Friday, September 13, 2024


Zencafe GNU/Linux


Zen Linux 

Zen or Meditation concept made me to use it once

ZevenOS is a good one I use its latest version.

Alinux and Peanut Linux

Peanut Linux 15 is available for download.

Log in with root keep blank the password.

It is pretty Good.

Brings me all the nostalgia.

I have highlighted the distributions I have tried at least once!



64 Studio



ADIOS Linux Boot CD


All in One - System Rescue Toolkit





Amarok Live

Amber Linux

Anarchy Installer

Ankur Bangla


AnNyung Linux

Anonym.OS LiveCD



Antomic GNU/Linux

Apricity OS



Arabian Linux


Archie Live CD

ArchLabs Linux

Ares Desktop


Ark Linux








ASPLinux Russians use this Distribution.


Athene Operating System




Aurora SPARC Linux

Aurora OS

Aurox Linux

Why I encourage mosquito breeding?

Why I encourage mosquito breeding?

I managed to fine a huge book on mosquitoes and won't dish out remedies to exterminate mosquitoes. My fish thrive on their eggs and are very healthy and I do not need to buy fish food.

Mosquito larva is our cesspit cleaner.

Cockroach is our gully cleaner.

The gecko is our pantry cleaner.

Please do not kill any of them with potent insecticides and these poisons kill our bees.

A Gram of fish food is more expensive than Thriposa or Samapoa.

This was something I wanted to write for some time but kept delaying it for many reasons including political. When some issue is taken out of context and used as a political gimmick, even with much discomfort, I tend to refrain from taking the center stage.

Train to think logically and constructively,

I sometime find it difficult to find an audience (group of intellectuals in a forum) to discuss a topic at length. This was something we used to do even when we were just interns.

For an example we were faced with a dilemma of the treatment protocol as interns. On many occasions we were sure we had made the correct diagnosis but the standard treatment did not ensue improvement or recovery. In one of these occasions we decided to double the dose of an oral antibiotic which was only 12 cents a capsule.

We could not double the other agent given I.M and very painful too since with the wrong dose of that,   I have seen a few children die (not any one who was under me) as misadventures.

Most of the misadventures were hushed up even then since the treatment was free and innocent patients were prepared to take some of the gullible lies from the administrators. This has become a common occurrence nowadays let me not digress. When we did increase the dose the patient started responding.

That was good news.

Unlike today we did not rest with that we asked the question why half the capsules were not working

Obvious conclusion was that somebody was introducing dud capsules in the supply chain.

We reported this and the Ministry then had the way to investigate the supply procedure and then caught pilfering from the Medical Supply Division and the substitution of dud ones to replace the same.

This was big news then.

This is a common practice in India even now before they reach our shores.

That was Professor Senaka Bible's time and we were very happy.

Years later I came to Colombo General Hospital and this practice was rampant as nothing constructive to abort this practice was in situ and Professor Bible had died under mysterious circumstances.

The modus operandum was for the guys to come as patients and take month's supply of drugs and unload them at the nearest private pharmacy.

There were many other offences (rice and eggs were meant to for patients were stolen during the Pang Polling days) I discovered as a D.M.O but these things are happening in much bigger scale now and I am still digressing from the major objective.

The point I want to bring out is that there is very poor accountability and the procedure for investigations is hampered both within and outside the health sector.

This is true for correct diagnosis too.

If one looks at a record of a patient who returns home comparatively well or who succumb in both private and public institutions the error rate of diagnosis is around 60% to 80% .

This figure has never been estimated for PMs (postmortems and not prime minister) after the introduction of private practice. Many a times not done in a proper scientific way.

Postmortems are avoided at very convenience of the doctors (I was a trained pathologist, paediatrician and a gaeriatrician). The other issue is that there is no proper consultation among individuals with expertise in other fields and different skills.

This is the salient feature in the practice of medicine in Ceylon. When something goes wrong the the diagnosis that come to the forefront is dengue.

The gullible media also report them without serious investigation.

All what one needs is a platelet count and a slide test that detect antibodies (no distinction from old or new antibodies). The test to show rise in titre is not evident in many cases. There are multitude of other that can lower platelets.

Concrete proof is lacking and impartial objective scrutiny is never done before or after the event. Once it is labelled as Dengue many doctors can have a sigh a relief that they have covered up their inefficiencies and tracks.

Unfortunately it covers up the administrative failures too. When a society is corrupt to the core and in effect the legal and medical systems are not strengthened to investigate and find viable remedies this filters to all the other segments of life including schools and universities and proper conduct of examinations and elections to are left to the undesirable elements.

That is when non-medical people too get involved in detecting virginity when the pertinent question that should be asked is;

Is it consensual (does not matter one is married or not-even in marriage it should be consensual not by force due the fact one is legally married; marriage gives a license) or not?

Every other case of death is buried under the mountain of dengue (we have to formulate strict guide lines).

1. The correct procedure is to have strict guide lines for diagnosis of dengue.

2. Then the next step should be and when the death is contentious (not dengue) there should be a procedure to arrive at an alternative diagnosis.

3. The third step should be to have independent clinical audit that is not practised in this country.

I can give you an incident when medical people failed to come to consensus regarding the increase of kidney disease in North Central Province. They did not have a protocol to deal with the scenario.

The dengue scenario is no different to me.

We are barking at the wrong tree.

Only taking political mileage.

Poor mosquito should not be an escape goat and escape route for our indifference since medicine like books are given free by the government.

