Saturday, February 8, 2025

Transistors and Texas Instruments and My Computer Journey

These ideas were extracted from a YouTube Presentation.

Transistors and Texas Instruments

First large transistor was developed in 1948, by Bell Labs, 3 years after Roswell Crash of Alien Craft. I believe these were reverse engineered from Alien Artifacts. It is not an opinion but a belief. These were given to various emerging companies to avoid monopoly. Monopoly like Microsoft came in much later in 1980s. 

Read Phili Corso in this blog site.

It seems it took 3 years to reverse engineer basic transistor concept.
It is a pretty good human craftsmanship.

Texas Instruments was an oil company subsidiary to begin with but became house old name due to its Home Computer.
1. Tandy
2. RadioShack
3. Apple
4. Intel
5. IBM
6. Microcom
7. Microtech
8. Novel 
9. Commodore
10. TI or Texas Instruments
 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) is an American multinational semiconductor company headquartered in Dallas, Texas. It is one of the top 10 semiconductor companies worldwide based on sales volume. The company's focus is on developing analog chips and embedded processors, which account for more than 80% of its revenue. TI also produces digital light processing (DLP) technology and education technology products including calculators, microcontrollers, and multi-core processors.

Texas Instruments emerged in 1951 after a reorganization of Geophysical Service Incorporated, a company founded in 1930 that manufactured equipment for use in the seismic industry, as well as defense electronics. 
TI produced the world's first commercial silicon transistor in 1954, and the same year designed and manufactured the first transistor radio. Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit in 1958 while working at TI's Central Research Labs. TI also invented the hand held calculator in 1967, and introduced the first single-chip microcontroller in 1970, which combined all the elements of computing onto one piece of silicon.

Tandy Electronics
Tandy was founded in the United States in 1919 as Tandy Leather Company. In 1963, Tandy changed its business to electronics when it acquired control of RadioShack, a forty year old electronics business with nine stores and a mail order arm. From 1963 to 1986, RadioShack grew to more than 6900 stores and dealers in the United States, with a further 2,100 stores and dealers in Canada, Europe and Australia.
Woolworth's Hand in Destroying Tandy Electronics
In April 2001, Woolworth Group acquired Tandy Electronics for $112.6 million from InterTAN Australia Limited (a subsidiary of International Tandy). Tandy had 222 stores at the time. Despite also owning Dick Smith Electronics, the Tandy stores continued to trade as separate entities until the phasing out of the Tandy brand by Woolworths in 2011.
Mind you, Woolworths had a chain outlets in United Kingdom which was phased out by English companies.
I guess Boots took over its assets.
Boots UK Limited (formerly Boots the Chemists Limited) is a British health and beauty retailer and pharmacy chain that operates in the United Kingdom. 
It also operates internationally, including Ireland, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Thailand and Indonesia.
1. BBC basic
2. Sinclair
3. Amstrad was a very big computer (as big as a freezer) and I did not have money to buy one.
British designs failed but American designs stormed the global market.

When the new designs were coming Commodore dished out its 64 bit computer damn cheap and I bought it to bring into Ceylon. My brother who was working in Middle East had 128 version and at that time he was a computer maestro.
I started late and overcame him in Linux.
Alien Artifacts

This is based on General Philip J Corso's revelations but I have my own insinuations.

American Scientists are shy to say that the inappropriately rapid advances made in science are due to reverse engineering of retrieved crashed alien crafts.
It is mysterious how they crashed, if alien technology was superior.
1. Number one for me is Genetic Engineering as a medical man.
2. The crafts were operated by EBENs or biological entities and not real beings like humans.
3. They were AI beings with artificial brains and could be spared if they were to be captured by humans.
That sounds reasonable.
4. Transistors were very big when we crafted them but alien transistors were thin and microscopic..
5. Their integrated circuits were microscopic and now, we are beginning to make small circuits of 7 to 9 nanometers thick.
6. Fiber-optics
7. Night Vision Goggles
8. Laser technology 
9. Imaging devices
10. Anti-gravity we are still struggling.
11. Single atom molecular fabrication 
12. Metals in the range of 115.
13. May be our cellphone is the real modification of the AI gadget they carried to communicate with the mother planet.
14. Micro silicone technology.
15. Artificial Intelligence.
I hate AI but the Whisper AI is pretty good.
I asked for 50 or more Linux utilities and I got them without referring to Wikipedia. 
But there were duplicate entries.
16. The Language of Communication or information transfer.
17. Teleporting
18. Telepathy
19. Mind Control
20. Cloning of beings, injured spontaneously.
21. Regeneration of crafts damaged by human scaler technology.

22. There are reports to the effect on Mir capsule. The astronauts had bone marrow depression, wasting or muscle weakness and bone dissolution.

23. It is postulated that the upper chamber of the alien craft is protected from Radiation by the property of the metal used. 
Even EBENs can be effected by radiation.

