His contemporaries were
1. Thomas Jefferson
2. Carl Sagan
3. Albert Einstein
4.Mark Twain
5. Bertram Russel
1. Agricultural Scientist
2. Military Investigator of fraud in the army.
Had malaria during civil war.
Signal Officer to begin with during American Civil War.
Later promoted to Colonel.
Asked to help in Abraham Lincoln assassination.
3. Lawyer
4. Journalist and a writer.
5. Spiritualist and a healer.
Marie Russack Hotchener
Father came in astral form (in dreams) to tell her to contact H.S.Olcott.
She booked the rooms.
She bought the cloths
She read the Key to Theosophy.
Follow the principles of Theosophy and do not follow the personality.
She remained as the secretary to Olcott until his death.
Logic, reason and empiricism as opposed to authority, tradition dogma and revelation (in other words the tradition of the Church).
Oriental man in turban or Mahatmas.
Mahatma Letters by Blavatsky. She had seen the Mahatmas as a child.
Mahatmas are astral bodies or mediums.
Founded the Theosophical Society.
Investigation of science, philosophy and comparative religion.
Founded in 1875.
Blavatsky, Olcott, Judge and A.P.Sennett
Annie Besant
Born in 1932.
Married in 1860 with 4 children and two girls died in childhood.
Died in 1907.
Came to Ceylon on May 12, 1880.
Visited on 25 May, Wijayananda Monastery in Galle.
Buddhist flag was designed in 1885.
He was into healing and mesmerism and healed over 8000.
He was into occult science and was tolerant of all religions including Muslim religion. He was once asked to talk about Islam (he had never studied) and he managed it without offending any in the audience.
He was compared to a Bodhisattva but he had lot of animosity including Anagarika Dharmapala.
He had helped to form over 4000 schools in India and Ceylon. Average Hindu respects him more than an average Sinhala Buddhist.
He may have foreseen religious animosity developing in Ceylon.
The Theosophical Society is defunct in Ceylon.
He lived a simple and frugal life unlike the present Buddhist monks with political authority.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Henry Steel Olcott and Comparative Religions
1. Linux was my single most achievement.
This Freedom from Apple and Microsoft was achieved singlehandedly by shear perseverance.
There were no Gurus except the Linux Bible.
When I started there were only 32 in the entire world using Linux in a PC.
Now it has gone up to 3% users.
2. Listening to bird songs is my pastime.
In Ceylon there are about 30 different bird songs starting at 5AM and finishing at 5PM.
Some of them are very secretive and I know of their existence by their particular song.
3. Communicating with an alien before my demise is my only unfinished job.
I want to tell them do not come here guys.
We are still Zero Level Civilisation.
4. I have to finish few more books.
One is about Global Truth Embargo.
5. I was born after the World War II.
My only wish was never to see the World War III.
6. I hate AI telling me it is time to Wake up or Sleep.
7. I wish the digital data I have left behind including Coronavirus Saga is left behind for another 5000 years (probably my guesstimate of birth of a new civilisation).
8. I have not found a clue to why in cell culture media and in biological studies Cell Division is restricted to 50 Cell Cycles in total.
We know that when cell cycle goes out of step it leads to cancer and leukaemia.
Why it is 50?
Why can't it be 120 or 300?
I am going to die with this puzzle.
This is called Haylick number.
I just listened to a guy named Rupert Sheldrake who has studied this phenomenon from 1970 and has postulated a theory.
He call it asymmetric cell division where the mother cell accumulates the errors (unable to repair) but the daughter cell remains young (able to rejuvenate) with minimum of errors.
Stem cells that are not differentiated have this property.
But there is a complication every time a cell divide the telomeres shorten until the cell lose it ability to divide.
They DNA also accumulate methylated segments that add to the problem.
In the case of Hela Cells (grown in cell culture from a cervical cancer) the potential for cell division is endless.
The embryonic cells have the potential for endless division but as the embryo grows this potential is lost and subsequent cells start aging.
These are called oncogenes that some viruses hijack for vital cell division, especially DNA viruses.
His theory is the cancer cell can excrete damaged components including DNA/RNA segments by a mechanism found early embryonic cells.
I believe in other worlds or alien worlds there is no tight restriction at fifty cell cycles and they live very long lives.
That is the only valid reason to propose that alien visitors may have manipulated our Cell Cycle to a finite of 50 so that population is controlled at 7 to 9 billions.
? ? ? Beyond that point it is catastrophy for this planet.
Lasantha Wiçkramatunge Assasination
He was assassinated on January 2009.
He was editor of the Sunday Leader.
According to forensic investigation he died fist by bullet injuries. Police did not find the bullets.
Then he died second time by cut injuries to the back of the neck by a knife used to kill goats.
He was like Jesus rose from the dead to die twice.
He was a catholic by birth.
It looks like 4 to 5 police officers were involved.
These four officers also tried to intimidate a journalist Upali Tennakoon, now living abroad.
The same officers or officers using these 4 cell phones were used to intimidate Keith Knor another journalist probably living abroad now.
The police officer who investigated this case was either in prison or has been transferred out.
Regarding Killing of Jayaraj Fernadopulle, it was not done by LTTE.
It was done by somebody associated with Karuna group.
I was interested in this case simply due to an olympic runner who came from my village. Suffice is to say, our village produced most of the long distance runners, Thanks to the Burgher gentleman Tommy Ather. I was 100 meters guy.
Three died during the bomb blast at the start of the marathon.
Jeyarah FP (Catholic by birth)
Baddegana Sanjeewa who was doing dirty work for Chamdrika.
Sotthi Upali was a Senior Premadasa guy.
Batalanda is famous for extrajudicial interrogations by a joung education minister.
Nissanka Wijeratna probably terminated JVP Wijeweera (after arrest).
The list is endless.
Army released over 100 military grade hardware to the Underworld.
Our Mac Mafiosi is third rate and is an insult to Italian Mafia.
They leave endless tracks unlike true Mafia killings.
If you want free drugs come to this country but your life is not safeguarded especially, if you an attractive female.
Homosexuality is prevalent in our politicians and their followers.
Sunday, July 30, 2023
People, Power and the Process
People Power has no meaning unless that power is processed intelligently.
Politicians have hijacked that process by using the word democracy.
The democracy did not have any meaning until the Kings and Church were taken out of the equation.
The majority has no meaning unless laws were promulgated to verify the context.
Hunters will agree to kill animals but when a tribe with majority decides to kill another tribe of minority that animalistic behaviour invariably extends up to cannibalism.
