Friday, January 3, 2025

Mahayana Buddhism is Antithetical to True Deliverance (Uppamado Amata Padan)

 Mahayana Buddhism is Antithetical to True Deliverance (Uppamado Amata Padan).

In my opinion, Mahayana Buddhism is the degeneration of Original Buddhist Concepts due to regional cultural practices.

Mahayana has added many regional philosophical contents into Buddhist practice outside the main realm.

It is actually the Hindu mysticism that has degenerated the Original Buddhist Concepts.

That is the very reason for it's degeneration.

Anything that prolong Samara or the recurring Birth Cycle is antithetical to Buddhist Thinking.

Theravada has one path 
1. Ekayana Maggo.
It is Satara Sathipattana

Its goal is 
2. Uppamado Amata Padan.
Strive hard with diligence on the path of deliverance.

One is truly one's own protector and the saviour.
Do not delay the goal i.e; the emancipation.

One might not get another chance of becoming a human being for very very long time.
Human life is Extremely Rare (Read Dhammapda).

Mahavansa willfully delay emancipation by aspiring to become a Bodhisattva.
It is trying to take to many paths instead of the single path what Buddha prescribed.
Mostly rituals, reciting stanzas and asceticism, instead of meditation or concentration on the path of deliverance.

One common thread should be Meditation.

They are willfully meditating to delay the emancipation or escape from Rebirth Cycle.

It is an antithesis to Uppamado Amata Padan.

Strive Hard as, if there is no second chance is the True Wayfarer's Goal.

The Bodhisattva Problem

Both “Nikāya purism” and “Mahāyāna elitism”neglect the path of deliverance.

Mahāyāna Elitism” neglects the fact that in his historical manifestation, so far as we can determine through the early records of his teachings, the Buddha did not teach the bodhisattva path

This path emerges only in documents that start to appear at least a century after his passing

What the Buddha consistently taught, according to the early records, is the attainment of nirvāna by reaching arahantship

War is Manufactured Industry

 War is Manufactured Industry

I come from a country where war was manufactured by Indian Raw and we are now in deep debt and the average citizen is starving.

War was historically manufactured by Western Man.






Currently British monarchy is the share holder of this Arms Industry

All of the descendants of the Royal Family have Military Titles from Emperor to King and Queen to Viscounts.

They wear the titles but never seen in the battle field.

Whereas, the stupid private to sergeant major is the one who comes home with battle injury.

What generally happens in history is these Kings are disposed of, by Army Generals and they in turn sustain a big army.

There is never the natural development of democracy.

It comes at the tail end of the declining imperial glamour.

India was plundered by British both Human labour and materials like gems and gold. 

India is the best example where after 75 years of independence 40 to 50% are below the poverty line.

The beauty is that the rich Indian Rajas will carry the cricket mantle and even though, England is placed at the bottom of the Table of 10 places.

Ironically, the British average citizen is not better off than an Indian who begs on the street.

His gas / electricity bill and house rental payments have skyrocketed in the mean time and some have less than only £50/= for his meals for the whole month.

Without Food Banks he cannot survive.

I wonder why British do not throw away this King and develops a viable Republic.

Keith Starmer cannot do that!

He will bum suck the King.

Regarding American War Industry they are unable to supply the Israelis with hardware having depleted them in proxy war in Ukraine.

My worry is Israel would use tactical nuclear arsenal as the last resort.

That will lead to a chain reaction, starting from Pakistan and ending up with North Korea.

Russia will not be able to negotiate even if they wish since, Israel is British and American Baby, created in 1948.

Kalama Sutta

 Kalama Sutta

The Story

The people of the small town Kalama complained to Buddha that they were confused by contradictions they discovered in what they heard from various teachers who praised their own doctrines. They asked Buddha, who was staying in the town then, who to believe out of all those who, like himself, passed through their town.

"Venerable Sir, some recluses and Brahamins visited this town and praised only their own doctrines, but condemned and despised those of others. And it is common that they do so.

Sir, who among them told the truth and who told the falsehood?"

