Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Synchronizing Peppermint with Ubuntu One

Synchronizing Peppermint with Ubuntu One
I decided to use my spare computer (not my Netbook) as a Cloud Enhanced Computer and was using Peppermint IV as a base since it has Google Drive.
I download Dropbox first and and it was easy and it sits in the bottom panel.
I was annoyed that Ubuntu One was not there.
Mind you I used Dropbox as my first Cloud Utility to share Linux images with my friends and then joined Google.
I added Ubuntu One last of all even though I did not use use Ubuntu (I have changed now and test all the Ubuntu Distributions and Ubuntu as and when they are ready for use) as my first distribution.
Thee was no problem with Ubuntu One for its credit anybody including Microsoft and Mac users can use it just like JoliOs (Joil OS, JoliCloud came into the scene later and I am supposed to be a founder member and it is also Ubuntu based) without Ubuntu running.
Ubuntu one is there as a default in Ubuntu but many other Linux distributions (especially KDE based have not embraced the good idea, until of course, they have their own Cloud Package to boast about).
Puppy Linux started it briefly and gave it up probably due to practical reasons.
I went into synaptic package manager and typed Ubuntu One and got a heap of packages and clicked the packages that I thought would be enough and dowloaded them.
One first run I could not get Ubuntu One on my menu.
I restarted the computer thinking it might configure on ts own but did not.
Went back to package manager and added few synchronization packages and on the second attempt also I did not have Ubuntu One icon to click.
Annoyed I ran Ubuntu One on Run but it said No Ubuntu One.
I thought there is a dependency problem and wanted to Un-Install all Ubuntu One, but when I tried that, the package manager resisted me doing so since if I did that lot of other GTK and Lib Peppermint uses may be lost.
Then I searched again the preferences (I must tell you I checked all the menu items before, un-installing) menu to see Ubuntu One sitting there for me to click it.
I logged in and made the  Ubuntu One synchronization, similar to Dropbox (but bit more than Dropbox).
I have now Google Drive, Ubuntu One with six months free music (which I am not entitled since my registration with them is over three years) and Dropbox do the file sharing in the cloud.

One can have Joli Cloud and do the same but it does not give the option of having Ubuntu One (bit naughty of them coming from Ubuntu base).
One does not have to have all but mind you I am testing them for your use and reporting my adventures, all the same.
Whatever you do make sure you have a password as long as 14 plus characters to be sure that your data is safe from hackers.
I changed my password before attempting all this since recently hacker had broken into Ubuntu Forum and little over one year ago, www.linuxtracker.og and if I remember right Linux Question Forum were compromised.

Whatever, you do in the web is your own responsibility and it is adult domain and not kids’ playground.
In my case I do not have any critical or adult content since my blog pieces are meant for all ages.
If I am hacked, I would go for them using Kali Linux or DEFT or similar Linux distribution, all the same but one need not be paranoid to be on the web or in a swimming pool.
Take care when you are in the deep end.