Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Variety and Spectacle Utilities in Linux

Variety and Spectacle Utilities in Linux

In my investigation of Linux utilities, I accidentally, found two very interesting utilities.

Number one is Variety, it gives one a soothing desktop animation and effects with lot of very simple customization.

What I really like is the large Time, Day and Month display on the desktop.

It can be connected to the Internet for variety of images.

The second item is Spectacle that one can take a screen-shot with or without animations. 

Apart from them I downloaded

1. Stacer

2. Ranger

3. Notepadqq

4. Sweeper

5. Gnome-pie

6. Gnome teaks 

The heavy weights are 

7. Scribus

8. Blender

9. Inkscape

10. Kdenlive

11. Transmission

12. Deluge

13. Box

14. VLC

15. Audacity

16. Clapper

17. AbiWord

18. Xournal ++

19. Rednotebook

20. Evolution

21. Bluefish

22. Synaptic Package Manager, my favorite 

23. SNAP software which I rarely use.

24. LibreOffice

25. Lot of file managers and 4Pane is excellent.

26. Lot of simple games both Gnome and KDE.

All these has taken little over 11GB and I have 12GB left in my home folder without Iso images.

27. All the Iso images are in NTFS partition and it has only one ARCH Linux derivative.

ARCH Linux and its derivatives cannot be tested live on Gnome BOX Utility. So I do not bother with ARCH.

28. I have enough data for my book on "Linux Essentials".


By the way, this site is not a gossip column.

With elections all over, including Ceylon, I have no interest in politics at all.

Guys who are in politics are mostly impotent scoundrels and when see Nancy Pelocy, Joe Biden and Democratic Party, it looks like USA Hegemony is in a Cliff Edge.

Good on America!.