Thursday, February 13, 2025

Beelink Mini BC

Beelink Mini BC

One of the standout mini PC is belink.

Compact and robust.

Office Productivity and industrial use.

Space saving.

samll form factor.

innovaztive and relable


1. Beelink U59

Browsing and office software

Intel celeron

512GB SATA SSD Storage drive bay

8 to 16 GB RAM

also space for 2.5 bay inch SATA

M.2 SSD SATA storage 


Reasonable price.

Office machine or embedded application

Ethernet port



Radeon 7 5800 GPU

2 X M.2 NVNe ports 


One ethernet port 

single type c interphase

audio jack

good cooling system

Good for video editing and casual gaming

Many ports for connectivity.

Portable notebook replacement

Plasti body


audio jack

ungradable and customizable

cooling system is good


3. Mini S12 Pro 


Intel Alder Lake N100

Ideal for media consumption

hold up to 2 terabyte


7 to 10 watts in idle mode


4. SER6 MAX Extreme Version

 AMD 6900 processor

DDR 5 RAM 16 to 64

Gaming Mini PC

 6 nano meter  

Office software creative imge 

4 terrabuys expanble to

triple display

Duel fans


5. SER7


AMD GPU 7784

2.5 SATA


Lot of ports

4 monitors 4K

Power LED


Home entertainment light gaming.



Beelink GTI Ultra Docking Station

Beelink GTI Ultra Docking Station

This docking station is neat and compact.

It has two PCI slots for two SSDs.
It has a PCI e slot that takes the eGPU in without a connector.
No TBs or OCulink needed.
It has 24 pin power PSU- Power Supply Unit for ATX.
Slot for its own power and power supply is within with and two pin inlet.
It should be 20 pins.
It has two speakers within and no room for be ventilation.
Hopefully it does not get heated up when running.

How to Organize the Partitions in Linux?

How to Organize the Partitions in Linux?

I am a genuine Critic of Linux and a Long Time User.

If  you visit this web site and peruse pieces on Linux I had been critical of LiLo booting to GRUB booting to Daemon to Chron jobs.

I never fiddle with system files and root partition.

I am an adult teacher and  freelance writer.

First warning.

Do not expect the Internet to teach YOU Linux basics

It is a junk yard, with guys frustrated probably with their girl friends vent their anger on Linux. We are seasoned guys and can take any adverse comment but those guys should dig into basics. 

Better still read a book for reliable information.

Take the Linux Bible and read the relevant chapter. 

One need not read the entire book. 

But, I have read more than 70% of it over 30 years. 

I have the latest copy on the right hand side of the table

If I miss a point I revise myself and revisit the problem.

That has saved me.

I did not have to do it today.

Linux developers are very smart guys, they have documented everything, in a large Help file or manpage and I have never visited it or reviewed options available.

These developers are busy guys and they are not your teachers

They discuss their problems with their cohort or fellow developers. 

If you have a problem file a bug report. 

I have never filed a bug report but post a piece here, if I have a problem, believing one of them would read them in his or her own leisure time.

Linux has taken tremendous strides over the last 30 years

It is viable and robust

To test my gut feeling and I posted the following question in the Web.

How to Organize the Partitions in Linux?

I saw a few amateurish attempts.

This is why, I decided to write a book on Linux in spite having a big Linux Bible.

Unlike me, a medical guy who have read Harrison's Medicine and Russel L. Cecil (1881-1965) and Robert F. Loeb (1895-1973)  (W.B.Saunders) books on Medicine (never Oxford) reading Linux Bible with very specific instructions was chicken feed, as it were.

My book has gone over 400 pages. 

I will post here a section from that book on partitions.

Traditionally, Linux has a hierarchical file structure

Even though, Linux distribution can remain in one partition apart from the Efi partition theoretically, it prefers to organize the files in strict and orderly manner.

Ubuntu does it in one partition.

Endless OS has similar approach.

The simple order is Efi partition and /root partition.

The rest of the partitions sit under the /root partition in a parent and child relationship

That is it.

One my understand that there is a 1MB FAT portion above the EFI, probably dedicated to Microsoft Windows to snooze upon your system. Today I noticed it had Free BSD name on it. I tried to install BSD a couple of days ago but it hung up with a name tag. 

I name it again with my name if any guy or girl want to snooze.










With efi and SWAP there are eleven partitions (11) in total.

I have a SATA 320GB hard disk and therefore, I have limitations. 

I use to drop /var partition (the variable partition), since it gets loaded up with variable files in no time which eventually fill the partition up that cannot be cleaned up. I invariably gets a message saying, there is no space in the hard disk, meaning that the /var partition is saturated. When this happens, the system actually freezes and I cannot install additional software. 