Buddha advised them, saying, "Kalama people, it is proper for you to doubt and to have perplexity when doubt has arisen in a doubtful matter."

He then, went on to instruct that it is wise to make a proper examination before committing to a doctrine or any teaching.

He said that it should be applied to his own teachings as well.

In Pali, Buddha's reply is recorded thus;

1. Ma anussavena.

Do not believe something, just because of its repeated hearing and passed down and retold for many generations.

2. Ma paramparaya.

Do not believe something merely because it has become a traditional practice of many generations.

3. Ma itikiraya.

Do not be led by rumour, hearsay or common opinion.

4. Ma Pitakasampadanena.

Do not be led by because it is in the scriptures.

5. Ma takkahetu.

Do not be led by mere logic or surmise.

6. Ma nayahetu.

Do not believe something merely because it accords with the axiom of one’s philosophy.

7. Ma akaraparivitakkena.

Do not believe something because it appeals to specious reasoning or  "common sense".

8. Ma ditthinijjhanakkhantiya.

Do not believe something just because of the bias towards the idea or notion.

9. Ma bhabbarupataya.

Do not believe something because the speaker´s seeming ability and seeming trustworthiness.

10. Ma samano no garu ti.

Do not be led by upon the consideration that he is your teacher.

Kalamas, when you yourselves directly know, "This is  unwholesome, this is blameworthy, this is condemned or censured by the wise, these things when accepted and practised lead to poverty and harm and suffering," then you should give them up.

Kalamas, when you yourselves directly know, "These things are wholesome, blameless, praised by the wise; when adopted and carried out they lead to well-being, prosperity and happiness," then you should accept and practise them."

The Pali text runs like this: "Etha tumhe Kalama. Ma anussavena, ma paramparaya, ma itikiraya, ma pitasampadanena, ma takkahetu, ma nayahetu, ma akaraparivitakkena, nid ditthinijjhanakkhantiya, ma bhabbarupataya, ma samanro no garu ti."

1. Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (repeated hearing).

2. Do not accept anything by mere tradition.

3. Do not accept anything on account of rumour.

4. Do not accept anything just because it accords with the scriptures.

5. Do not accept anything by mere superficial supposition or surmise.

6. Do not accept anything by mere axiom (inference).

7. Do not accept anything by merely by specious reasoning.

8. Do not accept anything merely because of the bias towards the already held notion.

9. Do not accept anything merely because the seeming ability of the individual or the preacher.

10. Do not accept anything upon consideration that the ascetic is a respected teacher.

But when you know for yourselves ¨these things are bad, these things are blameable, these things are censured by the wise, undertaken and observed these things lead to harm and ill¨, abandon them.

Anton Pavlovich Chekov


Anton Pavlovich Chekov

 Great Russians

1. Leon Tolstoy




2. Dostoevsky



3. Stepan Kolesnikoff



4. Alexandra Pushkin



5. Maxim Gorky

Revolutionary writer


6. Anton Chekhov

Story Teller


7. Nikolai Gogol

He was a Russian story writer and a play writer who influenced later writers.

He was a Ukraine writer. The Ukrainian culture and folklore influenced his writing. His writing style wads called grotesque or distorted or repulsively ugly.

The Nose

The Overcoat

The diary of a Madman

Born in 1st April 1809

Died in 4th March 1852

We all came under Gogol's undercoat is a saying that come his work overcoat.

Below is about Chekhov;

Father of short stories.

He was the artist of the mundane.

To escape from reality he choose literature.

He was living at a time when Russia was waking up with outpouring of literature.

His mother probably would have told him many stories.

Talent from our father.

Our soul from our mother.

He failed in Greek.

When he was 16 his father went bankrupt. To avoid jail he fled to Moscow. He had to support family financially and keep them cheerful by writing letters and stories.

He read lot of fiction.

He read books by philosophers like Schopenhauer. Busy chasing with older women including one of the wife of his teachers.

He managed to enter Moscow State University.

Within 4 years he got his doctorate.

