Saturday, December 22, 2018

Dragon fly mimicry

A fly similar to a dragon fly but much slender visited my rooftop garden yesterday.
Rare visitor was attracted by the cherry tomato leaves.
It stayed there for hours.
Is it for laying eggs?
I do not know.
As far as I know dragon flies lay eggs on clear water.
But not this guy or girl in my vicinity!


We average citizens feel like aliens in the political saga Maru Sira created!

Birds of Feather (flock together)

Birds of Feather (flock together) 
It was strange coincidence that I manged to see over ten varieties of birds in one hour in our neighbourhood.

This happens with impending bad weather and rain elsewhere.

1. The first visitor was a babbler what shade (at least two varieties) I cannot say with my poor vision. Followed by five and few more to make four pairs.

2. Ceylon Oriole pair

3. Black headed (not red headed) bul bul

4. Amother set of babblers

5. Single parrot (probably missed its clan)
Usually three pairs 

6. Sixth was an blue green bird I have never seen in my neighbourhood.
This is the third occasion I saw two of them and hid in no time with my eye contact.

7. Pani Kurrula or the honey bird

8. Big noise twitter or the Munia 

9. The wide bodied Karala

10. Two sets of Mynah.

11. Ash coloured wood pigeon

12. Pair of house sparrows

13. Koha or Koel

14. An Eagle

15. A Kingfisher

I love the Mynahs.
He/She is always in high mood and his/her musical tone when alone is soothing. The chatterbox are the Munias. 
The early warning comes from squirrels.
The babblers do the chorus.
The cry of eagles and wood pigeon is not so nice and bit painful (hunger pain).

Are there Aliens amongst us?

Are there Aliens amongst us?
This question is spurious.
I have dealt it adequately elsewhere.

In fact, one has to be surprised, if there aren't any already amongst us.

They have been visiting us for eons.
Only religions (written) based on 7000 year human evolution does not want the truth to be out in human domain (violation of human rights).

They visit us in 5000 to 10,000 year cycles, the time it takes to travel from their domain to our domain.
This is different from shape-change that is a ploy by them to live amongst us.
They are generally nocturnal to avoid detection.

It is my belief that there are many basic kinds.

1. Visitors who come for replenishment of Free Energy (not fuel energy).

Basically taps electromagnetic energy and avoid Van Allen belt.

2. Shape changers who study human genome and hijack part of our biodiversity on experimental basis.
They are the ones who came in after Nuclear Bomb explosion.

They donated us the cellphones (minor device but they have intergalactic communication skills), computers, lasers, night vision and currently AI.

3. The third are the benevolent ones who destroy all our nuclear war heads.
Any attempt of deploying war heads in space are nullified by default.
They won't let us build a colony in moon, mars or space.

The fear of sparking a galactic war. 

4.The fourth are the predators who would like to spark internal conflict to decimate human race and then claim ownership of this planet.

5. All the above are Zero Civilizations slightly above us but improving their skills leaps and bounds.

6. The level one civilizations are non-interfering and always benevolent.
They do not have warheads but peace is their means of existence.
They live for eons (in our terminology Devas) and seen galactic wars in their time.
This entry is to nullify a rabid monk who only describes a "Peretha Level of Existence" in YouTube currently.
These existences are far below the zero level of existence and are not humans or humanoids but real "Devil Incarnation".
I call them "Peretha Haththattuwa" to describe our politicians of different shades!