Sunday, May 26, 2019

Missing Points by Prof. ANI

Missing Points by Prof. ANI

This is in no sense a response to Prof. A.N.I’s remarks on our modern history.

Just to put a historical perspective (not comprehensive), I would try to summarize some salient points.

1. 5000 years and before, Elephants and Ceylon Prehistoric Man

2. From 2500 to 5000 years Elephant traders from India

3. From around 2500 Indian migrants.

4. Genocidal destruction of prehistorical man and his belonging including caves, strongly aided by our ancient monks.

5. Cooked up and bloated history of ours.

6. Destruction of Mahayana Tradition by Hinayana Tradition and institution of an alternative and exclusive tradition of Theravada

7. Baminitya Saya, the famine over 11 or so years.
Death of traditional monks and destruction of formal Buddhist teaching by natural disaster.

8. Attempt at Revival of Buddhism

9. Complete destruction of Buddhist ways and Teaching.

10. Arrival of Western traders and alienation (names, religion, dress and other cultural changes) of coastline residents.

11. Retrieval of kings to hinterland and hills

12. Further destruction of Buddhism

13. Attempt by British to insinuate Christianity into the ruling class

14. Scholars coming from England and embracing Buddhism and formation of the Pali Text Society.

It is the British who should be credited for continued survival of Dhamma (not Hindu Dharma) not our monks but except a few.

15. Arrival of colonel Henry Olcott and modern revival of Buddhism and institution of indigenous colleges.

16. Arrival of SWRD and further destruction and politicization of Dhamma.

If you look at the above scenario emergence (no justification) of Thug Monks (Ma Ra and Gota supporting them) is a natural evolution or the real decadence.

The President pardoning them (in plural ) was the Final Nail in the coffin and an injustice to the natural justice system of Dhamma.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Religion, the vanishing threads

Religion, the vanishing threads

I am one who believes that all religions will vanish from this planet in about another fifty years.
There will be lot of pain and suffering before that happens.

Current symptoms are the beginning of the end.

The open question is whether the humanity has the resilience for the change and look at the inherent change or the final outcome, objectively and scientifically.
The role of the religious hierarchy is to manage the change without counting numbers under the belt but with basic human needs which include freedom and safety.

Do the mankind need a religion for its progress?

What people say and what they really mean

 The Writer is a senior colleague of mine,retired, who likes to call a spade a spade.
I wonder, why he never wanted to migrate to UK or Australia.
My gut feeling is he still, loves living in this country even with adversity (belonging to a different faith).
He missed two points.
How we treat wild elephants and the rampant Ganja (hashish) trade in the jungles by politicians.
The elephants love grass and that is why they kill them (nearly 200 a year).

What people say and what they really mean 

By Prof. A.N.I. Ekanayaka

There is something intrinsically meaningless in the bare assertion "Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country" where the denial that it is a "Buddhist country" is obviously the most contentious part provoking bitter controversy. However, on any detached analysis the debate whether Sri Lanka is or is not a Buddhist country seems a useless anti-intellectual exercise in futility, over an emotive line in which words are strung together axiomatically without proper definition. Indeed, from a linguistic perspective the plain statement "Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country" sounds just as absurd and simplistic as saying that "Sri Lanka is a UNP country" just because, say a UNP government is in power, or that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala country just because a majority speak Sinhala, or a dark skinned country just because a majority happen to be dark skinned, or even that it is a naïve country just because most people seem to vote naively at elections!

There are, of course, numerous statements one could make about Sri Lanka that are objectively true. For example it would be entirely factual to state that Sri Lanka is a country where Buddhism IS the most popular religion. Equally and to put it differently it would be perfectly correct to state that Sri Lanka is a country where the vast majority of people identify thousand as Buddhists. It would also be a true statement of fact that Sri Lanka is a country that gives the foremost place to Buddhism in its Constitution. One can go on and say things like Sri Lanka is a tropical country, Sri Lanka is an Asian country, Sri Lanka is a beautiful country, Sri Lanka is a small country, and so on and so forth. Such affirmations and many more besides can be made without fear of contradiction. Indeed their validity is self-evident.