The package manager has no idea what space is left in the hard disk and try to install ad hoc manner. 

What I usually do is, open the Disk Usage Analysis Tool of the Utilities Bundle and keep it opened while installing applications. When it indicates in graphic form, only 2GB space is available, I stop installing additional packages.

The Stacer utility in graphic mode is a better option

It may say, only 1.8GB is available. 

That is the bottom line and I do not install anymore software even for testing. 

Mind you, I have DBS Database in my LibreOffice Suite and it needs some space for additional Databases.

Moving to a different topic, there are different Installers and MX Linux has it own Installer which is very restrictive with only 3 partitions namely /root /boot and /home. 

Suse and Redhat have their own installers.

It is said Linux is either a File or a Directory.

In that sense, a summary of the file hierarchy in Linux is mandatory for a guy or girl using command line work.

It goes on like this.

/bin – Binaries

The /bin directly contains the executable files of many basic shell commands like ls, cp, cd etc. Mostly the programs are in binary format here and accessible by all the users in the Linux system.

/dev – Device files

This directory only contains special files, including those relating to the devices. They are virtual files, and they do not physically present on the disk.

/etc – Configuration files

The /etc directory contains the core configuration files of the system, use primarily by the administrator. The services, such as the password file and networking files occupy /etc.

If one needs to make changes in system configuration (for example, changing the host name), the etc folder is where one finds the respective files.

/usr – User binaries and program data

In /usr all the executable files, libraries, source of most of the system programs reside. For this reason, most of the files contained therein are read ­only for the normal user.

My advice is one should not allocate a partition for /usr.  It gets filled up in no time, if separate partition is allocated and the system would freeze when this happens. 

I tried various combination of partitions to test them and I have had very nasty experiences.

Let the/usr remain under /root directory and the /root automatically decides how to allocate resources to each directory with seamless efficiency.

/usr/bin contains basic user commands

/usr/sbin contains additional commands for the administrator

/usr/lib contains the system libraries

/usr/share contains documentation or common libraries, for example /usr/share/man contains the text of the manpage

/home – User personal data

Home directory contains personal directories for the users.

The home directory contains the user data and user specific configuration files. When root user allows one to create a user on a Linux system, it creates a home directory for the user with a specific name. Suppose the Root allows Linux system to have two users named Tom and Jury. There are two home directories as /home/tom and /home/jury. Do note that capital letters are not allowed for user names and additionally, Tom is not allowed to access  /home/jury and vice versa. That makes sense, since only the user should have access to his or her /home directory. 

However Root has access to all the files.

/lib – Shared libraries

Libraries are basically codes that can be used by the executable binaries. The /lib directory holds the libraries needed by the binaries in /bin and /sbin directories.

Libraries needed by the binaries in the /usr/bin and /usr/sbin are located in the directory /usr/lib.

/sbin – System binaries

This is similar to the /bin directory. The only difference is that it contains the binaries that can only be run by root or sudo.

One can assume that the ‘s’ in ‘sbin’ as super or sudo.

/tmp – Temporary files

As the name suggests, this directory holds temporary files. Many applications use this directory to store temporary files. But do note that the contents of the /tmp directories are deleted when the system reboots.

/var – Variable data files

Var, short for variable, is where programs store runtime information like system logging, user tracking, caches and other files that system programs create and manage. The files stored here are not cleaned automatically and hence it provides a good place for system administrators to look for information about their system behaviour. For example, if the Root wants to check the login history in the Linux system, this is where he checks, the content of the file in /var/log/wtmp.

I tend to give a big partition for /var since it is not cleaned up automatically and builds up with junk

The system gives a warning when /var gets filled up and I quickly delete unnecessary applications when that happens. I never try to fiddle with /root directory since, if a single file configuration is corrupted, the /root refuses to boot.

/boot – Boot files

The ‘/boot’ directory contains the files of the kernel and boot image, in addition to LILO and GRUB. It is often advisable that the directory resides in a partition at the beginning of the disc but in Debian, the /root has first priority and /boot /home and /tmp follow afterwards.

/proc – Process and kernel files

The /proc directory contains the information about currently running processes and kernel parameters. The content of the /proc directory is used by number of tools to get runtime system information. For example, if one want to check processor information in Linux, one can simply refer to the file            /proc/cpuinfo. To check memory usage of the Linux system one looks at the content of /proc/meminfo file.

The application, Stacer described in this book is a good utility to check the file system without disrupting the configuration of the system.

/opt – Optional software

Traditionally, the /opt directory is used for installing/storing the files of third party applications that are not available from the repository of the distribution. 

