Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Puppy Easy OS-6.5.3

I have installed Puppy Easy OS on a USB stick.
It has lot of problems, basically due to its container technology.
Containers can be used for many uses but mainly for Virtualization.
What it does is to mount something foreign on top of a very basic operating system.
What it tries to do is to work without link libraries (DLL in Windows).
Linux is not resource hungry.
It allocates and prioritize resources as and when needed.
Al these techniques are mitigated or vandalized by containers.
In good old days strength and beauty of Puppy were it's small footprint of about 100MB.
It has expanded to 1000MB and showings it's vulnerability.
It looks seems are bursting.
Gnome has a better Virtualization package called Box Utility. The beauty of Box Utility is it gives one the ability to try individual packages within the Container. It consumes lot of RAM and it need fare amount of hardware capacity as reserved space to run Box.
Flathub is inherently bulky.
Yes, Puppy should move forward with new technology but with extreme caution.
It's package installer is Flat Pack and it is painfully slow.

I wanted to Install Audacity, KDNLive and my favorite browser FireFox but it is almost getting  FROZEN in mid air like a jet plane without jet fuel. 
I am trying Brave browser, and the same outcome.
I generally I  have at least 3 browsers working for me in addition to FireFox, they are Dillo and Falkon and Konquorer, specially, if I am using KDE desktop.
Yes FlatPak is a pain compared to Synaptic Package Manager of Gnome (Debian).
I have 8GB of RAM and that is enough for my daily work.

If Easy Pup cannot allocate my RAM in an equitable way, I am not going to recommend it to any guy or girl.

Currently, there are no other Puppy Derivatives available but luckily I have a collection of old Puppy Images with me, including Ubuntu and Debian derivatives.

On the plus side it configures WiFi effortlessly.

Chrome browser is OK.
It allocates entire 8GB USB to a EXT4 File.
Puppy on a USB is my favourite when I am on the move. 

Thankfully, today is a holiday and I can drop to sleep while these actions are running in the background.

I re-did everything.
It is all due to container philosophy which is pretty slow.
One should install one application at a time.
Flathub does not know how to queue one application after another
It tries to do everything at one go.
It gets chocked.
Linux philosophy is one job at a time with less time allocation for less demanding tasks, appropriately.

Many Bolas (Gundus)

Many Bolas (Gundus) 

This is the time E Bola (Election Gundu), 

Tom Bola (Pacha ), 

Pee Bola (Mada),

Gill Bola (Gill Mart)

Pani Bola (honey) 

and Pagha Bola (money) are dispensed with impunity.

Rocket Money and Faked Moon Landing

Read this piece in parallel with Science Degree, here.

Rocket Science is Money.

At present technology, mankind can only take men or women up to 250 miles only.

American Administrators do not have to worry

1. Russia

2. China

But they worry a lot about

3. American Public Opinion

I will give a list of names below for probing the moon landing, on first attempt.

It was Stanley (Rubric) Kubrick who filmed some shots.

1. Bart Sibrel

2. Joe Rogan

3. William Kaysing

4. Robert Bigelow 

5. John Lear

6. Bob Lazar

7. Jeremy Corbell

8. George Knapp

and many more.

See the film "Something went wrong on the way to the moon".

It is the Pride and Money that help the CIA to keep this secret live and alive.

CIA assassination or threat to assassinate prevents the truth coming out.

It is called "Truth Embargo"

The bottom line is the lies have greater potential than truth in America.

Not only political lies (Democrats on Donald Trump), there are scientific lies.

Little alcohol is good for life is a similar lie propagated globally (scientist were paid to propagate this little bit of alcohol lie)

Speculative Theories and Course Correction

Speculative Theories and Course Correction
There are sixty one (61) theories that are considered to be Wrong Views by Buddha.

Many of them existed before Buddha and many of them are still considered to be the essence of humanity, even today.

My belief, is that the present existence of speculative theories are mostly based on Kalama Sutta’s modern interpretation of reality.

Any one new to Buddhism should read Kalama Sutta in conjunction with Brahmajala Sutta (All Embracing Net of Views).

