Sunday, December 15, 2024

Five Observables of UAPs


These are Quantum Physics

Five Characteristics Unique to UAP's

There are five, consistent observations we continue to see that are uniquely associated with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs.  Understanding these characteristics and their application requires us to have a very good understanding of advanced physics at the quantum level. 

The five observables can be categorized as follows: 

  1. Sudden and instantaneous acceleration:  Objects moving in such a manner that they are capable of maneuvering suddenly, deliberately and sometimes in the opposite direction.  In some cases, these maneuvers involve a change in direction and acceleration that is well beyond the healthy limitations of any biological system, that we are aware of, to withstand.  The anticipated effects of these g-forces on material may even defy our current technological ability to manufacture.  
  2. Hypersonic velocities without signatures:  Objects that are traveling well above supersonic speeds and yet leave no obvious signature behind.  Specific signatures normally include acoustic, heat, and electromagnetic and are traditionally recognized as a sonic boom, vapor contrails, and atmospheric ionization.  Currently, even the world’s most advanced military and reconnaissance aircraft have detectible signatures.
  3. Low observability:  Regardless if the object is being viewed electro-optically, electromagnetically, or through the naked eye, the inability to gain a clear target picture remains elusive.  Descriptions by witnesses are often difficult to describe, while radar returns often come back nonsensical or even jammed.  Objects generally appear opaque and semi-metallic in nature, both on camera and live.  In many cases it is nearly impossible to actually see the object and instead reports often include what is seen “around” the object. 
  4. Trans-medium travel:  Objects that have the ability to travel easily in various environments and conditions seemingly without any change in performance capabilities.  Our current understanding of physics requires vehicles to be designed specifically according to their application.  For this reason, there are stark differences between those vehicles that orbit in space, fly in the atmosphere, and travel in the sea.  Objects that can travel in all three mediums using the same design and without compromising performance or degrading lift remains an enigma.   
  5. Positive lift:  Objects that are apparently resisting the natural effects of Earth's gravity, yet without the normally associated aerodynamic means for lift and thrust.  These objects have no obvious signs of propulsion (engines, propellers, exhaust plumes, etc.) or flight surfaces (wings, rudders, ailerons, fins, etc.), but yet they are able to move in a very precise manner in our atmosphere despite not having any of those characteristics.

When you see these five observables all together, then we are forced to scratch our head and come to the conclusion that maybe we don’t know what these things are.  We need more data and comprehensive research to do our best to understand what we are seeing.

Hemp, Cannabis, THC, CBD and Alcohol

 Hemp, Cannabis, THC, CBD and Alcohol

I have never encouraged or have smoked marijuana, even though, I was  relatively a heavy smoker. 

I have only puffed a pipe once in front of my father who had become a Beedi smoker near his death.

He was very poor and I bought the best tobacco from UK to last the last few days of his life on this planet.
I made him a pipe smoker believing he inhales less and the bystanders including me more of it indirectly.
That was my scientific logic.

I stopped smoking but continued to become a subtle alcohol addict and it took nearly 12 years of determination to wean myself off.

I have one more addiction and that is good quality tea.

Given the choice of tea and coffee, I prefer tea.

The ratio is 9 cups of tea to one cup of coffee.
This has come down drastically due to economics in Ceylon.

Never give a free cup of tea is my current moto, especially to a politician.

Underlying factor is economy.

Coffee is expensive in Ceylon.

I dropped talking about cannabis long time ago when I finished my book on charms of alcohol at Amazon Books. 

Here having named the two biochemicals THC or Tetra Hydro Cannabinnol (alcohol) and CBD or Cannabidiol (oxydized product of THC), I am going to stop talking about cannabioids.

CBD mitigate the psychoactive actions of THC and only good quality industrial variety of Hemp has this property.

What we try to grow in Ceylon has THC and no CBD at all and is called hashsh or ganja. 

Politicians in Ceylon are trying to promote this as  an Ayurveda Medicine.

 A sinister play.

And it is a prominent woman who is promoting this industry.

Politically she should be wiped out of politics and given the permission to have her own cultivated land made out  of an island made in the sea by the Chinese investors.

The parliament should pass an act and allocate this piece  for her commercial project.

For my part, I will act as an acting director of Apaya, the Hell until a permanent director is made and that is taking a long time in human earth time.

I am going to meet  all these guys at the door to Apaya (I am not allowed to enter the front end, guest room of Apaya until I stop donating Dhammapada to needy Ceylonese).

