Sunday, October 6, 2024

Ornamental Threatened Fish in Ceylon

I was a avid fish keeper with over 20 to 40 little and big glass tanks and two cement ponds. 

Gouramis and Zebra fish were my interests.

I thought we had only a few endemic fish types.

Giant Danios in Hantana Stream and Rosy Barbs in Matale and Galagedera streams in Upcountry were the one two I did know.

I am told there are over 100 endemic species in the West Zone.

Quickly I became an Environmentalist and strongly opposed fish vendors selling local species except for those who are empowered to breed them and release them back to the wild.

I turned only to water plants especially lilies and Guppy fish.

I use guppy fish to control mosquitoes and periodically release them to the local streams.

Guppy fish is not an endemic species.

The biggest danger to guppy fish is the use of Washing Machines which releases large quantities of toxic material which are toxic to the gills (breathing apparatus).

Once the gills ate damaged there is no recovery.

I forgot to put an entry in Road Maps for Ceylon, on our ornamental fish. I am going to rectify it immediately.

Saving our Endemic Ornamental Fish

The biggest danger is the Fresh Water Aquariums and foreign species of Scavenger fish. 
They either escape these species from aquariums inadvertently or are released deliberately (feeding them with guppy fish I abhor) due to economic reasons of not being able to feed them.

With economic downturn keeping ornamental fish is a luxury in Ceylon.

When the imported fish food went up, I moved to guppy fish who need minimum of care and they rarely become carnivorous.

Before I left Ceylon I put a couple of beautiful guppies in a plastic tank with lot of water plants expecting the plants to retain water (I was expecting to return home in 3 months) in the tank without drying up.

I think the tank may have dried up in no time.

The plastic tank or box was the one I used to care for injured birds and animals.

With air fare going up an election covering the holiday season, it is Good Bye to Mother Lanka.

I honestly, do not believe there going to be any recovery in a foreseeable future.

Politics in not my domain but philosophy is. 

I am currently working on a book of  "Betrayal of Philosophy".

I could not find the book on Das Capital by Carl Marx after 10 years of searching.

Strangely, an incident yesterday in West Coast made me to blow up mildly. 
Real details withheld.
This incident does not warrant a single blog piece.
We were about to get into our car and three women one white, one mixed African descent and one of Chinese stock approached us, in reality bold incursion, wanted to recite the Bible to us. 

They did not ask what our religion is, which should be the normal protocol of any bold incursion.

They kept on reading the Bible ad nauseam.

After a while, I said "It is time up" and we are Buddhists and we do not believe in God (did not say your God).

Then the Chinese one in turn asked who is your God and I turned a sarcastic gesture and said, "I can be Nasty' and they disappeared.

I suppose this is a good entry point to my book on "Philosophy Betrayed".

What had happened to 'Freedom of Thought" in the 21st century?

Are we still slaves to dogma, faith, belief, a mad conviction to a band of religion or War in the name of Pseudo Gods, in the Middle East?