Friday, March 14, 2025

Teaching Japanese Philosophy

Teaching Japanese Philosophy

This piece of course came from a frozen dream but that will be at the end of this piece.

This piece is global and hope nobody should take any offense.

I would finish with Australia and Ceylon 

Australia has three problems.
The second visit to this country confirms those presumptions.
1. Fire
2. Obesity
3. Chinese invasion
4. I would not talk about indigenous problems except alcoholism. 

They are almost decimated and are sent to the Northern territories which is a historical injustice of the British. My best advice from them is to declare this country a Republic (would never happen) and dissociate with War Mongering Boris, the the Eaten Colleague terror guy and the Labour idiots who have lost the meaning of Human Labour.
Less I talk about flip flopping Macron and his duplicity is worse than Indians. I think French have become gutless with him as the President.
Australia is not a country but a continent and it needs Human Labour both intellectual and physical. Cheap Labour is detrimental to any country.

Ceylonese have historically provided both cricketing and Intellectual brains but current guys who want to come to Australia from Ceylon are dud ones, all due to Mother Language mentality for over 70 years. 
I do not think any Chinese would play for Australian Cricket or Rugby Football. 
I have already decided not to venture into any Chinese food stalls during my entire stay in Australia.
I want Australians to beat England on the next Test Series.

This applies to both Tamils and Sinhalese.
Best example is NPP / JVP in Power.
They were vociferous in their approach to power when in opposition but they are impotent when in power.
Does not know even how to make a proper gazette mortification let alone a proper appropriation bill or even an affidavit to dissociate from wrong doings while in power.
Roughing out the guys who expose their follies is not democratic.

Making noise on the street is easy but making things to work is difficult.

I had nice philosophical saying and on a platic plate on my desk in Ceylon.

The exact wirdind I have forgotten.
1. Coming together is the beginning
2. Working together is the idea.
3. Keeping together is  the Progress
Ceylonese currently lack all three of these components.
It is sad (one cannot stop) it leads to the Brain Drain.
I am in Australia but I have done my part during working life. I did come from United Kingdom and lately from New Zealand.
I have decided not to learn Russian and make a visit to this grand country called Russia.
The human toll in both Russians and Ukrainians is more than the Second World War and Stupid Bandera Group was caught in the American trap and hegemony.

It looks like in America there a two Bulls in the China shop. Bullying does not work in the current century but diplomacy may. Upsetting the Apple Cart is not the way forward. 
Let me come to the Japanese last.
This part was written in Memory of  Dr. Yugiro Handa, now a professor working for Children in Africa.
Faculty of Dental Sciences is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

I have to remember at least 3 Japanese.

I was involved with them from laying the foundation stone of the hospital to its inauguration and latterly serving there for over 15 years until my retirement.

Dr. Yugiro Handa

He is now bit flabby and I cannot remember him wearing specks but he does it now.
He is now a professor and I can remember him saying he would be going to Africa. I told him he is better as an ambassador but he choose to improve health and more importantly Treatment of Tuberculosis in Ethiopia.

Dr. Hagiwara

This lady was the one who managed the documentation and statistics. She was bit stingy and did not give me a copy of the SPSS for my research work.
This lady may be now in Ghana and trying to improve Child Health in the African continent. Through Professor Asoka Ekanayake I got her to install a copy of it in the Computer Unit of the Faculty of Dental Sciences.

I managed to find a pirated copy used by the Engineering Faculty Students.
My Microsoft Windows was not pirated and I had 42 odd 720MB floppies. Installing was a pain and software had to be added after installation.
No wonder I turned to Linux.

It was one of my students Sanjeewa Kandegedara who gave me the first working copy of Linux.
He is now a good Maxillo Facial Surgeon. 
I was involved in recruiting 45 young Dental Surgeons to be sent for Training in Japan. Only two of them came back and only one paid back the security and resigned properly from the university. Of course, none of them can join the university again and they are blacklisted for life. I think I was the only one who did not ask for foreign sojourns and I did the entire research work in Ceylon
By the way, one of my friends, a parallel advanced level (bright guy) student from a different school did NOT get through to medical faculty but got a scholarship in Japan. He tried a scholarship in UK but failed. He came back to settle his dues in the university and got married to a Japanese Lady. 
I told him, Japanese are very bad in English and start an English school in Japan, jokingly.
He took me seriously and opened an English Academy in Japan.

I have not seen him since.

