am a retired pathologist (as Buddhist I wish him long life without dementia) and if somebody does  a Postmortem Examination of his brain, vital clues of childhood insults may be revealed. That decision is left to his medical children. If for some reason he was born in Ceylon he would have had a tough time to convince even gullible Ceylonese.

Even though, we are eternally, duped by our politicians and Kalama Sutta has given us the freedom for Free Inquiry we Ceylonese lack investigative talents.

By the way, Free Inquiry  is lacking in USA and also in the West and the Print Media are basically controlled by CIA and M16.

Tucker Carlson working under duress in American Media is a living monument to this lack of transparency.

CIA, FBI and M15/16 fear free inquiry.

Since most of their war efforts are over and the proxy war in Ukraine is coming to a stall and the covert viral and bio-engineering projects in Ukraine are not revealed to the public, we have to rely on speculations.

I do not like speculations.

Jacques Vallee


"Not only is there an amazing willingness in the human mind to invest credence and faith in unproven facts, but there is more evil, more readiness than ever on the part of various sophisticated groups, to use this human weakness as a tool in controlling others."



Skilled Investigator

Hello: I'm a new listener and I've been trying to get caught up with past episodes, and I came across your Greer interviews. At the time there was some question as to what goes on in his "Ambassador" program, so perhaps I have something to contribute. I attended a 1-day seminar that had a sky-watching/meditation portion that night. I heard the Michael Horn interview first and so I was hoping you were going to disembowel Greer, but I discovered the hosts had fallen for the same "Mr Disclosure" facade as I.

I love you guys for getting to the bottom of it, without sitting through 8 hours of Greer. Anyway, here's my story from that evening, which I wrote up the next day:

I do not remember when I first heard of Dr. Steven Greer and his organisations CSETI and Disclosure Project but I had come across mentions of his name in both podcast interviews and in links on the web over the years. When      I found out that he would be holding a workshop in the area, I decided to sign up, just to see what would happen.

My general impression of Dr. Greer was that  he was a type of Contactee who claimed to have a group meditation technique that could actually create an interaction with ET Intelligence, generally in the form of UFO activity. I had not yet read any of his books,   but I found from his websites that he is also a big Disclosure advocate. Furthermore, Dr. Greer was a physician who gave all that up to pursue disclosure and set up CSETI.   You have to admire that level of commitment and it made me think that something significant must have happened to this man to keep him going all these years.

From what I gleaned from his website, Dr. Greer seemed to fit in generally as a Disclosure advocate and Contactee. That all sounded interesting enough for me,    so I signed up for his CSETI "CE-5 workshop". I have to confess that I knew little about him at this point, but the little I knew was positive enough and if he could produce a UFO at the end of the day, he'd have me convinced!

My first disappointment started early, when I got the reading materials in the mail. The book I received, "Hidden Truth" was apparentlya transcription from his biographical lectures and runs like a stream-of-consciousness biography of a Contactee. Greer's early years were very much like other "Abductees", "Experiencers" and Contactees- filled with abuse, neglect, and illness. Why so many UFO experiencers (as well as Near Death experiencers) have also had difficult childhood experiences is yet another mystery, but it is well documented.

Dr. Greer was also like many other Experiencers in that he was able to transcend his difficult upbringing. In his case, he spent years studying meditation and spirituality (TM and Bahai) and then went on to get  a Medical degree.

I have read books by other Contactees and Channelers before and the one thing that stands out about this group is that they are the ones that have all the answers. While the MUFON people are puzzling over a melted drop of aluminium and Crop Circle researchers stare at unintelligible symbols written in wheat, Contactees often know exactly what's going on.

Unfortunately, they never agree, except to tell you that all the others are wrong.

In summary, here are some of Dr. Greer's Answers to our questions:

Q. What are UFOs?

Answer: Advanced, peaceful and wise life forms that use the technology/wisdom as described in Vedic scriptures to create high-tech vehicles and travel vast distances.

Q. What is the ET Agenda?

Answer: They are all good and here to help.Like Guardian Angels, they keep the world from blowing up until we humans come to figure out how to become enlightened beings.

Q. Then what about the Alien Abductions?

Answer: They are ALL done by shadowy human organisations (The Majestic Group) in order to scare us and make us hate the good ETs. Same goes for Cattle Mutilations!

Q. How does this military group pull off these complex abductions and mutilations?

Answer: The "Majestic" people have super technology, almost as good as the ETs and they keep it from the rest of humanity for their own nefarious purposes.

Q. Why does this story seem so different from what the "mainstream" UFO investigators have to say?

Answer: The mainstream investigators are thoroughly infiltrated by spooks, bribed, and drug-peddled.