Cannibalism still exists in some part of the world.
The law has to be no cannibalism at all.
This is an extreme example.
Not let us take a modern context.
Distribution of money (wealth is inappropriate) is unequal.
Money has both power and the ability to corrupt humans.
Coins, paper currency and cryptocurrency have very different meaning and context.
First two reside on banking system.
Third reside on technology power of the computer and the computer farms.
It is a process to stay outside the banking and regulatory system (that had been the long standing prerogative of the banking system of the West).
This was based on dollar economy of capitalism. They can keep on printing dollar notes disregarding the sovereign gold stock. I am pretty sure America does not have a stock of sovereign gold to go on par dollar noted (their gold assets).
The dollar economy is under threat.
Emerging economies would like to deal with gold instead of notes.
The currency flow dynamics went into upheaval in Rhodesia and soon in other African countries.
Ceylon is a classic example of failure of pegging Rupees to dollar, instead of gold.
Fortunately Ceylonese Tamils who believe in gold as a security, control the gold market. The Central Bank has no control over the gold stock.
It looks like Muslims are trying to break into this domain. A Ceylonese Muslim MP who was caught smuggling gold at the airport is one example only.
Sinhala MPs who come from Ratnapura deal with gems and gem smuggling. The current Diyawadana Nilame is also in the Gem Loop.
Fortunately we do not have diamond and diamond is the best safety free from dollar pegging.
Then there are rare metals and my understanding of them except Uranium is limited.
The people actually has no power.
They regularly cast their vote and hope for the best but real power is in the hands of those who control the processes.
Now food and grains have entered this process of global politics. European countries are beginning to feel the pinch of grains including Greece and Turkey.
That is the hub of grain politics not Ukraine.
It is bound to shipping and shipping routes.
The emerging "Third Force" in Ceylon has no future unless it finds a way to work with Russia. Unlike China Russia does not involve in regional issues.
If its sovereignty is challenged Russia always rise up to it.
Like riding a horse Russia is slow to mount but once on the horse move smartly.
What is happening is China is gradually insinuating in the place of USA and India occupied in Ceylon.
One can never trust China as a an equal business partner. They are by nature exploitative worse than capitalists.
The camel's back will break.
We cannot trust India after what Indira Gandhi did to us.
No Free Lunch in Global Politics.
3P or Priests, Politicians and Police
I will deal with other 3Ps first.
1. Parippu or dhal
2. Pol or coconut sambol
3. Pappadum
If one goes to a University Canteen all three are expensive.
But they are also infested by three other gulags.
1. Guys in saffron cloths or priests.
2. Politics and politicians.
3. Police with battens.
I think if we are to avoid anarchy in future we need several prerequisites.
RW and MJ should not be reelected to the next parliament.They will hide behind the parliamentary privileges and cannot be brought to justice.
List MPs not elected and not responsible for a particular electorate should be deprived of parliamentary privileges.
Once one becomes a President for more than 3 months he / she should not be allowed to be a member of the parliament for ever.
Then, we can get rid of Maru Sira and Maraya and keep Chandriaka out of the parliament.
JVP can appoint a guy or girl for this post temporarily and abolish the post of president in toto.
It is a theme, sure to gain popularity, as a counter to JRJ referendum
If they campaign for economic recovery they are bound to fail in less than two years.
They should cultivate relationship with Russia and President Putin.
He has promised free food for the needy.
Once we feed our guys and girls to health, it is mandatory that they should work at least 8 hours (in schools, offices and public utilities) a day. They have 16 hours left for themselves including travelling to work.
Ceylon is a country one can travel from one end to the other end by public transport in less than 24 hours.
By air only 45 minutes.
8 hour labour is the UNO or International Labour Regulation minimum requirement. If one works extra hours for any reason one is entitled for bonus pay.
No onr should be allowed to do extra hours. What happens in Ceylon is they do gossip for 8 hours (free pay) till 3PM and do the normal work after 4PM.
Three to four is sleeping time at desk.
Mind you, I worked in public service as an administrator.
No cellphones or work from home or video conferences.
They are good for developed countries and not for Ceylon.
The above ploy is a sure way to get at least 80 seats plus the bonus seats.
Otherwise they wil get only 60 or less.
Having abolished list MPs and the post of presidency we should limit the MPs to 99.
The 100th member should be the secretary of the parliament who should be selected by a majority vote of the MPs.
He should serve only two terms.
MPs should hold only 3 terms and no pension for any MP.
New Zealand has 100 seats. I prefer less than 100.
I think 75MPs are enough for Ceylon.
Only 7 or 8 cabinet of ministries.
25 is too much and no deputy monsters but Permanent Secretaries with high class civil service experience of at least 20 years (in service in Ceylon and service abroad is discounted).
They should be like ambassadors and only 2 terms of service.
Election in every three years as in management practice.
I am pretty sure even JVP cannot bring these reforms.
All these are hypothetical wishes and I wish not to be born again in Ceylon to verify these in my next birth.
That is of course, if I get a chance to be reborn again as a typical human with hopes not fulfilled in one human life.
I think I have no hope of born again as a human but perhaps as an alien being of reptilian base. Reason, I fear all snakes.
By the way, I do not hold a brief to JVP and I am opposed to most of their impractical policies. I certainly won't vote for them, if I remained in Ceylon.
This was not a new phenomenon and I was fourth in their death list in Digana, in Kandy, 1989. Even in their peak campaign, I openly opposed them unlike the guys who have become vocal opponents once 139 odd guys were killed in Menikdiwela in Kandy. JVP asked all of us to join thier parade against senior Premadasa in Digana.
I remained in the village with my staff and enjoyed V.S.O.A, instead. Of course my residence was vacated (house No 1) and we moved to a secret location (vacant house) for our feast.
Sinnappan our supply officer was all ready to join the protest parade and I stopped him and said, if we are to die we should give a fight and die in our safe house.
All agreed.
Had we joined the parade we we would have been among the 139.
Senior Premadasa ordered the police to open fire and that is why I still hate him and never voted for him.
Only innocent village people died in this incident and JVP guys eloped well before police goons arrived.
Then in 1971, in the Peradeniya Campus, the JVP hide the explosives on the ceiling of our room 11.Then they tipped the army guys to our room for search.
Army came into to round up the JVP guys and remove the incendiary devices.
