Monday, June 5, 2023

New Hope for the Changing World

This piece is based on the thinking of Bertram Russell.

According to him Carl Marx was a great (political) philosopher.

The word political I substituted and has no substantial meaning.
I have not read Karl Marx and let me leave at that.

Most of my adult thinking was shaped by reading his books when young.

Buddhism even though had moral outlook, I did not bother reading.
Besides it was in Pali a language I know very little.
I am almost certain, Sinhala originated from Pali having distorted Pali of its core meaning,

Buddhism opposed war at any cost and I was born in to the free world with NO War.
Then, suddenly (American geared war in the middle east for petrol money) the war in Middle East from 1968 to 1973 for domination of petrol assets changed the world.
Israel is an American proxy backed by UK.

War in Ceylon was again an American proxy aided by Indian RAW from 1983 to 2009 was simply to dominate Trade Route.
It was all war of attrition and it created the current debt crisis in which China has very big interest.

Coming back to Bertram Russell, philosophy not religion had more attractive to me (with or without formal teaching in philosophy).
However, science was my base.

My current attraction to Professor De Bono and his "Beautiful Mind" tagged  probably with compassion has no place in the current world.

I never read Carl Marx and I am still looking for his book I (English translation), De Capital.

He divided the people to proleterate (working class) and burshewa (business or ruling class).

According to Russell, Carl Marx fomented anger.

The result was rise of communism in Russia and China.

As a free thinker he opposed communism but ironically, his opposition to Christianity made him to land and hide in Russia in ?1920s.

He was 4 years old when the First World War started.
He was sent to prison for opposing the world war I.

He hated World War I but was ambivalent to Second world War.

Probably he hated Germans without expressing it in public.

He strongly opposed to Vietnam war and was sent to prison again.

Russians hating Neo Nazis in Ukraine is natural and inborn tenfency.

He in fact, he predicted the Third World War.

He could not say from where but would have thought Americans would engineer it.

Yes Americans have done it, again.


Inborn jealousy to all Russians and its proud long history.

We are now, in the thick of it.

Its consequence are going to be catastrophic.

However, he had an optimistic World View and thought mankind will eventually come to senses in the distant future by opposing all form of wars.

He said he cannot predict when that will come.

Perhaps with Nuclear War looming his prediction will never come to fruition in our life time.

That is an irony mankind has failed to grasp.

More weapon to Ukraine will bring Peace without any cost to Western Hegemony.

Not a reset but a new world order would emerge in the East.

You Tube Killing Itself - News Reporting

I will repeat a wise saying by Sir Bertram Russell, at the end of this note.

Bear with me.

Yes, You Tube is killing itself.
It is not a news outlet but a commercial outpost.

The Google the parent company is asking me to register for a new splashy outfit.

I have decided to say good bye to you tube.

It is a cesspit!

I am looking for an alternative and brisk preferably text based NEWS n Simple English.

There a few.

Gradually they are coming good.

Why Google is failing?

1. Like Microsoft it is bulky for no reason.

2. It wants it to be commercially expanded.

3. Its users or guys using it are becoming self born pundits who are  addicted to prejudices.

4. Google and YouTube demonizes the opposing to CIA and FBI wishes.

5. It is no longer neutral!

Addiction to money is not a good habit.

I once wished to make a YouTube video on Linux but decided not to.

It is counterproductive.

All coding in Linux is in text mode and its kernel has millions of lines and it provides a platform free for all its developers.

There are no commercial incentives.

Linux thrives due to that freedom.

If Linux went on commercial path it would have been a death knell for it success.

Mind you Google is Linux based but commercial.

I am happy I get over thousand hits per week on my text based posting here.

Posting  are mainly on Linux and politics, religion and science I have excluded.

Coming to Bertram Russell he once said;

For intellectual expression there are two vital elements.

1.Get the facts right.

2. What is the use of the factual knowledge.

In his view for moral expressions two ingredients are vital.

Love for his / her fellow beings.
Absence of hate.

I think Zelensky hate Russians.
He is a proxy of UK and USA.

Americans and British hate Russians for no reason.

Putin is reciprocating not in kindness but with overwhelming power of missiles.

He loves Russians and only a few his felloe beings in the front line.

Rest is on defensive lines.

If Russians cross the line of defence it is the end of Ukraine and a curse for the Poland.

Restraint on both sides is waning.

We are fast approaching Catastrophe!