He achieved all this without any help.

All by himself.

He has come from poverty and he wanted to give something back.

It all came at a cost to himself.

It was his writing which kept him going.

He won the prestigious Pushkin Prize.

Other writers were getting old and Russia needed young blood which Chekhov filled.

He wrote a story book Steps while in Ukraine.

Ivanoff became a huge success.

Painter of reality in his stories.

This was revolutionary at his time.

Everything in the story should have a purpose.

Tidy story telling.

He wrote about all human horrors he observed.

He wanted the authorities to treat criminals humanely.

Human Rights.

Tolstoy fought in Crimean war.

George Orwell wrote poverty in London and Paris. He moved to a village while practicing medicine he wrote his classics.

He became an atheist.

When his health was failing he moved to Crimea where he met Tolstoy and Gorky.

One of the greatest Russian play writers and a physician.

The Seagull

The Cherry  Orchard.

Uncle Vanya

Three Sisters

Were his classics.

Lady with the dog.

Born 29 January 1860

Died  15 July       1904 aged 44.

He probably died of tuberculosis which he probably acquired during resident work. He took a neural stand on morality, politics and religion.

In short stories one should focus attention with minimalist details. In novels one can diverge but not in short stories.

Less is more approach

Follow intuition.

Telling the Truth

Brutal Honesty

These are escape from reality and philosophy.

Human behaviour in real life.

Will to Joy

Joy is all temporary.

Happiness is not enduring but a myth.

We anticipate death.


Final Words

He made himself invisible in his stories.

He appears heartless in depicting the reality.

He says, medicine is his lawful wife and writing was his mistress. He was probably spending all his earning on his big family.

He was down to earth and idealist in his philosophy.

Running Parallels with Proxy War in Ceylon and Ukraine

 Running Parallels with Proxy War in Ceylon and Ukraine

Let me be forthright from the very outset.

I am writing this as a simple Buddhist who is totally against any war anywhere on this Planet Earth.

Hatred begets hatred.

Loving kindness brings harmony.

In Ceylon we had over 35 years of political  hatred under J.R.J (U.N.P) and Sirimovo (S.L.F.P).

These two parties and their collateral ruined Ceylon

The breakaway offshoot parties from these two parties still carry hatred inCeylon including LSSP, CP and MEP.

There are over 80 registered parties in Ceylon and one is headed by a monk.

According to Buddha monks should not take part in politics or should not give advice to Kings (currently president Biden and Putin), Queens or Presidents.

The latest in this development are Wira Wansa Associate Conglomerate and Champaka's new party of descent (Hate). These two are offshoots of the old JVP lead by Wije (Wira) Weera who started revolution in this country when there was no need or racial animosity in existence.

He started hating India to begin with.

It is believed North  Korea was instrumental  in creating this party of descent who used killing opponents in broad day light, as a political stunt and tool.

Less I talk about L.T.T.E is better and it was a party of hate from its origin and it systematically  exterminated, all other moderate Tamil parties.

T.N.A is the remnant collateral.

I have nothing but admiration for Mr. Sampanthan for his political stamina.

By the way, I do not understand how the Tamil political parties evolved in the North.

Muslim parties analogy is simple.

When two dogs fight, the small dog steals the flesh of politics.

Here is the entry point for CIA.

CIA used Indian RAW as its collateral in creating descent in Ceylon just like in Ukraine.

India hated Ceylon and feared it would supersede Singapore as a power keg of the Indian Ocean.

USA and CIA was eyeing Ceylon as a base.

I know it as first hand information since, I protected the satellite in the surgical theater as a surgical equipment.

India created D.J.V.P (second RAW creation) in 1988-89 to scuttle the launch.

Indira Gandhi was the architect of the first but I am not sure of the second, may be Prime Minister Rajiv.

Only difference in Ukraine was it armed the Neo Nazis and Bandera in Ukraine for over a decade (equivalents of J.V.P and D.J.V.P).

Both Republicans and Democrats without exception helped to create Russophobia.