By contrast the statement "Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country" has the connotation of a universal all-encompassing core characteristic that defines the nation. To see Buddhism in that sense as an ingrained attribute that somehow envelopes underlies and permeates everything and everybody is irrational. A country as commonly understood is more than its inhabitants. Consequently, affirming that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country (if one takes the words at their face value) logically carries the implication that there is something intrinsically Buddhist about even the fields, rivers, forests, mountains, valleys, and beaches surrounding the island – which of course would be plainly absurd. So, where words mean nothing without a clarification of terms the issue is what do people really mean when they insist that "Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country"? What underlying ideas assumptions and attitudes make people claim that "Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country"? What are people really saying when they make such a claim?

There may be several possibilities. Firstly, it is possible that when people say that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country it is just another way of saying that a large majority of the Sri Lankan population identify themselves as Buddhist- a simple demographic reality that no one in his right mind would deny. However, if that is all what is meant, those who insist that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country for that reason might not be so vehement and bitterly condemn those who would agree but put it differently, when the difference between them was purely semantic!

The second possibility underlying the statement that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country is the notion that there is a distinctly precious Buddhist culture which characterises and pervades society, underlies the Sri Lankan way of life and in some sense defines Sri Lanka. There might be some justification for saying that if only it were true. But it isn’t. What passes for Buddhist culture in Sri Lanka as epitomized by the lifestyle, attitudes, and mindset of its politicians priests, professionals, business classes and proletariat is the very antithesis of an authentic Buddhist culture inspired by the Dharma. On the contrary, it is a brutal dehumanized culture characterized by selfishness, greed, intolerance, lawlessness cronyism, and corruption pervading all echelons of society from top to bottom. Sri Lanka is a violent society where people have become mercenary and materialistic, where crime is covered up and justice is frequently denied, where petty jealousy and patronage rule, where mediocrity is exalted over excellence discouraging the best and rewarding the third rate, and where in public life the outward show is consistently at variance with the inward reality in countless ways. Is this the Sinhala Buddhist culture people have in mind when they say that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country? Indeed, to say that there is anything Buddhist in the Sinhala Buddhist culture of the day is to insult Buddhism.

The so-called island of Sinhala Buddhist culture is where doctors go on strike and make their patients suffer when they are not making millions in the medical expressway of the private sector, where lawyers rip off their clients in cases that may drag on for years, where the sordid culture of campus torture that destroys young lives has polluted universities for generations, where militant Buddhist monks are a law unto themselves, and where school teachers turned rapacious business tycoons trap millions of students in a bastard culture of mass tuition running parallel to formal school education. Such is the ground reality of the much-vaunted Sinhala Buddhist culture that people might mean when they say that "Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country". Those who are old enough will remember the historical expression of that culture in the universally acclaimed 1956 revolution which drove the Burghers as far as Australia, and at one stroke alienated the Tamil community with its narrow linguistic nationalism setting the stage for the 1958 anti-Tamil riots, the 1983 pogrom, two bloody badly botched Marxist revolutions and the 30-year war.

So, when people maintain that "Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country", assuming a distinctive Buddhist culture that pervades society, they make a mockery of the pristine culture of true Buddhism, which if it ever existed in Sri Lanka disappeared a long time ago being replaced by a grotesque dangerous distortion that is better designated as "militant Sinhala Buddhist nationalism". The hard reality is that what passes for a distinctive Sinhala Buddhist culture today is nothing more than the widespread sanctimonious humbug of false religion epitomized by manifold superstitions, interminable empty rituals, pantheistic worship, and all the vain ceremonial trappings and symbolism of religious formalism the chief beneficiaries of which are clergy who are enabled to lead a pampered, comfortable existence revered by high and low alike.

One is, therefore, left with the third and arguably most plausible underlying reason why most people might insist that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country. What they might actually mean is that Sri Lanka ‘belongs’ to the Sinhala Buddhists! When put like that the implications are alarming and it is no surprise that such an outrageous suggestion should be disguised in the more benign language of "Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country". However the underlying perception in the depths of the heart is that Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhala Buddhists. Of course, religious and ethnic minorities are welcome to peacefully live and work as Sri Lankans provided they know their limits. They may even be treated with every kindness and consideration like the way we lavish attention on our pet cats and dogs provided they know their place in the overall scheme of things. But if they were to ever step out of line and resist submitting to the overarching paternalistic hegemony of Sinhala Buddhism they would need to be sharply chastised and brought to heel. Those are the terms. Indeed, the sting in the controversial Article 9 of the Constitution that guarantees the foremost place to Buddhism is that for all the guarantees in Articles 10 and 14(1)(e) it will be naturally perceived by many as a way of saying that Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhala Buddhists.