How are we going to protect our astronauts on a mission to Mars?

In another 3 years in 1951 mass production of transistors was possible.
Germanium was used first but it was unstable in higher temperatures.
Later used silicone which can stand up to 132 degrees was used for circuit boards.
First Radio (pocket radio) with 4 germanium transistors was produced in 1954.
Apple was 8 bit at this stage
Texas Instruments 

First Computer design in 1979.
Using 16 bit architecture lead to its downfall. 
The competitors were using 8 bit versions and they were cheaper.


Whonix Linux available in software center is 6 years old.
This edition I got it from FOSS Linux.
I haven't tried for a long time.
It is security and penetration testing guy.

What is DDR?

 What is DDR?

I am interested to know what RAM my Old ACER Laptop has. 

I think it is DDR3 and it is pretty slow.

I know my NUC has DDR4.

I won't buy a gadget with DDR5, even though I promote Linux games, in my age I have lot the manual dexterity to play games like a kid.

What is DDR?

As the speed of computer components have increased, memory speeds also improved. Double data rate (DDR) memory was introduced to consumers in 2000, prompting the previous technology to become known as single data rate (SDR).

DDR memory transfers data to the processor on both the rising and falling edges of the clock signal. This makes double data rate memory significantly faster – and more energy-efficient – than single data-rate memory, which uses only one edge of the clock signal to transfer data. Since DDR is faster and uses less energy than SDR, it quickly became the new standard for memory innovation.

It's also worth pointing out that double data rate memory differs from dual channel memory.

DDR generations

Each successive generation of DDR memory is faster and uses less energy than the one before it.

Today, most computers can get by using DDR3, while most high-end gaming and data-intensive creative content computers now use

The latest generation, DDR5
, was released in 2021 and offers the next level of performance for serious gamers and professional creatives.

It important to determine what generation of memory your computer supports before buying new RAM. DDR5 memory, for example, will not fit on a motherboard built to support DDR4

Check with your motherboard manufacturer to ensure you have the right memory.

Audience With King Charles and a Cuppa Ceylon Tea

 Audience With King Charles and a Cuppa Ceylon Tea

Yes, I was invited for an Audience with King Charles.

I could not have tea with him as expected (he had no time) but I was asked to pour a cup from a dispenser which I declined.
But I was given a chance to raise ten important issues in one minute.

1. Please Accept my Song of Linux and make Linux a Royal Mail Server.
I said Parrot Linux is pretty good and Vatican has a Linux Server.
He said NO.
King Charles and the Palace do not use digital mail even encrypted and prefer hand delivery due to security reasons.
Besides Royal Mail have to be protected.

2. Please declare Ceylon Tea as the number one.
He said NO.
He said Ceylon Tea derivative coming from Kenya is better and they have a Royal Contract with them. 
Besides you are not in the Commonwealth.

3. Protect our forest for the elephants for at least 10 years. 
Your father King Philip was the patron of Wild Life.
He said NO.
We have adopted Panda as the protected animal.
Besides, we need cheap goods from China, now that President Trump is at loggerhead with China.

4. Please ask Anura Dissanayake our president to Nationalize our Cricket Board.
He said NO.
It is said, the big money is coming through Dubai to London and our economy is on downhill course due to Ukraine War efforts and we need economic prop ups.

I was already running short of ideas.

5. Prohibit Caste System in Ceylon.
He said NO.
Citing under the Commonwealth Protocol caste system and tribal life have universal safeguards.

6. Protect Buddhism as stated in the constitution.
He said NO.
We have agreed with America to protect SOFA and M,C.C (Millaneum Challenge Corporation and America) protocols.

7. Make English as our Link Language.
He said NO.
We are no longer in the NATO and there 2000 other languages to protect and English is not one of them.

8. Make Kandyan Dancing our National Dancing.
He said NO.
Break dancing is the current vogue and Kandyan Dancing is two conservative.

9. Make Kaputa or Crow our National Bird.
He said NO.
Crow is no longer protected but the Australian Magpie has taken that place.
Take some of them and breed them in the wild.

10. Last one was the most sensitive.
Make pipal or Bo tree as our national tree.
He said NO.
Bo tree has religious connotations and cannot be accepted and Hindus and Christians might start another War.

11. I kept NUC as my 11th topic in case he gives me a bonus request.
Yes he gave me a bonus request.
He said NO.
Citing we have to support Trump's American Tech industry not Taiwan.
I was rudely woken up.
I am promoting all forms of mini frame architectures and I am not prepared to buy expensive gadgets from America.
Cheap Chinsese stuff is good enough for me.
GMKtech is a good brand but bit expensive if one has to upgrade.

Caste System is Endemic in Ceylon

Caste System is Endemic in Ceylon

I am making this because a guy in YouTube shows naked aggression.

