Sunday, December 23, 2018

Pipal or Bhodhi trees or Bo trees

Every year when I clean (risky job) the gutters, I find one or two Bo or pipal trees growing there.
I uproot them and plant them in a suitable large pot.
Currently, I have several in the rooftop garden.

They are my weather indicators.

I pick the dry leaves that fall from the pipal trees in the rooftop garden and put them in a plastic box with silica.
This year of Yahapalanaya, I had none.
This season even the crows were hungry without pipal seeds.
I went and looked at near "Nagara Sabha Kunu Bakkies" or refuse dumps  where the crows come for roosting and did not find any pipal saplings.

There were few in between cement structures.

How the pipal seeds germinate in unfathomable places is a mystery.
All of the young plants were at least one year old.
The inclement weather had nasty effect on birds including crows.
Their purge or dropping did not have any pipal seeds to germinate, I believe.

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