A perfect example of that unstated assumption is the way it is generally taken for granted that notwithstanding constitutional guarantees of equality it is unthinkable that anybody but a Sinhala Buddhist should be the President or Prime Minister. Not even the distinguished Lakshman Kadiragamar, who having rendered unique service to the nation’s war effort as foreign minister finally paid with his own life! Neither did he stand a chance in a society where what the vast majority of monks and millions who pay homage to them actually mean by saying that "Sri Lanka is a Buddhist Country" is that "Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhala Buddhists"! What somebody who provoked the recent controversy by having the guts to question this popular axiom did, was to touch the raw nerve of the frightening interface between what people say and what they really mean.

Theoretical Boundaries not Absolute Events

Theoretical Boundaries not Absolute Events

I read an article in a Sinhala Daily, Aniddha and I have a feeling that my piece of expanding universe, loosely written may have contributed to some theoretically erroneous expansion of scientific thinking.

He is free to do so, that is how science is meant be for an open inquirer, unlike religions.

All these are theoretical concepts in physics to explain the unexplainable extent of the universe.

As I said earlier we have human and equipment limitations.

Within those limitations we have to formulate plausible theories.

Expanding universe and redshift are generally acceptable scientific notions but my point is we never see the present and only see a past event in record and make conjectures based on those records.

Black holes can be used to explain how a contracting universe would behave

Everything at its event horizon including particle of matter disappears and become energy forms (not destroyed but converted to another form).

Photographing a black hole is a misnomer.

What we observe is some bounced up or scattering of light energy around it.

If the gravitational force of the black hole is uncontrolled and unlimited, and that will be the end of our universe.

So, Do not kill the Universe Please.

In other words scientific thinking is not infallible.

I have given below some explanations and even Stephen Hawkin was very careful not to give absolute values but approximate assumptions.

Wikipedia Reproductions

Stephen Hawking has supposed an apparent horizon to be used.

The particle horizon differs from the cosmic event horizon, in that the particle horizon represents the largest comoving distance from which light could have reached the observer by a specific time, while the event horizon is the largest comoving distance from which light emitted now can ever reach the observer in the future.
The current distance to our cosmic event horizon is about 5 Gpc (16 billion light years), well within our observable range given by the particle horizon.
While not technically "horizons" in the sense of an impossibility for observations due to relativity or cosmological solutions, there are practical horizons which include the optical horizon, set at the surface of last scattering. This is the farthest distance that any photon can freely stream. Similarly, there is a "neutrino horizon" set for the farthest distance a neutrino can freely stream and a gravitational wave horizon at the farthest distance that gravitational waves can freely stream. The latter is predicted to be a direct probe of the end of cosmic inflation.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Beautiful Dream

Beautiful Dream

Let me start with my current predicament.
Financially, I am not getting a red sent from this country.
In British parlance I am in subsistence existence!
The University Provident Fund I finished in nine months.
That was to buy two new computers and few accessories (a digital microscope which children in America uses, included) for academic work for the next five years which the University could not provide me, while working there.

Just like my children, I am cursing myself for coming back to work in this country.

I am going to mingle real life stories within the dream (state).
From the time of the terrorist attack, I get up at 3 to 4 a.m with a very bad dream, on daily basis.

I dream a lot but rarely wake up in the dream state or remember them.

After one month and two days, I had a lovely dream.
In a sketch it went like this.
There was a lot of commotion in a place near a tiny enclave where a rudimentary church / mosque was built for three kids of the priest.

The land next was vacant and a few villages had gathered around to built a temple for the five or six children who were refused by the priest mentioned above.

I got involved and said no more religious schools but common school for all!

The commotion could not be dulled and the higher priest of the above priest visited the place and relieved the underling of his duties and appointed another priest in charge.

By that time gathering was in hot tempo and was about to manhandle the new priest.

I was looking for a way out of the mess and for my luck army personnel with few trucks came in and dumped building equipments for the proposed new school.

In the thick of it, I proposed the new name of the school as Nation Building College (NBC).