CIA and MIC (Military industrial Complex) were direct beneficiary but they have now met their nemesis called Russians who withstood Nazis.

It looks like Ukraine militants (Bandera) are going to be all but a pushover for Wagner group and Chechens.

I have sympathy for average Ukrainians who are refugees in Poland and EU countries.

Poland had to stomach spill overs historically.

Coming to India and Indians they did not provide refugee status to Ceylonese Tamils.

That is the typical Duplicity of Indians.

Currently India while buying cheap Russian fuels and selling them back to EU countries 3 times the stock price and are asking for a seat in the Security Council is the real Geopolitical Duplicity.

Pakistan and the rest of the neutral countries should oppose double dealing Indians and there should not be a seat in the Security Council for India.

China obliterated Tibet and Dalai Lama is a lame duck remnant. 

China fought two wars with India for a narrow stretch of land and should not be given a seat in the Security Council.

Instead South Africa deserves a place in the Security Council.

WHO is a colossal waste and should be abolished for the reason allowing CIA to operate lethal viral labs to kill President Putin  in Ukraine (over 22 laboratories in number, may be more).

One need not do anything to resurrect USA and UK for using Depleted Uranium and let the guys/girls who masterminded these operations die of lethal cancers.

France should be allowed to have Nuclear Plants in every city but they should not be allowed to buy Uranium from outside sources, at all. They should dig and mine Uranium in France and not in West Africa.

No gas and fuel from Russia or any other country to France and UK until all the Depleted Uranium is utilized in a War Zone of their choice. 

Above points are raised to show not only India but all except a few EU countries are Duplicity Giants.

This piece is not complete unless I make some references to Israel and Muslim conflict.

Both religions are essentially similar, God based.

One branch arise from a legitimate child and other branch from an illegitimate child from the same father.

The God I think was an intermediary by creating another bifid child of Humans and Gods.

I am a guy who believes in, that the God has no relationship to human evolution

If there was a hybrid child it would have been from an alien species who visited this planet millions of years ago having had sex with an evolving primate species.

By the way, the age of this planet is not 7000 years as according toBible and Quran but much more ancient and revising these texts according to at least Sumerian artifacts, if not scientific is mandatory.

By the way these two texts have many editions and are constantly changing with time.

Archaeologists and writers are born liars except for a few.

This comment applies to Bagawath Geetha, too.

Former CDC chairman and his committee of HiFi scientists should be sent to prison for operating "Gain In Function" research in China.

I have a request for President Putin.

We took 35 years to end our war of attrition and we are totally bankrupt. He should end the War (attrition till next Presidential Election in USA is prudent) soon, on his own accord with a Strategic Bomb near the border of Poland (please avoid spent up Uranium) or on the head quarters of the Military Alliance of the EU, lest Russia too, go bankrupt with Esoteric Missiles of mass destruction.

Otherwise, MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction!


Please note I am not in Ceylon currently and if I post this post in a local post I will be categorized as a terrorist.

All Ceylonese are by default terrorists thanks to our robust constitution.

I think Ceylon should not have a constitution but let our monks deliberate Security Council Debates, on monthly basis in every village in Ceylon and the U.N.O should fund these rabid monks.

By doing so, (debating security) as rabid dogs,  fighting each other, they will exhaust their inbuilt anger and spent up steam, the rest of the citizens can exercise their free and democratic rights only in their residential domains, if they possess any of their own but not rented out.

According to proposed amendments to the constitution tenants are terrorists with no legal rights.

In the alternative each monk should be provided with a Steam Deck and Drive with a big overhead TV to play "War Games" in preparation of the Security Council Debates.

I have another proposal!

The rent for University Students should be raised by three times the local prices. By doing so, we can reduce the number entering the Universities drastically and then having more dons than undergraduates in every university that fails to function with perennial strikes.

The dons themselves can create creativity  perpetually without students asking valid questions.

Reality of Russophobia

 Reality of Russophobia

Let me dish out President Biden, first.

I am a medical man and I have managed elderly with disease, disability and dementia.

