Mind is an intriguing Phenomenon.
First let me thank Google's Blog Phenomenon.
If not for the Google Blog Site, I would not have recorded my thinking/writing skills.
I started these snippets with British Council Library's WriteClick site, but when British Council Library, terminated this open forum, I transferred the 300 odd pieces to one single word file.
Luckily, I made several copies of that file and it's contents could be made into several books.
Some pieces were extremely large and some were little poems.
With Come Corona Virus and incarceration, I went back to writing mode not necessarily blog mode.
USA /UK geared War footing in Ukraine, which President Putin started addressing head on, including (assassination attempt) trying to kill him with a Virus has backfired.
That made me even to revisit CIA MKUltra and drug menace including Ayahuasca exploits.
My assessment of Elensky (without Z of Russia) is a mad hatter, by all counts.
Nothing to do with Democracy but death knell for Democrats.
So my entry in here with few Dhammapada verses has to come to an end.
All good things and bad things should come to an end.
That is a parallel wisdom of mankind.
Coming back to mind there are a few YouTube philosophy forums including revisiting Ludwig Weinstein.
I have not read him but heard his word's game briefly.
Let me dissect.
This is based on Buddha's Teaching.
Buddha was a good teacher.
He was not a philosopher but a very good Thinker.
1. One does not need word's for thinking.
2. Thinking is an independent process independent of any language.
For me languages have created many problems and at one time of the opinion that we should create a unified language like Esperanto.
My bone of contention is every time a leaflet comes out from UNO, it need to be translated to over 200 current languages.
In that process of translation Peace becomes War at the end.
Just like Kalu Kaputa becomes Sudu Kaputa.
3. Thinking is also independent of the physical brain.
4. Mind can exist on its own independent of the brain.
Read Buddhist Cosmology of 31 forms of beings.
The current Gods are a creation of man, including Hindus, Christians and Muslims.
5. Equally beings without brain can exist, almost like vegetable.
6. In any case plant do not have nervous system but they have over 20 sensing systems including response to motion, gravity and light.
7. This brings me back to 20 odd mysteries, I wanted to invest my time in retirement.
One is origin of life on this planet.
The biggest mystery.
Since life is already there, the only mystery is it's origin.
That is big task and ask.
In my next book, I am going to lay the foundation for that type of Thinking.
This piece is about Thinking not about Words and Languages.
Big warning!
DO NOT try to create new life but only think about it.
Corona Virus and that 20 to 30 nanometer particle is still evolving and going to creating havoc for another 20 years.
But what matters in Buddhist terms;
What are you doing to your mind.
You are always creating confusion.
Be aware and Beware.
By the way, I have stopped talking about alien contacts.
They are probably among us masquerading as CIA consorts, in Ukraine collecting biological samples to be taken back to their galaxies.
This is a funny Universe.
Talking about Unifying Theory is redundant, we cannot even, get into the 4th dimension of the World Systems.
First let me thank Google's Blog Phenomenon.
If not for the Google Blog Site, I would not have recorded my thinking/writing skills.
I started these snippets with British Council Library's WriteClick site, but when British Council Library, terminated this open forum, I transferred the 300 odd pieces to one single word file.
Luckily, I made several copies of that file and it's contents could be made into several books.
Some pieces were extremely large and some were little poems.
With Come Corona Virus and incarceration, I went back to writing mode not necessarily blog mode.
USA /UK geared War footing in Ukraine, which President Putin started addressing head on, including (assassination attempt) trying to kill him with a Virus has backfired.
That made me even to revisit CIA MKUltra and drug menace including Ayahuasca exploits.
My assessment of Elensky (without Z of Russia) is a mad hatter, by all counts.
Nothing to do with Democracy but death knell for Democrats.
So my entry in here with few Dhammapada verses has to come to an end.
All good things and bad things should come to an end.
That is a parallel wisdom of mankind.
Coming back to mind there are a few YouTube philosophy forums including revisiting Ludwig Weinstein.
I have not read him but heard his word's game briefly.
Let me dissect.
This is based on Buddha's Teaching.
Buddha was a good teacher.
He was not a philosopher but a very good Thinker.
1. One does not need word's for thinking.
2. Thinking is an independent process independent of any language.
For me languages have created many problems and at one time of the opinion that we should create a unified language like Esperanto.
My bone of contention is every time a leaflet comes out from UNO, it need to be translated to over 200 current languages.
In that process of translation Peace becomes War at the end.
Just like Kalu Kaputa becomes Sudu Kaputa.
3. Thinking is also independent of the physical brain.
4. Mind can exist on its own independent of the brain.
Read Buddhist Cosmology of 31 forms of beings.
The current Gods are a creation of man, including Hindus, Christians and Muslims.
5. Equally beings without brain can exist, almost like vegetable.
6. In any case plant do not have nervous system but they have over 20 sensing systems including response to motion, gravity and light.
7. This brings me back to 20 odd mysteries, I wanted to invest my time in retirement.
One is origin of life on this planet.
The biggest mystery.
Since life is already there, the only mystery is it's origin.
That is big task and ask.
In my next book, I am going to lay the foundation for that type of Thinking.
This piece is about Thinking not about Words and Languages.
Big warning!
DO NOT try to create new life but only think about it.
Corona Virus and that 20 to 30 nanometer particle is still evolving and going to creating havoc for another 20 years.
But what matters in Buddhist terms;
What are you doing to your mind.
You are always creating confusion.
Be aware and Beware.
By the way, I have stopped talking about alien contacts.
They are probably among us masquerading as CIA consorts, in Ukraine collecting biological samples to be taken back to their galaxies.
This is a funny Universe.
Talking about Unifying Theory is redundant, we cannot even, get into the 4th dimension of the World Systems.