Everybody including the army accepted the name but that did not let me off the hook of the mob.
For my luck a guy with money was trying to build a private sport complex nearby.
He was an outsider.
I hit a bright idea and told the commander of the team we will takeover that land and make it a sport unit for our NBC and the Army, Navy and the Air Force.


In few seconds we were confronting the rich guy.
Army let me put the proposals.

Land should be divided into four units.

1. Number one for the owner for his bar and accessories.

2. Number two for the NBC Sports.

3. Number three for the Force’s Recreation.

4. Number four for me, the exclusive unit for playing billiards and snooker.
One table for me the other for the forces.
There was a little caveat.
I had to fund my table.

I woke up with a heart pain.

Now the life like incidents during the J.V.P 1989 insurrection.
I worked for a foreign agency at Digana and it decided to wind up its operation by knee jerk reaction to terrorist threats.
The decision was taken secretly with the connivance of the Auditor a Ceylonese crook. I was in the executive committee but I was not privy to the decision and I opposed it.
There was no redundancy protocol and I was clueless of both redundancy payments and any form of negotiations with the foreign agency.

Mind you the boss was Robert McNamara!

The decision was to move the Head Office to Colombo Hilton Hotel.
Fearing any mishaps to foreigners yes was my response.

We were to launch a satellite worth millions and the satellite was in my care.

It was safely moved to Colombo.

The computers and cars were moved to the hotel.
Fridge Freezers were given free to the pharmacists.
Furniture were left to idle and I picked a computer tables but not a computer.

Mind you my computer then was better than the unit computers they had for financial transactions.
We were detailed to look after the premise or the Digana Village.

I packed the family home and called all the others to my house with all the liqueur bottles.
We had plenty in the pharmacy with labels of medical terms (attached to hoodwink the auditor) tagged but none in my house.

Then the “Deasapremis” with over 80 guys visited me in the middle of the night.

One of my minor staff members who was a Deshapremi recruit to spy on me forewarned me of the impending scenario.
They collected our IDs.
I was asked to come to Colombo hotel.
I refused.
I called a round table meeting and said we have to negotiate with the big boss Robert McNamara, nobody else.
He came in double quick time from America.
I told the guys to contact young Dinesh Gunawardena and to prepare local protocols.
Dinesh never obliged (he was hiding in fear) and I had to fish through all the previous government negotiations and picked the best (mediocre) to put on the negotiation table.

Day came we had a lovely Kandyan ceremony with dances to greet the big boss.

No harthal or any unwelcome reaction from the minor staff.

No display boards of discontent.
I was the sole negotiator with two senior civil servants with me (one was a family friend) to keep records.
I prepared the best tea service I could muster.
After introduction and little chit chat we sat down to business.
As an opener, I asked him how much the cost of the plane trip.
He did not answer. I told him if he did not come, the money saved could have been put as a bonus for the redundancy payments.
Little Premadasa was giving (he never lived to achieve that objective)
Rs. 25,000/= was an offer for the poor.

Minimum for the minor employees should touch above Rs.100,000/=.

Rest should depend on the service contract and if possible double it.

What for you he asked?

Keep the rest of my contract as working but pay it in Dollars and Pounds.

In ten minutes negotiation was over and he was relieved.

He expected hard bargain (wouldn’t have come to Ceylon if it was easy)!

I said I am sorry we could not launch the satellite and told him probably Sonia Ghandhi was helping the local Sinhala Rebels to abort the satellite launch.

That was how Indira contributed including LTTE 

She hated of us of having a satellite before India.

That was the contribution of the Dehapremis who were rounded up and killed by Premadasa goons.

We could have had a satellite 30 years ago but Dephapremies ruined it.

Now after 30 years China is looking at the ground structure (30 years old) which was built by US AID for resurrection.

Can you believe it?

I immediately went to UK and was waiting for an interview and the day before the interview, I got a call that my son was ill.
I returned by the earliest plane and since then, never went to UK but to New Zealand subsequently.

One think I learned there was Unix in New Zealand.
The entire hospital systems in the two islands were linked during my time with the Unix System.

Before a patient arrives all the life history including criminal acts were laid free for inspection for the doctor.
As a habit I restrained all the criminals on their medical (drunk, drug abuse) conditions and handed them over to the police.

Can our system identify the potential terrorists using a computer technology?

