Sunday, July 14, 2024

NetRunner 23-64bit-KDE Plasma

 I found a way to add applications to be added to the KDE Desktop.

All what I did was to use Synaptic and install Gnome Box and and few of my favorite Gnome applications. Then I brought those icons to the desktop.

It worked, but some limitations. I could add only 18 application items with another 3 which are KDE specific I got 21 icons sitting on the left side.

The middle is reserved for KDE applications already installed in an alphabetical order. 

On the right hand side, instead of the original list I got applications categorized like Office, games, etc.

For the time being that is good enough for me. 

To my surprise. Gnome took over the KDE desktop and laid a new desktop mixing both KDE and Gnome utilities. I am more than happy with the outcome.

I finally got the KDE Desktop to my liking and it is not heavy like Plasma desktop, still uses lot of my RAM.

I got Stacer installed and it says. KDE is using at least 3GB of RAM at rest. that is 35% of my RAM doing nothing at all. 

Gnome rarely use more than 1GB RAM even when I am working.

This is why, I gave up KDE long time ago. I do lot of thing in the background, downloading copying ISO files to NTFS partition and many more.

Gnome is not intrusive.

I could not get my favorite applications to the desktop. 

That is the down side!

It is whole new experience and worth it. It has 373 new updates and was bit slow to update.

Having NOT used KDE for long time, it was somewhat of a big ask for me to change my way of using tany desktop. Instead of the root user, getting a standard user installed was bit clumsy. I had to click the log in icon to find the new user and it was not listed.

There is no standard package Installer for KDE applications. I had to search for the applications, in some sort of a file manager and thankfully organized in an alphabetical order. No query for dependencies but goes on installing all applications at the same time not, one application at a time.

Bit clumsy.

Anyway, it is there, if I get fed up with Gnome.

NetRunner 23-64bit-KDE Plasma

Netrunner is one of the best KDE Desktops with a modern look.

Nobody seems to have noticed it and it has tons of KDE applications.

It gives pleasing desktop appearance and I have decided to install it on top of one of my Debian instances, simply because it supports Synaptic Package Manager.

That is an accolade by itself.

What it means is I can test Gnome applications on top of KDE Desktop.

All these day, I have been testing KDE applications on top of Gnome.

I am having best of two Desktop Worlds.

Using Synaptic, I installed Variety desktop effects to make the rigid KDE desktop looks  dynamic to the user being.

I have no hesitation of recommending it.

The right hand side of the desktop looks like one's cellphone application. That is beautiful.

Well I did not know how to Install new application.

When I clicked Update it opened a window panel and within it I found a graphical set up.

I installed all the missing stuff, Focus writer, Manuskript, and Scribus.

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