I have dissociated from active medical activities long time ago before my own abilities started to deteriorate. First of all, I give a chance for the young blood to enter into my domain.

Second, I continued to teach and educate.

Third, I consider myself not indispensable.

My  advice for anybody over 50 who is in active duty is to undergo a full medical check up at least,       on two year intervals.

It should be a statutory requirement,

In that sense, President Biden has not been forthcoming. He should retire, if his medical score is below par.

If he does not, he should be warned of the consequences, including impeachment. His son is currently investigated for irregular financial deals with Ukraine company called Barisma. We do not know whether as the Vice President of United State Mr. Biden had any knowledge or not of such activities.

His campaign slogan was regime change in Russia. That by itself was an antidemocratic move.

Russia is a sovereign independent country.

It has its own autonomy as regard to political, social and military.

No nation can boast power play over other countries and nations. The so called American Hegemony is fast collapsing. Using Ukraine as a Proxy War to mitigate Russia has misfired miserably.

Russophobia was a faked political gamble.

One has to fear Russia, if the leader of Russia opposes the right of Russians to live their own lives, according to their own social and political system. President Putin understands his position as the Russian leader and so far his response has been measured in spite of many provocations.

Russia would draw a red line when there is an existential threat. I believe NATO and the West have crossed the red line by offering a seat in European commission. Making an absolutely corrupt country an EU membership is that red line. Ukraine has not achieved the target goal of the EU for any measure. Elections are arbitrarily postponed.

Ukraine so far has done nothing to qualify for membership. If at all, by its own actions it has downgraded itself.

The off ramp strategy pf America is to drum up Russophobia

The average American is stupid enough to drum up that sentiment and has no understanding of ground reality and global politics.

His or her mind can be twisted by media.

CNN and Fox News are trying hard but seemingly failing.

1. Russian average family lives a happy life.

2. The vehicle ownership is probably higher than in America.

3. Russians unlike Americans do not eat from rubbish bins.

4. Majority of Russians are practicing orthodox Christians.

5. Russian Communist Party has only 3% share of vote.

6. President Putin's popularity is over 80%.

7. President Biden’a popularity is less than 30% and falling and is considerably lower than President Donald Trump.

8. Street violence is absent in Russia.

9. There is no poverty in Russia and there is no social inequality.

10. Social inequality is prevalent in the West.

United Kingdom is a classic example.

Listen to Jeremy Corbyn, the former labour leader.

11. One can possess a gun in Russia but they never carry guns in public.

12. A Russian's debt is proportional and is mainly related to the house mortgage.

13. Russians promote big family size.

14. Russians love traveling abroad.

Turkey is their popular destination.

15. Russia has its own space program.

16. Russian pilots are the best in the world.

17. Its military can outperform any on this planet.

18. Russian Ruble is strong in spite of the sanctions.

19. Russians love to coexist with other nations.

20. Above all Russians are proud of themselves.

Would you like to live in USA or Russia?

The answer is simple.

This Russophobia is man made!

It is related to paranoia and simple jealousy.

That is the simple behaviour trait of Americans.

Where ever they go, they are not treated with open arms but with suspicion. 

They themselves have created this image and they have nobody except themselves to blame for this tragic reality.

Mind, Memory, Dreams and Consciousness

 Mind, Memory, Dreams and Consciousness

Mind, Memory, Consciousness and Dreams are terms used to describe the working of the brain.

None of these terms are inclusive nor exclusive in enlightening the understanding of the working of the brain.

Brain is the most variable component of these elements, if this discussion is extended to the animal kingdom.

I am going to exclude the brain and its physiology from this entry.

The reasons I will briefly outline.

Brain can exist in a vegetative state with modern technological support as long as artificial ventilation is maintained.

I have done this myself as an neonatal resident in UK.

One example is enough.

Obstetric registrar delivered a baby by cesarean section.

The baby’s heart had stopped a few minutes before.

I was called in and I concurred, in fact, the heart had stopped.

I was in a dilemma.