I am going to start a Hemp Industry in Ceylon to make the pulp for printing Dhamnapada.

By the way, Chinese 5000 years ago discovered Cannabis long before discovering the grain of rice.

Prehistorically hemp was used by our human ancestors 50,000 years ago.

That is for cloths or the first textile in human evolution. 

Botanical  names.
1.  Cannabis sativa
2. Cannabis indica
3. Cannabis ruderalis
There are many subspecies of sativa and no subspecies of indica.

The ruderalis which I renamed today as the russialis or the subspcies putianous actually originated from Central Russia and slowly upgraded to indica species in North India by prehistoric Indians before Buddha's time.

It was the virtual currency of the Indian and Chinese sages and later discovered by cardinals of Vatican.

This species went to central America with the Spanish  conquer

It is not an original species of Americas but a similar hemp plant would have evolved independently in Americas is my belief.

So God and Cannabis  have direct parallels, is my current view.
Illusion and delusions are very close partners. 
Zelensky is known to smoke these hemp oils in pure form and is permanently slated or elated of the outcome of the war.

Human suffering of all humans, globally.


The Man, the Devil, the God, Cook and Doctors

 The Man, the Devil, the God, Cook and Doctors

All beings whether man, devil or god need something for survival. 
The cook has the onerous task of preparing the food for all of them in addition to his own food requirements for his survival. 

We Ceylonese are known for satisfying the needs of all three of them be that may be a devil with dola pidheni after a devil dance, a god with puda pooja before an election and a man (with position) with panduru pakkudam for a favour.

What I am going to describe are three doctors all of middle age with whom I had the opportunity to live in the same cottage in Colombo. 

One doctor, I called the Deviya was a doctor who came from a very religious sect where alcohol is a taboo but started drinking with some personal reasons. 

The other is a doctor whom I called the Yakksaya who came from a habitual toddy drinking coastal town of the Western Coast, Negamboo.

The third was a doctor whom I called the Manussaya who came from the hill country who had the penchant for this miracle drink for no obvious reason.

The first one I called the Deviya for the simple reason that he would religiously attend to his prayers every day in spite of his drinking problem. I believed the god had being with him all the time in spite of his drinking. 

With drinks he became godlier of course

The second one I called the Yakksaya had a deep and rough voice and even before he had high enough to call high enough would make a big racket in the garden and everybody in the neighbourhood knew that there was a drinking spree in our garden.

The third one I called the Manussaya was the one who would leave his car in the garage (which was open 24 hours) and the key in an easily accessible place so that anybody who had a driving license could drive the car away without any formal permission. 

Those were the days that petrol price was high and our salary was poor enough to have a juice full tank. 

A tankful was a luxury and a bellyful was a chicken feed those days.

The missing link was the cook and his driving force

When I was in charge of the chummery and took in charge of the menu, I realized that the food prepared was ordinary on most of the days but come the days the  three men in their devil or god or manly incarnation, the food was of a reasonable good taste and standard. 

The secret was the miracle drink. 

The three of them used to give him a liberal share (the taste was paid separately) and when he was high the cooking standard went up exponentially

So the common denominator or the virtual link was Pol Arrakku. 

Finally, I decided to give him a quarter bottle worth of money as a spare for marketing for two reasons. 

One reason was the food and menu was kept excellent. 
The second reason was that he would not steal money from the food menu. 

This worked well and our monthly bill was the lowest for sometime and I did not have any complaints from my colleagues. 

However, I did not disclose my secret pact with him to my colleagues

I of course gave him enough money as extras. But not surprisingly he never went home even for a holiday. He was really hooked to alcohol surprisingly enough he never got cirrhosis. 

We of course had the liberty of visiting all the food joints in Colombo including Union Place, Fountain Cafe and especially the seafood restaurant facing the Galle Face. 

The food was nice and not heavy on the purse but when I visit Colombo now I have second thoughts even having a glass of mineral water. 

Is this the price we pay for open economy, I wonder?

Coming back to the three men in various incarnations be that may be godly, manly or devilish, alcohol brings out best and worst of all beings

Blaming alcohol is a lame excuse for lapses in man's own nature. 

That is something I never buy or accept.

All of us left the shores within year and strangely enough I never met them thereafter. 

