There are 2000 functional languages in this world.
There were 2500 to begin with.
They are not uniformly structured.
This is almost similar to the types of mosquitoes in this world.
Very strange coincidence.
Chinese have over 6000 characters and they keep adding to this tech soup. Each Chinese character takes 2KB of memory.
This problem applies to Japanese, too.
Sinhala has about 56 chatecters. This I found from Metta Vihari of Baudhaloka Buddhist Center when we were developing computer code for Sinhala characters. Our own Anuradha started it but when he was snatched by a Fortune company, this foreign monk took over, I do not know wheter he accomplished it.
I remember this Wicked Monk, since he gave me only two of the 3 Fedora CDs. I bought a book with two Red Hat CDs and did install it on my PC.
Lately, of course I befriended a guy in NUGEGODA and got everything from Singapore. He had worked in Singapore.
But current Sinhala has 61 characters with English f added to it.
Sinhala is the corruption of Pali phonetics.
Pali has 41 phonetics and was a spoken language not a written language.
Pali uses diatribes to show the accent.
So when Dhamma was written in 1700 years later (? Parinibbhana) in Ceylon many corruption may have ensued.
French has the same alphabet as English but has many forms of accentuation which I could not mater after 2 years of trying.
I gave up both French and visiting Paris for good.
Not a worthwhile adventure.
America English has 200 characters and each take 1KB.
Russians have the smallest alphabet of 33 characters and takes up minimum of memory in computer design.
That is why they are ruling the world today in the sky and space.
Sputnik was the first to rule the space.
Elon Musk be mindful of the limitation of English characters when he moves to Mars.
Now we are on the threshold of Quantum computers.
I think AI has to design a language with minimum of characters to function as a language.
Only robots could decipher it and it will be gibberish for humans.
That is the bottom line.
That is my contribution to Quantum Computing.
Only Human Robots could enter the Galactic Travel and we have to depend on them to understand our Universe.
We will never be able to understand the alternative Universes.
They are beyond three dimensions.
We are limited by our vision and the speed of light but there is no limitation for our imagination.