I guess not.

I started leaning Linux at about the same time as a hobby.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Encryption, Is it Worth?

Encryption, Is it Worth?

Encryption is developed by secret service organizations for data protection.

If we have personalities like Hilary Clinton on top rank duties, it is almost like a joke talking about encryption.
Perhaps President Putin is the only top guy who uses it for his advantage, both to sabotage and to put undue duress, having being a KBG guy.

For an ordinary guy like me encryption is a forbidden word in the computer world.

If you are paranoid about encryption, you should not use Microsoft based software or Microsoft operating system at all. They have built in software (in the booting software itself) with coded messages to spy on you on daily basis, every second.

Encryption is not worth in that scenario.

Just change to Linux and have root permission for sensitive data.
It is built in with Linux.
Rest of the day to day work carry on regardless with an ordinary user (root permission suppressed) account.
The root permission is used for maintenance and cleaning up jobs.
One does not have to use Kali Linux, Skeptor or Tails unless you are a political activist in the third world.

In the third world terrorists are the ones who use encryption for their underworld activities.

I do not think even Mafia uses encryption.
They have their built in systems.

The moment you use encryption, what happens is you are under constant secret service surveillance by default.

Be a normal guy or girl in life and matters ordinary.

Do not become paranoid.

It is a serious disease without treatment.

Events in Evolution

Events in Evolution

Comets and Planet Nine

Beginning around 250 to 500 Million years

In this context, evolution of the frogs/toads is very important.

They have gone through all the comet impacts but survived for 300 million years.

Assuming comet impacts were local in nature and the toads did survive in not affected areas, is a simple logic.

But there are a few unexplained facts.

Amoeba dubia

Amoeba proteus 290,000,000,000

Bufo bufo (Frog)

Homo sapiens (Man)

One of the largest genomes belongs to a very small creature, Amoeba dubia.
This protozoan genome has 670 billion units of DNA, or base pairs.
The genome of a cousin, Amoeba proteus, has a mere 290 billion base pairs, making it 100 times larger than the human genome.

Frogs have much larger DNA.

They accumulated all the genomic features to overcome the adversity is one of my hypothesis.
The second is the ability to hibernate.

Third is the ability to live both in water and land.
The ability to metamorphosis is probably made them survive with mutations.
After tuna fish they stand alone in the evolutionary history of this planet.
There is a little toad in us; at least the five fingers in humans (including writers) have an evolutionary link.

Additionally if they disappear in our nature it is a sure sign of pollution and our soil and water is not healthy for drinking and cultivation.

They are our main bio-indicators.

I suppose Victor Ivan read this at leisure.

When I hear frogs croaking in my neighborhood, I know they are coming to roost and breed on my FREE water tanks.

It is rare to see a tree frog now.

They are the cleanest (compared to rats) to dissect and we used to do without gloves.

Don’t tell the Chinese and Koreans who come here to visit that we have frogs.

In a decade we will exterminate the frog population.

Dogs (Victor is worried about stray dogs) flesh and toads are their delicacies.

Every Kilo of beef we spend 8 to16 kilos of grain which is enough to supplement protein deficiency in our children.

During Sirima's time we designed the Thriposha.

I know one company in this country has taken the lead and produce healthy and nutritious snacks from grains.

We don’t need to kill or for that mater rear goose or chicken.

Chicken is the most unhealthy meat of all stuffed with hormones that cause breast cancer in young females.


11 Million Years ago

38 Million years

66 Million years


In 16 million years

In my book Ceylon and its Origin, I have used the above information to formulate, the formation of two or three plateaus (peneplains) and the hill country, as a hypothesis.

But I am more interested in our prehistory which our ancient Buddhist monks have deliberately erased (probably by the instruction of the Kings and Queens) by vandalizing and turning the caves into ashen remains or temples.

We have few remains of our prehistoric man.

I believe they were decimated by design  by natural disasters (small pox or even measles brought in by the invaders).

I believe the former since the lack of remains explains the erasing of the ancient history by design.

The ancient man never evolved here (not enough time) but have come by sea.

There was no link to Indian subcontinent then.

From where did they come from?

That is my question to the anthropologists.

In this period we did not have comets to explain extinction.