They were in the land of liquor with so many varieties available they probably would have found better companions than Pol Arrakku

When I  returned some years later, I went looking for the cook and I was told that he suddenly disappeared and never returned. 
I am sure that he must be in the company of one of the three above, since he did no have any savings for his alcohol spree.

This I call a form of discrimination on the  ground of the brand name of alcohol one drinks and enjoys.  

Kassippu or Whiskey and the Five Star democracy. 

The voter drinks the adulterated stuff and the winner and the champions drinks the champagne.

13th of March 2006.

Internet Banking = Dangers not Evaluated;

This an answer to guy who was selling Digital Technology

I have few friends of my age who were caught in scams but won't divulge due to shame.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

What Arthur Scargill did was as bad as what Margaret Thatcher did by cancelling the right to Union Action or Association with Unions at the behest of Ronald Reagan. 
He took the money and disappeared. 
He should have refunded the money to its active members. I did not pay a lot but I stopped association with any Union except Medical Protection Union in UK.
In this regard Internet Banking is also included.

Internet Banking = Dangers not Evaluated;

The WARNINGS Not Heeded

This should be read in conjunction with Bugger the Bankers

I will only give only a glimpse of it.
The reader should update his or her own risk element, if not on daily basis but on monthly basis.

Let me dispense with the underline presumptions.
There are two presumptions.

1. One is that computers never make mistakes and better than humans.
Computers make huge mistakes whereas humans make small mistakes, like counting the balance.
Computer can make million of mistakes in a fraction of a second but human can make only one mistake at a time, which many of us do not guard against.

Humans try to prevent repeating the mistake, whereas computers keep on doing the same mistake million times.(No fortune company will come out with the true facts, like the Ponsi Scheme that went round globally without any hindrance, till the banks started collapsing.

We have too many banks.
What we need is a few banks with credibility.

Like me forgetting, to take the balance after payment is made.
The cashier, if he or she is a good one will promptly return the money.

Computers will never give back the money that was wrongly paid (server administrator can safely transfer it in seconds to some far away destination without any trace of the transaction) or comes behind you with the correct balance in hand.

The sever administrator can swindle any excess, knowing very well that somebody has made a mistake.

This happens in big shopping networks and that is why the items and articles are more expensive than in the open market.

They never audit or declare these frauds fearing that they will loose the market.

Banks are no different.
They only see one side of it.
The customer side.
Never its own staff.

If they make a mistake they will hide it by all means like a cat covering its poo.

2. The second premise is very simple.
Majority (99%) including me is very bad at balancing accounts on daily basis.
The bank jump into your shoes under this pretext and may even one day ruin you.

In fact, I managed without a bank account for nearly six years when I returned from abroad with six credit cards.

That was only period in my life, I never asked for a loan and did not make a single mistake.

I was doing my own banking and balancing my accounts.

But I have one cardinal principle.
That is, I may not make mistakes on a daily basis but one day I will make a huge mistake.
I will guard against that mistake which will ruin me.

It will last good for me.
I have also another resolution.

My maximum loss should be theoretically not more than Rs.100,000/= (never a million which young ones are enticed and coaxed into by all commercial banks).

Each one should have a credit limit which he or she can bear, which is usually three to ten times the basic salary (not the total salary).

If one exceeds that limit, he or she on his or her own peril one day, one has to blame oneself not the bank or the creditors.

The day I make that big mistake, I will close all my accounts and delegate my finances to someone whom I can trust.
The problem is finding one whom I can trust in this blessed Buddhist country.

So if you do Internet Banking,  the moment (fraction of a second) you press the button,  you are taking a big risk.
The song bugger the bankers is making a huge impact globally and the banks are hell bent on promoting their vices on many new form of advertisements and in many fronts.

Even children not born are not spared.
Do not fall to their trappings which are worse than Merchant of Venice..
That is, promote free spending with a noose around your neck.

I felt like writing this having seen a young mother with her baby attended by her mother did not check the bill when she was making her payment.

In my medical career I have seen many nursing mothers making big mistakes that include caring for the baby, let alone finances.

My Latest Finding On Mosquitoe Senses-Alcohol Sensors

Latest Finding On Mosquitoes Senses

I used to write satirical pieces in here, 25 years ago and some of those satirical pieces have made some research workers in America (American Research Workers) to do some work in their spare time.

This was long before, I thought of writing a book on mosquitoes.

That was about how the mosquitoes find me in an analytical sense.

One was my sweat and the other was my breath.

