Slacko has just posted a minor update today and it is pretty good.
As I reported earlier it is cloud ready PUP.
It has slickpet on the desktop when fully booted.
Slickpet lets you have popular pets and internet pets menus.
One can download loads of software including games.
Everything under one roof and comes under Puppy Umbrella if one is out in the sunshine or rain.
(Puppy Umbrella is my addition or adoption to to Puppy Family).
Popular pet lets one install all cloud utilities that Puppy supports.
It also gives you Psip 32 Puppy phone which is very good alternative to Skype.
What I am going to tell you today is MeeBO (not MeeGO) which is a very good social platform for one to register and integrate one's own web connections.
MeeBo lets you download MeeBo Notifier SETUP but it is currently available for Window users but not Linux.
I hope they will soon have Linux package,too.
Mind you Puppy also lets you have your own Web Desktop.
All these can be downloaded in few seconds if not minutes.
It has Yahoo, Google and and twitter all integrated in one place.
It also has Dropbox which one has to install.
All this is in 126 MiB and this is the best present one can give as a Christmas Present, to be in touch with your dear ones.
Puppy and Slacko, HAPPY CHRISTMAS and happy New Year for you.