The lieutenant was one of our colleague guys and by stroke of luck I escaped detention. He asked the names of JVP guys and I said, none in our hall of residence, having known them by names. One of those guys became a lifetime friend of mine and I helped him to complete the course of studies in his field. None from our hall was taken into detention.
In our first year, army was stationed in the gymnasium in preparation for the Independence day celebration. It was designed to teach our undergraduates a lesson by I.M.R.A Iriyagolla.
We (I did not) hooted them from 8AM to 1PM. Rumours spread that they were preparing to assault us after the parade. The university was closed.
I shaved my beard and kept my suitcase in a nearby house and escaped just before the army dinner time.
When I reached Kandy, the army guys in civilian cloths were assaulting young guys who pretended to be University Students.
One guy asked me are you in the university.
I asked what is university? and saved myself a thundering clout on my ear.
Luckily my elder brother was in the bus queue and I boarded the bus before him and sat on a middle seat.
Army did a full search of the bus and my brother save any embarrassment to me. I looked very young then and nobody would have (with a clean shave) passed me as an undergraduate.
I never trusted police nor army all my life.
I used to give a real workout for police on duty when I was a DMO.
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Ridiculous Claims without Verifiable Confirmation
David Flavor
Navy pilot and "tic tok guy"
David Grusch
Intelligent Guy
Ryan Gravis
Another pilot
These 3 guys have given evidence to the USA congress and have not provided any verifiable information.
It is all hearsay, evidence mostly from dead guys.
I have been interested in this field, just because of scientific curiosity.
I am a guy who does not believe that Americans landed on moon just under 10 years of rocket development and was successful on the very first attempt of moon landing (when American soldiers were dying in Vietnam war).
Just like Bertram Russell I was against Vietnam war.
He was imprisoned in London but I was in the University studying medicine (second year) and was critical of our ability to stand the stress, physiologically, in a hostile environment in space (not on the moon)
I am a science man with skepticism ingrained by Kalama Sutta of Lord Buddha.
I believe that the Americans did not have the correct rocket technology in 1969.
Later, I realized there is something called Van Allen Belt with radioactivity which man cannot withstand or penetrate.
My current realization is that both America and Russia are doing, the new cold war type of redevelopment of weapons of mass destruction.
They are more or less interested in developing new spy aircrafts and spy balloons in secret air bases.
They probably want to have a strategic control of these AI technology which Russia is marginally ahead of Americans.
This UFO or Alien Saga was to distract ordinary people from the black projects. For MIC space exploration was diverting money from their black programs back pockets.
Lately China is active on this field and their spy crafts are getting smaller and smaller with more capacity.
Ukraine war has brought the drone war capability of Russia which America cannot match with Russia at this point of time.
American election is coming and Biden is feeling the pinch of incredible loss.
The above hearing is to muddy the water and they have not found an offramp to begin a dialogue or diplomacy.
The plan is to drag the war in Ukraine and American boots are on the ground (as mercenaries) and body bags are coming home like in Vietnam War.
History repeats itself and President Johnson had the same stress factor and he decided not to contest.
Biden has already declared his candidacy.
Alien saga is a good deception tactics for American politicians and the average citizen is misinformed by default.
They do not like to see the body bags coming home and it is a total election liability.
At the moment it is only poor Polish soldiers (NATO boots on the ground) who are sacrificed.
It is not like 30 yeats ago and War in Irak.
Social and alternative media are very active and one bad message in a simple platform may destroy the billions of dollars spend on CNN and Fox News.
Ruppert Murdock will be outclassed and out manipulated and his reign on media will have no impact.
Russia are slowly freezing the African countries.
First from Hunger.
Second from American Dollar Economy.
Third from Western technology.
Putin has a master plan.
Ukraine War is only a side show.
Ukraine food contribution was 9% and probably lower than that.
Rest is all from Russia.
He has donated 23 billions to African countries.
He will give free food to the most vulnerable.
He will continue to feed the supply chain with food.
American strategy and hegemony will collapse by 2025.
Strangely Ranil and SLPP/UNP would collapse by then and Ceylon can start new alliances with Russia.
Who is Stealing the EPF and ETF
The EPF (15) and ETF (4) are very important monetary instruments created by late T.B. Illangaratne. His insight to problems of working class was monumental. He created the Ceylon Insurance Corporation,too.
When I was attached to the University, my contribution was about 10% (toal of 25%). My time in the university was short but I had reasonably good amount at the time of retirement. Unlike in the private sector, a guy who leaves the university could withdraw this money before the age of 55 years.
This peace is about the ordinary guys and girls who work in the private sector. He or she cannot obtain it until the age of 55 years.This money until then was invested and managed by an efficient team in the past.
The employer contribution is 13.5% currently. I do not know about the workers contribution.
Under MJ/GR a certain portion of this money was invested on their shoddy private projects. In other words, these guys stole the money belonged to the poor workers.
I believe some of these institutions have already gone bankrupt.
The present government under RW is trying to destroy these assets by investing on shoddy projects without protection from the Central Bank.
When they go bankrupt, I believe the employers get a cut and those workers, under 55 get nothing.
The money or contribution of the worker is gobbled by some political guy or girl as a loan facility which is never paid pack.
Big investors are protected by default but the ignorant worker is invariably swindled.
This is where trade unions are important. Trade Unions should place a collateral investment against its member and should take over the money belonging to the worker under 55 (institution going bankrupt) on his or her behalf as long as he or she has contributed annual membership fee.They should intervene on behalf of the worker and the money should be saved in his name. Like what we had in the university the member should have the right to withdraw money in case of collapse or bankrupt.
These political guys are crooks,
My daughter's money in a saving bank account was stolen by Chandrika for her election campaign, (second time round).
Unfortunately Central Bank is on the side of the crooks.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Theosophy, Olcott and Buddhism
Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri is the Professor of History.
He has good understanding of politics.
But, I am at variance with him on his views about Dhamma (not Buddhism).
First he does not believe in Rebirth.
He is entitled to his belief.
The second feature of Buddhism is Kamma or Cause and Effect.
He who does not believe in Kamma and Rebirth should not be a critic of Buddhism.
He is not a true follower and there is no compulsion.
He should not talked about Dhamma or Pure Buddhism.
He is entitled to talk about Henry Olcott at length.
There is no doubt that Olcott was instrumental in reviving Buddhism in Ceylon.
He contributed financially to founding of the Theosophical Society in USA and Madras India.
There is branch in Ceylon which is practically defunct.
Theosophical Society was founded by Henry Felt, Henry Steven Olcott and H.P. Blavatsky.