Like many conspiracy theorists, you find on the Web, the world he describes is run by a supernaturally powerful group of insiders. These guys are the ones who killed the Kennedys, got rid of Marilyn Monroe, or orchestrated Watergate, listen to our every conversation, have bases on the moon and have all the patents to give us free energy and end poverty. They also have death rays and can take us out that way any time they want.

The most disappointing thing about Greer's Story to me was the amount of secrecy he maintains over his sources. Many of his most revealing interviews that tell us the most about these shadowy groups were from unnamed sources. For someone so interested in Government disclosure,Steven Greer holds an awful lot of secrets himself. He even intimated in the book and said more clearly during his lecture, that he has "explosive" secret information, which is what protects him from getting zapped by the "Majestic" people. He keeps this information secret but threatens to reveal it if they ever "get" him.

By the time, I set out for Greer'sCE-5 Workshop, his bubble was about half deflated. But, I thought, he must know a lot about meditation,    so I'll learn something there and if I actually see a UFO tonight, well that would be something!

So, with some trepidation that I might be wasting my time but hopeful that I wasn't, I set off for the workshop in Petaluma,California at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Dr. Greer is a big man, with a weight lifter’s build. He speaks with a Southern accent that reminded me of Al Gore. He arrived with a small entourage consisting of two middle aged women, a worshipful, doe-eyed young man and a security detail of two guards.

The workshop was sold out, with about 70 attendees. At $175 per person, I calculated the event must have grossed about $12,250. After the costs of transportation, hotels and security, I am sure he had a small profit but I imagine billing Medicare would be a much easier way for an MD to make money.

The daylight component of the workshop consisted almost entirely of Dr. Greer re-hashing what was in his book. He would occasionally needle us for not having read it but I got the sense from the attendees that they, like me, had nearly all read the whole thing. Some attendees seemed quite devoted.

Dr. Greer did not seem interested in taking questions.

He took a couple at the end of the talk but ran out the clock by elaborating and telling unrelated stories, also from the book.

He struck me as surprisingly egotistical and even mean for someone who has spent so many years in meditative contemplation. One attendee, who clearly had studied Vedic Theology, asked a technical question, filled with Vedic Jargon.

Dr. Greer quickly rejoined with a quote, “such ignorance is spoken in so many large words”   and flashed a grin at one of his followers.

Later,Dr. Greer produced photos of a mummified "Alien Child" discovered in Peru." If you don't know what desiccated means? Look it up, it means dried up".

He spoke of it like a new case that he was busy investigating. It looked to my untrained eye like a freeze-dried fetus, so I asked him how it was different from a normal fetus. He squinted at me, “are you a doctor?”

Shortly after that, while explaining why he needed a security detail up here in hippie central,  he suggested    (in jest?), I might be one of the infiltrators out to get him.

We finished the daylight portion of the workshop by viewing his video and photographic evidence. As seems so often the case, the most spectacular encounters he describes on the Web Site   and in his book all occurred when no video or camera was available. For some reason, it was about a decade into his CSETI Project before they thought of purchasing a decent video camera and all the best sightings had apparently already happened by then.

We saw slides of the usual type of UFO footage, “the strange things in the sky”.

We also watched the CSETI Footage that was captured more recently and excluding all UFOs that acted just like satellites and shooting stars and there were a handful of light anomalies.

I guess even Greer's best ET friends are camera-shy.

During the break for dinner, I joined some others in the group for burritos. It was interesting to hear their ideas and impressions. Two women seemed determined to agree with everything Greer had to say.        A third was very much like me, critically open minded. We were all hopeful that he would produce a UFO that evening and perfectly willing to suspend judgement. We did have another attendee who was very concerned about what might happen. She was from Eastern Europe and her English was rough but apparently, she thought that making contact with ETs was against some kind of NASA International Law and we might contract alien viruses or something.

I could not tell if she was being deliberately enigmatic or was having trouble expressing herself!

By this point, I suspect a lot of us were thinking he had better produce a UFO because the rest of the story was not holding up very well.

So we headed back up the hill with our cameras and folding chairs and EM Meters and night vision goggles with high hopes that this experiment in collective psychic communication would finally reveal something new about the UFO Phenomenon.

As night fell,Dr. Greer was as garrulous as ever, telling us more stories out of the book we had all read. We all sat straining at the stars trying to spot something unusual and wondering when we would get to the point when Dr. Greer would do his thing and pull down an ET.

The story telling continued, along with some shooting stars and satellite observations, for about two hours. A couple of poor abductees spoke up with questions about missing time experiences and having met ETs but unable to get over the terror of the experience.

Dr. Greer calmed them down gently “if you are scared of the ET, then you need to get over it”.

Missing time?

Who knows, probably nothing?

Dr. Greer had an interesting prop for the night.  A police radar detector that made audible noises and seemed to punctuate at random moments with Dr. Greer’ suttering.

Dr. Greer seemed to think these noises were significant.