Professor Ama Mia
He was a retired Professor of Oral  Pathology and I gave my room to him to use and kept all the computers there thinking he might need them.
His English was poor but sure enough he managed to improve English in six months and he made a presentation on special staining techniques. He dissected a hamster and manually showed the technology (no verbal instructions) to our technicians. I preserved the skin coat of the hamster and kept it as a souvenir until my retirement. After my advanced level exsmination I vouched myself never to dissect rats or sacrifice them as guinea pigs. The phrase come from this use of rats for experiments due to their fast breeding but in my opinion running parallels from these experiments are erroneos but Pigs are the closet to humans.

I made his presentation into a booklet for our technicians to use. 

My interest was Microscopes with a video display for students. My video microscope never aligned and what I focussed the student could not see (no synchronization). They had to come to my head microscope and see individually.
99% of students who had never used a microscope in all their school life were not interested in histopathology. They were happy with grossly enlarged pictures and have no concept of nano level technology.
All of these Microscopes, I believed were discarded from schools after many years of use and were refurbished to be sent to Ceylon. 
They were working reasonably OK after thorough check up and alignment. 

I of course put my own money and bought a Digital Microscope used by students in America, for my own use. I still have it but did not bring it to Australia.

Just forget about Electron Microscopy in Ceylon. We bought an Election Microscope in 1968 to our Anatomy Block. I had a little preview through it's lenses before it was installed. It needed Huge Voltage Capacity which we could not maintain and it broke down within a year. 
It was very stupid idea to buy electron microscope when microscopes we had we monocular and were of very poor quality. 

I had to buy my own Digital Microscope, many years later for my own Research Work (I was 55 years old) which the middle school students use in America
Besides, I did not give my top quality research material or DATA to the University and I kept them for my book on Placenta (under my name and not the University).

I think I made very stupid idea of sitting in the Selection Board and selecting 25 Dental Students newly graduated from the New Dental School, had I an inkling that none of them would come back home to serve the Mother Lanka. What Japanese did was to keep out talent there in Japan.
I was good in picking talent.
That is why I promote that research should be done in Ceylon and they should be relevant to us not to a foreign country.

However, I did my part for the country and I spent my own money for my research work (I won't call it belongs to the University).

However, I recruited a few technical guys who are now coming to their retirement age and are heading their respective departments. 
One guy who was not in technical grade but very talented to run the Telephone (Samba/Putty) Network which was independent and was not connected to the University System.

Total Quality Management in Education (at least in universities)

R.W our/old current president (god only in shoddy deals) is the one who destroyed our University Education for him to initiate Fee Paying Private Universities.
We developed a streamlined University Education protocol for all the universities.
R.W. came in and sacked the then U.G.C. Chairman Professor Ranjith Mendis and destroyed the whole project and appointed a political goon. 
Please do not believe him in his educational reforms. 
He is a CIA agent.
His intention is to destroy our universities and install private institutions.
He is hell bent on this!

He destroyed the Quality Control of Education in Progress in the University System.
He thinks of Education like selling Wattakkas (pumpkin) and Bandakkas (ladies fingers). 
When you look at him he is actually Big Pumpkin (I am referring to his brain not the belly).

5 S Principle







Total Quality Management


Change for better

Continuous improvement
Now to My Dream
This is a another seed for another book and I won't expand it fully.
It was a very brief one.
I was put with a Japanese guy in a closed cubicle. The purpose of which was ill defined.
We could not communicate quite similar to me sitting with Professor Ama Mia. He only could speak Japanese, whereas Dr. Handa was fluent in English. Within a month we figured out what we need to do and in six months we accomplished all what we needed including networking the Faculty. They money for networking came from the Rotary Club of Kandy.
We had private meetings every week
The bottom line was we had a plan and we did not waste time in talking and running round. 
It was all a mental exercise.

In this dream, it was mental communication and not verbal since we did not understand each other's spoken language.
So we set ourselves  in to a philosophical mood. Some sort of deep contemplation.
Then suddenly a guy came with sand and cement and dumped them in the room meant for philosophical retreat.
After a moment guy understand the precarious situation and in return dumped them in the bathroom
I was rudely woken up with a pumptight and the bathroom, rather toilet  was occupied with cement and sand bags.

I must make some reference to Professor A.D.P. Kanasuriya who is no more who introduced me to philosophy.

Philosophy is thevfirst order discipline and all the others including science are second order disciplines.

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