Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Unscientific Ceylon and American Politics


Unscientific America

With Mr. Trump coming into power, it is obvious that the word Science has come into prominence.
I did some search (not research which is my bona fide) of America in preparation of a brief visit to New York.

It never materialized.

It ended up me writing two fiction books (not my forte) obliging to a request from my family members to write a few fiction books.

I love writing books on Real Science (not scientific fiction of Sir Arthur Clark's) as an antidote to Arthur's fiction.

The catch phrase in my book was “Ten days in America, I am already broke” which I got printed (fictionally) in my uppers not pants, to avoid all the muggers.

America has few suckers and lot of ordinary people.

My search culminated in writing a book on conspiracies (entire world including Vatican City) which is available on Amazon.

Like America, Amazon is a wonderful organization much better than “Sewing Facebook' and “The Faked News Agency” authored by many unsuspecting guys/girls.
Authoritarian news agencies did not fare well fueling the Faked News.

The reason for writing this piece is to make you read a few books on America.

1. Unscientific America (about how scientific knowledge filter down to the masses).

2. House of Lies (How the business world operates)

3. Third book I have misplaced and cannot remember the Title, is very good and academic.

It is on the line of “The Matrix of American Population Dynamics”.

I am sorry I cannot give the correct name.

Of course that made me to write a book on Ceylonese Dimensions from “Freedom to Anarchy to War Mongering (That is not the name of my book).

It was titled  “Reflections”, a personnel perspective of Ceylonese Politics with corruption.
In a Matrix of seven or eight levels.

Mind you I am not a politician but a passive observer.

Spoiler Vote

Please Note that Spoiler Guys and Girls are there in every profession.

I am one who promote TQM or Total Quality Management in Linux and not in anyway new to Quality in Education.

Mind you I have worked in two of the top 3 universities in Ceylon. 

All well below 1500 in ranking.

One is IMMI, it was not a university then but a project when I worked.

Many universities including Moratuwa, UGC (what Ranil ruined), Jaffna and Galle have fallen well below in global ranking.

One may wonder why I am against this Spoiler Guy. 

He came to politics and ruined or spoiled the Grand Design we had for all the universities

We were globally 80th, then and after RW and Rajapaksa we went down to 187th (Chandrika fortunately did not spoil the soup but she never could find Money -the Full Grant for the Universities - I do not know how school education fared under him). They appointed political "Yes Men" as Vice Chancellors.Rapakasa Regime continued the destruction.

His plan was to destroy Free Education and install FEE Paying poor quality Private Campuses and Universities (This is part of the American Global Plan, a big story which I would not take up head on since, I am long retired).

I was involved in improving Academic English (my coinage) for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students while improving my own Plain English for Simple Communications skills for all staff including minor employees.

I trained a few. 

This program was scuttled after my retirement by Dean English Department.

I think he also feared that his Private Practice or Schools were threatened by the program of Academic English.

He was English English man with very little understanding of how Science Operates.

This piece is about Spoiler Vote. 

The preamble was necessary.

Spoiler Vote

The election Commission has not reported (I think they have done it) the Preference Vote Count in its Web Site which is a Big Omission.              

I am not going to waste my time on that. 

It looks like AKD got over 150,000 as against 175,000 for SP. 

(I am going to use only First Two Initials in this output, for future reference only).

Before that, I got an important advice for our current President. 

He should relax and start smiling at his subjects or audience not liberally but adequately. 

I think You lack in that respect. One does not have to touch each individual which is not a healthy habit with Corona Virus rising it's head with nasty new variants.

But listening with a keen and intentive interst is the first lesson in diplomacy. 

Just look at President Putin, how smart and brisk he is, almost as choreographed. 

He was a KGB handler and they take the best for KGB (now named FSB). 

Over 50 European countries oppose him but he stand firm and the whole EU including Britain, Germany and France crumble with his smart sidesteps. 

He is one in a million personality who can stand up to American Hegemony.

