Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fedora is going great guns!

This is a comment I made in response to a scathing remark on Fedora on HP platform.
My advice is to tell you, that one should not buy HP products except Cloud Services.

I never speak for a company or corporation. I agree with you in that context. I speak only for the users, using old and new computers. In this part of the world most of the users, use pirated copies and they are reluctant accept Linux.
I try my best to promote Linux and not making a headway still.
The type of remarks you make kills the Linux philosophy.
I have tested over Linux 200 distributions ( I use about 10 computers and a laptop- no netbook used in for testing) over the past one year and I have not found a single distribution that satisfy all my needs. When I find a problem I immediately report it and I am glad to say unlike Windows, the Linux developers find a solution within three months. They never disappoint me in finding a solution. I have many examples but no need for me to elaborate. In your case you should have done the same thing and just wait for three months and you would have found a solution.
That is what a corporate person should do.
I have worked with corporate clients in the past and that is what I used to do when a problem is detected.
There is nothing Linux cannot solve unlike windows.
In scientific sense scathing generalization is very bad. That is what you are doing. Please do not take it personally but I have seen this often with many others doing the same.
I have already published 3 books (digital and print) and one on Cloud computing with user in mind. I have addressed some of the issues you have raised in my books. Just Type Dr. Asoka (I do not like to use this medical term in the web) at Amazon's books, you will get to the books which include other fields.
Computing is not my major it is my hobby.
Update on Genome Live just posted at parafox.
Unlike Ubuntu's Unity, Fedora Unity Desktop (I think it is Unity-I may be wrong) is amazingly beautiful and a new desktop experience.
They have iron out the problem with Workplaces and they are placed on the right hand side for easy manipulation for right handed guy/girl.
Its application arrangement is good unlike in Ubuntu Unity, which is both Applications and Software management.
We have to get used to this new desktop and give them constructive criticism.
I love the new experience in my old age and have to go through with this learning curve, like a kid which invigorate me and make me feel young.
It has a nice introduction and help page, too.
As regard to HP, the information is coming from Tech-Republic and not my own.

Long Life to Julie Andrews

Julie Andrews Turns 69, this is hysterical 

She looks stunningly beautiful at age 69 and we wish her long life (Aubovan).

Below is what she sang (one of them) Manhattan's Radio City Music Hall for the benefit of the AARP.

Botox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
Walkers and  handrails and new dental fittings,
Bundles of magazines tied up in string

These are a few of my favourite things.

Cadillacs and cataracts, hearing aids and glasses,
Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses,
Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings,

These are a few of my favorite things.

When the pipes leak, When the bones creak,

When the knees go bad,
I simply remember my favorite things,

And then I don't feel so bad.

Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions,
No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,
Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring,

These are a few of my favorite things.

Back pain, confused brains and no need for sinnin',
Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin',
And we won't mention our short shrunken frames,

When we remember our favorite things.

When the joints ache, When the hips break,

When the eyes grow dim,
Then I remember the great life I've had, 
And then I don't feel so bad.

(Ms. Andrews received a standing ovation from the crowd
That lasted over four minutes and repeated encores. Please
Share Ms. Andrews' clever wit and humor with others who
Would appreciate it.
I must somehow find the lyrics of her original song. 
Post it to me if you have. 

Ubuntu One, Cloud Space and not so CLoud Friendly Linux distributions

I have a book for you on Cloud Computing at Amazon and Kindle for this Christmas.
It has lot of tit bits for you.
In my writing I have not been fair to most of the Linux distributions, since all of them except Ubuntu has teething problems with Cloud readiness.
Even Puppy did not have a component and just recently SLACKO (First Slackware Puppy derivative from Wolfe Base) they getting into Cloud Computing.
I have already stated elsewhere what cloud utilities one can use.
Here is to thrash rather give a kick on the butt to all the guys who are sleeping and not come to term with Cloud Computing.
One has to wake up from slumber and at least go with Ubuntu One for the time being and provide this Linux Service to all Linux distributions.
Mind you Ubuntu was providing this service from 2009.

There is CloudUSB and JoliCloud and EyeOS and nothing else.

