Monday, June 10, 2024

MxLinux 23.3-Install

MxLinux 23.3-Install 
Since, I have given up on Ubuntu, I decided to use another Linux distribution on top of Debian, Gnome, with a Light Weight Desktop.
I am beginning to Love Light Weight Desktops where on can fiddle with icon and windows.
In Flushbox Windows can be taken out of the monitor screen but they do not disappear but come from the other end.
t reduces the clutter even on a giant monitor. 
I have also decided to Install it on a USB, instead of writing on a USB to mount.
I want it to be persistent copy and not a Live session.
It has lot of options and it is finishing install with Efi partition and a SWAP partition, in case I mount it on Windows Box.
I takes long time to install USB stick which is understandable.
It booted with a user password and root password for Synaptic Package Manager.
I am currently installing,
1. AbiWord.
2. Stacer.
3. Notepadqq
4. Ranger
There is no LibreOffice.
/root is just under 10GB.
I did not