The object of theosophical society was to study of science, philosophy and comparative religion.
They believed all religions originated from Wisdom of God.
There is no Olcott Buddhism.
By the way, Dhamma does not believe in God or God Wisdom.
Buddha was a prefect human being who outlined principles of Dhamma based on Rebirth and Kamma.
Let me say something about Theosophical Society in Madras in India.
Theosophical society has its head quartets in India.
Theosophy is an inquiry into science, religion and philosophy.
There was a lady called Helena Blavatsky, a Russian aristocratic women who believed in mythology and magic.
She came to Ceylon and became a Buddhist convert, later.
Having heard about her antics in Madras Sir Henry Olcott came to India and Ceylon.
He was a scholar and did not like mystics of Helena and later dissociated with her.
He helped to form 3 big schools in Ceylon.
His interest was to encourage discussion on all three fields, science, religion and philosophy (including god's wisdom).
He did not favour any of the three disciplines but became a practicing Buddhist.
I admire him for his openness to inquiry.
There is nothing called Olcott Buddhism as pointed out by Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri.
Regarding Nalin De Silva I have my own opinion.
He is a racist by conviction.
He was ousted from Peradeniya University on disciplinary grounds and I do not think he has a PhD from Peradeniya.
How he entered the Kelaniya University as a don I have no idea but I totally oppose his Jathika Chinthanaya which was a political instrument created to benefit MR/GR.
He openly opposes Tamils and he is worse than J.R.J.
It is a form of paranoid disease.
Tamils have a history both in Ceylon and India and they are our citizens.
I do not support Prabhakaran ideology.
Bringing hatred is opposed to Dhamma and on that ground alone he cannot be classified as a True Buddhist.
That is true for Prabhakaran, too.
I have no problem of, his claim as a pure Sinhala Guy.
But a guy (with poor academic skills) in my time did an ethnic study in Ceylon and in his analysis, the so called Sinhala guys had almost 30% Tamil blood genomically.
I did not know how he distinguished Tamils from Sinhala.
That was the end of his original thesis about pure Sinhala blood.
He did not publish those data but did changed his thesis to say Ceylonese come from an area close to Bengal-Bangladesh (not even Madras).
Let us not talk about European blood in pure Sinhala guys.
I leave it at that.
Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri is the Professor of History.
He has good understanding of politics.
But, I am at variance with him on his views about Dhamma (not Buddhism).
First he does not believe in Rebirth.
He is entitled to his belief.
The second feature of Buddhism is Kamma or cause and effect.
He who does not believe in Kamma and Rebirth should not be a critic of Buddhism.
He is entitled to talk about Henry Olcott at length.
There is no doubt that Olcott was instrumental in reviving Buddhism in Ceylon.
He contributed financially to founding of the Theosophical Society in USA and Madras India. There is branch in Ceylon which is practically defunct.
Theosophical Society was founded by Henry Felt, Henry Stevon Olcott and H.P. Blavatsky.
The object of theosophical society was to study of science, philosophy and comparative religion.
They believed all religions originated from Wisdom of God.
There is no Olcott Buddhism.
By the way, Dhamma does not believe in God or God Wisdom.
Buddha was a prefect human being who outlined principles of Dhamma based on Rebirth and Kamma.
Let me say something about Theosophical Society in Madras in India.
Theosophical society has its head quartets in India.
Theosophy is an inquiry into science, religion and philosophy.
There was a lady called Helena Blavosky, a Russian aristocratic women who believed in mythology and magic. She came to Ceylon and became a Buddhist convert, later.
Having heard about her antics in Madras Sir Henry Olcott came to India and Ceylon.
He was a scholar and did not like mystics of Helena and later dissociated with her.
He helped to form 3 big schools in Ceylon.
His interest was to encourage discussion on all three fields, science, religion and philosophy (including god's wisdom).
He did not favour any of the three disciplines but became a practising Buddhist.
I admire him for his openness to inquiry.
There is nothing called Olcott Buddhism as pointed out by Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri.
Regarding Nalin De Silva I have my own opinion.
He is a racist by conviction.
He was ousted from Peradeniya University on disciplinary grounds and I do not think he has a PhD from Peradeniya.
How he entered the Kelaniya University as a don I have no idea but I totally oppose his Jathika Chinthanaya which was a political instrument created to benefit for MR/GR.
He openly opposes Tamils and he is worse than JRJ.
It is a form of paranoid disease.
Tamils have a history both in Ceylon and India and they are our citizens.
I do not support Prabhakaran ideology.
Bringing hatred is opposed to Dhamma and on that ground alone he cannot be classified as a True Buddhist.
That is true for Prabhakaran, too.
I have no problem of, his claim as a pure Sinhala Guy.
But a guy (with poor academic skills)in my time did an ethnic study in Ceylon and in his analysis, the so called Sinhala guys had almost 30% Tamil blood genomically.
I did not know how he distinguished Tamils from Sinhala.
That was the end of his original thesis about pure Sinhala blood.
He did not publish those data but did changed his thesis to say Ceylonese come from an area close to Bengal-Bangladesh (not even Madras).
Let us not talk about European blood in pure Sinhala guys.
I leave it at that.
Monday, July 24, 2023
JRJ and Black July
History repeats.
It is 40 years from the Black July.
JRJ created it and his nephew is going to recreate it.
It is a strange coincidence!
I would like to make it clear that I have no intention of arousing emotions.
I would like to remind the people to be wide awake and mindful of the SLPP/UNP coalition that is trying to bring out the hatred against the Tamil Community, again.
They will try out various methods.
Carrot and Stick philosophy.
I left Ceylon in, 1979 and returned in 1988 and I was not privy to all the violence in Ceylon.
It was SLFP guy Mathews who started it.
By the way his son married a Tamil lady doctor (I worked with her briefly in Colombo Hospital in the same department) and it was not unnatural for Tamil and Sinhala marriages, in Colombo 7 (families), those days.
But JRJ started it all.
He ordered Police to open fire Tamils in Jaffna (peacefully hoisting black flags).
The word Black came from the Black Flags, I believe.
JRJ president, just like current RW was not elected by people.
He imposed that post on himself by changing the constitution.
There was no request for any changes in the state of affairs and the British Parliamentary System was generally acceptable to all political parties.
There were no list MPs or proportional representation.
He change the system upside down.
That is why I still stand against this post and claim that it should be abolished.
We need to change the Constitution in Totality with public discussion.
In fact, we have created such a document and GR / MR combo drastically changed its clauses and increased the power of the president.