I could not help but notice that our mountainside outpost had a direct line of sight to Highway 101 in the valley floor, so these alarms could just as well have been the occasional CHP rounding a bend, headlights shining right at us.

He called the sounds "information download", which of course SETI gets all the time and suppresses.

As midnight rolled around,Dr. Greer seemed to begin to lose steam and we finally attempted the “meditation protocol” under the stars.

As a spiritual liturgy, it was quite beautiful.

We all sat together and meditated on peace and cosmic harmony. Following the meditation, he asked for any messages or visions. I am not good at this kind of stuff, so I had nothing to offer. A few folks had various sensations of meeting cosmic beings  and attempted to invite them down. These beings did not seem to take us very seriously however, because in both reports, the ETs wanted to know what the hell we wanted.

Unfortunately, our ambassadors for the night could not think of anything convincing enough and no one came to visit. And so, at around 12:30AM, we finished. I did not wait around to hold hands and give thanks. Some people applauded but I'm not sure why. I just packed up my belongings and headed back to the car so I could get home as fast as I could.


Dr. Greer apparently has a very active astral life. While he never got to meet Bill Clinton in person, he says he has met with the President a number of times astrally and the two would confer. He also says he keeps the Secret Service busy with tips on assassination attempts that he has Remote Viewed and been able to avert.

Most recently, he informed them of an attempted IED attack by the “Majestic” people on President Obama.

I did not get the chance to ask him why the Majestic people cannot just hit him with a cancer ray beam.

Types of Ceylonese Buddhists

Types of Ceylonese Buddhists

Eggo Buddhists

The Eggs and not Ego-there is no Ego or self in true Buddhism, but phenomenal existence of beings of numerous kinds.

This is something as a little brat not even going to nursery school I have heard and seen at first hand. There was an intense debate over eating eggs before and during 1956 and the Eggo Buddhists won the day. The argument was that weBuddhists can eat eggs as long as we eat the eggs not fertilized by a cock. 

This is where cock’s right to sex is violated not any cock but the bird’s variety. 

We are “cock sure” that every egg we eat is NOT fertilised before our consumption and we can see it through the shell with our meditative instinct.

This is where cocks rights are violated by default and cocks are not allowed to screw since, if they do that we Buddhists won’t be able eat eggs.

This is the cork screw solution we extend to Non Buddhist rearing animals for our consumption.      If we Buddhists are not there to consume the products made byNon Buddhists their livelihood is lost to our economy. 

The logic pops out like a cork screw of a campaign bottle.

With this point of confirmation we Buddhist over the next 50 years evolved to the Modern Buddhism, to kill even our fellow beings Tamils, in the name of a Single Nation and National Building. 

The guy who was instrumental in building    (with the help of another guy who was very good at introducing Vulgar Sense to Local Literature) this Hegemony (the word Concept is inappropriate)  or Saga died in America, looking for Western treatment.

Alcohol Buddhists

Then came the Mujja Pama Dharshanaya which culminated during the period of                      Mrs. Kumaranatunge where the highest amount of alcohol was on sale and produced (except wine).

This is coming out of the 5 precepts where one takes intoxicating beverages and depends on one’s liver’s powerful enough mechanism to detoxify them and as long as one does not show signs of intoxication, it is NOT a bad thing.


A little bit is OK, philosophy!


I have written a book on alcohol and drugs where I state that, even one tot will cause “Fatty Changes in the Liver” which lasts over 8 hours, after ingestion of any type of alcohol.

In the “First Pass” of the liver, it causes metabolic changes.

The rationale here is one must train the liver to identify alcohol early enough ideally during pregnancy and then when the big match (cricket the national game) comes one must train the teenagers to indulge.

If the training is done early on, one can consume alcohol even on the DaladaPerehara (except elephants on 4 legs) and specially on May Day Perehara.

Lottery Buddhists

The third one is the most powerful economic wise. 

Arogyasala Lottery or the Hospital Lottery and this has now progressed into Lotto Game and extend even up to World Cup and I.P.L Cricket and bidding for players.

The Casino Buddhists

The owner can be a Buddhist as long as the players are not Buddhists

All the above are for the powerful Buddhists in the Colombo 7 and around.

Thera Vada Buddhists

This is the category of Sri-Lankan EgoBuddhists with copyright to Thera Vada.


Now that the sole authority (copyright) on Buddhism is with Sinhalayas and there is a category of Buddhists who protect the copyright of Buddhism (without practicing precepts and principles )of Theravada, come what it may and promote practices exclusively mentioned below and resistant to spread of Buddhismto other nations and countries and monopoly, on Theravada

It is the tendency to spread arguments for and against or Vada for the total monopoly and commercial consumption.

