Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Indhika Suraj, A Walking Encyclopedia

Indhika Suraj is a walking encyclopedia.

I do not agree with him on many points especially his inclination for astrological predictions.

I prefer him to become a astrophysicist, like me.

He is totally blind from ? birth and he has an extraordinary power to remember the contents of many Suttas and Books he has read.

Having said that he is very vocal about wrong cultural habits in Ceylon.

He is against racism.

He respects other religions.

He is tolerant to multilingual education.

He is logical.

He is reasonable.

He is empirical.

He is both empathic and sympathetic.

But he helped a racist regime to come into power.

He is culpable for that crime against  humanity.

He is now, liberal but somewhat against rationalism.

His belief in astronomy is an indication (somewhat irrational predictions by him especially political).

But that is his own trade and he is entitled to promote his views.

I won't go to him for any future predictions about me  but I do not prevent someone consulting him on astrology.

Above all, I respect him for his forthright behaviour.

He speaks to the mind and not to the physical body.

As a paediatrician I have seen many children with many handicaps.

The beauty of mankind is handicapped guys and girls have great potential and they should never be treated differently.

They are differently abled not disabled.

The word disabled should be banned from English Dictionary.

Its meaning is divisive and Indhika Suraj is totally against division due to race, casts, colour, religion and language.

I believe he has read Bertram Russell.

I do not know whether he has read Karl Marx.