Whitmire already showed back in 1985 — when he first started looking into the possibility of Planet Nine-related comet barrages — that the pattern held for at least the last 250 million years. 
Newer research suggests that these barrages may actually have been happening for as much as 500 million years, and quite possibly longer.

The latest comet shower is thought to have occurred around 11 or so million years ago, around the time of the Middle Miocene mass extinction.

Before that, similar events were thought to have occurred around 38 and 66 million years ago, the latter thought to be the comets that killed off the dinosaurs.

Don’t ring the alarm bells though for the next bombardment. 

Humankind will likely be dramatically evolved (if hopefully not long gone) by the time Planet Nine passes through the Kuiper Belt again. 

“Modern man doesn’t have worry about the next comet shower for 16 million years,” Whitman quipped.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cricket, Play it Like Gentlemen

I think English spectators are ruining the cricket's traditions (judging by the BBC Sport's comments) and their behaviour may ruin the chances of lifting the CWC Cup.

It is pity.

I probably won't watch England playing (this does not mean I am a supporter of Australia) anyway. 

As for Smith he is effective but UGLY to watch.

Calling him like Bradmon is an insult to Bradmon.

Compare with Vivian Richards, he is the ugliest player around and I do not watch him playing.

Cricket, Play it Like Gentlemen

Cricket is in my bones, even though, I have not made any comments about our players for a long time.

Alister Cook comes into my mind, instantly.

He was the gentlemen captain of the recent past.

There were many before in cricket when it was played for entertainment and not for money.

That was the golden era.

I.P.L ruined it but now is the time to bring it back to its old glory.

It is a game of mind and skill but weather may 
intervene in decision making.

I was happy Ceylon selectors removed few chatterboxes from the team.

Naming them is not my intention.
Please respect the umpiring decisions.
They are human and make mistakes.
Let the commentators make the valid comments behind the box, when umpires make mistakes.

After all there is review system in play.

Please do not over do the reviews.

When an opposition player does something outstanding give credit to his achievement.

Keep the mouth shut.

Let the bat and the ball do the justice to the gentleman game.

Do not read the papers (about your skills) except the weather.

I have seen many a time when a player is overrated, in national dailies, he does perform very badly on that day.

I have been in England for many seasons (not lately) and I hate English weather and having to wear gloves.

If something goes wrong blame the weather not yourself.

That is how the Englishmen take it.

Read some books, play few video games and sleep well.
Hydrate well before (not with beer, beer dehydrates you) and after the game, even though it is cold it is dry air that dehydrates you.
Last of all again, treat the umpires in the middle with respect and the game of fifty ours have plenty in reserve to reverse bad umpiring decisions.
After all it the game of gentlemen not rowdies like footballers.

Player by player we have a skillful lot except Angelo Mathews who is lazy and bad example to juniors.

Why he is in the team is an open question.

Is it for money or something else.

A very bad choice.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Aliens and Biological Forms

Aliens and Biological Forms

In my New Science Hypothesis of Matter and Dark Matter, I deliberately avoided using the existence of biological forms.

Simply because it is easy to formulate physical hypothesis for matter but for biological form, in spite of my extensive research on origin of life on this planet, I have drawn a blank.

Origin of life on other planets and aliens baffles me more.

Darwin’s theory to Lyn Margull's eukaryogenesis to symbiosis are out there for discussion.

That does not lead me to other forms of life in other planetary system in the universe.

One theory does not apply to all.

I used to teach standard genetics and in my introductory lecture, I put some esoteric questions to the students, not expecting any answers.

One is application of binary arithmetics to DNA duplication.

Two is the evolution of number of successful proteins over billions of years and packaging them in an entity call cell.

The number is less than 20,000 and many variants of the original lot have diversified to yield many life forms.

Origin of cell membrane is unknown and baffles me further.

For me life and cell forms are more intriguing than the universe and its extension.

Little I talk about biological entity is better for my sanity.

It is the biggest life puzzle for me.

Coming to Aliens, I am bit liberal in my explanation or imagination running riot, assuming they travel vast distances to reach us and investigate or exploit us.

Their forms unlike ours have had billions and billions of time for adaptation to new situation and territories.

They are more of mind form than biological and generally invisible to humans.

They use shape shifting technology to appear and disappear in this world and other worlds.

They can Teleport effortlessly long distances by mind based technology (as opposed to keyboard and touch button methodology of our computers).

