Thursday, May 23, 2019

Encryption, Is it Worth?

Encryption, Is it Worth?

Encryption is developed by secret service organizations for data protection.

If we have personalities like Hilary Clinton on top rank duties, it is almost like a joke talking about encryption.
Perhaps President Putin is the only top guy who uses it for his advantage, both to sabotage and to put undue duress, having being a KBG guy.

For an ordinary guy like me encryption is a forbidden word in the computer world.

If you are paranoid about encryption, you should not use Microsoft based software or Microsoft operating system at all. They have built in software (in the booting software itself) with coded messages to spy on you on daily basis, every second.

Encryption is not worth in that scenario.

Just change to Linux and have root permission for sensitive data.
It is built in with Linux.
Rest of the day to day work carry on regardless with an ordinary user (root permission suppressed) account.
The root permission is used for maintenance and cleaning up jobs.
One does not have to use Kali Linux, Skeptor or Tails unless you are a political activist in the third world.

In the third world terrorists are the ones who use encryption for their underworld activities.

I do not think even Mafia uses encryption.
They have their built in systems.

The moment you use encryption, what happens is you are under constant secret service surveillance by default.

Be a normal guy or girl in life and matters ordinary.

Do not become paranoid.

It is a serious disease without treatment.

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