Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Moon Theory II-Binary Star

 Moon Theory II-Binary Star

I have an outrageous theory for our solar system.

Before that let me dish out our limitation of colour sense.

We can distinguish only  3 colours clearly using rods and cones of our retina. 

In my case I cannot see some colours properly from a young age and it is getting worse with age.

I realized this when I was playing snooker.
No problem with billiards since only two colours white and red are used.

The computer can distinguish millions of colour shades and for simplicity sake they use 256 colour shades in our monitor.

Good example of colour compression is used in mpeg file format of video streaming, where redundant analog colours are shed to make the file light not bulky.

The name PNG or Portable Network File came into existence without sacrificing the quality of the image.

I am out of touch and use only GIMP for my photographic world.

The bottom line is analog files are heavy and we can shed lot of bulk when sharing image files in the internet.

The Cosmos is Big and we can see visually only about 5% of the matter.

Rest of the Universe is Dark and beyond our grasp.

To identify hidden matter we have to use other energy components of our energy spectrum using instruments mounted on a satellite probe.

That is the reality.

The man does not want to be blinded by his visual limitation.

My outlandish theory is that we were a Binary Star System and the other star died and disappeared into darkness, long time ago.

It remains as a dark body outside our visible planets and gives the stability to our solar system.

Mind you it is not a dark hole but a physical body without visible light source but with powerful gravitational force.

My reasoning are simple.

Binary division is common in cells and biological world.

There is nothing to prevent binary division in physical world or in the cosmos.

It is a simple mathematical logic.
They do not have to be equal in size.

In Spiral Galaxies there are two arms one bright with young stars and another arm with old stars.

In between globular or elliptical body and a bar body or dark matter in the center.

I am using this analogy to our solar system.

The postulated dark body is bigger of the two original stars.

Stars fading an dying is normal in the cosmos.

Like the bar body in a spiral galaxy it gives stability to our solar system.

Lot of our explorer satellites get lost or veer away from its course.
My postulation is we fail to take account of the gravitational pull of this old star unseen. 

The experimental satellites lost are probably are pulled in by this mass with powerful gravitational pull.

Like a good brother it does not let any matter escapes from our solar system.
  Our cosmos is receding at a tremendous pace and this guy is trying to stop our solar system losing its components.

This is a working theory and worth probing on at a theoretical level.

This will be one of my questions in my philosophy book.

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