I tend to create a partition for /opt of sufficient size.

The normal practice is to keep the software code in opt and then link the binary file in the /bin directory so that all the users can run it.

/root – The home directory of the root

This is /root directory as well as the home directory of the root. Instead of /home/root, the home of root is located at /root.

Do not confuse it with the root directory (/).

/media – Mount point for removable media

When a user connect a removable media such as USB disk, SD card or DVD, a directory is automatically created under the /media directory for the user.

/mnt – Mount directory

This is similar to the /media directory but instead of automatically mounting the removable media /mnt is used by system administrators to manually mount the file system.

/srv – Service data

The /srv directory contains data for services provided by the system. For example, if one runs a HTTP server, the website data is stored in the /srv directory.

I think ordinary user should not worry about the file architecture of the system in detail but s/he should worry only about the /home directory where he or she   is allowed to use and function at lib.

The root user can limit the resources of this directory, if one fills it up with junk

It is the responsibility of user to maintain it in pristine form,

Partition Order for a Desktop Linux

I have had many second thoughts about the partition order. I do not think it matters a lot.

I presume the following order may be useful.

EFI about 528MB


/boot (optional and may be redundant)



/usr    (the user file location assuming more than one user is using the computer)

/srv  services


I have some reservation about /var partition, since it get used up when more and more applications are added. Then one gets the warning that not enough space is available in the hard disk.

SWAP is mandatory and I have several.

One should not forget SWAP Partition and I have one Swap Partition after every distribution, usually three in number. I sometimes delete (I have two more in reserve) the last Swap partition stationed as the last partition in the Partition Table and install, the latest distribution that I wish to test, to see how much hardware memory in GB the distribution needs.

Generally speaking, 10GB is the minimum for a light weight distribution but 30 to 40 is optimal but  I use at least 100GB for each distribution which includes a relatively large /home partition.

I hate Virtual Installations, even though, I have the BOX utility in my system. Only after full install one gets the real feel of the distribution one is using.

There is a small caveat here.

If one is using a spinning hard disk the order matters and the scanning needle has to spin a lot, if the order EFI, /root, /boot /home /tmp etc are not in  sequential order. In that scenario for effective booting EFI has to be the first. In  Solid State Disks (SSD), it does not matter unless one installs  many Linux distributions, in one disk.

By the way, I have reserved 50GB for a NTFS partition to store Iso images which I  Test and Delete, as I wish.


I have still have not made up the best three distributions one would like to use.

Gnome of Debian comes first.

The KDE Netrunner is pretty good.

Ubuntu I have disposed of due to many reasons.

May be Manjaro comes third.

Peppermint failed on my last testing.

Latest EndeavourOS  is pretty good


After many a tests I settled downed with MX Linux KDE.

Yesterday, I installed Netrunner KDE with 6.1 kernel. It is OK with a beautiful boot menu at the start but it is very slow to boot compared to Debian Gnome. 

Debian keep an eagle eye and it tells me it has some updates.

It took seven mutes for updates are done offline. The files are downloaded in the background as a demon when I am online. I have over 20 window managers to choose from Awesome to Cinnamon to Fluxbox, IceWarm (beautiful) many versions of Gnome to KDE, to MATE to XFCE, that is why it took 7 minutes. Otherwise few minuted would be enough.


My Grouse with KDE Desktop

My Grouse with KDE Desktop

My Grouse with KDE Desktop are numerous, to say the least.

This is comparison to Debian, Gnome

I can list 20 but would limit to 10.

1. It boot Menu is messy

All what I need is the in partition where it is installed.

2. Its booting is pretty slow.

I have 4 other instances, including Two Debians, Netrunner and MX Linux.

3. Installing alternative user is clumsy.

Finding the setting is difficult. 

4. Finding the package manager is difficult.

In fact it does not have one proper.

If Synaptic Package manager is not there one is at a loss.

5. Having installed AbiWord, my primary Word Processor, finding where it is, was a rigmarole.

6. Abiword looks strange when file is opened.

page setting go haywire.

7. KDE installed under Debian looks neat

Wayland instance not X11

But desktop is empty.

One has to go to the all application and look for the application and one has to click on to the desktop individually.

8. There is almost nothing on the bottom panel.

One has to drag and drop into the application panel.

9. I need only about 12 application in my desktop.

Gnome does it nicely.

I know where the other applications reside.

its customization is painful.

10. Finding a particular application in Flatpack Software is humanly impossible.

One need to know all the categories by heart.

In Gnome if I forget an application all I need to do is type the first letter of the application and browse in the list.

I would type R in Synaptic and find Revolt for example.

