Monday, July 15, 2024

VanillaDPup and Vanilla OS

Vanilla DPUP is an excellent Puppy Derivative which has an excellent collection of Linux utilities, whereas, Vanilla OS is a useless, distribution based on Debian which has no software to run on first Live Boot. 

If I remember right it could not configure WiFI when, I tested it about 9 months ago. Its was released in 2023 and I deleted the ISO Image.

It is immutable release and not flexible, defeating the very objectives of Linux and Free Software. 

I lost interest in it and the reason I post this now is due to a YouTube presentation, I saw today.

It is trying to entice developers, making  mint out of hard working developers.

My opinion is do not try it at all and waste your valuable time.

If you do not believe me run both Puppy and Vanilla OS on Box utility and see the difference ,yourself.

Pretty obvious Puppy Linux comes on top.

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