There was enough time for others to follow suit
It is not the job of Ubuntu because Ubuntu is doing a massive face lift operation with all plastic surgeons fully occupied with Unity.
Instead of criticizing Ubuntu One should pull up the socks and ask politely and get the code and work the required Tool-kits into the Library  each and every distribution.
Like what we did with UnetBootIn we should boot-strap cloud utility actually at the boot time and not after the installation.
PCLinus is not Cloud Ready.
This is what everybody should work on together before recessing to Christmas Holidays.
Year 2012 won't be the End of the World but it is the year of Cloud Computing in full gear. 
Don't grumble that Ubuntu is in the lead again come December, 2012.
Lot of catch to do by one year. that is not god for the newbies trying Linux.

Why One should have at least two browsers?

When we get hooked to one browser one does not have any safety valve to exit form problematic cookies.
I use many browsers since lot of Linux distributions make available at least two browsers.
I do not use Firefox exclusively but along with Konqueror.
I have had major problems with Firefox including nasty DOS-denial of Service attack once and had to take drastic action including going out full looking for the guy/girl who did it.
I had a similar nasty experience with Firefox and and deleted almost all the likely cookies including useful ones.
One such one is the security included bizarre words one has to type to say one is human.
This has left with some problem for me to sign up for free Linux downloads (P.D.F) files.
When that happens I go to Chrome Browser and do the needful an return to Firefox without major cookies.
That is trim downed FireFox without cookies.
Worse come scenario I go to Konqueror and do what needs to be done. 
Another point one should consider is chose a browser which can handle two instances or even many instances one and the same time.
This is useful for my downloads that go on with torrents also in the background.
That means I am using full bandwidth I pay for.
Nothing less nothing more. 
This is vital since not one several but computers are used especially at night.
All these things I take into account when I reformat my hard disk and install the upgrades.

But having said that the lightest browser is the best for quick action and return to base.
I love the little ones like Dillo, Midori and IceApe and Iceweasle.
So the new browser should give the user some control.
They are amazingly fast.
Like Linux core Kernel browser should give you the core browser and the rest of the cookies should be provided as only add-ons.
They must also state what each cookie does in the background like spying for commercial adds.
Then only we can see how user friendly these cookies are?

Fedora 16 is out-Pretty Good

Fedora is pretty Good

Update on Genome Live
Unlike Ubuntu's Unity, Fedora Unity Desktop (I think it is Unity-I may be wrong) is amazingly beautiful and new desktop experience.
They have iron out the problem with Workplaces they are placed on the right hand side for easy manipulation for right handed guy/girl.

Its application arrangement is good unlike in Ubuntu Unity, which is both Applications and Software management.

We have to get used to this new desktop and give them constructive criticism.

I love the new experience in my old age and have to go through with the learning curve like a kid which invigorate me and make me feel young.

It has a nice introduction and help page, too.

One of my web friends have gotten problems with HP.
I am afraid I got to disagree. If HP is not supporting hardware in future (they have discontinued production already), Fedora is right to withhold support for HP. I installed it in my old IBM computer with 128 (AGP) Nvidia Graphic card and unlike previous Fedora amazingly fast and sleek.
I pity for the guys who bought HP. 
Even in this small island Ceylon university entrants were forced to buy HP (not giving these information beforehand was a bad business practice) by a politician with some hidden agenda.
I now go and say do not buy HP except their Cloud Service.
I should blame HP not Fedora who is doing a wonderful job.

I am posting this with Fedora 16 KDE Live CD booted and Konquerer Browser.
It booted pretty fast with my old IBM NetVista with 128 NVidia AGP Graphic card.
Look is elegant and running is smooth.
I may have to go for my old flame Redhat again and no doubt I am going to install it soon when I start formatting all my hard disk towards December.
I am currently downloading gnome version but I must confess I am KDE addict because of K3B burn utility which is the best in town and saved all my DVD drivers.
They have done a professional job.
So Ubuntu or no Ubuntu Linux will survive the cloud challenge too.
I hope they soon add a Cloud Utility Like Ubuntu ONE.
Fedoora must realize Ubuntu is nose and half ahead in the race with cloud and tablet ready.
I wish both distribution Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011.
Thank for beating the Christmas RUSH