All governments are also culpable whether they are democratic or otherwise.

We need a system in place when the system fails everything else fails.

Nobody ask the question why almost 50% did not vote. Simple answer to that is when the system in place has failed the very system that generate credibility is lost for ever and the apathy sets in.

These are not only philosophical points but these are social issues too. Everybody in power, not in power, able, disable, in private practice, in government institutions and in all spheres of activity should have a fare share of responsibility.

We are all culpable either direct or indirect or not in action or out of action or in the thick of actions.

We cannot leave it to the politicians alone.

What is lacking is sincerity and transparency.

As Buddhists we will have to pay our dues for these crimes of inactivity and indifference now not in next birth.

Mosquito Logic and Xi Jinping

Mosquito Logic 

14. What happens to a mosquito when it bites the Speaker of the House?

Her basic degree becomes a PhD.

15. What happens to a mosquito when it bites an AKD?

She forgets her promises to her partner.

16, What happens she bite Xi Jinping? 

 Nothing much except one has a deep hole in ones pocket due to DeepSeek knowing your purchase power.

Both President Putin and Xi Jinping are younger to me and they might take my advice and but President Donald Trump would not. Both Biden and Trump were 78 when assuming the chair but Trump is younger by 4 years.

Quoting these facts is to discourage young people taking up politics. There are many other fields that include computer industry which is booming.

 Xi Jinping (born 15 June 1953) is a Chinese politician who has been the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), and thus the paramount leader of China, since 2012. Since 2013, Xi has also served as the seventh president of China. As a member of the fifth generation of Chinese leadership, Xi is the first CCP general secretary born after the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

1. What is the first thing a mosquito does when it lands on the moon?

It takes the space suit off for the first feed which it missed on the flight.

2. What happens to a female mosquito who lands on a nudist camp.

She does not know where to begin.

3. What does it do when it meets a fellow mosquito in a nudist camp?

Check the sex to mate.

They are not homosexual (unlike human beings).

The following is what happens to the mosquito being after a bite.

4. What happens to a mosquito when it bites President Trump?

She (It) becomes a Megalomaniac.

5. What happens to a mosquito when it bites our P.M.R.W?

She becomes a crook.

6. What happens to a mosquito when it bites our President MS?

She becomes impotent.

7. What happens to a mosquito when it bites ex-president MR?

Her mind becomes small but body gets bloated.

8. What happens to a mosquito when it bites a Catholic Priest?

She / he (no sex in heaven) gets an instant email from heaven with a request to be transferred to hell.

9. What happens when a mosquito bites a Buddhist Monk?

She (It) forgets to repeat its instant buzz or Stanza.

10. What happens when a mosquito bites a Buddhist Nun?

It changes it sex to a male.

11. What happens to a mosquito when it bites a Muslim Priest?

She becomes a male and instantly grows a beard but forgets to wear a cap.

12. What happens to a mosquito when it bites a Hindu Priest?

Its colour changes to blue of God Vishnu.

13. What happens to a mosquito when it bites an atheist?

She develops her sense to discriminate believers and feeds only on atheists.


There are more than 3500 species of mosquitoes worldwide. 
More than 300 of these species are found in Australia. 
There are almost 100 species of mosquitoes in Western Australia.
Canada has  60 species.

UK has  30 species

Pacific has 200 species

Eggs mature within 48 hours.

500 to 100 eggs per lay.

After larval stage (may be 30 cycles) undergo 20 more cell division cycles and become adults.

From egg to adult is only 10 days.

Male live on nectar for about a week.

The female live 5 to 7 weeks but given favourable living conditions can live up to 6 months.

1. There are about 3500 species of mosquitoes and about 2500 species probably  are in current circulation.

2. I believe, it is the most versatile insect on this planet.

3. Only about 40 species are diseases producing and the rest is an evolutionary store waiting to be discovered

4. All of them start life underwater as multitude of egg types.

5. The larvae are upside down in water and breath through a pair of siphon located in the tail end.

6. Anopheles do not have a siphon and lie flat on water surface and breath trough a pair of holes in one of the segments.

7. Job of larvae are to eat a lot and grow fast.
They are filter feeders.

8. Elephant mosquito larva eat other mosquito larvae

9. Dragon fly larva breakfast is mosquito larvae

10. 4 molts.

11. Emerges as a Pupa.
Trumpets (breathing apparatus) pop out from the head.

12. Some flowers are only pollinated by mosquitoes. 
Males only feed on sugar of flowers.

13. Adult mosquito has navigational tools.

14. Females of only some varieties need a blood meal before laying eggs.

15. Giant mosquito larvae while not blood suckers help to kill other mosquito larvae and control the population explosion.

16. Killing all mosquitoes is not a solution to control mosquito born disease.
Environmentally useful guys are also killed in that process.

More Dangerous Than A Snakebite


More Dangerous Than A Snakebite
with Curtis Cost

April 3, 2023 By Hilda Labrada Gore

What could possibly be more dangerous to your health and life than a rattlesnake bite? Vaccinations. 

Our guest, Curtis Cost, the author of “Vaccines are Dangerous,” explains why shots have more serious consequences than many may have initially realized.

Curtis describes problems, beyond “side effects,” that can arise not only from the covid-19 shot, but from all shots. 

Conditions like autoimmune dysfunction, asthma, allergies, and other debilitating issues that result from injections are often not perceived as triggered by vaccines. 

Curtis connects the dots.

He also goes over why he’s especially passionate about getting the message out about the inherent dangers of these shots to the African American community.