RW of course, helped to shelf it.
If we are to recover from UNP onslaught we need to get rid of this megalomaniac guy legally and not by Artificial Revolution.
He had only 2.5% support in the last election and he is trying, craftly to carve a portion for himself.
Nobody should vote for UNP and SJB.
Both should be ousted next time round.
JRJ/RW created the racial animosity and for the sake of racial harmony, along with SLPP their vote bank should be reduced to below 5%.
By the way there are 78 other parties left to choose.
Anyway, my prediction is a hung parliament.
There is no guarantee, the other guys who would come to power would be more benevolent.
The best thing is to let the things to drag on, a little bit more.
Then this guy's impotency would be exposed.
An early election is bad for the opposition!
I am going to stop talking about politics no sooner, the elections are declared.
In any case, I am out of the country and that is why I could voice my opinion openly. If I remained and voiced my opinion, I would be eliminated by strange circumstances.
All alternative media guys are suppressed by Police by default and already they fear for their lives.
That is how democracy works under RW.
He is no different to his uncle JRJ.
Please remember the Batalanda when he was the young Education Minister.
He is an antithesis to democracy.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Zero Point Energy and Free Energy
I was very good in my understanding of simple laws of physics as a kid.
I used to argue with my fellow classmates and they used to disagree with my own logics.
Light spectrum was very limited for me.
My friends ended up doing engineering but I decided to do medicine to enter the university.
I felt biology was easy at our time.
The reason for changing my field was that I did not have to bother about mathematics and calculus.
I was good at mathematics and won the class prize beating the engineering students.
Only one of dear friends ended up as an engineer.
He died just around 65 and he had a serious aortic valve dysfunction.
He never told me about his ailment when I was a kid.
Only when the entire family consulted me well above age 60, I did know about his medical predicament.
My advice for him was to go back to USA and never come back to Ceylon.
Our medical service is and was rudimentary was my explanation.
I had a little altercation with him about Buddhist monks and Buddhism in Ceylon and he never contacted me before his death.
He was the nicest guy in my class, and I still regret the last encounter.
He used to communicate with mev by email and suddenly emails stopped and I got the wind that he is either in hospital or passed away.
I met his sister two years later and she confirmed his death.
He was good Buddhist and I think he is now in a better place in a better life.
Out of my six good friends only three are left and they did biology.
Biology at our time was less stressful and I was the only one who entered the medical colleague.
Coming back to my friend who did his PhD in USA was working in Kentucky.
It was only yesterday, I got to know that Kentucky is the remotest and the poorest state in USA.
He did not tell me the details but his Chinese supervisor stole his intellectual property. If not for this guy my friend would have ended up as a professor in USA.
I do not know what happened to the Chinese guy.
This one of the many reason I hate Chinese.
They steal intellectual property.
Later my friend migrated to Australia and had a quiet life there before his death.
Coming to my academic life, I thought of going to USA for work for at least two years but it never materialized.
Sirimao's government cancelled ECFMG examination in Ceylon.
I did not have money to go to Singapore to sit the examination.
I went to UK and was never jobless.
If I went to USA, I am pretty sure they would have finished me in no time due to my simple arrogance.
My friend was not a real fighter and he gave into pressure.
Now I let you know why Americans want to kill me.
I in my own physics of dark energy and dark matter and there is no empty space but all full of energy theory of abundance would have pissed off the Military Industrial Corporation.
That is enough reason to kill me in my young life.
All the guys who talked about free or abundant energy are dead in the West.
I am in my full retirement and do not fear talking about physics at it's core.
It is called New Physics.
It is different from Old Physics.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Edgar Cayce's Predictions on Russia and America
Edgar Cayce's Prediction on Russia is formidable.
A ruler of Russia (one has to assume President Putin) would bring peace to the enter world.
America will be split in two.
I think this will happen with the next election in 2025 in USA and with the fall of President Biden.
There are no predictions for Ceylon but famine and food crisis have already begun.
By the way, my comment on any futuristic prediction /s is/are simple and relative.
There is a statistical chance of some predictions may come true whereas majority will turn out to be not right.
Majority of humans have the knack to predict events in relatively short time frame.
That is an inborn ability.
The problem of course, claims of some predictions are spread over 100 years.
Even then, the chance occurrence in a longer time frame is more probable than with the statistical probability.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Holography in War
There is a paucity of holographic deception tactics in modern World War.
My concern here is not about human warfare but about alien warfare.
If aliens are crafty, my interpretation is that they will use holographic methodology from a mothership well away from the attacks of scalar X-ray technology that humans have developed after the Roswell crash.
In the YouTube video presentations nobody talked about holographic deception.
I think America used holographic technology in 9/11 simulation.
That is my gut feeling.
In the current War in Ukraine there there are lot of faked video footage and propaganda, from both sides.
I think Russians are keeping their battle plan close to their chest.
I think both sides are playing War Games of Attrition until one side is confident of winning the war outright.
I do not think this will end in a stalemate or with diplomacy.
One major factor is American election.
The second is rebound regime changes and crushing economic meltdown of the West.
It started with the blowing up of the gas pipeline by UK/USA alliance.
The food crisis is looming.
Turkey will feel the pinch and the punch due to their wheeler dealing.
Finally global economic collapse aided by the corona virus disruption of the supply chain.
The strange phenomenon is, that the anticipated chip crisis never materialized and there is a flood of cellphones, tablets, game consoles and graphic cards with new technology.
The bottle neck is control of heating and fire hazard.
I hesitate to buy any of these new technology since none of them are foolproof for global warming.
I have minimum requirements and I need nothing exotic since I cannot play a game with a kid under 7 years with a game console in hand.
I would go for a cheaper NUC without a fan inside.
Low watt consumption is my game plan.
Time Traveler Prediction
I do not believe time as a dimension for three dimensional human beings.
Besides, then we become four dimensional.
There are lot of YouTube live discussions and in one of them there had been a time traveler in 1995, who predicted that United States will become divided, metaphorically speaking, into two.
One is the war mongering neocolonial segment of the US society.
The other is the slavish ordinary guys and girls (majority) who are for practical purposes statistical numbers.
If we assume there are alien beings with big brains and relatively small body who can shape shift and manifest in the fourth dimension among us, who could be present in a past moment (in the fourth dimension) and can predict a future event in our sphere (that has not yet has happened in our dimension) which would be magic to us.
Just like movies of Sir Arthur C Clerke.