11. I think guys who talks high of KDE has never used any other desktop.

For example if I run Enlightenment Desktop, it modifies everything and I cannot go back to Gnome proper. 

Logging out is also difficult.

I logged in with it and when it started asking me various questions  I hit Ctl+Alt+ F1 to exit.

In that respect KDE is a reasonable desktop.

12. My advice is learn to use several desktops and settle down with one for long term use.

Gnome desktop is natural for me but KDE (I started with KDE of Mandrake) is almost foreign.

These are the things I am going to include in my book of "Linux Essentials".

It is coming out nice but I am currently updating my piece on "Mini Desktop Computers".

13. Updating takes hell of a lot of time.

Installing Window Managers

Installing Window Managers

It is easy.

 Synaptic Package Manger is necessary.

With root permission type Window Manager.

From Blackbox to Fluxbox to Cinnamon, KDE to Plasma to XFCE  to MATE are available

Except MATE, Xmonad and compiz, I installed all.

Enlightenment data is heaviest and needed 401 MB for DATA.

Enjoy the freedom

e GPU Build UP Dock

Old M.2 Adaptor
Connects M.2. SSD or mSSD
NVMe Drive is new small form factor Hard Disk coming in with new mini PC.
My NUC has a port for 2.5" SATA disks.
I have collected several SSDs over time and I wish not through them away.

When Linux 13 kernel come which is going to support these hardware, I might consider buying a new NUC.
Possibly ACMagic
Or any other model which fits my Budget.
Until then I am a YouTube Educator.

It needs M.2 adaptor with a OCulink port for internal/external expandion.

1. OCulink Board
PCIe slot
OCulink port
No cooling necessary 
This dock or board has a on off switch,too.

PCIe 3
No OCulink
40bits per second 

63bits per second 
24 pins ATX 
Pico Power supply
Pic power supply has ports for SATA disks.

M.2 to OCulink adaptor is avaible.

2. Fix the power adaptor to 24 ATX pins.

3. Fix the GPU to the Oculink Board.

4. Fix 4 ruuber plugs to the base

5. You are in for connecting to a Mini PC or a Laptop

Modernization and Loss of Biodiversity

 July 10, 2011
Modernization and Loss of Biodiversity
In the city and the villages that surrounded it where I grew up,  almost anything that one throws away grows (Plants and Seeds) on its own provided they did not rot away due to too much water.

There was no need to water plants and like a clockwise fashion rain did come in 10 to 14 day cycles even in the dry season.

Inter-monsoon rain was regular and now I understand and believe that the vegetation itself fashion this rain and its cycles.

More trees mean more regular  inter-monsoon rain.
Less trees means less rain, for sure, inter-monsoon period.
I lived for short period in Kurunegala and we moved there since doctors advised my father to move out to reduce the recurrence of wheezy episodes I had in Kandy, when I very young.
I moved back and never had any problems and the problems were probably, related to growing up and poor nutrition, I ponder now.

That is just to restate the damply state of affairs of my city, of yesteryear.

Even Kurunegala the weather, then, when compared to as it is now with lot of vegetation and coconut trees was very mild with more frequent dry spells than in Kandy.

Now we are going through perennial failure of rain and even the rain fails in the upcountry regions where the most of the hydroelectric  power plants are located.

All these are related to modernization and clearing up of scanty vegetation for what we call development
It is going to get worse and there is no master plan to arrest it except adding more vulnerable projects including coal power plants.

Coal Power Plants will cause irreversible damage to our eco-system and by the time it is recorded by scientific pundits, I would have been long gone (Dead wood sitting on a cremation site) but I hope somebody will trace back to year 2005 where I started voicing this on a regular basis in the web.

It would have been earlier had it not been for the slow pace of development of the Web but the slow pace of the printed paper of course accelerated my efforts.

Now I have made it a pastime and I study what I call the “my sphere of activity” (very limited indeed, indeed) and its observation and I want everybody who is versed in biology (or not) would contribute to this type of observations and record them since
we cannot believe the government and will never make any worthwhile consideration (except pass legislation they, themselves violate with political patronage with impunity) to this effort since politicians and their stooges won’t understand their policy impact on mother nature.

Like the mess we have inherited with cricket after 1996 and filling up an ancient tank and building a cricket ground on it is the classic example of the idiocy of our policy makers cricket or otherwise.

We are set for power cuts in spite of thermal power added to the system

Now if I do not water the plants including water plants they will dry up and wilt away in as short as three days.

