Friday, November 11, 2022

Only The Corrupt Stay in Politics

Only The Corrupt Stay in Politics
I was following the American election with one thing in mind.
Will the Americans (both Democrats and Republicans) change from War Mongering to Peaceful Global Existence?
War is in American blood, the simple answer to the question raised is BIG NO.
I come from a country where we fought internecine war brought on by India for 35 odd years and I hate War.
The end result is our coffers are empty and we are no better than a sub-Saharan country, while the war mongers pilfered everything out of this country.
I think the Corona Virus pandemic was something welcome (low death rate) and ordinary citizens started coming to senses and coming back to basic human values without discrimination.
From nowhere America brought a War on Ukraine using a puppet actor
In our country minority raised against the majority but in Ukraine majority raised against the minority Russians.
That did not leave any room for Russia to sit and wait.
This War was started by America in 2014 and EU abetting.

Over 50% of the arms delivered to Ukraine is going elsewhere including to African subcontinent.
That is the American Design since Senate cannot approve them without oversight.
There is bipartisan support to pour in more and more weapons to Ukraine. 
Original idea was regime change in Russia.
For their part Russians did not meddle in US politics.
They knew whichever party comes to power Russo-Phobia will continue. 
On the contrary Russia is self sufficient in Oil, Gas, food and Vodka whereas West is reeling with Economic Crisis.
Come Winter 2023 Germany, Italy and France are in dire straights.
UK is no different and seems to be the worst affected.
Coming back to today's topic:
Only The Corrupt Stay in Politics
I have to refine this statement bit further by saying that the corrupt take up politics and stay in politic for ever.
This is totally against the management policy I used to a talk lot  about, many moons ago, "The Total Quality Management" training to which on a latter day was added the term "Equal Opportunity".
It looks like Quality does not apply to politicians of all colours and shades.
The basic ingredient is corruption.
I used to apply this only to developing countries and it looks like, the West is catching up fast, especially the Americans.
Just look at the amount of money the Democratic Governors added to the mid term elections (bills).
They are never accounted for  and they come as donations and free from TAXES.
It is staggering high and they are openly boasting about it.
Whereas, the election officials who work over 8 hours are not paid enough to meet their family needs.
Of course, they cannot take trade union action to represent their needs.
Just giving a few old computers, poorly networked is not going to help. 
Actually the computers are a hindrance.
The American system is bizarre.
It takes weeks for the final result to come out.
They have no appetite for simplifying the process.
I will highlight only a few.
It takes days and weeks to count the ballot.
That leaves ground for malpractices.
If this method is applied in Ceylon we will have twice the number of registered ballot papers counted in a given polling station.
We know how to engineer elections.
We had a President who changed ballot boxes that come from the North of the country and exchanged for new and original ballot boxes (with marked ballot parers) in Air (I mean in helicopters and his security guys saying "Yea Sir" ).
In another event,
My father in law who passed away  3 months before the election came back from heaven and voted for a female president (on her second coming).
My father in law who was a teacher in Comparative Religion was so devoted to his duty he even voted as an absentee voter.
I was privy to this incident and verified this incident and made a formal complaint (nothing happened).
In my case I did not register for 20 years so nobody could steal my vote and worked hard to get the National Identity Card as a prerequisite for getting the ballot paper to vote.
By the way, a current MP in parliament and his wife have multiple ID cards.
There are currently about 20 MPs who are ineligible to become a MP due to dual citizenship are enjoying the parliamentary privileges (I call them political prostitutes).
The parliamentary secretary who is a Public Servant never checks or verify these facts, even though he is assigned for these jobs.
Then there is a Guy who is a total alcoholic and scrounger in parliament. 
For over 30 years he is a list MP.
He has the gift of the gab only when he has three times the legal level of alcohol in his blood and he replenishes, it from the parliament bar.
His salary is not enough to pay the alcohol bill and other members pour him enough to get his tongue twisted to the need of the one who pours (other members) the drink (who is unable to speak for self).
With my management skills I can detect all the loopholes in a System of Voting whether paper based or digital.
It is common sense but I won't volunteer the US Government to detect any system faults.
I am totally against the vote in absentia (absentee ballot) for very good reasons unless he or she is working in essential services (really speaking this is also not necessary- one can give half a day break on full pay ) on the day of the election.
Equally the elections should be done on day light hours of a non-working (either Sunday or Saturday) day.
The bottom line is the process should be simple to administer and it is visible to the voter at the time of the voting. 

In Ceylon we have done all that is required to get the system in order.

Can you guess the final outcome?

The voter interest dropped to 60% from 80%.
We love corruption and the moment it is eliminated people lose interest in voting.
Our current president lost his seat in the last popular election.
He has (list MP by default) devised an ingenious (legally dubious) method to manipulate his entry into the parliament and catapult into becoming the President in 10 days.
I do not know what a crime I have done in my previous life to call him our president?

My resolution never to be born again in Ceylon.

The Americans have a lot to learn from our system, I beg them to make it MORE corrupt, so that only the corrupt ascends in power, like in Ceylon.

In that scenario, Democrats are the most corrupt on this planet.
That is why they have sent an investigative team to Ukraine, to do weapon inspection.
What a bright idea after 9 months of blasts and pilfering? 

Ukraine is second only to America in corrupt arms deals.
America always comes on top or first in corruption.
60% arms are sold in the black market and the Ukrainians want more and more arms and the war to go on for ever.
Americans love war and no diplomacy is needed.
In America Diplomacy is Dead Meat and they want live ammunition to hunt each other, preferably in global scale.
But Putin does not believe in live rounds, his general believes in "to rain in" rockets, some experimental in design for better one to come in a later time, on the course of events, in the history of this globe.