I am not referring to rebirth or those who in meditation can attain Jhana level absorption.
These are higher beings who police the human evolution just for their curiosity.
They have longer life cycles.
Similar to Men in Black suits.
Not as believed as Gods in human condition.
They are beings who are inquisitive of evolution of habits and conditions of humans.
I will leave it at that point of view.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Greek President in Sea (Hot) Water
It looks like Greek President is in Hot Water.
With Kersh bridge bombing no wheat or grain will be shipped to Cyprus for milling and processing.
They cannot blame Russia.
These shipping lanes are used to smuggles arms in grain ships.
All these days Ukrainians have been stealing the Russian grain and selling them to Greeks.
Greeks have the ships and grain was a lucrative business.
Arm business was a side kick.
Greeks will not have gas and petrol coming from Russia.
What it means is Germany will not have both grain and gas cheap in this winter.
EU has sanctioned Russian goods.
The cold winter with food shortages will see regime changes in EU countries.
Russian will send the grain to Asian countries.
Now America has to ship grains to EU countries.
Ukraine war is causing havocs and spill over effects.
Monday, July 17, 2023
Biorhythms and Mood Altering Drugs
This piece is an addendum to my theory of one gravity and one brain human beings.
I am writing this as a non medical man and not as a shaman.
There are lot of bogus shamans on the internet and this piece is a direct antithesis to some of them.
Of course, I am against claims of some Citizen Scientists.
Begining of this piece has minimum physiological facts and I will end up with psychological output at the end with Ayahuaska aka mushroom as a base.
Unfortunately, I could not include these physiological facts in my book on alcohol.
I have enumerated six levels of alcohol poisoning.
I would end up with Buddhist attitude to meditation and Priti and Sukka realms.
This piece is relatively short but content is very intense.
We are Guys and Girls of 24 Hour Cycle.
This cycle varies from hemisphere to hemisphere and being a guy from the tropics, I feel the difference acutely and it took nearly 3 months for me to get my biorhythm acclimatized.
Coming to biorhythm it is divided into 3.
1. Sleep or hibernation phase.
2. Biological or 8 hour one major meal or food cycle (light breakfast with lot of sugar and tea).
3. The intellectual activity of "new physics" going beyond one gravity and one brain level (aliens and rebirth included).
Let me come to the physiology base.
We have to keep our blood sugar at very narrow limits and thankfully our pancreas and insulin save us from tragedy.
If one is a diabetic, I pity him or her but this piece will let one control one's own physiology within the safe limits and may even avoid adult onset diabetes.
The base line is sugar level and maintaining one's Citric Acid Cycle.
Light Breakfast with Tea is mandatory.
Piece of Banana does the rest.
Banana has lot of sugars including fructose.
They are hexose sugars and banana also has pentose sugars which are good for nucleic acid metabolism.
Banana, has lot of amino acids.
My recommendation is at least one banana a day, if one is following one meal a day.
If one takes two main meals two banana a day is my recipe.
What banana does is it maintains blood sugar within safe limits, in between meals.
There are no insulin swings and no hunger episodes and the satiety cycle is well maintained.
This regime is for the tropics and for colder climates and for winter months a better protocol is necessary.
Most animals have brown fat in their system and can hibernate in winter months.
Humans have lost both brown fat and hibernation ability.
My advice is to move to tropics during winter months for those who can afford.
For the rest without gas from Russia and economic downturn one has to bite the teeth and grin with anguish.
Glucose is a taboo and most sugars are metabolized by diastases.
The major culprit of long term brain damage is alcohol and its associated hypoglycemia. Any form of alcohol upsets the sugar metabolism.
One dose of alcohol causes ketosis in the liver (fatty change) and upsets the sugar and fat metabolism within the next 24 hours.
Alcohol also, upsets the melatonin induced biorhythm (which is related to daily exposure to sunlight).
Alcohol is no good for sugar metabolism.
My belief is that alcohol induced hypoglycemia has some relationship to euphoria that it brings to the partaker, at the onset of the binge.
This effect of euphoria wanes off almost immediately and brings the urge to drink more.
I have enjoyed wines in my life and I did not realize I was a low grade addict. I have successfully weaned myself off.
Good cup of tea is my antidote!
The best is chocolates and fat and sugar in chocolates are not healthy.
Dark chocolate is expensive.
Virgin coconut oil is the best to avoid dementia in old age.
1. Euphoria
2. Ecstasy
3. Illusion
4. Delusion
Above and the Ayahuaska I will deal with later.
I need to replenish my level of tea in my system.
See you after a cup of tea.
I am a skeptic of euphoria induced by any drug including alcohol.
Euphoria induced by any form of drug is temporary and leads to addiction.
Any form of addiction including tobacco is harmful to health.
Let me be brief about neurophysiology.
To begin with our understanding of neurophysiology is still at primitive stage, medically speaking.
Meditation is not a therapeutic option.
Pain is in one end.
Happiness is the other.
Neither pain nor happiness is the base of homeostasis.
Balance or homeostasis is necessary for heart, kidney, brian and liver.
This homeostasis is managed by our brain.
My bone of contention is any drug induced euphoria or ecstasy upsets the ability of the brain to bring homeostasis to the entire system including brain itself.
I am not a psychiatrist and I refuse to delve into esoteric realms and psychiatric problems.
I have no objections for psychiatrists using these esoteric drugs for a patients having followed proper clinical studies.
But I have my reservation about the inability to reproduce these benefits in clinical settings.
These experiences are not objective but subjective.
I sympathise with individual cases but I pity for their addiction.
If one can avoid any extraneous support it is the best one can achieve.
In my case, I have never given these substances (sedatives) to adult patients except preoperative preparation.
Having said that sometime a simple dose of voltaren makes people with renal colic worship me in clinical setting.
I think even voltaren has addictive properties.
Regarding Ayahuaska, I have given a good account in my books on alcohol and mind.
One may refer them for in depth analysis.
My summary goes like this.
1. It is related to its dose.
A little bit brings in calmness.
Large dose brings in ecstasy bypassing state of euphoria.
Ecstasy for me an overboard experience.
One becomes godly.
Overtly loving and feeling of artificial oneness is humanely unnatural.
There is no interphase of euphoria as seen with alcohol.
Often it is the hard drug addicts who seem to benefit from Ayahuaska.
Its use for ordinary guys and girls is dangerous.
These citizen scientists have no role in the wider world.
That is my opinion.
Even authentic scientists should be vary and beware.
They should use astute judgment when giving opinions on substances.