Unfortunately there is nobody to help me with a little background knowledge in biology to look after my plants.
If I go out for a short holiday for two weeks abroad, all the plants I have collected over the period of a decade will be no more.
I was late in using my power of observation since when we were young we did not have to worry about plants wilting away.
The observation period is over 25 years.
This started rapidly from 1975 when plantation section was nationalized.
Everything, I observe is in the direction of loss of bio-diversity.
The little exotic (
I have lost all the orchids) plants I have now if I do not replant will be lost, if not in the wild, but in my garden which is very very tiny.
Lot in my neighbourhood has changed and except for the remaining jack-tree and the breadfruit tree (which is gradually dying) which stand tall, all the other trees have been felled by the owners and all the tree shade/s we have now is / are less than 20 years old.
Glad to say I have contributed to many of the remaining ones with a few exotic palm trees in that lot.
None of them were for commercial value but for shear beauty of their presence in my garden.
Now I have to make a significant observation and this writing was prompted by need to emphasize that.
We live in a small hill (in the middle) not very steep but the road now we use is where the waste water ran down and I believe there was a little stream trickling (probably during the heavy rainy season) down and the underground water table is very near the surface with solid rocks on top and we were without pipe born water and we had to dig a well for our daily use.
It took another 10 years to get the pipe born water and with my friends who were engineers (they worked hard) were instrumental in the
Nilambe Project from which present politicians in the city steal water when they come for a respite from Colombo.
Particular president made sure he gave connections only to his partisans (he is no more) and I had to wait till he died for everybody in the area to get a regular water supply and that was the only time we had a President from the hill country.
Now what they do is surreptitiously divert our water to Kandy and elsewhere and depriving us at times of greater need.

Suffice is to say they never started a new scheme for a very long period of time.
There was a natural shallow well at our level which we used liberally during the construction of the house and I used to take a bath on some days for pleasure.
There were plenty of fresh water crabs there (they are gone now) and I had saved couple of big crabs who landed on our low roof to safety who had escaped on flight from birds of prey.
You should not believe that the crabs could fly on to my roof
Way our politicians travel by air I have to believe even frogs and crabs would learn to fly if they happen to be partisan with politicians, with or without wings.
The whole place is dry now in spite of ancient minor stream long long time ago.
We came to this area when water was becoming scarce but there was still some underground water, left.
Now to my point and re-directing my thoughts and the reason why I came this far.
1. I said I live in the middle.
2. The road was once where there would have been a minor stream, now totally dry.
3. Unlike those days which I drove a car (disposed it when I discovered it was consuming lot of petrol), I walk up the road for my exercise which is my workout and the day I cannot walk up the road, I would retire from this world for good and
do not need a bypass or a borrowed organ or two to live
As a living destitute.

4. Unlike those days (it was a brisk walk,then) now I take my time to watch the flora and fauna (now dogs and cats only and a few birds).
5. I one day notice the flowers of the seeds I tried to grow in my plot but could not on the wayside at the beginning which is the ground zero level.
5. Seeds that I used to get sometimes from abroad are germinating in not my plot of land but in the plot of land at the bottom.
6. All the seed I put at the middle level could have got washed away and settle at the lowest level.
7. Strangest of my observations was a white flower (I got the seeds from botanical garden and tried to grow in our plot but never succeeded). 
Very pleasant surprise and the owners had left to Canada over 20 years ago and that house is still empty and once in 5 years somebody cleans it up and there was no way the cleaner (not a gardener) had planted it.
Few of them are still there.
8. Same day I went to the botanical garden from where I got the seeds (from the hanging runners coming over the fence). 
To my horror those runners have all gone, no flowers and dried up stems were seen in a tall tree.

I think I did some honours to the Botanical garden for picking few seeds (which I never was able to see  flowering in my garden) and spread in my garden which had got washed away and landed on a foreign soil where nobody was living now.
9. The sense of Sympathetic joy (Upekka) was overwhelming and that is why I have to pen it down here.

10. I now remember, just couple of meters away there was an exotic plant and on a rainy day dug up the yams and I now have an enormous collection (personal favorite) of it in my rooftop garden. They guy who brought me the specimen is dead. He became an alcoholic.
This Sunday when I walk up I will be picking up some seeds from that flower and then try again to germinate them, and perhaps I might even donate it to the botanical garden chief (previous one was a good friend of mine and I never asked him for any exotic plants except those on sale.
The present one when I met, I suggested  he should start selling water plants -which has become a monopoly of a selected few- and I am glad to say he has obliged and there are a few new guys doing water plants in Kandy, now.
I should now go for cuppa tea and wind up after stating from whom I learned the secret of throwing seeds all over the foot path (by accident) where I walk, now, though ambling.
It was my wife’s grandma.
She had the habit of spreading the seeds all over the garden and I used to pull most of them out to get some order in the garden. She was a sweet lady and she needed flowers for her daily offering to Buddha and we had at least 5 varieties almost everyday.
Now she and her daughter and my mother all gone we cannot pluck two varieties on a single day.