And I postulated they sense alcohol. 

This was the time, I used have a drink on working days, after work and I wait till the smell of my breath of alcohol taper off to come home.

I sit at ARPICO restaurant till the Bar  is opened in the evening, according to the wishes of the Mahanayake Thera.

It was also meeting place for lawyers, never doctors.

I have found the place where doctors come for a drink just before I left Ceylon, in Kandy and it is a Top Secret.

The chemical component is aldehyde and may be ketone.

By the way, ketone is our brain energy for Demented guys and girls.

It took nearly 35 years for them to discover this fact, after millions of money wasted. 

I think American alcohol industry has banned their research work.

My advice for cheap foreign visitors to Ceylon is not to drink alcohol on their sojourns in Ceylon, if they want to avoid mosquito bites.

Bloody Affair - Surgery

Now that I have disposed of the unskilled and political doctors, it is time for me to bring accolades to the surgeons.

I was skilled in surgery of babies. It was in my genes but I decided not to become a bloody surgeon.

Over time it is not rewarding, 
I used to stand up for 11 hour vascular surgery in New Zealand. 
In mid way, we stop to have a cup of tea or coffee and have a little discussion.

By that time queue of patients wait for me in the out patients and in the wards.
Some needing minor surgery.
So, I excuse myself and get a nurse to do the helping part.
By the way, two surgeons work on either side of the patient and it takes 11 hours.

Each step is checked and cross checked before we close the skin.

We weigh the guash and cotton swabs before and after the surgery to estimate the blood loss and decide on how much to transfer.

Blood saves lot of patients.

Please donate and take some money for that which helps the accounting procedures.

I come back to close the skin wound.

We / I were so meticulous and skin wounds never get infected and drains are taken away in good time.

It came to a point, I decided to leave New Zealand. They (surgeons) could not find a replacement for me.

Ultimately, I settled down with my research work and pathology.

There are stray doctors like stray dogs, we are a clan with collective mentality.

Do not denigrate the skilled guys who do a yeoman survive including, Nuero and Eye Surgeons, due to some bad eggs in the basket.

What matters is good postgraduate training.
1. Learn 
2. Practice
3. Train

One who has trained at least 100 good surgeons is a good Surgeon indeed.

PhDs cannot achieve these skills. 
It is just a course of studies and a Title at the end which lasts until another guy disprove its credibility.

Coming to abortions.

1. I have never done any abortions. 
That is due to my Buddhist convictions.

2. I do not interfere with ones who do abortions.

3. There are also medico-legal abortions.
For example pregnancy following rape victims and underage victims.

4. The decision should be taken by a panel of doctors and not by civilians.

5. The plan is to avoid illegal abortions.

Now come to Ukraine.
Donar Hijacking and Donar Harvesting is a Upmarket Trade in Ukraine.
This is why Zelensky wants the war indefinitely or prolonged until his targets are met.
This is in addition to the illegal virological laboratories up to 30 before Russian invasion.

I am totally against Euthanasia even a dog or horse, let alone humans.
British have made it legal.

Thank God I do not live in such a society, whatever their political motives and reasons.

Save money for the NHS.
Putrid politics!

Worst Christmas in Ceylon

I am not a Christian but as a habit I celebrate Christmas with gifts.

First gift is a gift for myself.

I do a global survey and buy a new computer gadgetmatic. 
Having bought an Intel NUC, it stopped.
All the new stuff are 20 to 30 times expensive.
My advice is for the guys to wait for one year and then the prices will crash.

Instead of, go and search in your attic and find your favorite gadget and game and play.
The Nostalgia itself if enough to make you happy.

At least in America (not in UK and Australia), there are life time Hobby Guys who would share their games with you for a down to earth price.

They have upmarket or open market sales.

Besides one has to pay for each game.
I now deplore all games Linux and Microsoft, included . 
There is a chapter in my book Linux Essentials why I deplore the methodology.

Do not get caught.

In my case, I  at least offer a piece of chocolate, a few cashew nuts or good cup of Mesna Tea in Kandy. 

A good meal at Silverdale lounge is the best.

That luxury is gone for my friends in Ceylon for two years. I am out of the country and besides my basic income is not enough to support those little luxuries.

Hand to mouth existence.

But there is a caveat.
All these are priced at Tourist Rates.
Only tourist can enjoy.

Average Ceylonese cannot afford Mysoor Dhal or a good Parrippu Wade.
That's it.