If I do not resuscitate this baby, I will (this was a locum not a permanent job with my superiors behind me) fall into trouble for negligence.

I made an immediate decision to give intra-cardiac injection and got the attending nurses into full action gear. That included calling in the Senior Registrar for his approval before shoving in the needle to the baby’s heart.

He said OK and the baby’s heart did start in a shutdown state.

I did another stupid thing immediately afterwards.

Shoved in a intra-arterial canula and pumped in saline to stabilize the blood pressure and open up the veins (intra-arterial infusion was not in vogue, then, except at Oxford University).

After stabilizing the physiological state and (in addition), opening an intravenous infusion,  I transferred the baby to the ICU.

This baby started fitting after six hours of resuscitation and for another six weeks.

Everybody including the parents were cursing me behind my back

This was good on me and I decided to leave intensive care and UK for good.

Of course in later years, I was more comfortable in pathology where decisions are made “after fact” (like Ceylon Politics) at postmortem.

Even after postmortem only in about 60% one can make solid conclusions.

The postmortem of this baby did not reveal new facts. 

In Ceylon this baby would have been declared dead without resuscitation.

Not having technology is a blessing in disguise.

Now coming to my discussion, this baby’s brain was dead but not his heart.

It was in a vegetative state without properly functioning brain. 

I followed my Buddhist instincts and fell apart with British colleagues.

In my mind, I was not a God to decide the future for this baby’s life, in this life.

I am not an arbitrator of Kamma in evolution.

I did what the physiology could support but could not intervene, in the evolution of the next life.

Like the near death experience of cardiac arrest patients, if I could see into the next life my intervention could have been masterly inactivity

But I have no discretion available according to the practice of Western medicine (except supporting life with artificial means).

The “Let Go” principle according to the nature of events unfolding is not something discussed in depth in the West.

I make following prepositions 

None may be correct, some may be correct, certainly, not all of them are correct.

1. Mind inhabits the brain when suitable but exists it when impossible for functioning.

Body and Mind in a comforting each other in the cave of existence.

2. Mind does not become extinct at death.

3. It grabs another living body (brain) by default.

4. The transition period is ill understood as seen in “Near Death Syndrome”.

There is no inter phase or untar-bhava or elderly wise men helping the soul.

The transition is quick and automatic without an intervening phase.

It is like the transmission of an electron through a transistor gate.

The mind enters the transistor portal and goes into the next Bhava of existence instantaneously and it is one way ticket and no coming back

The mind floating in space and looking for a place of rebirth of choice with wise men helping in is not at all plausible.

The wise men have no right to intervene except masterly inactivity. 

Imaging all the souls waiting for a rebirth point keep on floating in space there will be War or Clash of souls

I hope you got the point,  I am driving at.

Each soul has his her own pathway of transition.

Not even so called God can intervene.

5. It either grabs the current body of existence (at least temporarily) with doctors’ help (resuscitation) or has no choice but to exit and enter its own individual path.

6. Mind can exist outside the body.

7. Body can exist without a mind (EBENs of extraterrestrial origin).

This is where the bio-engineering would create biological entities / agents that can reproduce identical biological robots.

The presumption here is that without a previous existence of the mind,          a new “soul” cannot be created de novo.

8. Highest level of mind’s existence is its detachment from the entanglement with the body (current or future existence).

9. There have to be many minds of existences and there cannot beUnity of Mind” (as God or super agent of creation).

10. All of the above is not true.

11. Some are plausible and some are not.

What is the truth about mind, memory and consciousness?

Difficult to answer but let me try the plausible.

1.Consciousness or Awareness of the present.

In the case of the baby (above scenario) the consciousness was non-existent.

If it did, the baby would have chosen to live.


1. Mind

Mind is a powerful indestructible entity.

Mind has a powerful choice at the time of death.

It either goes into outer realm of existence in another birth (reincarnation) or grab onto the current body as long as possible.

I have a saying here.

The “Tunnel Vision” lets one previews the next birth.

If it is good the current beholder “lets go” and peacefully say "Good Bye”.

