Pinguy Linux 14-04-LTS
Pinguy Linux was an elegant2 years ago when it was 12-04 L.T.S.
Its dockey and the MacOS like appearance was appaling.
It was based on Ubuntu and the face change or the Desktop (Unity) overall has made, Pinguy Linux to fail.
I am not sure whether it has changed to Debian but it failed to come out with a stable version (failure of Ubuntu).
To cut the long story short, I downloaded (year end restructuring my old computer) the 14.04 and installed it to find it has changed a lot and sadly, user account utility failed and immediately, I installed Debian WDL over it.
It took ages to install but DebianÅ› gnome Classic was way above the appearance of Pinguy.
In addition, the control center was not their i the new version.
I cannot recommend it as a LTS version.
I hope, the developers go to Debian and work on Gnome instead of the Ubuntu desktop.
Having said that, Ubuntu on its own is addressing its own desktop admirably.
It is only the derivatives of Ubuntu which are failing.