Even, a Bittars Appa or Egg Hoppers are beyond the reach of the average citizen.
Adding the cost for the three wheeler driver each Egg Hopper cost was estimated to be Rs.500/=.

That is when I decided to leave Ceylon for Good.

By the way, Air Fairs are the most expensive and the worst in my estimate.

I used to do that once a year to Singapore.

Now in estimate Singapore is the worst destination for shopping.
Australia offers much better deals but cost of living including food prices have gone up by 40 to 50%.

That is the reality.

Ukraine War is the cause for this upsurge.
War not Food is their priority.

Donald Trump cannot understand it.
He is fabulously rich to understand the plight of an average citizen.

Stop the war for six months and each citizen will reach benefit.
See the plight of Syrian citizens 
They are going to break a great country into pieces.
I cannot believe Russia and Iran doing nothing and letting Turkey to annex part of it.
Itself goal for nearly for 100 years is to ruin Muslim World.
That is a paranoid disease.

Doctors are NOT always Right

Doctors are NOT always Right 

This piece is for current doctors in current parliament in Ceylon.

"Doctors are always right" is a myth created by Medical Profession to promote their profession, indirectly.

They are prohibited to advertise their profession, hence use language  gimmicks to promote themselves.

In my experience as a senior medical officer, I have seen many junior doctors in United Kingdom and and particularly in New Zealand, doing life threatening mistakes.

I have highlighted few of them here in this blog post and several daring ones in my books.

I have one question here for (you should ask) you to ask your doctors to text his credentials.

1. How many diseases the mosquitoes convey to humans?

2. Can you name 10 of them?

3. What are the treatments?

Two get answers to the first two questions, YOU have to read my book "Mosquito Logic and Magic" which would come soon.

This is a subtle advertisement to that book.

Who is a Doctor and who can hold the Title Dr.?

 Who is a Doctor and who can hold the Title Dr.?
Posted on October 12, 2011
This is a reproduction from New York Times.
Being myself a Medical Person D.P.T.O (Do not Practice and Teach Only) who can use this two letters and the dot for many reasons, avoid using it, doctor part in my life for the last 22 years and it has made my life very easy and simple.
In fact, on of my neighbors (He was a university non academic guy. I did not like this guy,. When we were building our house we did not have a garage. He had an empty garage. He filled it with firewood the next day. This guy had resurgence of chicken pox, in his eye and almost blind. I saw the red eye and told my wife never to visit this house for 6 weeks. The wife of this guy was most jealous woman in the area by many a mile. I knew her family from my school days.), asked me are you really a doctor to which I smiled and did not give an answer, making him more confused.
Most of the guys/girls who know me come for second opinion, I am more than willing to oblige.
But free of charge and they do get better with simple remedies.
I have few emergency tablets in my purse always for such an eventuality, just in case.
I totally agree with this gentleman and I am more than grateful to him for bringing to notice what ever the PhD one holds, if it is NOT relevant to the (if it is not germane to the holder’s primary current occupation) post currently holding it should not be used as a label of distinction.
After all the PhD may be 30 years old and disproved by at least three times  over that period of time  if it was a good one to tag one’s own thesis.
I am in fact currently finishing a book (which actually was a 10 year research work ) and I have decided  not to put that for PhD referral or title and would share it with the general public.
If somebody gives a PhD posthumously for this creative work, the funeral director can put a single copy in my coffin before cremation (not burial) so that it goes to heaven or hell with me.
Who’s a Dr.?
Our continued use of courtesy titles — increasingly rare in the news media — prompts many questions. 
Rules on the use of “Dr.” in particular can lead to confusion, for readers and unfortunately sometimes for our writers. 
Here’s our style book entry:
1. Dr. should be used in all references for physicians and dentists whose practice is their primary current occupation, or who work in a closely related field, like medical writing, research or pharmaceutical manufacturing: Dr. Alex E. Baranek; Dr. Baranek; 
2. The doctor. (Those who practice only incidentally, or not at all, should be called Mr., Ms., Miss or Mrs.) 
3. Anyone else with an earned doctorate, like a Ph.D. degree, may request the title, but only if it is germane to the holder’s primary current occupation (academic, for example, or laboratory research).
For a Ph.D., the title should appear only in second and later references. 
4. The holder of a Ph.D. or equivalent degree may also choose not to use the title.
5. Do not use the title for someone whose doctorate is honorary.