I must say Buddhism was not recorded for over 1100 years after Parinibbhana of Buddha and it was probably done first in China (Chinese texts disappeared after Mao Zedong) and it was recorded in Aluvihara,  Matale, Ceylon, probably 1700 years later


What is relevant is there is no copyright or Pure Buddhism in existence in the present or in the past.

In the 11 year, Bemintiya Seya or the Great Famine, it is said Buddhist monks who were starving tried to memorize the Dhamma texts.

Beminitiya Seya

Beminitiya Seya, also known as the GreatFamine (103–89 BCE) was a major famine which occurred in the Anuradhapura Kingdom during the rule of the Five Dravidians, shortly after overthrow of King Valagambahu

For over a decade, the irrigation systems of the Anuradhapura Kingdom had failed as a result of invasion, corruption and neglect.


It was undoubtedly one of the darkest eras of Sri Lankan history


Long periods of drought coupled with South Indian invasion meant that maintenance and repair of the once advanced irrigation systems of the kingdom were now completely neglected. The situation eased after the death of the last of the Five Dravidians and the return of King Valagambahu

As soon as Valagambahu returned to the throne in 89 BCE, many reforms were introduced to repair and reconstruct the ill fated irrigation systems of the kingdom, which eventually brought the Beminitiya Seya to an end in 89 BCE.


To this day,Valagambahu is regarded as one of Sri Lanka's greatest kings.


The rest of the five types are as follows.

Bodhi Puja Buddhists

Bodhi Puja Variety is the most popular one.

This is the category who get round the Bodhi or the sacred pipal tree (not papal or pupal) chanting and pouring milk on it roots (which leads to rotting of the aerial roots and the tree prefers dry or arid soil with roots growing very deep in search of underground water).

This chanting done without understanding the difference of water and milk to a living tree.

The Chicken Buddhists

The next variety is the most common.

If you ask them do you eat meat.

They say no, no and not for beef but if you prompt and ask what about fish and chicken, then they come out with the circular theory and logic that broilers live for 42 days and if it was killed on the 41st day and we actually contribute to its well being by reducing the misery of the chicken by one day and that helps them to evolve into better life, next time round, by making a hungry human happy at meal time.

This was the best philosophical tenet that evolved from Eggo Buddhists to modern Tech and Computer Buddhists.


The answer goes like this.

The small fish is fodder for the larger fish, in the food chain and man is the last in that chain because we are terrestrial and the fish on a muddy pool is saved from cranes and they have no business to be on our domain or the terrestrial footing, anyway.

Confused Buddhists

The next is the Confused Buddhist (I come under this category)  where part of me is ancient Buddhist Thinking and the other part is Modern Buddhism but with age catching up with my own intellectual interpretation, I am becoming more and more of an ancient Buddhist, good for an ornamented coffin, in a few years time.

The last two, if I try to explain fully I will be expelled from this blessed country (I am out of the country presently)  like the Buddhist monk who wrote poems instead of Gatha in ancient times, the Vidhagama Rahula Thera who ended up as the Saint of Mumbai.


I am out of the country and this pieces is a reproduction 

Political Buddhists

They are the Political Buddhists in the Parliament. 

Now it is the Niragamika (No Religion) N.P.P is in power even reciting Global Mangala Sutta is banned.

National Buddhists

The National Buddhists are mainly in the Army.

International Buddhists

The better term for them is Web Based Buddhists or WebbOS. They are various international guys and girls from UK to USA to some EU countries who had gone through a meditation session (6 to 12 weeks Meditation Course) and then open up a WebPage and dish out Meditation Courses for a Fee.

The whole idea of this book was inspired (not conspired) to discourage ordinary guys and girls becoming gullible suckers, to these undesirable guys.

My tenet here is, one should have a basic understanding of Principles of Dhamma.

Number one is belief in Rebirth (it cannot be proved or disproved by scientific means) and the Mind cannot be destroyed (an entity of its own) and survives after death by re-linking (Pati-sandhi) to another being of many kinds (not only human).

The basic idea of Buddhism is to extinguish this re-linking flame or mechanism.

Meditation is one of the many mechanisms available to extinguish this desire for Rebirth.

I have several books on Buddhism in English at Amazon Books and in them I have gone into detail, especially the Mind which is my scientific interest.

Emerging Buddhists

Type 12 and above are the Emerging Buddhists from ashes (of ruined practices) of Phoenix, some of whom are already in the Parliament and devising various means to portray that Buddhism is extremely difficult to understand by the ordinary.

There is some truth to it, but exaggeration of that fact is undesirable. What they are trying to convey is only the intellectuals can benefit from Buddhism, which is not true. 

So called lesser beings are probably more amenable to the Truth of Buddhism than the more elite Emerging Buddhists.

Basic tenet of Buddhism is the vehicle for simple but practicing Buddhists.

There are of course various cults, BBS is only one of them.