One level of Ayahuaska may be medical.
The other level or the next level is spiritual. Shamans use this dose level for induction of entry level guys.
With that goes the monetary benefits.
With or without monetary benefits addicts are created.
That is no good.
The perceived higher level of conscious is an illusion that ends up delusuon.
Illusion and delusion are antithetic to Buddhist view of Reality.
I would end up with Buddhist outlook.
Ayahuaska is an antithesis to Buddhist teaching.
Objectiveness are fundamental to Buddhist meditation.
Priti and Sukka may be addictive to the final goal of Upekka or equanimity.
Pragna are the four steps to the final goal.
Ayahuaska has has no place in Buddhism.
Buddhism is not based on addiction but on understanding of the human predicament based on "Uncertainty Principle".
Addiction is an impediment to goal seeking nature and behaviour of Buddhism.
Upekka are fundamental to Buddhism.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Smithsonian Files
If a file of historical value reaches the Smithsonian Institute, it disappears to thin and never heard again.
That is how science operates in America.
There is a YouTube presentation in Why Flies or WF that states that there was a civilization that predated native Americans.
This civilization has left artefacts and they are strangely similar to Indian, Egyptian and Tibetans.
Sitting and Standing Buddha are among them.
View this YouTube presentation before Smithsonian Institute put pressure for it to be removed.
It looks like CIA operatives are hard at work at Smithsonian Institute.
Good luck on them.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Origami Application
There are free Origami applications in Google App store.
Fun for old guys.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Gutless UK Labour Party of Neocolonials
Present UK Labour Party is a shame to Global Labour Movement.
It killed the good ideas of Jerramy Corbin.
It is actually an extension of the Conservative Party.
I had some respect for Keith Starmer.
When he came, I said, a new star was born.
Currently, he does not have any glimmer of "the star of hope", he could have inherited for British politics.
He has become a stooge for USA.
He may come to power because of overwhelming unpopularity of the Conservative Party.
Tail wagging for USA is his policy.
He has no new ways except few patch up jobs.
He did not utter a single word against the proxy war in Ukraine.
He should have at least remained silent or neutral on the proxy war in Ukraine.
Of course he did have a backbone to oppose USA.
Historically labour was against imperial war (by the Queen's Army).
Now, she is gone he could have at least said we no longer need to support a King in the modern world.
I think British Commoners have to wake up and create a New Party so that they can recreate old values of the Labour Movement.
As a start Labour Trade Unions should move away from the current Labour Party.
I have a name for the new party.
Party for Progressive Policies (PPP).
The core policies should be;
1. New Direction.
2. Common Sense.
3. Progressive Policies.
4. Common Plan.
5. Modern Thinking while shedding "Bad Old Habits".
Ceylon is a good example where common sense has lost its meaning and the bad habits of a President is prevailing and is ruining the country.
I think same fate will follow UK where democracy had its origin, if these two major parties remain in power alternatively.
All three major parties have lost direction and common sense in UK due to War Hegemony of USA.
Liberals cannot fill the gap and they are the party for the homosexuals.
Politics have got rotten to the core and Russia by nullifying NATO could open up new avenues for the Rest of the World.
We do not need China Style regime.
It is already happening and dollar economy will fall along with Ukraine.
Currency pegged to gold will rule the world.
By the way, role of President Biden, in bringing the Democratic Party, as the most corrupt party in the world, added to the problems of the Labour Party in UK.
Democratic party cannot be compared to old Labour Party of UK but it had progressive policies before Obama.
Obama thrived on War in the Middle East.
No need for soul searching.
Labour party currently is the temporary second wing of the Conservative party.
That's how it is going to be assessed in the history of UK politics.
Debian 12 Book Worm
By the way, after 30 years Linux desktop share has gone up to 3%.
Long time ago there were only 34 Linux desktop users.I was one of them.
However, in my case it was a Linux Network with 14 computers.
When my electricity bill in Ceylon went up, I disconnected my network.
Now I use several distributions in a tiny Intel NUC of 120 GB SATA disk.
Each distribution takes about 7GB.
Debian Linux 12 has following features.
1. Kernel 6.1 with more hardware compatibility.
2. It comes with Gnome 43.
3. Plasma 5.27
4. It has many more desktops.
5. Upgrade of Audio.
From pulse to pipe audio.
6. Calamara Installer that can handle dual booting with Windows.
7. APT 2.61
8. Bundle of wallpapers
9. Multitasking Window managers
10. Over 60,000 packages
Monday, July 10, 2023
Rise and Fall of Civilizations
Three causes
Famine and diseases are close accompaniment of war.
Corruption is ingrained in war and follow suit before and after.
Ceylon is a classic example.
Lebanon is another good example.
Ukraine is the current epitome.
Its exodus predates current war.
Ukraine was and is a corrupt society.
That is why it was easy for CIA to infiltrate and establish USA hegemony.
Proxy war in Ukraine predates the inevitable collapse of the European Union.
Crack started with UK leaving it at the behest of USA.
By the way, with the rise of democratic party in USA diplomacy and foreign relationships had a nose dive.
While this is happening Russia changed its strategic alliance (its wish was to stay put with EU).
China fearing Taiwan debacle is the closest ally of Russia.
India is as usual sitting on the fence.
Turkey is its reincarnation.
About turn with Russia and its shoddy deals with shipping companies is revealing its intentions.
No free meal for Turkey.
EU values are based on prosperity during peace time.
Moment when EU is on a war footing prosperity disappears.
More money for weapons means less for common use for prosperity.
When this is coupled with high energy prices masses will start to protest.
Mass immigration adds to the misery.
First country to fall will be France.
No African countries to help the coffers.
Next country to fall is Germany along with Poland. They rely on NATO and soon NATO will demand contribution from them.
This was Donald Trump's theme.
He is the main advocate of "America First" doctrine.
I am in total agreement with Trump.
Why look after EU?
NATO invariably becomes a white elephant which America has to stomach.
UK is the next to collapse along with conservatives.
Ukraine War was a total liability.
Russia is the proud winners.
Its economy did not collapse but withstood the strain of war.
Zelensky is in panic mode.
More arms will not solve the current problem but total annihilation of Ukraine.
Russia did not want it but it was a gift from the West, mainly USA.
I do not think Russia will negotiate.
It will go for the total kill.
Thursday, July 6, 2023
We are One Gravity One Brain Beings
Long time ago when I was a medical student, I hated Anatomy but I was fascinated by Biochemistry.
