Saturday, June 12, 2021

FATPup 64 bit Version

FATPup is an outstanding piece of Puppy work.
It has done another first for me.

After I erased Windows I could not use the SD Card slot to mount a bootable Linux distribution.

I just mounted FATPup on a SD card.

The two USB slots are now available for file transfer, mainly photos.

I do not have to stick a bootable USB.

But puppy is shy to install on a partition, I especially made for it.

Does not matter one does not have to use a terabyte of a hard disk for Puppy Linux.

I am installing another copy of Debian 10.9.0.

I found something interesting, afterward.

I made a special partition in the hard disk for Puppy and installed it but it did not boot from it on it's own.

Then I installed it on SD card and from it FATPup booted.

Well and good.

Then after I installed the second copy of Debian it recognized the Hard Disk installed Puppy and installed it on the ESP partition made using BSD.

Now I can boot Puppy without the SD card mounted.

The Xenialpup (Ubuntu based 64 bit) that is installed in a USB also can be booted from the same Menu.

Everything in one place but after several rounds of trying.

You may ask why two copies of Debian?

Debian has several Desktops and I try all with a different user.

The user name is either a dog or a monkey.

Yes, I am monkeying with you.

I would not have done any of these fancy stuff, if not for the Coronavirus, lockdown.

I am informed Debian 11 is on it's way.

That distribution is for gadgets that come after Coronavirus recovery.

I have over 100 Puppy CDs most of them under 200 MB mini CDs and Never on a single DVD (booting Puppy Linux).

FATDad trophy should go to Windows.

None of Windows could be booted with 100 MB.

They are all bloat ware.

FATPup started with 325 and went up by another 100 or about to 450MB.

I am talking about less than 500MB and getting my work done.

FATPup has LibreOffice and I want AbiWord as my roll master.

Having said that I could have downloaded AbiWord and remastered my FATPup but I have no DATA and I cannot go out or if I go out I want get a reload.

They are all closed due to total Lockdown, except for food stalls.

The plus point of FATPup are many.

1. One can make a boot USB under 4GB.

2. Once installed in a USB one can boot either in BIOS or UEFI.

I have one USB made for my BIOS PC.

The other USB is in UEFI.

I had been struggling to erase the Windows boot Menu in my Laptop and used TrueOS to do that with lot of preemptive precautions and steps.

None of that with Fat Puppy.

Download Fat Puppy.
Write a bootable CD.
Then boot the CD.

Make a UEFI USB and go to hell with Windows boot Menu.

Alternatively if you in old BIOS make a BIOS USB.

Now it seems ridiculously to boot the Laptop having a terabyte SATA Disk with only Puppy Linux.

I have already installed two copies of Debian, (I deleted one of them to install FATPup internally) in my Laptop, so I need not try FATPup any way.

I have four other Puppy derivatives that can be booted from the Laptop/PC but it took lot of thinking and reserving a 255 MB for a non existing Microsoft Windows in my Laptop.

FATPup did not care it prepared a UEFI bootable USB.

I think all Linux Distributions including Debian fear Microsoft.

It was BSD that erased the UEFI with its ESP partition which Debian used subsequently to prepare the boot Menu.

I thank Coronavirus if not for the forced incarceration I would have been doing something else.

Any way Puppy Linux came to rescue  and it is not a pure Linux Clone but an entirely different booting and operating system.

It came from Australia.

Barry Kauler is the first developer and he is retired but others have moved Puppy Linux forward.

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