They have no life cycle limitation (of 100 years) and live long.

They have very powerful minds, biological-technology and physical technology. 

Any encounter with them by force of combat weapons is one of disaster and one biological entity (what is lethal virus to us) created by them can wipe us to non existence.

However, they are using us (if they are already here) like guinea pigs for their experiments. 

Religious mafiosi can be an extreme form of weapon to obtain biological material dead and alive (an absurd extension of mine).

Expanding or Contracting Universe

Expanding or Contracting Universe

The Governments ban on, rather the SLOW DOWN of Internet traffic has made me to refine my theory of New Science of Space and Universe.

When an object moves away from us, the light is shifted to the red end of the spectrum, as its wavelengths get longer. 
If an object moves closer, the light moves to the blue end of the spectrum, as its wavelengths get shorter.

Redshift and blueshift describe how light shifts toward shorter or longer wavelengths as objects in space (such as stars or galaxies) move closer or farther away from us.
The concept is key to charting the universe's expansion.

Limitation of our Senses
Our understanding of the Universe is limited by two factors.
One is our ability to perceive the energy spectrum in a narrow band of light.
(Some snakes have sense of wider range of energy spectrum to ours and that is why they can survey for prey even at night).
They second is the man made instruments’ sensitivity is pretty low and even the best telescope can see only a minuscule of the matter in space.

They cannot see the dark matter or the dark energy which is 95% of the Universe and the matter world is tiny, less than 5%.
So our perspective of universe is based on physics of reality of our tiny vision of 5% and we assume that what we cannot see does not exist in the universe.

That presumption is an antitheses to scientific inquiry.

We have to expand our thinking not narrowed by religion or current physics of perception of reality.

The range of perception is limited by speed of light and the distance it can travel in a given space of time.

Time is good for historians and theologians who are time constrained.

Universe is not constrained by time or redshift.

It is much bigger and vast.

The following is devoid of both constraints and my mind run riot in a vain attempt to understand the reality beyond my understanding.

The universe is either Expanding or Contracting or may be both occurring at the same time.
We are convinced with the expanding universe since we live on it.
We cannot grasp the contracting universe, the opposite effect to the above.
My concept is neither of the two but close integration of both occurring at the same time in the limitless universe or anti-universe.

This is where dark matter and dark matter science concepts come into prominence.
The space is a misnomer just like the FROZEN TIME CONCEPT.

There is no space but it is always occupied by some form of energy.

The existence of dark energy that relentlessly expands the universe albeit slowly gives the impression of space and time.

The time and space gives us comfort but contracting universe is hell of an existence.
Let me explain the contracting universe and its effects.
It is like fire crackers tight together by an igniting thread that keep on exploding. The tie is not linear but tangled, so that every explosion gives rise to serious of never ending new explosions till all the energy contained in the system is consumed.

But in reality dark matter (dark holes) can consume any exploding (contracting) system that comes into its domain of control, effortlessly.

We do not know from the never seen end of the dark holes, new systems are spurning up at random (a distinct possibility) or not.

It is the dark matter that gives the semblance of stability to the universe, nothing else.

There is lot of dark matter inside the system of galaxies.

What is its function?

That is why I propose a concept of Zipping and Unzipping nature of the galaxies which swirl around their gravitational spin axis.
Mind you the Zip is not linear but tangled in an axial gravitational wave.

Gravitation is neither linear nor tangential but is part of the system.

We see its bending at the periphery as a mirage but reality is something else.
It is part and parcel of the dark energy.

My theory extends a bit further.
There is conversion of the dark energy to matter and matter to dark energy in a subtle way.
This subtle change gives stability, expansion and new formation in a never ending cycles.

Is that the reality?
How to prove it?

To prove it or disprove it or roll on another concept we have to explore the universe in a sensible way.

Look at a galaxy (not our own) that expands by redshift.
Look at a galaxy that may be going on for a collusion course.
Look at a galaxy neither (relatively, nothing is static in the universe) expanding nor contracting.

Then formulate the mathematics of New Science.

All the future telescopes that are built in should have the capability to measure tiny fluctuation of gravitational energy, redshift and the effect of dark energy.

If we crack the mathematics of dark energy (very subtle) we discover the true physics of the Universe.