Saturday, November 25, 2023

Playing Games on Linux Distributions

Linux can run Windows games using Wine or Proton.

SteamOS is a game dedicated Linux distribution.

Sparky Linux Gamer is another distribution.

Nvidia graphic cards have proprietary drivers but most new Linux distributions have compatible drivers in their kernel already incorporated. 

AMD and Intel GPUs support Linux and one need not worry about the drivers.

1. Search for Steam iso and install it.

2. Proton layer to support games.

3. There is also GE Proton for incompatible games.

4. Epic Game Store.

Needs official client launcher called Heroic.
Download and install heroic.

5. UBSOFT or Origin
User defined script is necessary.
Lutris game manager is used.

6. Battle Neck and Blizzard Games

7. GOG

8. Tools


Science (Practical) Education in Ceylon

Current President started as a Education Minister and his Boss, the Political Fox of Ceylon are the two guys who ruined our education in general and science education in particular.

J.R.J. thought by giving educational books free to students he would improve education in Ceylon.

He thought by ruining public schools and universities he could start private (fee paying) learning institutes.

They (private partners) were interested in only Medical Schools, so that the rich people have easy passage to medical degrees.

This did not include dentistry.

This lead to protest and students forming students unions.

For over 30 years school books were never updated.

R.W.   24-03-1949
King.  14-11-1948

Trump 14-06-1946
Biden.  20-11-1942
Putin.   07-20-1952
Boris    19-06-1962
Sunak  12-05-1980

Cameron 09-10-1966
Albanese 02-03-1963

Rajapaksa 18-11-1945
Prabhakaran 26-11-1954

Global Knowledge Index Ceylon is 91st out of 133.

This piece is mainly on use of microscopes.

Most students have never seen a microscope until they enter a leading university.

Most of them have never seen a telescope.

I do not think we have an Electron Microscopes (not a necessity, anyway,) in Ceylon.

When we were students in Peradeniya we had one and it broke down within one year.

I was fascinated by simple microscope as a school kid.

I did spent my own money to by a digital microscope (student type) for my own research work and it is still in working order.

Our students only look at enlarged pictures of microscopic features at school and expect them to see them under a simple microscope.

When they cannot see those features they become confused and agitated.

They have never seen a blood film let alone a malaria (somebody in the internet say malaria is a virus) parasite.

They cannot identify a macrophage, lymphocyte, basophil, eosinophil and a neutrophil.

Laboratory technicians I have trained in Private sector are better than an average doctor in Ceylon.

When I was working in the Dental Faculty we managed to get 25 microscope from Japan and after 25 years none of them are serviceable!

That is the status of higher education in Ceylon.

Regarding advance level practical examinations were cancelled them in 1969 under Education Minister Iriyagolla.

Nanda Matthews and Cyril Matthews ruined our education.

Please do not confuse with Angelo Matthews!

Except the King, I am older than Putin and many of the Western Prime Ministers.

They were born well after my graduation.

I do not intend to volunteer any advice in education reforms including politics.