Physiology was boring.
I found a physiology book that dealt with the effects of zero gravity on human body.
If I remember right I wrote a piece for our medical journal "Why I would never travel in space" having read this book.
I cannot remember what I wrote but my main concern was the effect of zero gravity on brain.
Brain is enclosed within the skull.
It cannot expand when fluid accumulate in the brain.
When CSF draining is blocked following meningitis in children under 18 months they develop hydrocephaly.
Fontanels are closed in adults.
If fluid accumulates in the brain the brain substance is compressed accordingly.
Unfortunately astronauts on long term stay in space the CSF fluid accumulates in the brain due to zero gravity.
It takes minimum of 3 years for recovery and the recovery is incomplete.
That is my bone of contention.
We are one brain one gravity beings.
We live only 100 years the most.
Never think of going to zeta reticularis and return with intact brain capacity.
This is to expose the shear madness of Elon Musk and Bronson and their followers.
Lot can be done to prevent over population on this planet.
Humans are the worst animals on this planet, less of them especially the mega rich is better for the health of this planet earth.
They thrive on wars of destruction.
No News is Healthy, No Bana (Sermon) even better
CIA = Zelensky = Lies is the simple equation that works for America.
Yes a day without a dose of Sermon (Bana) is better than a day without rain.
Day without a sermon is a sunny day.
These guys and girls bring doom and unhappiness every morning.
It is far better to listen to the birds.
Twit twit of a magpie is better than the morning dose of twitter.
A week without Facebook invigorates.
Best of all is NO News from
Fox News
Washington Post
Huff Post
I was a news addict when news were fair and balanced.
Then the Faked News hit the stand.
Yes I have tried all these news outlets.
Now I avoid all of them.
Truth is rare.
Half truths and half lies are doing the rounds.
Zelensky epitomises the current "Truth Embargo".
Since I am not duped by faked news, I sleep well without nasty dreams.
That is the true reality.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
War, Artificial Intelligence and the End Game
This piece is to highlight that the "War of Attrition" has no currency when AI is at work.
Nobody seems to have understood this precarious situation.
I do not think even China has given credence to this evolving situation.
China is obsessed with AI.
Russia in my belief does not believe in efficiency of the AI operations.
It may be useful in a battle situation where surprise is intended.
They still believe in human intelligence supervising the AI drones.
I do not want to use the term spies.
They have boots on the ground.
If AI is given the full control what evolves has no logic or algorithm.
Americans do not have reliable boots on the ground and depend heavily on AI gathered intelligence.
At best AI stops at 95% efficiency.
The outlier of 5% is the one which leads to catastrophy in a AI battle of supremacy.
The End Game has no logical END point but depends on the redundant data set of uncertainty.
It is presumed an Infinity!
As for knee jerk reaction, I think we have to worry and suspect Americans who would jump the gun prematurely, on a preemptive strike.
By the way, this American Manufactured War.
Russia never wanted a war in Ukraine but negotiations.
It was the War Monger, Borris De Je who coaxed Zelensky.
It is easy to start a War.
It is very difficult to stop a particular War.
In human terms at this point of time, diplomacy, may or may not work.
The stakes are very high.
Then man made devices are used preemptively.
We have examples in history.
Atomic Bomb in Japan did end the World War II.
Unfortunately, we never managed to come to term with Strategic Arms Control for a sustainable period of time in our history.
The Treaty for Nuclear Arms Control ends in 2025.
There is no attempt to reactivate this Treaty.
It is all due to pending Presidential Election in USA, that falls on a particular date.
The election cannot be advanced.
Status quo remains fragile.
Democratic mechanisms may fail in this type of scenario.
One man rule like in China may fail.
Dialogue may fail.
We have a vulnerable president in power, at a time where diplomacy is at zero strength.
The end game or end point is in "a state of flux".
When we have unstable leaders who do not have mature advisers to lead the team, the tendency to rely on AI is realistic.
Paradoxically guys who may be eyeing for a regime change in USA may become proactive.
This is Regime Change in reverse gear.
The man who envisaged Regime Change in Russia will be a victim of his own devises.
Putting the finger on the AI button, is a realistic probability.
It is literally called the "Panic Button".
This is an example of Uncertainty Principle, hard at work.
Monday, July 3, 2023
Survival without Wisdom
The points mentioned below, I bet you will never see in a book of wisdom.
1. It is safer to share a drink with a stranger you never see again.
He cannot poison you or become a pest.
2. Never let your guard slips.
Be like Putin,
He is 5 steps ahead of all the other guys including Biden and Macron.
He is a born survivor.
3. Be like a fish on a stream, never sleeps.
The fish becomes a prey the moment it drops the guard.
4. Pretend to be the dumbest guy in a symposium of free discussion.
Ask the dumbest question.
The rest are there to steal your intellectual property.
When you pretend dumb there are no followers.
5. Real bright guys have no friends or enemies.
The are blessed with filters and their screens are never smoked.
That itself is a solace.
Power and Greed
Power and Greed are almost synonymous.
Let me dish out a little piece about a comment on doodle by President Putin.
West has no boots on the grounds in Russia.
So they grab on any flimsy bit of information and try to make fantastic misinterpretations.
This bogus doodle reader in delusionary state dished out President Putin's mind in telepathic dimension, like an advanced grey alien being.
Faked news has a limit but delusion is a serious disorder which has no treatment.
In USA, EU and Germany old demented guys are running the country and no comments about their minds, let alone what they doodle.
While Putin is smart these guys show all the signs of Dementia.
Dementia has direct relationship with alcohol consumption.
The earliest sign is lack of cohesion in thinking and memory loss.
I read a piece in Pinterest on Power.
It had 48 lines on power.
I am.looking for the book Power by Bertran Russell but no success yet.
I am going to write a book on Power Mania soon.
Let me list a few from that piece.
1. Pretend that one is friendly but be a spy.
2. Maintain one's own (means be selfish) line of thinking but pretend as if one is thinking like the others.
3. Distrust your friends (they are suckers,) but keep a close tab on your enemies.
4. Be with the suckers so you become a better sucker.
5. Never outsmart your boss so he loses his grip on the underlings and underwear.
Mind you. I have but my own English expressions not an exact replica to avoid copyright violations.
In other wards, be selfish and be a grand cheat all your life.
Saturday, July 1, 2023
Methods Used to Suppress Information
1. Criticise
2. Marginalise as Conspiracy Theorists
3. Attack
4. Sensor
These methods are used by Church,too.