Saturday, June 5, 2021

Catastrophy, is it manmade?

Time has come to.say good bye to.this blog site.
It has nothing to do with Google's and Gmail's strategic diversions.

It was coming for other good reasons.
Number of visitors and Coronavirus made me to revise my decision.

I will end with my analysis of recent misadventures in the sea.

The same logic applies to air travel now beginning to come to life again.
With expansion of Internet is redundant except a break for holidays, barring Coronavirus spread that seems not to nose dive but skyrocket upwards.
That was my prediction anyway and human behaviour is the main culprit and reason.

Catastrophy or Misadventure occurs in Medical Field, too.

1. Number one in my list is fatigue.
Man or woman is designed to work  under 10 hours or even less.
8 hours seems reasonable.
8 to 9 hour mandatory and not necessarily in one go. One short snooze has many advantages.
Any excess of coffee or tea does not change this physiological protocol.

2. Number two is underlying sickness.

3. Number three is alcoholism.

4. Number four is sea sickness not the sea sickness of first seafaring but the psychological factors that affects concentration, attention and focus to minor details.

5. All these can be lumped together as negligence of the supervision protocol of the industry concerned.

6. Failure of maintenance of the ship and every piece of navigation equipments and protocols.

7. Number seven is premeditated sabotage that seems like natural catastrophe to an observer BUT to claim insurance compensation.

This is a strategy Ceylonese are good at.

There was a guy who faked an accident and placed a cadaver to claim insurance.

Other standard method is to fake political victimisation.
A guy came to for full body X-rays claiming he had an accident on the way to Ratnapura.
I worked there for one year and travelled  every two weeks home by bus and I knew every nasty comer of possible accident and he could not tell the exact place of accident.

I refused and later found out he went to Australia and I never saw him again.

In the scenario of the ship that is sinking anybody conspired to the last item I mentioned above they should be brought to justice.
International organizations should hold their independent investigation and keep it without public disclosure until our report comes out first.
Then we can judge who are the culprits and who is going to cover up the misadventure at collosal environmental costs and impossible clean up provedure.

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