Just before the election, I had a pieces here stating that J.V.P.'s political failure was it was cast based from the very beginning.

I removed that piece 48 hours before the presidential election and predicted that this time round J.V.P. would get 45% of the vote and there going to be count of the second preference.

In the general election they got the floating vote but could not top the 2.9 millions, the previous best which Gotabaya got

British of course took grand steps to stem this tendency and their University system was the instrument.

But system persisted in a different way.

The villages were named according to the cast

This persist to this day.

The name did not sound the caste.

British used this Divide and Rule System.

We are still divided but on ethnic and religious grounds. 

1. City of Kandy

2. Church and the school

The Roman Catholic School made no discrimination in admission to the school but Muslim did not enter. 

I stated my schooling there but did not last due to Mettanada's  exposed Catholic Action to the Public. 

Nobody could get a Government job unless on is a Catholic. 

There was sinister attempt to make me to change my religion when I was under 16 years.  

I resisted. 

I wanted to be without any religion.

There was a caste here with political power and money

The were called Rajapaksa.

All the land belonged to them. 

Of course British had given them free.

3. Udagama

Where the Village council was located.

4. Pallegama                     or           2nd mile post

This is from where I came from. All the white collar job people resided in this region including the Chief Justice Thalgodapitiya.

5. Maddegama

Where the  cemetery was located.

It belonged to the "Hewa Gam" or the dancers of the Kandy Perehara. 

The first guy to enter the University came from this village but he could not get a job for over 5 years. 

He worked part time in the Department of Pali (which J.R.J. destroyed and currently Ranil is hell bent in doing so) but ended up as a school teacher. 

He was a very nice guy.

Just to say how British University help without discrimination in our time until Cyril Mathews introduced a new scheme of university admission.

I entered university before this scheme.

6. Coloniya    Colony

Where poor people were located. It was a Tea Estate abandoned. 

I have seen

7. Thuna Kanuwas            or         3rd Mile Post

Where all the thugs were located and they also aligned to a party and their name was Pathirana

This family was was decimated over time.

8. Another guy from place in between 2nd and third mile post entered university before me and he ended up as the Professor of medicine in Galle University

I did not know where he is now. He was my elder brother's class mate.

I used to wear the typical Peradeniya Beard as a Medical Student but cut it when J.V.P. adopted this style.

I was never a supporter of J.V.P.

D.J.V.P. under the behest of Indian RAW put me in their kill list.

I was the fourth to be kill by them.

My crime I was working for I.M.M.I (Water Management Company).

This was a ploy by America to own our water resources.

India opposed this project that is why they wanted to kill me.

Funny part is now Indian is a strong ally of America.

8. Guru Gama   or Gurudeniya for            Royal   Astrologers

Haragama is located here where last King escaped from Kandy through and underground tunnel to Mada Maha Nuwara where he was trapped and caught.

Please not when the first battalion of British Soldiers entered the tunnel water from Maha Weli was diverted and all were drowned. Read my book on Ceylon at Amazon where I have given a rough account of this SAGA.

Do not believe the British account.

By the way, the first Suicide Bombers came from Kandy Soldiers.

Inside Kithul palm trees the hid with improvised bomb material and when British guys decided to rest on them, they were blasted with the Suicide Bomber.

L.T.T.E borrowed this technique but improved it to high effect.

Ten or More Things Apple Mac won’t tell its customers

October 21, 2011
Ten or More Things Apple Mac won’t tell its customers

Ten or More Things Apple Mac won’t tell its customers.
1. It is a Unix derivative i.e. BSD (Berkeley Systems Distribution) which form the basis for both Mac OS X and the iOS that powers the iPhone.
2. It was hooked to a O.E.M platform (Power PC) till recently.
3. BSD is what Darwin is based on.
4. Darwin is Apple’s Open Source Unix operating system foundation.
Somebody should revive this, now that Steve Job is no more.
The Darwin kernel is equivalent to the Mac OS X kernel plus the BSD libraries and commands essential to the BSD Commands environment.
It uses Open Source Open GL – Standard 3D graphics library
6. jEdit  4.3
7. Perl  5.10  Accessible through Terminal under Utilities
8. Python  2.6.1  Accessible through Terminal under Utilities
9. Python  3.3  Accessible through Terminal under Utilities
10. Ruby  1.8.7  Accessible through Terminal under Utilities
Items 6 to 10  are programming languages (now mostly platform independent) which
made the backbone of  Linux.

11. Audacity   is a Linux derivative

12. Thunderbird is a Linux derivative

13. VLC    Media Player is a Linux derivative

14. Geogebra             is a Linux derivative


No operating system is Pure and I have used OpenOffice or Libre Office since they originated from Sun Solaris system and later became Open Source.
I have used Sun Solaris, and they posed me a DVD and I still have it my archived CD/DVD images.
They were left in Ceylon.