Saturday, April 3, 2021

Aflatoxin and other Toxins in Ceylon

Aflatoxin, Kirala-Toxin (Standard Beauro), Manala-Toxin (GOMA) and Kala-Toxin (average simple Semeon) are Pre -New Year celebrations of Ceylon, now that Coranavirus restrictions are imposed globally.

Not only coconut oil but even tea is adulterated.

Latest entries are sugar and margarines (coming from China).

The Vasana Cake is the well known cake adulterated by cheap Chinese margarines.

Even Asmi is adulterated by substitutes.

So we have been eating junk food throughout the year for ages and the Coranavirus death is quick but death by cancer is prolonged and agonizing.

Not only copra but rice and even standard home treatment Kottamalli or coriander has both yeast and fungi in them.

We never cared for standards and will continue doing same, in spite of changes in governments on 5 year basis.

Only lip service but no concrete actions.