Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Moon Theory

Moon Theory

I have my own theory.

This is not as outlandish as the theory of Binary Star (dead star gives the stability) origin of our solar system.

It is all related to the meteorite hit/s of the past, certainly longer than 65 millions years.

This hypothesis is based on the idea of the non existing part of the
Gondwanaland  and the relative lack of land mass below India and Ceylon.

The "Theory is", the great impact that the meteorite had caused to the landmass (
Gondwanaland) to carve out a moon for our Earth.

In other words earth came first.

The Moon came second.

The moon is not spherical but caved in (on the not visible side).

The gravitational stability was created due to this "cave in" and the spinning of the moon synchronized with the earth due to this impact (that caused caving on the non visible opposite side). 

It is also possible much of the moon mass  was burned away or extinguished!

Additionally I DO NOT believe America landed on the moon on the first attempt.

Landing would have been difficult due to this "caving" on the surface.

Additionally the shadows created by "caving in" may even hinder perfect visibility.

The craters on the moon would have been due to succession or series of meteorite hits. 

Because of lack of atmosphere and no weathering effect these craters are still visible on the other side of the moon.

The effects of the meteorite hits would have amplified the caving effects (that was already present) at the time of its origin due to a massive meteorite hit.

Even though, the crust or material is the same moon's age is equivalent to 4.5 billion years minus the time when the meteorite hit the earth. 

Assuming, it happened 3 billion years ago the age of the moon is only 1.5 billion years.

So any meteorite hits on the earth before 1.5 billion years ago would have no corresponding craters on the moon, if the moon was also hit by same the meteorite shower..

On earth due to weathering effect craters are NOT visible.

This hypothesis is plausible.

But the moon landing was an American Hoax!

Americans without the help of Stanly Kubrick are very good producing fantastic films.

I come to the age of realizing fictional films watching is a waste of my time and they nowhere near Truth or Reality.

2000 Odessy is one example.

Philosophically speaking Truth or Absolute Truth is hard to fathom.

For 2500 years we believed in Creator God and believing moon landing is a similar fallacy.

Tell me the benefit of landing a manned object (Russians did land an unmanned object, a decade ago) on the moon with an object 3 times as heavy as the Russian unmanned object (without men on board)?

The rocket had to be bigger and the total expenditure probably 5 times, the cost of Russians.

Russians are clever but Americans are stupid economically speaking, if not technologically.

Russians have spend the saved money on missiles (to protect the mother land) with AI technology which the Americans are far behind in manufacturing and the Americans have lost the battle on earth (in Ukraine).

That is the bottom line of thinking of Russians.

Save the mother land at any cost!

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