Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Feel Good Factor and Growth Hormone

Feel Good Factor and Growth Hormone
1. Smoking is the number one killer product of America.
2. The number two killer product is Alcohol which is a Universal Product which Ceylonese have known to adulterate.
If you come to Ceylon drink only wine and avoid Arrack except VSOA which is as powerful as Vodka.
3. The number three killer product (it does not kill you but effects your liver) is cholesterol lowering drugs that causes dementia which prevents the sufferer from suing the company.
This piece is about Growth Hormone which only act through liver enzymes.
The cholesterol lowering drugs just like alcohol effects liver transformation of toxic products to non-toxic products. However alcohol induce enzymes in liver but cholesterol lowering drugs inhibit liver enzymes.
Its sole mode of action is toxic to the liver unlike alcohol which is like a blade of a sword which cuts both ways.
Liver has uncanny ability to change cancerous chemicals to non cancerous chemicals and vice versa the non cancerous to cancerous.
Its task is metabolism and it has no control over it.
So we have to guide the liver to do good for us.
So it is more important than your heart and brain.
Unfortunately brain also has to act through liver.
Now Growth Hormones retards aging and age related symptoms such as poor memory, acting through liver
If your liver is bad or mad your meditation won't work.
Meditation raises (my recommendation is chocolates) growth hormones.
Growth hormones prolongs your life in good quality but I do not recommend using it as a treatment.

What are the other ways to enhance its preservation.

1. Good Sleep (through Melatonin).

2. Nature activity including gardening.

3. Walking with your dog.

4. Regular light exercise.

5. Laughter not satire (my specialty).

Mind you gossip is too bad for your brain.

So begin to laugh at you all the time reflecting the stupid things you do, like watching the TV and reading national papers and following America President's antics.
My advice to Donald Trump is to take time off and laugh at all the Americans who voted him in.
I bet he won't get a second chance.