Strangely enough my rooftop garden has three to six including three varieties of Jasmine
which I grow (a trick I learned from my mother) in the memory of my mother who died well past 90 (and the other two ladies too, I fondly remember when I see these flowers).
I wish I should not live that long since then there won’t be any birds or wild flowers to smell in this blessed island.

But as long as I could walk up the footpath (any footpath, for that matter), I am going to pluck dry flowers and spread the seeds like birds do.
I don’t care where they start germinating and like a good Buddhist I have to lose attachment to any worldly thing including flowers from now onward.
In this scenario I differ slightly from Buddhist virtues.
I want our great great grandchildren to have a reminder of the old times not of my photographs but some beautiful and fragrant flowers which we are losing by the day.
We do not have bees and the the little innocent black variety which were there for over 20 years and they come collect honey from my tiny water plants.
20 years ago, there was a seed I tried to germinate by various mean but never could.
Then one day I asked the lab assistant who was a keen gardener and my patient till he died when nearing 90 told me that the seeds crack when there is intense heat and then when the rain comes it germinate and if I soak the seeds it will rot.
Just today, I picked up three of those plants to pot before they are run by the three wheeler drivers. 
The road is now finished with concrete to lure the voters get heated up and the seeds on either side crack and germinate
They planted a photo of Ranil at the bottom.
Suffice it to say all the seeds coming from a plants / trees my mother in law planted.
When a generation take the exit pathway like in America we will have only commercial growers and mono-culture.

Blessing in Disguise-Linux Games

 February 26, 2011
Blessing in Disguise-Linux Games
I have avoided using games as a plus point or a weakness of Linux.
You may wonder why?

Whether we like it or not games are essential for life.

Too much of any game or demanding sports may break a marriage.

Similarly lack of games can terminate a marriage.

So when, I talk about games, I always start with that advantage point which is neutral to begin with.

We tend to associate games with children and young adults and as a growing up process.

But I would like to disagree.

Even animals love games as young ones and they start playing with the mum and the litter and not only that process teaches them cooperation and learning to avoid dangers when the leave the adults as solitary animals.

Dogs digs the earth when they are bored.

For them this process is essential and leaving some stuff dug up and some hidden material and getting the dog to discover the bones is a standard game.

That takes the boredom out of their system.

The very same pattern of boredom sets into adults if we do not occupy with some gaming activity.

The Cricket World Cup is now in full swing and every body who is somebody is now slowly making their entry into the fray.

If you cannot play at least watch the game.

It is good for your health, if you are not gambling with the outcome of the game.

Regarding Linux of course one of the weak points as I saw in the early stages was its lack of games
For me who had by that time almost addicted to DOS and Windows was a blessing in disguise.

That made me to delve deep into Linux and I am now almost daily writing something or teaching somebody its virtues or doing some activity with Linux (in Dropbox) and 24 hours of the day is not enough for me.

Similarly, if one is introducing computer science to a young one not having games is an advantage. 
So the child can concentrate on learning nitty gritty points of computing.

In the same tone in very young child, the games can be a vehicle for introducing learning techniques.

What is important is that the games should be age appropriate and should be of short duration and easy to perform.

There are lot of little games in Linux but there is paucity of very advanced games.

The context is so bad I bought a book that dealt with Linux games thinking one day when I have time I will start making an attempt to produce at least some elementary games for kids. I still have the book but misplaced its DVD (was a blessing) and never made a game in my adult life.

Mind you making games for very young kids is difficult
Their attention span is short unlike the bigger children. 
In the bigger children their attention span is so intense and they get absorbed so much gradually game becomes an addition.

I have a very simple solution for that.

When we played it was a habit that the entire extended family get involved in the game and the computer games that we played were of the group category
We used to take turns, those watching will help with the clues.

Most of the Waltz Disney games come under this category.

Tarzan, Lion King and Zero to Hero were a few of them and gradually migrated to Italian Job, Raider of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones.

Mind you all of them were Windows based and none of that intensity was found in Linux.

Then I discovered
Tux Racer, Pinguy and a few others in Linux.

There are big Linux game packs.

I have not seen a single yet.

It takes at least two weeks to download them. 
When I have finished addressing the Linux 100 and Linux Extras, I may consider downloading.

I have eventually decided to download the big game pack even if it takes a month to do so.

Or else if I happen to go abroad I will keep two days for that activity.

I have tried few friends outside.