I haven’t found many in my life of experience except perhaps a few kids in death bed.

The nest scenario is the sight of terror having seen the lowly next round of birth.

They are the ones who hang onto the ventilator for ages and the Super Choice of Intensive Care Units, where every minute is money on the coffer for Private Nursing Homes.

Of course drain of resources for public service.

Above discussion is an eyeopener for critical care specialists.

They should know when to let go.

In this sense reincarnation is a “Soul Healing” doctrine.

Whether it is true or not is immaterial for one who has arrived at that juncture.


2. Memory

I have not located memory in any part of the brain and haven’t got a clue.

It got to be outside the brain.


I do not know

3. Dreams

It is my favorite. Apart from sleeping a lot now (I call it catch up sleep) dream is a fascination. I even think that dogs do dream.

Imagine an EBEN Robot working 24/7 schedule and a Ceylonese.

It is a habit for government servants and politicians to sleep while on duty or in the parliament.

They are paid for that (sleeping) and discover wakeful state after retirement when not having a regular income (bribes not available) and discover many poor people live a life of bare existence and sleepless nights.

Universal Drink Alcohol or Water?

Universal Drink Alcohol or Water?

This is a very easy question to answer.

It is certainly not water.

It is definitely alcohol.

I could not find an accurate figure for requirement of water for a day for an adult.

Nobody except some guys who are told by folklore that one should drink certain number of glasses of water, no adult has a clue or taught correct physiology in their entire life of intake of the water requirement.

We drink a substitute instead, tea or coffee or a beverage that has caffeine in it for central nervous system stimulation by habit.

Not for water requirement at all.

The water is the basis of cellular life.

Fortunately all food we eat has some water and their combustion produce water of metabolism and our kidney has the capacity to conserve when we are not drinking and when we sleep.

But I find man always (this applies to a certain percentage of women) have few liters of alcohol down diluted with some water.

What I find interesting is the minimum even in Bangladesh (country with lowest intake) is one litre of pure alcohol per person.

Which is a colossal.amount when multiplied by the total population. I find it interesting Iranians drink as much as Russians. It is said Belarusians drink the most but their officials figures are scaled down. Maldiwians drink more simply due to lack of water supply.

Come to Ceylonese they drink about 15 times as Bangladeshis and only about 5 times less than Russians.

I expected the Africans to drink more but it is true of only a few countries  like Zambia, Nigeria and South Africa.

Myanmar tops India and Indians drink (unlike in Tamilnadu films)  far less amount than Ceylonese.     My gut feeling was that rich and relatively happy countries consume more but they are less than Muslim countries put together and Malaysia is an exception.

I guessed Singaporean drinks more but I was wrong.

They have no time to drink.

Except New Zealand most of the Western counties drink an average more than Asians.              The Australians are heavy drinkers but it is coming down unlike in UK and USA.

My analysis is where there are dictators running the countries affairs, the alcohol consumption is high.

Myanmar is a classic example and some Latin American countries with dictators running the affairs are close allies of alcohol. A point what our Buddhist monks have failed to grasp is when there is a dictator running, the alcohol consumption goes up significantly and rapidly.

So if we want to drop alcohol consumption democracy should go hand in hand not other way round. If our alcohol consumption goes up by the next election do not blame the drinker but the ruler or rulers.

The corollary is for a dictator to succeed the country should streamline and jack up alcohol production at an affordable price, the variety does not matter but the production rate.

I gather Americans are drinking more after the election since the enthusiasm and the steam have run down and furloughing is through.

President Biden has to make sure alcohol production goes unhampered during his term office and he will be remembered for life if he cuts down taxes on alcohol in spite of medical advice and fail to keep 90% of the promises.

That also make Republicans to drink more and lose track of elections and for his successor to have a smooth riding.

If he follows doctors advice on alcohol and the numerous medical legislatures brought in front of him for approval, he is bound fail.

Just pretend you are absorbing them in good spirit.

See what happened to Donald Trump, mainly due to Anthony Fauci's insinuations.