He has already initiated BRICS + plus.

Natural Smile not the British Grin that eases any worried individual. Then only, our guys and girls come out of the problem or the real stumbling blocks. Thereafter, let his experienced subordinates attend to the problem and move to the next Big Problem. 

One does not have to solve each and every little obstacle/problem but look at the main political Road Blocks which the losing Regime has left behind, apart from Financial Burden.

He should use his lack of proficiency in English to his advantage by making a Poker face to all the Foreign Guys and Girls, especially Indians. 

Confuse them as much as possible and get what you want from them, not the other way round.

In politics one has to have a Poker or a Mafia Face if not, one does not last. 

I am not good at Poker Face guy and I always lose and get thrown out of the zPoker Table, first. 

Poker is basically cheating ones opponent

That is why I have not taken up politics but choose a profession with empathy. 

Unfortunately, most of our doctors and nurses lack empathy and some of them are very cruel (should have never taken up the profession).

Just Go to Navaloka Private Hospital Channel Practice.

This piece is about the Grand Spoiler.

Spoiler Vote Count

I am somebody who does not agree with Spoiler Vote and whoever who advocates that Policy is one who disrupts progress.

That is the Policy of the Indian Raw.

Anybody who applies that rule is taken as a Spy or as a Foreign Agent in my mind. 

That amounts to 2,299,767        17.27%.

The bottom line is if there was not a spoiler, SJ would have given a close fight to AKD. 

I would leave a SJB guy to do the mathematics of it.

My real concern is that the Tamil Voter who was taken as a Sucker by the Spoiler Guy and were cheated out of the main stream. 

Majority of Muslims were cleverer and did not take up the bait.

Come general election be aware of this Spoiler Guy who did not win his own seat, last time round. 

That is history

This guy has a deep seated GRUDGE and that is not good omen for this country and should be eliminated long before next election

I will leave it at that.

I am not going to have any political pieces here. 

That is not the main objective here.

Politics was only a sidestep and nothing more.

I would not have voiced this concern, if I was in Ceylon but I am away currently. 

No wish to come back,too.

On Cricket,

Thank YOU guys and specially to Dimutu Karunaratne and the New Spin Guys

I get a kick when New Zealanders are beaten.  

I left New Zealand long time ago (30 years ago) and they are very racial, unlike Australians. 

They are very bad speaking the Queen's or now King's language. 

After all they are of Irish descent and have IRA blood.

Take Mickey out of them.


AKD    5,634,915        42.31        5,740,1795    5.89

         S.P        4 363,035         32.76       4,530,9024    4.11

RW            2,299,767            17.27

NR            342,781                   2.57

P.A            226,343                   1.70

DR            122,396                    0.92

KK.             47,543                    0.36

DM            30,660                    0.23

SF                22,407                   0.17

WR              21,306                   0.16

AP                15,411                   0.12

SK                15,187                    0.11

KR                13,595                   0.10

SS                12,898                    0.10

PW               12,760                   0.10

NR                12,700                   0.10

AD                11,536                   0.09

NB                11,191                   0.08

AZ                10,548                   0.08

VA                10,374                    0.08

SA                9,035                       0.07

SJ8,                   954                     0.07

BS                    6,839                   0.05

AM                  6,531                    0.05

PM                   5,822                    0.04

MD                   5,338                    0.04

KW                    4,676                    0.04

PW                    4,410                    0.03

OH                    4,253                    0.03

RR                    4,205                    0.03

P. W.                 4,070                    0.03

AK                    4,013                    0.03

LS                    3,004                    0.02

SJ                    2,799                    0.02

JR                    2405                    0.02

MT                    2,138                0.02

SM                    1,911                0.01

ASP                    1,860                0.01

Total                    13,319,616100.00

Valid                    13,319,61697.80

Invalid                 300,3002.20

Total Votes           13,619,916100.00

Turnout                17,140,35479.46