Reading one only leads to misinterpretation of Reality.

I have discussed this before on three points.
They are;
1. Reality
2. Perception
3. The Gap or Void

Wrong perception leads to misconception and misinterpretation and the Gap or the Void is filled with the Wrong View/s.

To start with Buddhism is not a Philosophy, in the true sense of Philosophy.

If you read Prof. A.D.P. Kalansuriya’s book “The Buddha’s Discourses and Wittgenstein” he tries to correct this course and found fault with his fellow Buddhist Philosophers (they were not true thinkers but adherent to dogmas, at that time, naming them is improper).

He was trying to free the Philosophy into its own domain which is a first order discipline by definition.

(Even Wittgenstein saw this malady and called it the "Language Games" played on our minds).

In doing so he cleverly freed the Dhamma from corruption by the fellow travelers, of his age.

These modern age guys were interested in selling their books often derived from their PhD theses.

Having said, that I can now say that Buddhism is a way of life not a philosophy to trash about.

Why I say so.

The Brahmajala Sutta is meant for course correction and laid the foundation of Dhamma.

If one wants to label philosophical tenets, there are only three elements, nothing more.

1. Unsatisfactoriness (of both pain and pleasure principles)

2. Impermanence (of both mind and matter and the material world-Uppada, Thitti, Banga, Arising, Stabilizing and Falling nature of all things)

The modern rendering is “the state of flux”.

3. Impersonal nature of “Beings” and Bhava (Sansara).

Buddha is a teacher.

He laid down the cause (Kamma) and effect (Bhava).

He is not a Saviour.

He shows the path he trod on.

He has no reservations left for himself.

He is freed, so why any reservations?

There is a caveat here

One is his/her own saviour

On has to be diligent about the “Wrong View” or the “Wrong Path”.

There is only “One Way”.

Ekayana Maggo!

That way is “Meditation” and correct understanding of the three principles born above.

So Meditation (if one has the time and resources) is a “Way of Life” not a theory for philosophizing.

With those two out, I need to summarize the Nets of Views in brief.

There are basically three types of persons, who want to have their views heard loud and clear.

They are the Eternalists, Rationalists and Skeptics.

All are based on afterlife except one group.

There is no religion in this world that disputes the existence of afterlife except nihilists or skeptics.

Their views are either based on self realization in Jhana states or rationalization based on one’s own thinking.

One can read ones previous life (Jhana State Five) and based on these experiences some of them formulate that, since there was a past life, there ought to be an eternal life that continue after death.

In some religions merging of self with the eternal self tend to be the essence.
Many selfs are not identified as individual entities but one of a wholesome divine entity.
The next subset in this is that there ought to be a divine creator or God.
There are at least 18 subsets based on eternity.

In this subset, it is the Maha Brahma (may be some of his retinues) who had the grandiose illusion that he was the creator of the world.

The bottom line is, when they consume these planes of lives and exit, they are often reborn in lower form of life often, even lower than human life.
It is a pity.

One who has not pursued the Jhana states to clear vision or wisdom sees these as eternal truths and postulate them as their discoveries.

They are the eternalists.

Then there are the skeptics who do not believe in afterlife.

They create the nihilistic view (only one out of 44 views).

There are 44 views (including View of the Buddha) with future life in perspective.

This is where the category of perception comes into play.

The perception has a void in it and that gap is filled with any view out of the 62 views of reality.

The Brahmajala Sutta is an attempt at Course Correction from Eternalists, Rationalists and Skeptics, not for Divinity but for the Emancipation from ills, wills and imperfections.

That is to untangle from the tangled entanglement of the Wrong Views.

That is why Samma Ditti is the first of the Eight fold Pathway.

In other words Mithya Ditti is the sure recipe for prolonging agony in the lower worlds of existence.

Once one gets his/her mind out of the Kalama Sutta and the Brahmajala Sutta one is free to delve into enormous Sutta discourses and Abhidhamma (mind you very dry in content) for clear view of Dhamma.

No part of Suttas or Abhdhamma is redundant for a wayfarer.