Unfortunately the are not versed with Linux.

Ten (10) plus nuances that annoys the desktop user

 February 25, 2011
Ten (10) plus nuances that annoys the desktop user 
Mind you, Developers have done a wonderful things during the past 15 years.
From its origin Linux was developed by developers for the developers.

Its architecture and file hierarchy is archaic and resistant to change.

I have been using it long enough, it is stable, robust and I do not need to worry about it except running it 24 /7 schedule in spite of electricity bills going up to get its maximum. 
Since I am doing regular download of Linux distributions for testing (a hobby of some sort) this rigmarole is OK. 
All the CRON jobs are (regular maintenance) done for me and I do not need to worry about configuring it to suit my needs.

Since I am not a Server Master but only a Desktops User (perhaps as workstation) how the developer can figure out what I do with my computer in the 24 hour schedule is something, I ponder.

I would like the computer to be my slave rather than it masters things for me.

1.That is one of the weaknesses. 
Linux is a work horse but my horse is very finicky in its behaviour what he eats and what schedule he follows.
He follows the developers schedule and not my finicky behaviour schedule. One can say in that case you configure it yourself. That is a good argument but with file architecture being streamlined, rigid and resistant to change, one cannot change a cabinet and put it in an less obtrusive place for me. 
If I do that whole file system crashes and even with the root permission. When the system boots next time it goes back to its preferred protocol.

I need to know like a developer every bit of file structure and of scheduling (Deamons) routine. I love to do that but I am a professional in another field not computer field. 
My field needs and structures are completely different form automatic response of a computer.

2. My needs are customer based. 
That is the second nuance. The file hierarchy and resources are good for a Server but not an ordinary human being like me.
I do not want to go to the loo, exactly at the same time and same place and void exact amount of void
In other words I need some personality to my voiding or consumption habits that vary from day to day.

Not the way the developer voids and eats.

The file hierarchy is stable and is not customizable.

3. The sames goes with programs. 
I cannot change a system program and go for a more flexible program. 
In that case I have to go for a different distribution or for a different desktop (Gnome or KDE or LXDE).

I cannot interchange desktop experience. 
It can be done by installing Gnome and KDE versions in the same computer separately but one can use only one session at a time. They do not speak to each others library systems and GTKs are different. 
That is the third.

4. The real disadvantage is the package management system. 
One has to be satisfied with one grand package version and and cannot go back to old or new one without radical change to the system and install procedure. 
One has to wait for the rolling system or to a new radically changed system. 
For example I have been using Redhat for years (not really I cut my teeth with it and changed with Fedora evolution and migrated to PCLinux) and the company changes its protocol from Fedora 13 to 14 with sea of changes (like Microsoft) and file formats. 
The other distributions resident in the same computer cannot mount them or effect changes to the files in the home partitions. 
This is ridiculous change for the user who had being doing something as a routine is changed without his feed back.

It is a corporate decision not a community decision or request.  
Now I shun both Suse and Redhat.

I am not resistant to change
I am for it but uses are not scape goats or made vulnerable like what Microsoft or Apple does to its customer base.

This is the change that make Microsoft user looking for other avenues like Linux. If Linux distributions also on commercial bent use the same strategy it will certainly misfire.

GoBo Linux had been trying to address this issue by radically changing the file architecture and ability to use old and new in versions (say Open Office and LibreOffice libraries are organized in a structurally different architecture with sharing (common) and not sharing (independent), Java Suite.
This can be done but this distribution has not received the backing of the rest of the community. In fact, I have been waiting for its new release over last three years and it does not seem to be coming. 
It is long overdue.

I hope LibreOffice coming it to its existence they should attempt to reorganize the library system (at archive level and user level) and make innovations.

It is hard work but worth a try.

Then we can have long term (L.T.S) support for 10-15 years instead of the present 3 to 5 years instead.

5. Other nuance is the release cycles. 
It is at its extreme from months to years to decades
There is no agreed protocol (Debian / Gnome has taken this head on and it is stable and reliable) and they have this rolling system, also. 
It is OK for distro-hoppers but not for old people like me. 
I of course hopped distributions, at a regular interval and I have 5 to 8 distributions in my laptop, that does not mean that I use them regularly.

They are for a particular purpose.

I keep GoBo Linux and Yoper because of their original approach and I love their changes and that gives me some opportunity for research material to engage in.

Then I can give perhaps some visionary advice.

GoBo thinks of the file architecture and its rearrangement.

YOPER thinks of truncating file extensions and throughput.

Linux is a visionary approach.

It needs new vision and dimensions for the current century.

Live CDs was a vision (demo to begin with) but now it is a universal approach.

