Thursday, July 18, 2024

Puppy, Lupu, Quirky and Wary

 Puppy, Lupu, Quirky and  Wary

I have a very short comment on Vanilla Puppy Linux. It has sacrificed the utility value of Linux for the glossy appearance.

That is a fundamental mistake.

It cannot configure the Wireless Internet.

Any Linux distribution that cannot configure Wireless Networking is not worth testing.

My advice for them is to work on the first 512MB of the distribution for basic utilities so that it can be booted from a 1GB stick (hard to find) and the rest can be downloaded from the home page of the distribution.

The glossy appearance can be worked out later. It is like a chocolate, the basic ingredients are chocolates, sugar, milk and salt.

Rest is old wrapping outside.

Once the original Linux Chocolate is good, the taste and flavour can be added on (not padded on).

This is the problem with Apple Mac and Windows, they have one flavour and one is stuck with it. Linux has more than 300 flavours (By the way, chocolate has over 330 chemical ingredients) and www, highlight 100 of them.