One either needs a true guide or one has to chose his own Sutta or Abhidamma discourses as a guide.

Please read the book of late Prof. A.D.P.Kalansuriya, if one is interested in philosophy.

It is heavy reading by the way, but that does not deter you from reading it, in small doses.  

Philosophy is more difficult than Dhamma.


Law, Common Law and Above Law

This piece is in Evolution and applied ONLY to Ceylon.

Reader may amend, alter and improve the content ingrained.

Now that I have dispensed the Law of Dhamma, it is time for me to dispense how Law operates in Ceylon.

There is no Order in Ceylon.

To begin with, Ceylon operates on fundamentals of Physics, namely Disorder. 

The technical and Scientific term is Chaos.

An Excellent Example of Chaos is our Northern MP  named Archuna (Ar Chu Na).

I believe in Law that is equal to every citizen of this country. 

It should not be inviolable. 

Ar Chu Na is the only exception.

I am not a lawyer, so I have no dealing with Law of the country, except abiding by it.

As a doctor, I have been in contact with Common Law, all my life.

I never ask the question, Are you sure of your father?

That question violates the Common Law.

In Common Law Sex is not supposed to be consensual (that is a legal term). 

This does not mean that the women are a common property.

What  it means the ability to violate Common Law and claim that one can take  advantage of every opportunity when it suits the individual (sex of the individual is immaterial) in dealing with the opposite sex.

Homosexuality is an aberration on this context.

Now do not get into trouble by literally interpreting above representation of mine.

Doctors are not supposed to ask this question (who is your father) since, it opens the door to Law and Lawyers.

I will take some common examples like our Divorce Law and Law of the Road or more precisely the Law of the Three Wheeler Drivers, to illustrate our Common Law predicaments.

Although what is stated here is not applied to the Parliamentary Guys and Girls, recent development of Spouse and Car exchanges are not the classic examples.

They are of Special Order, even above the Above Law, I am going to discuss later, here.

Common Law is what people practice in day to day practice.

We take the Precept Not to Lie as a daily dose of prescription but every day we start our life with a big lie.

A brilliant lie to start the day.

Example One.
One comes to the office late.

The common law excuse is that guy or girl missed the bus or the bus broke down at the Thun Mulla Handiya and there was a big Traffic Jam.

There is nothing one can do about this scenario.

Example Two
You are late to office and take the earliest available Three Wheeler to the office.
Dispense Rs.500/= for a Rs.200/= fare and gets the balance of Rs.200/=.
You demand the correct balance.

The answer is, the extra Rs.100/= is for income tax, Sir.

That is the common law on the road.

One should have all Rs.100/= notes when travelling by Three Wheelers. 
Problem is these Three Wheeler Drivers collect Rs.100/= notes  and dispense them sparingly. 

Currently, Rs.50/= has no street value.
It is the common law.

Example Three
One the way home one goes to the pub for a drink. 
You meet a guy to whom you owe money.
He demands a free drink.
You have to spend the money left for daily provisions for this guy.
One is left with money only for another half a  peg. 

He takes a half a peg for the door.
One is empty pocket, now.

Comes home pretending to be dead drunk.

It is common law.

Example Four
The last is similar to recent Saga.

One is married with kids but his common law wife is even younger to his youngerst daughter.

It is common law of this country.

Above Law
Above Law applies to the parliamentarians and they can violate any law of the country. 

Nobody including the police can proceed and file a case for full conviction.

There are over 90,000 police officers in this country and none can proceed a case against a sitting MP.

That is Common Law applied as Above Law.

Nobody dare to file a case against a MP past or present. 

Even if a case is filed, the police invariably distort it's presentation so, Justice may not (seemed not to be) be carried out according to the Law of the Country.

Nothing can be done about this pessimistic view.


History of Jews

This is according to Indika Thotawatta.

Jews lost to Egyptians between 1500 to 2000 BCE.

Jews  lost to Babylonians or Persians around 700 BCE.

Jews lost to Romans in 2500 BCE.

My narrow history knowledge is exposed.

I thought the Jewish problem was only a century old.

I am proved wrong.