Try it before you use it.

Then speed of booting is another vision.

6. With big hard disk coming we must make not 15 to 60 partition limitations but 1000 or more partitions.

Linux can handle it but Microsoft does not
The number of partition a distribution uses (the minimum and the maximum) changes constantly.

7. Hardware compatibility is a major issue. 
This is not due to the fault of Linux
It is the manufacturers and vendors ploy to support one particular operating system over the other. 
It is time we should have legislature to regularize this at least in the European Community, if not America and UK.

8. Cloud Computing is taking a corporate stand now with Google taking a bigger bite
Linux User must be ready for dual purpose. 
One is browsing, the other is using Linux utilities like Gimp, Sribus, Inkcape and Blender for personal use. 
We must not let these excellent utilities disappear with Cloud Computing.

9. There are over 300 very good distributions and reviewers review only a few and the reviews are also not balanced
They do not do it at a research level
They do it at the level of blogging not professional to say the least. Gut feeling like in politics and daily papers.

Review means reviews
(pros and cons and neutrals) and not shoddy hasty writing. 
There is professional responsibility attached to this word.

Nothing more nothing less.

10. Last but not least. many distributions do not have a mult-ilanguage capability. 
Only recently Sinhala has two distributions supporting it. 
This is essential for children programs Doudou Linux (french) is attempting it.

Others should follow.

11. The lack of commercial software or similar equivalents applications (Flash, Java) is another handicap.

There are many other minor matters but this is to highlight no operating system is perfect
We only have to know the good and the bad and drop all the ugly ones.

The Gadgetmania or a Matter of Choice

 February 20, 2011

The Gadgetmania or a Matter of Choice
There is a Gadget Mania going on unabated in the West.

While in some developing countries having a square meal for a kid is something wanting, the craze for gadgets is evident, as in the West.
It is not the work the gadget does but it is the status symbol that carry with it, that matters.
For a fancy iPod or a laptop may costs a lot. 

The money spent can be better utilized to buy some school equipment to help children’s education but again the money somehow get channeled out.
For example money spent on a flashy Apple Macintosh computer could have been converted to about 25 to 30 O.L.P.S. (one laptop per child) but what matters again is the profit per each item sold but not the number of uses or users the item provides.

This is true in the developing world too, unfortunately

Following is a summary of gadget mania, I once suffered but somehow I have transmigrated from this phenomenon.

I have gone through this phase of mania in a mild and moderate manner as a young one.

I had to buy the correct brand , when I buy something new, say a camera.

Then when the camera prices came down I had several and I found that if one has a “good camera eye" , it does not matter what camera one uses.
I am still a camera addict not cellphones
One can always catch the moment in a snapshot with any makeshift camera if one is prepared.

In came the video camera, the whole ball game has changed.

This was the time I was a bachelor.

The money and choice were not a problem, then

Then came the computer.

They were expensive but I had to buy (Commodore 64-128, Amiga, Compaq, Atari) what was available.

When the notebooks of Old Era came I could not afford them.

I thank god for that.

I lost interest in them till Windows came into existence.

We were hooked to it and trapped beyond our control till I discovered Linux and
the meaning of freedom and correct choice.

Then followed the period of transition in my mind along with struggling with money matters. When there are money matters there is no choice left, one has to survive preserving only a few of one’s favorite hobbies that included computers to me.

Common sense, pragmatism and rationalization take precedence over the trends, emotions an attachment.

When the comparatively cheap laptops hit the market, I had to make a choice.

My calculations told me I can have there desktops for the price of one laptop. One for me in office, one at home for me and one for the kids, all assembled to my specification with the hardware available at the time.

Now I have 6 out of 7 old computers all doings (thanks to Linux) some useful function at home.

One computer busted while recording Cricket World Cup in 2007.

The rationalization then was, I don’t have to carry any heavy luggage (laptop) on the move.

Then I bought the first laptop (I needed one to test Linux distributions), ACER of course, one third the price in Singapore without an operating system and booted it with Linux at the airport on my return home.

Another second hand laptop (for testing Linux) and new netbook (for my daughter) were added to my armory without feeling the pinch.

This is my rationalization going berserk.

I carry a cellphone (it is a hindrance to my peace and well being), only when I travel abroad and feel like dropping it into a dustbin in the airport but resisted and gave it to my wife instead.

It boils dow
n to 3 phases, my transmigration.

1. Choice with lot of spare money in hand

2. Pragmatism with barely enough money in hand to survive

3. Rationalization while enjoying all the intellectual freedom that one get with Linux.

If Linux, did not come into existence I would not have known
what I mean by freedom of choice.